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A Tale of 2 Women

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A Tale of 2 Women
« on: August 28, 2010, 02:48:59 AM »
This is a story of 2 women. Both are actresses. Both are talented and ambitious.

The first actress is named Diana and the second one Shetty.
Born 18 Nov 1984 (25)
7 Nov, 1980 (29)
Height: 163 cm (54")
Height: 178 cm (510")
Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs) BMI:22.0
Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs) BMI: 20.6
Measurements: 36-25-37
Measurements: 34-26-34

Diana was on the scene first. She had made several movies and was quite popular. A script came across her desk that she was thrilled with. It was a good, meaty part that could show off her acting talents as well as her beauty. She was sure the movie would be a big hit. It could propel her to national or even world fame if it turned out to be as good as she thought. She really wanted that part. It would give her recognition as a real actress, not just a beauty queen and would enhance her career greatly, not to mention to raise her asking price for a role. She contacted her agent and got an audition for the starring role. Two roles were up for grabs, the starring role and that of the supporting actress. Diana would settle for nothing less that the starring role. She took the audition and really nailed it. She was absolutely positive the part would be hers.

This is where the second actress comes in. There was bad blood between the two actresses. Diana had been up for a role a few years ago. Her agent had assured her she had the part with only some minor details to be worked out. Shetty heard about the part from her agent and attended a casting call. She was older than Diana with little actual acting credits or experience. Even so she took the part right out from under Diana. Diana might have accepted that for in this business roles were often given or not given for reasons that had little to do with acting ability, looks, etc. Two things made this “stealing of her role” (which is the way she say it for the role had been hers) stick in her craw. The first was the way she found out. It wasn’t from her agent or from the producer. It was from Shetty herself. The minute she found out she had the role, Shetty telephoned Diana to let her know she hat the part and not Diana. She rubbed it in telling Diana she was all washed up and Shetty would be taking over. Words were exchanged with Diana accusing Shetty of doing a great performance in couch casting. Shetty bragged that she didn’t need to sleep with the producer or casting director. She was more talented and beautiful and that is why she got the part. Shetty’s words came true to some extent. Not that Diana was all washed up. She still got roles and was still popular. In fact in 2009 she was voted the most beautiful Indian actress in a “oneindia” poll. But the movie that Shetty ended up starting in became a blockbuster hit. Shetty became famous and her name recognized in every household. She leaped forged over Diana in fame, desirability for roles and pay per picture. Shetty took the benefits that Diana knew she would get and felt should be hers.

So you can imagine the sinking feeling in Diana’s gut when she saw Shetty arriving for an audition right after hers. It was unfair, Shetty would learn what Diana had done choose to perform something that would outshine her. It would be yet another role that Shetty would steal from her that she really wanted. Diana went out to her car and waited until Shetty left. She followed her to her flat. She was going to have it out with Shetty. We note that the two women wore various outfits for their audition and casting call. If we get the chance we will show you what the director, producer, and casting director saw and let you decide which you might select for the role. What is important is the street clothes Diana and Shetty were wearing.
Diana walked right in behind Shetty as Shetty entered her flat. She gabbed Shetty by the arm and swung her around to get right in her face.
”Look, you slut, this part is mine and I am not going to let your get it by sleeping your way to the part.”
”You pathetic cxnt, I don’t have to sleep to get the part. I’m taller, thinner, sexier, and can out act you any day of the week.
”Sexier? I have an hour glass figure. There is hardly any tapering from you chest to your waist and back to your hips. I have the figure of a real woman. And where did you even get the idea you can act.”
”I just from the fact that I have more box office appeal and my movies outsell yours.”
”As I said, that’s because you steal the best parts.”
”Honey, I win those fair and square.”
”Yeah, by fucking around.”
”Take that back or I’ll make you eat your words.”
”I’m not afraid of you.”
”You should be.” Now get out of her before I hurt you bad.”

Diana moved in closer to press up against Shetty. The taller Shetty grabbed Diana’s left wrist with her right hand. She pushed Diana’s hand behind her back. Then crossed her left hand behind Diana’s back and also grabbed Diana’s left wrist. She used both hands to bend Diana’s arm up her back while pressing into her body with her own.
”Ow… you’re hurting my arm.”
”That’s the intent, stupid. I’ll break it off unless you leave right now.”
”OUCH! Let go, you’re really hurting my arm.”
”So? Do something about it you can. But you can’t, cant you.”

Diana groped around with her free right arm. She found a telephone on a nearby desk. She picked up the receiver/mouthpiece and clonked Shetty hard on the head. Another blow and Shetty let go of Diana to protect her head and massage the sore spot. She backed away. The two women faced each other snarling. Neither was sure what they would do next but they were both aching to get at the other.

To be continued …..
« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 09:02:11 PM by byline »
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Re: A Tale of 2 Women
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2010, 10:49:33 PM »
Shetty and Diana were having a disagreement in Shetty’s flat dressed as follows:

To recap briefly, Diana had followed Shetty to Shetty’s flat thinking that Shetty was once again trying to steal a part in a movie that Diana desperately wanted. Shetty had easily overpowered the smaller Diana. She bellied up to her, reached around her and twisted her left arm up her back, threatening to break it off. Diana hit Shetty on the temple with an old styled telephone receiver / mouthpiece. The blow stunned Shetty and she backed away.

