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Lisa Raye WANTS to job - she gets her wish

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Lisa Raye WANTS to job - she gets her wish
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:05:23 AM »
In the early 90's , a video company popular on the Ladies Wrestling market was known as Action Sports Productions ( ASP ) & it featured basically coeds from all the local colleges in the Tuscon , Arizona area big & small .
The matches featured first & foremost , hold from behind double teamming stuff , basically & simply consisting of 3 things , a belly punch , a tit punch , or a punch to the jaw while the in trouble girl was either on her knees or held in the wrong corner & other than that , even though the company billed the action as " NOTHING STAGED / NOTHING FAKED " other than the mid punches , tit punches , & punches to the jaw , the other moves were limited as could be , snap mares & stomps were about it & EVERYTHING was in cycles , 4 mid punches , 1 to each tit , 1 to the jaw , 4 to the mid , 1 to each tit , another punch to the jaw , 4 to the mid & release , it was staged & faked , some liked it & some not & reasons were stil unknown why they disappeared after 2 1/2 years .
The company reappeared back this year & promised " real pro wrestling action " & more than just punching & stomping & this time , instead of of every wrestler being a sexy coed , ASP was open to all , sexiness was not a requirement , who could wrestle was in the end , sexy babes of any size , shape , or color would be the good girls & girls who are not as attractive , or big girls , or tattooed women , or anyone else fitting the bill would be heels & the promise of double teamming would remain to keep ASP spirit alive.
ASP just had their 1st release of the new era & here is the match .
The Luscious One as she was called , Lisa Raye , a sexy college coed who from her hot body & pretty face was easily identified as the good girl came out smiling all pretty for the camera & doing a little dance as well as her hot body this night was covered by a black biini top , black very short short shorts , black fringe leggings with a hint of white boots uderneath & small black fringe armbands completed her look as she blew kisses into the camera while continuing to dance here & there until she was in the ring & stretched provacatively until her opponent was introduced , The Scorpion , a masked heel who was accompanied by her masked partner who you could only say she was Scorpion 2 , was Scorpion 1 , as The Scorpions were signed to be a heel tag team in the new ASP .
1 of the Scorpions entered the ring as Lisa stood with her hands on her hips smiling as she waited for the bell ro ring & as soon a sit did , Lisa felt a hand slap her ass , which came from the other Scorpion who while doing it , did it to only distract the sexy good girl who turned to check out where Scorpion 2 was at to make sure her hand did not slap her ass again , but Scorpion 2 had moved away enough so Lisa knew she was no threat , but Scorpion 1 was & used her partners distraction to attack the sexy Lisa , Lisa turning back just in time to see that Scorpion 1 was too close to stop an attack & the Scorpion quickly pushed Lisa against the ropes & lashed out with several knees to her mid before switching over to giving lisa several chops to her tits before irish whipping Lisa off the ropes & on her return , Lisa was sent up & over Scorpion 1's body via a high back body drop , making her body arch up in pain as Scorpion 1 hammed it up for the camera .
After Lisa settled , Scorpion 2 reached into the ring & grabbed Lisa by her ankle & dragged her towards a ringpost & in position to use both hands to drag Lisa by both ankles towards the ringpost where she pulled her all the way forward & hard at the end so Lisa's womanhood was rammed hard into the steel post & after she was rammed , Scorpion 1 pulled her away just slightly & pretended to lose her grip so Scorpion 2 could pull her womanhood right back into the post again & with the ref doing nothing , The Scorpions pretended to have a tug of war with Lisa , Scorpion 1 pulling her away only slightly from the post