Shetty rubbed her left temple with her hand. She felt some warm liquid which she knew had to be blood. ”You crazy, fucking bitch, you’ve cut my face. Get out of here before I really hurt you.”
”I’ll get out after I’ve totally ruined your face. You won’t get any parts after I’m through.” Diana grabbed a vase by the neck and threw it at Shetty. Shetty ducked as the vase flew just by her ear and hit the wall. It smashed into many sharp fragments. Diana followed her throw was on Shetty just as Shetty straightened up again. She wrapped her fingers around Shetty’s white belt and flung her around before Shetty knew what was happening. Diana wanted to get Shetty down where she could climb on her and use one of the sharp shards to scratch her face up.

Shetty spun around and landed on her face on the stairs leading her bedroom and bathroom upstairs. She started crawling up the steps so she could lock herself in her bathroom until the crazy bitch cooled down. She could also check to see how badly her head was cut. The last thing she needed was to require stitches at this time. It was time to retreat, regroup and then counter attack at an advantage to her.

 ”Come back here you coward!” Diana ran after Shetty. Shetty started running up the steps with Diana close on her heels. Diana grabbed Shetty around her boots at the ankles. Shetty kicked back at Diana and knocked her back briefly. Diana charged back as Shetty tried to crawl up the steps. She got ahold of Shetty’s boots again and tried to pull her back down the stairs. Shetty grabbed the slats in the railings to hang on and keep from being pulled back. She couldn’t kick like before because Diana had a good grip on her boots. She wiggled her feet to free them to no avail. Diana braced one foot on a step and pulled but she couldn’t budge Shetty who had a good grip on the railing.

Diana pulled even harder. Both boots came off and Diana fell back on her ass. Shetty started crawling up on all fours as fast as she could. Diana dropped one boot and threw the other boot as hard as she could. The hard heel nailed Shetty square on the back eliciting a cry of pain. Diana was on her feet and ran up to once again to grab Shetty’s bare ankles. She pulled Shetty down the stairs on her stomach and breasts before Shetty could get ahold of the railings again. Shetty’s large breasts when bump, bump, bump as they bounced down the steps. Diana moved faster than she even had in her life. She jumped on Shetty’s back and pinned her with her upper body still on the steps.

The boot Diana dropped now came in handy. She used it to beat Shetty about the head and back of the neck. Shetty tried to cover up with her hands to protect her head but there was just too much area to cover. Diana would hit one place, Shetty would block that area and Diana would hit her somewhere else. Diana kept beating Shetty with the hard heeled boot until Shetty was beaten unconscious. She pulled Shetty completely off the stairs and rolled her over onto her back. She undid the white belt and removed it, putting it aside for later use. Diana then pulled the one piece black ensemble up and over Shetty’s head to remove it completely. Shetty was braless and her huge, soft boobs flopped this way and that as Diana worked the dress off of her. Shetty had on black lacey panties which Diana pulled off to leave her completely naked.

Diana still had on her boots which she put to good use. She stepped on Shetty’s naked breasts and squashed them flat. She kicked Shetty in the sides with her pointed toes. She walked around kicked Shetty here and there, leaving some dark spots on Shetty’s thighs. Shetty’s body would be sore all over when she woke up. Diana grabbed Shetty’s long, dark hair. She dragged Shetty on her back close to a coffee table. Shetty was too heavy for Diana to lift upright. So she put her arms under Shetty’s armpits and lifted her into a sitting position leaning forward onto the coffee table. She went to the other side of the table and pulled Shetty onto it by the hair. Then going back to Shetty’s rear she pushed her so Shetty upper body was hanging down off the table with her bare ass sticking up firmly in the air.

Diana went back and got the belt. She gave Shetty a real lashing, leaving many welts on Shetty’s big and sexy ass. Diana finished up by getting some writing paper and left Shetty a note. ”You are nothing but a big pile of shit, you coward. For someone your size you fight like a scared chicken, running away from me instead of fighting. I beat you so easily it wasn’t even fun. Stay away from that part or you will get it even worse.”

Diana left and closed the door behind her, leaving Shetty lying across the table with a red, obviously beaten ass and marks and sores all over her body.

It looks like round 1 went to Diana convincingly. The smaller Diana gave Shetty a tremendous beating. But this fight isn’t over, not by a long shot. There are more battles to come. Diana may have won this battle but the war is still going on.

To be continued ……
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Re: A Tale of 2 Women
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2010, 10:54:14 PM »
another great story..
waiting for the concluding parts


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Re: A Tale of 2 Women
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2010, 05:02:36 PM »
The 2nd Auditions and Screen Tests

After the fight in Shetty’s flat Shetty and Diana avoided each other. Both were sure they would get the role and neither wanted to risk further damage to their faces or bodies. A few weeks went by and Shetty’s black and blue marks had time to disappear.

The selection of the actress for the lead role was taking longer than planned. The selection had come down to Diana or Shetty. The producer and director were hoping that they could get one for the lead and one for the supporting role, an important role but not quite the same stature of the lead. There was little hope for that given the history of the two women. The original auditions and screen tests of both went well. It was an important decision for the role would change greatly depending on which one was selected. Both were beautiful but of different heights, body size, and personalities. They were mulling over stills taken during the tests.

They just couldn’t decide. To resolve the issue they decided to give a call back to both Diana and Shetty for a second set of screen tests and auditions. They gave both women the same time. Perhaps it was a coincidence but we think not. There was method in their madness.

Diana and Shetty gave each other icy glares when they arrived. They couldn’t help but curl their fingers as the tension grew between them. Both were told to go to wardrobe and find something in traditional dress. Shetty had chosena blue Indian Princess outfit. She looked very elegant and one could easily picture her as a princess if that were the way the role was to go.
Shetty had chosen a blue Indian Princess outfit. She looked very elegant and one could easily picture her as a princess if that were the way the role was to go. Shetty enhanced the princess appearance by sitting on a ‘royal throne’. Diana had opted for an elegant lime green gown. She removed her shawl and stood in front of a lake backdrop for best effect. She wanted to appear taller and more stately than her normal height gave. She was an actress after all and new how to play to the camera.

The two women had come out separately and so there was no direct interaction. Each was sent back and told to put on one of the wardrobes they would wear in the movie. This time they came out together.  Diana was in read and Shetty was in blue.

Diana and Shetty were told to act out a scene where they played off each other. Right from the start the two women tried to upstage each other; getting in front of the other, making them face away from the casting spectators, putting them in poor light, stepping on their lines, and many of the things that actresses know how to do to each other. What they didn’t know was that this was actually a part of the audience. To see how they competed against each other, who had the more skill in out maneuvering the other, and who command the bigger presence on film.

Shetty started ad libbing. She walked over to Diana and got in her face. She reached down and took a couple inches of fat on Diana’s love handles. Pinching them she said ”an inch to pinch is barely acceptable. What have we here? Why several inches. Looks like you are 20 pounds overweight. And don’t forget the camera adds ten pounds.” Shetty made sure the viewers got her point.
”Ouch! Take your hands off me!” Diana slapped Shetty’s hand away.
”You hit me you stupid cow.” Smack! Shetty slapped Diana’s face hard. She had expected Diana’s reaction and used her slapping her hand away as giving her the right to smack Diana. It was as hard as she could hit. The slap turned Diana’s head.

Diana bent with the motion of her head. She recoiled back extended her hand and wiped a backhanded slap across Shetty’s face. It was even harder than Shetty’s slap but Shetty was expecting it and turned her head with the slap to absorb some of the blow. She didn’t waste time in returning fire. Shetty gave Diana a slap and a backhand with one hand. The slaps were more of a wrist motion than a full swing. Diana tried to slap back but Shetty wrapped her fingers into the top of Diana’s costume and then pushed with the flat of her hand between Diana’s sizeable breasts to hold her back. Shetty’s much longer reach kept Diana from reaching her while she slapped Diana back and forth across the face with her wrist slaps again and again and again.

Diana kicked out with her foot but her tight dress limited her motion and it was ineffective. Shetty kept slapping Diana back and forth across the face as Diana’s face got redder and redder. ”No weapons to use this time, my dear. I have a score to settle with you.” It looked like Shetty might slap Diana all day in front of the director and producer. She was going a long way to getting the part. 

Diana raised her right hand up high and brought it down hard on Shetty’s left forearm, the arm holding her top. The blow drove Shetty’s arm down but Shetty kept her fingers curled on Diana’s top. This ripped the top down to expose her bouncing breasts. Unconcerned about being bare breasted, Diana closest in quickly and deliver a shot to Shetty’s bare stomach or rather the piece of clothed draped down over Shetty’s shoulder. Shetty was unprepared for the blow and it knocked the breathe out of her even though the blow was with Diana’s left hand and not as strong as it otherwise would have been. Diana followed up her belly punch with a right hand punch to the same area. Only Shetty was already backing up and the blow did little damage. ”I don’t need any weapons to beat you, you weak bitch!” Diana snarled at Shetty.

”We’ll see about that!” Shetty reached out and bragged Diana’s hair. She yanked her head forward and down and clamped a headlock on her in an instant. Diana tried to hit Shetty in the stomach again but her position limited what she could do. Shetty responded by punching Diana in the nose, causing it to bleed. ”Hit me again and I’ll break your nose” Shetty laughed. She dragged Diana around by the headlock with an occasional shot to the face. She pulled her right up in front of the producer and director so they could get a close up view of how she had control of Diana. Shetty not only wanted to avenge her previous beating by Diana but to do it in such a way she would be assured of the part.

Finally Shetty took Diana down to the floor. Diana was on her back. Shetty had the headlock and was also on top of her. She covered Diana’s face with her larger breasts while tightening her grip on Diana’s neck. Diana tried to pull Shetty’s arm away but wasn’t strong enough. Shetty had her pinned too well for her to get out from under. Shetty smothered Diana until she weakened and stopped struggling. The fight was pretty much over but Shetty wasn’t through.

Shetty stood up and pulled Diana to her feet by the hair. She got behind Diana and used her right arm to bent Diana’s right arm behind her and up her back. Diana yelled ”Ow… ow…. You’re hurting my arm, you bitch. ”That’s not all I’m gonna hurt. You are the weak one. I’m much too powerful for you.” Shetty reached around Diana with her left. She crossed her arm past Diana’s let boob and grabbed her right one.  This way she could hold Diana in place as she tortured her. She forced Diana’s right arm further up her back. At the same time she sunk her fingers into Diana’s breasts and twisted. Diana was now screaming in pain.

 ”STOP! STO! Oh please stop. I can’t take anymore.” But Shetty didn’t stop. She bent her knees so she could put some greater effort into forcing Diana’s arm up even further. ”AHHH! OHHHH! OWWW! You’re breaking my arm.!” Shetty just laughed and sunk her nails deeper into Diana’s boob. She was twisted and ripping it back and forth as the tears streamed from Diana’s eyes.

”Do you want me to stop?”
”Oh yes, yes”
”Then I’ll tell you what we will do. You will concede the starring role to be and accept the supporting actress role. Do you agree?”
”OK, if that’s what you want.” Shetty pushed Diana’s arm up even further. This time she sunk her nails into Diana’s nipple and twisted.
”OK, OK, I agree. Stop before you break my arm and rip my nipple off.”
Satisfied, Shetty released Diana. Diana shook her right arm and rubbed her elbow. That was the more serious injury over her sore nipple. The feeling had gone out of her arm and she kept shaking it to get it back.

Shetty said to the people responsible for the casting. ”You heard her. The part is mine and she will be the supporting actress.” The director and producer were cruel men who would put these two actresses through such a fight but they got what the wanted. One of them as the star and one in the supporting role.

You may wonder why Shetty wanted Diana in the supporting role. After all they hated each other and there was always the possibility that Diana would get more acclaim for her supporting role than Shetty would for starring. Well, Shetty had read the script through. There was a catfight in the movie between her character and Diana’s character. Shetty’s character got the better of the fight. It would all be there on film for posterity. She knew audiences tended to forget these fights were staged. They would just remember how Shetty beat up Diana in a movie fight. That would complete her revenge on Diana.

Now just what do you think will happen when this fight is filmed??????
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Re: A Tale of 2 Women
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2010, 09:12:25 PM »
The “Movie Fight”

All the casting was done and the movie was finally in production. Shetty had been given the role of the lead actress and Diana was resigned to be the supported actress. Shetty had lorded it over Diana when she stole a role from Diana that had rocketed Shetty to stardom and fame. She never let Diana forget it. Diana had gotten some small measure or revenge in their first physical encounter. She had beaten up Shetty after having conking her on the head with a telephone.  Diana’s joy was short lived when they met the second time at a callback. Shetty had used her size to choke and twist Diana’s arm until she had to agree to being second fiddle in the new movie or have her arm broken. Diana had thought abut backing out later on but the scandal magazines were already making a big deal of their feud. If she backed out now they would all say she was running away from Shetty and afraid to appear in the same movie as her.

Shetty continued her taunting and belittling of Diana, rubbing in the fact that she was the star and Diana was relegated to a secondary part. Shetty had wanted Diana as the supporting actress because there was a big, long fight scene between their characters in which her character totally destroys Diana’s character. It wasn’t enough for Shetty that she had surpassed Diana in fame and fortune by taking a role meant for Diana. She wanted the world to see her destroy Diana in a fight. People would forget it was staged and only remember how she had whipped Diana’s fat ass. She would also make Diana appear foolish in her role. It wasn’t clear why, but Shetty wanted to ruin Diana’s career.

Shooting started on the movie. Shetty continued to rub Diana’s nose in the fact that Shetty was the bigger star. Shetty got the bigger dressing room, preferential treatment when it came to costumes, makeup, the bigger and more elaborate trailer when on location, and other perks. Shetty was given preference of when and how her scenes were shot. As is normal in shooting movies, the scenes were not filmed in chronological order. Diana and Shetty have few scenes together and so rarely saw each other on the set.

At last the day arrived when the well publicized fight scene was to be filmed. It was filmed last. The fight scene was to be very physical and even with use of stunt doubles and careful chorography there were bound to be scratches and bruises that could delay the shooting of other scenes. Little did the director know how much visible damage would be done by the end of the fight!

In this scene Diana was dressed in a simple, sleeveless pink dress that looked almost like a slip. It came done to about 3 inches above her knee. Shetty was in stressed jeans with fashionable tears and holes in them. She wore a flimsy top. On the day of the shooting Shetty kept Diana waiting and cooling her heels on the set for at least an hour. Diana was standing with her hands on her hips when Shetty finally sashayed out. Shetty walked right up to Diana. She pressed her face right into Diana’s and body up to intimidate Diana with her physical size. Diana starred back, she was not intimidated. Shetty grabbed Diana’s arm.

”Are you ready to get your ass royally beaten, little girl” Shetty gloated in Diana’s face.
”You’re just lucky this is scripted or your ugly ass would be the one taking the punishment.” Diana sneered back.
”Just don’t get any ideas, bitch. Do what you’re told or I’ll break your arm this time.” Shetty dug her fingers into Diana’s arm for emphasis.
”Whattsa matter, ‘fraid your fans will see that a smaller woman can beat you up?”
”You talk big for someone who needs a weapon and a cheap shot to win.”
”We shall see…”

Shetty released Diana’s arm and started to walk past. She cupped her hands and lifted her breasts as if to say how much bigger and better they were than Diana’s. As she walked by she held them above Diana’s breasts and then let them shove Diana’s right tit down.

Shetty was moving to take up her position. The fight was to start with her giving Diana a hard slap. Shetty intended to not fake it or hold back but to hit Diana with all she had. The director wanted realism and he as going to get it. Diana was angered at the way Shetty belittled her by smashing her boob down on Diana's and then shoving her with her body as she walked past Diana. Diana let her pass. Then she reached around her in and grabbed low in a bear hug. She dug the nail of her middle finger deep into Shetty's belly button.

”HEY! What the fuck do you think you’re doing? The fight hasn’t started yet. LET GO!”
{Oh yes it has! You want me to let go? MAKE ME, if you think you can!”
Diana had taken the advantage by surprised She had Shetty off  balance and was swinging her back and forth. Shetty’s boobs were braless and were swinging back and forth under her loose top. She tried to hang on to them to keep them from flopping around. Diana dug her nails deep into Shetty’s belly flesh to maintain and tight grip and to inflict more pain on Shetty. She sipped her right hand into Shetty’s pants, going after more fertile pay dirt as a smirk crossed Diana’s face.

”WOW! This is good, Keep the film rolling. We can get some great footage here. Cone on, Shetty, don’t be a wimp. FIGHT BACK! Let’s see what ya got.”
”But this is unfair, she jumped me.”
”Oh, poor Shetty, making excuses. Can’t handle a fair fight.”
”You filthy cxnt, you’ll get yours when I get free.”
”HAH! You won’t get free. And we know who has the smelly cxnt!”
”AEEEYIIIEEEEE!” Shetty shrieked as Diana’s fingers found what they were looking for and she dug her nails in.

Shetty finally let go of her breasts and grabbed Diana’s arms to pull them away. But Diana had now slipped both hands deep under her belt into her pants. Her hands were two ensconced for Shetty to have any chance of removing them. Diana’s shorter height was proving to be an advantage. As she grabbed Shetty’s crotch with both hands she could bend her knees a little and push up. This allowed her to lift Shetty off her toes. Diana could now move Shetty where even she wanted. She twisted Shetty back and forth midair to cause Shetty’s tits to bang against her ribcage as she flipped her back and forth.

Shetty was feeling helpless and humiliated to be lifted up and carried around by the much shorter Diana. She was having her womanhood clawed and dug into as Diana carried her around. She kicked back at Diana’s legs and shins. This caused Diana to give small cries of pain and flinch a bit but did no serious damage. In frustration Shetty reached back and did get ahold of Diana’s lush, thick dark hair. Shetty pulled as hard as she could. This got a definite scream from Diana but it wasn’t enough to force Diana to let go.

Shetty was getting heavy and Diana stumbled. Fortunately for her she bounced off a wall and kept her feet. Diana bent backwards and raised Shetty high in the air. She tried to then slam Shetty down face first but Shetty stuck out her legs and landed on them. Shetty continued to bend forward in an attempt to flip Diana over her head. But she couldn’t bend far enough forward without crashing to her face and ended up bent at a forty five degree angle at her waist. Diana kept her hands buried in Shetty’s crotch and rode her back. She leaned back and her weight straightened Shetty up so Diana could again stand on her own legs and lift Shetty up again.

Diana tried to swing Shetty to the side to put her down but Shetty was able to move her leg to thwart this. Diana quickly tried to toss Shetty to the other side but Shetty’s legs were too fast and she stopped this also. It was sort of a stalemate but with Diana having the advantage. Shetty was pulling Diana’s hair to inflict some pain. Diana was manhandling Shetty and inflicting even more pain on her pussy. The image on film was clearly a dominating Diana with Shetty looking rather girlish in her feeble attempts to pull hair. Definitely not good for her image thought Shetty.

This couldn’t last forever. Shetty’s weight was becoming too much for a tiring Diana. She stumbled again and this time they both went down. Diana managed to twist as they went down and Shetty landed on her face and belly with Diana still hanging on with her hands down her pants. Shetty pushed with a leg to roll them over. Diana went with it and used Shetty’s momentum to roll with her. Diana went from on top, to on her back with Shetty facing up on top of her, and then slammed Shetty on her side as she continued to roll. Then Diana rolled to other way to slam Shetty on the other side. Back and forth went Diana, banging Shetty’s side until she finally rolled back up on Shetty’s back.

Diana had enough weight to keep the sore Shetty buried face down under her. Now she could really go to work on her clit with her fingers. Shetty continued to pull on Diana’s hair but sudden stabs of pain from her vagina would make her lose concentration briefly. Diana knew she could stand the pain from the hairpulling more than Shetty could form the pain caused by the torture of her cxnt. But it was time to step up the torture. She removed her left hand from inside Shetty’s pants but kept a good grip on her clitoris with her right fingers. She worked her hand up to Shetty’s left breast. The flimsy top offered no hindrance nor protection. Diana found Shetty’s tit and dug her nails in deep. This brought new and higher pitched screams from Shetty.

The director smiled and kept the film rolling. He just wish that Diana and Shetty would roll so he could get a clear view of the action on Shetty’s tits and of Diana’s hand mauling her crotch under the pants. He had caught quick glimpse of naked breasts as Diana had rolled Shetty back and forth. He was now encouraging Diana to “show us her tits.”
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Re: A Tale of 2 Women
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2010, 11:21:48 PM »
  The “Movie Fight” Continues

Diana responded to the director’s instructions to “show us her tits.” She had Shetty right where she wanted her and was enjoying torturing and humiliating her for the camera. She rolled Shetty onto her fight side to face the camera. She let go of Shetty’s tit long enough to grab the bottom of her loose fitting top and pull it up about Shetty’s breast to expose them. Reaching from behind Shetty she once again wrapped her fingers around and into Shetty’s tit flesh.
”Spread your fingers and curl them into her boob and squeeze. Let’s see her tit ooze out between your fingers.” The director was in full directing mode now. Diana did as she was told. ”Now flex your fingers, make her tit pulsate in and out. That’s it. Now give it a good twist. Lovely! Grab her nipple. Pull it waaaaaaay out and twist it. BEAUTIFUL!”

All the while Shetty was screaming and shrieking in pain. Diana was not only torturing her boob but her fingers were tearing up her pussy. Shetty tried to pull Diana’s hand away from her crotch but with the tight pants and Diana having her fingers curled inside Shetty’s vagina she wasn’t strong enough. She grabbed Diana’s left wrist with her own left hand and yanked it away from her tit.
”You fucking bitch, let me go. Let’s fight fair.
”Fight fair like you do? That is exactly what I am doing. NOW SHUT UP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!” Diana snapped her wrist free and clamped her hand over Shetty’s mouth. She dug her fingers and thump into both of Shetty’s cheeks. When Shetty reached to pull her hand away Diana grabbed her lower lip. As Shetty pulled her arm out, Diana stretched Shetty’s lip way out before it slipped out from between her fingers.

Diana jerked her arm free again. This time she grabbed Shetty’s ear and twisted it while also grabbing Shetty’s clitoris, pulling and twisting it. A horrifying scream came out of Shetty. Diana was looking to inflict pain on Shetty in anyway she could. The director’s star was being brutally tortured buy he only cared that he was getting great shots. Who knows, maybe he would changed the ending of the fight to having Diana win.

Diana went back after Shetty’s boobs with her left hand. This time she mauled Shetty’s right boob. Several times Shetty pulled her hand away only to have Diana free it up claw one or the other boob. There were scratches and deep black and blue marks appearing all over Shetty’s boobs. Deciding it was futile to try and protect her boobs, Shetty used both hands to grab Diana’s right arm which was still doing its damage down her pants. She pulled up as hard as she could with both hands. Shetty’s shrieking and crying indicated how much pain was inflicted as she slowly pulled Diana’s hand out of her pants. The curled fingers scarred the tender inside of her pussy as Diana’ had them curled to hang on. Then as the fingers came out they left deep scratches all the way up Shetty’s flest as Diana clawed to hang on.

At last Shetty was able to pull Diana’s vicious fingers away from her belly. She circled her fingers of her right hand around Dina’s fingers and grabbed her thumb with her left hand. She bent Diana’s thumb back, trying to match it touch Diana’s forearm. Now it was Diana who was screaming in pain. ”LET GO! LET GO! YOU’RE BREAKING MY THUMB! YEEEEIIEEIIIEEEE you vicious whore!” Shetty  kept ahold of Diana’s thumb. She circled her fingers around Diana’s fingers with her other hand and bent them back also. Tears were now streaming from Diana’s eyes and down her cheeks. She let go of Shetty’s boob to try and pull Shetty’s arm away. Shetty had let go the thumb to grab a firmer hold on Diana’s wrist. Now she was trying to touch Diana’s forearm with her bent fingers. Shetty finished her finger torturing by grabbing the little finger and ring finger in one hand and then the index and middle finger with the other hand. ”Let’s see how wide apart these will go.” Shetty gave what could best be describe as a witch’s laugh.

Shetty couldn’t provide enough pressure on Diana’s fingers for her satisfaction. She let go of Diana’s wrist, circled her own forearm on top of Diana’s right forearm and grabbed her own right forearm. Now she could use her forearm pressing against Diana’s to add leverage to bending her fingers backwards. Diana was wracked with pain and she was in fear of having her wrist broken backwards. It was too much for Diana. She screamed “STOP! STOP! I GIVE! I GIVE! YOU BREAKING MY WRIST! I GIVE UP!” Shetty gave an extra hard jerk which almost did break Diana’s wrist then released her. She was rolled away from Diana who collapsed to her side rubbing and examining her wrist. Shetty was tempted to attack her further but the pain between her legs needed attending to. She could feel some warm liquid down there and she knew it was lubricating juices.

Shetty felt down between her pants and pulled out her fingers. She gave a little cry of pain as even her own fingers touching her damage pussy caused pain. Her fingers were tipped in blood. Sure enough she was bleeding but it wasn’t heavy. She decided she wasn’t through with Diana just yet. She would pay for this but not until her vagina stopped throbbing with pain.

Diana was also figuratively licking her wounds. She twist her hand all around to see what motion she had left in her wrist. Fortunately nothing was broken. Her wrist and fingers were too sore to be at full strength but she could still make limited use of them. She had yelled she gave up but told herself she had her fingers of her other hand crossed so it didn’t count. No, she would not be satisfied until it was Shetty who cried out her surrender. She was getting the better of Shetty and knew she could do it again.

Both women were stalling and biding time to recoup as much as possible. The director was afraid they had actually stopped, that Diana had really submitted. He yelled out ”Hey, that’s no ending. We can’t use than. Is that the best you two can do? Maybe I need to get some real actresses to do this fight properly. Come on, on your feet. Let’s see some real action.”

Diana and Shetty both struggled to their feet but keeping a distance away from each other. Each wanted to rip the other apart but neither was in a rush to start. Shetty pulled her top back down to cover her breasts. They moved and circled each other warily. Each wanted to start it only when they thought they had a significant advantage. The director spurred them on. ”Let’s start it the way it was originally written. Shetty, give her a good hard slap across the face. Then Diana you slap her back. You know what to do after that.”

Taking her cue from the director Shetty responded but not quite like it was originally written. She moved towards Diana with several quick steps. Planting her left foot while driving off her right leg she wound up to deliver a roundhouse slap to Diana’s face that would knock her to kingdom come……..
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 11:26:39 PM by byline »
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Re: A Tale of 2 Women
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2010, 01:26:09 AM »
And still the Fight Goes on!

Shetty delivered what would most likely have been a jaw breaking slap but it never got there. Diana grabbed her right arm, spun and bent pulling Shetty over her back and hard onto the floor. Shetty’s back slammed against the floor and you could heard the air gush out of her lungs. Diana held onto the arm and placed her foot on Shetty’s side. She applied a perfect judo throw into an armbar. It was no accident. When Diana had read the script she saw her opportunity to gain the immediate advantage. She had hired an instructor and practice this throw over and over until she could do it blind folded. Then her passion took over when Shetty rubbed her tits in her face and she lost control, grabbing Shetty in a reverse bear hug. Her luck was changing and she was handed a second opportunity and she performed perfectly.

Diana now had Shetty down with the armbar to which Shetty quickly completed the judo move with a wrist lock. She bragged right arm with her left and curled the fingers of her right hand over Shetty’s fingers, bending them forward and down towards Shetty’s forearm. ”Now I’m gonna break your fucking wrist” exclaimed Diana as Shetty shrieked in pain. Diana really wanted to hear those three simple words. “I give up!” Only she would make Shetty beg and plead for her to stop. ”Come on, I’m serious. Give up or get your weak wrist broken.”

”FUCK YOU!” yelled Shetty in between screams. “I’ll never submit to you. NO WAY!”
”Have it your way.” Diana stepped harder on Shetty’s side and pulled her armbar tighter while twisting her arm and pushing down on her fingers. Shetty was howling in pain but now not give up. Diana turned and smiled into the camera. ”See, this fucking cxnt is mine once again. She really is too stupid to know how to fight. What shall I do to her?”

Diana was preoccupied with showing off for the camera. She inadvertently let off a little on the pressure she was applying to Shetty’s arm and wrist. The pain was momentarily eased and Shetty took advantage of it. She hadn’t practiced yoga and gymnastics for nothing. She was very flexible. While Diana was gloating into the camera Shetty raised her right leg and hooked her foot behind Diana’s neck. She brought her other leg up before Diana could react and crossed her ankles to trap Diana’s head between her calves. Shetty brought her legs down and Diana tumbled over her, releasing her grip on Shetty’s arm and hitting her back hard on the floor.

The motion was too violent for Shetty to hold onto Diana’s head between her claves. Had she gripped her with her thighs it might have been different. Diana rolled out of the headlock and onto her knees facing Shetty. Shetty was already up and charging at Diana. Diana wrapped her arms around Shetty’s legs to tackle her but Shetty’s momentum took them both down, Diana on her back and Shetty sprawled over her with Diana’s head buried in her abdomen with her arms wrapped around Shetty’s jean covered thighs. The two rolled and rolled as Diana held on to Shetty’s legs. Diana’s own dress had slid up to reveal almost all of her thighs.

Diana was able to get to her knees when they stopped rolling with Shetty on her back. She struggled and stood up, lifting Shetty’s legs and hips off the floor. Shetty worked her legs around Diana to get a loose scissors on her waist but hanging down form Diana. Diana walked forward and pressed down, bending Shetty’s legs. Diana circled her fingers around each ankle. She forced Shetty into a match book pin with her knees on either side of her head. Diana was not balanced well enough and not strong enough to compensate and both tumbled to the side. Shetty pushed off with her arm to continue them rolling and then stopped them with her other hand. She ended up sitting on Diana’s chest with her crotch very close to Diana’s chin and her legs stretched out straight above Diana’s head.

Shetty grabbed Diana’s hair and pulled her face up into her crotch. But Diana was not just lying there letting Shetty do what she wanted. She raised her legs up and hooked them around Shetty, pulling her backwards. Fearing falling into a waist scissors, Shetty rolled quickly out of Diana’s legs. She was on her knees in one motion facing Diana. She watched as Diana also rolled onto all fours to get up. Shetty moved in like a cat. She grabbed Diana’s hair and pulled her into a headlock. She then bull dogged Diana down so she ended up between being on her back and her side. Shetty laid at an angle across her body with the headlock secured.

”So you like my tits, do you?” Shetty snickered and lifted her top up with her free arm to expose her tits. She maneuvered until she was pressing down on Diana’s face with her tits. Shetty then lock her hands together to pull the headlock tighter and Diana’s mouth and nose tighter into her boobs. Shetty gritted and teeth and you could see her visibly wince as her boobs were still sore from being scratch, squeezed, pounded, and twisted. But she held on knowing there was no way Diana could get out of her vise like grip. Diana was rolling her exposed legs back and forth and kicking them, trying to find some way out. She tried raising her upper body but hadn’t the strength to do it. She tried grabbing ahold of Shetty’s hair while bending to try and get a headlock on Shetty’s neck. But Shetty just scouted with the motion, keeping her head away from Diana’s legs.

Diana was in trouble and she knew it. She used the only method available to her to escape. She open her mouth wide and let it fill with one of Shetty’s boobs. Then she clamped her teeth down, piercing the skin. She didn’t bite hard enough to rip out any flesh but hard enough give Shetty the message. Still it was painful enough that the room was filled with Shetty’s shriek as she pushed on Diana’s face to get her teeth off her boobs. Diana held on like a bulldog, pulling Shetty’s boob way, way out. When she finally released her bite, teeth marks were clearly visible on Shetty’s bob with a small trickle of blood indicating the skin had been pierced.

The adrenaline was pumping full force through the arties of both women. Neither skipped a beat  to go on the attack. The clashed together on their knees with the hands buried in the other’s hair. They slowly stood up together. Shetty release Diana’s hair with one hand only long enough to rip the top of her dress open to let Diana’s tits flop out. No sense in Shetty being the only one bare breasted. Then she grabbed Diana’s hair again and th two bent and twist each other back and forth by the hair. Shetty’s height gave her the advantage. She was bending Diana from one side to the other much more than Diana could her. Diana let go of Shetty’s hair and clamped a bearhug on Shetty. She flattened her bare boobs against Shetty’s, flattening hers also. Diana definitely had the advantage her as her boobs had been unmolested while Shetty’s had been brutalized and one of them still bleeding slightly from having been bitten. Shetty tried to bear hug back, figuring she was stronger but this only added more pressure to her more sensitive breasts.

Shetty wrapped her fingers around the long hair at the back of Diana’s head. She took her right hand and shoved on Diana’s chin while pulling her head back. Holding Diana’s head back, Shetty pulled her right arm back and delivered the flat of her palm to Diana’s jaw. The blow really rattled Diana’s teeth and snapped her head back. This allowed Shetty to push herself out of Diana’s bare hug. Shetty took a couple of steps back and delivered a wide sweeping right handed slap to Diana’s left cheek. The blow turned Diana’s head and actually spun her to her right. Shetty grabbed her left upper arm and spun her back right into another hard slap. As she brought her right arm back she hit Diana with the back of her hand. Diana was stunned but dug deep within herself to slpa Shetty.

Shetty didn’t mind as there was no force behind Diana’s slap. She slapped Diana hard again. The blow stunned Diana again. When Diana returned fire Shetty was ready for it and turned her head to absorb the blow. The two women exchanged right and left handed blows. Shetty’s blows were more powerful and doing more damage. Diana’s slaps were more out of instinctive reaction as she was no longer thinking too clearly. . Shetty knew this was making great filming. It looked like the two women were trading hard slaps. Shetty even moved her head to make Diana’s slaps look more effective. But it would also be clear that Shetty was winning the slapping contest.

Shetty’s face remained with nice rosy cheeks that complimented her complexion. Diana’s face was getting redder and redder and starting to swell. Shetty grew tired of this simulated trading of slaps and started teeing off on Diana. She slapped her back and forth, back and forth – turning Diana’s head one way only to have it meet the returning slap. Diana weakened and her knees buckled. Then she finally went down in a heap. Shetty hauled her up by the hair and slapped her a few more times for good measure while holding her up.

Holding the limp Diana up, Shetty moved behind her. She reached and grabbed the dangling top of Diana’s dressed. She ripped it down far enough that the dress fell off her and piled on the floor. Hooking her left arm under Diana’s upper left arm and then holding onto her right upper arm, Shetty held Diana up with her arms pinned behind her. She turned Diana to face the camera. She yanked Diana’s panties down until the gathered at her ankles. ”Zoom in on this” she told the camera man. Diana still had a big, very dark bush. The camera zoomed right in until all you could see was Shetty wrapping a finger around a long strand of black pubic hair and ripping it out. Shetty continued to pull out hair until Diana’s clitoris was clear visible. Then she forced her fingers in to spread her lips. She forced her hand in deep. ”See how loose and wide her pussy is from being way over used” Shetty laughed for the camera. ”It is payback time.” The camera documented the abuse that Shetty gave Diana’s pussy. My guess it will most likely be edited out as it would never get by the most liberal of censors. Suffice it to say that Shetty tortured Diana’s womanhood worse than Diana had done hers.

Finishing up with Diana’s pussy, Shetty turned her attention to Diana’s tits. They had gone through this fight unscathed. Using her clamp on Diana’s arms behind her back, Shetty shook and moved Diana so her tits flopped all around. Taking a grip on her hair to control her better, Shetty even managed to shake and bounce Diana so her tits twirled around and around. First in the same direction and then in the opposite directions. “Too bad you don’t have tassels on your little titties.” Shetty laughed. She made fun of Diana’s “little titties’ even though Diana’s breast were close to Shetty’s in size and just as firm. Next Shetty started working Diana’s tits for the camera. She let go of Diana’s arms to use both hands from behind on Diana’s tits. The usual pinching, squeezing, clawing, twisting, stretching was done to both the tits and the nipples. Shetty really enjoyed circling her fingers around each tit and squeezing it so the front the nipples really pooped out. Then she bent the nipples towards each other and rubbed them hard against each other until  they became raw.

Diana was limp and had to be support to stay upright through this whole torture. She was barely conscious but too dazed and confused to really know what was going on. It was time to finish her off though Diana. She positioned Diana for the best shooting angle and delivered several slaps for best effect. Then she wound up and gave her a right cross with an exaggerated follow through. Diana’s head snapped to the side first and then she spun to her right and slowly corkscrewed into a heap on the floor. Shetty walked over and used her legs to put her supine. She place a foot on her soft belly and pushed it in deep to show out flabby Diana was. She made a classic bicep pose over Diana. Then she placed her foot across both battered breasts and squished them flat accompanied by the bicep pose of victory. Finally she pointed down at the unconscious Diana, flat on her back ”You’re a loser and always will be a loser. You will lose any part we are both up for. And you will lose any fair fight with me. You started this fight and I ended it so don’t go around saying I jumped you and cheated to win it. Yes, you are such a loser.”  Shetty flashed a big smile for the camera as she blew a kiss to the audience.

”CUT! AND THAT'S A WRAP!” exclaimed the director with glee.
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Re: A Tale of 2 Women
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2012, 05:25:42 AM »
good and long fight
plz post
mamata mohandas vs shetty
nayanthara vs priyamani


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Re: A Tale of 2 Women
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2012, 05:28:05 AM »
post the story of lakshmi rai and vimala raman
priyamani and anushka sheety


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Re: A Tale of 2 Women
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2012, 02:52:23 PM »
Wow. Good fight.



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Re: A Tale of 2 Women
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2014, 06:47:10 AM »
more fight from south girls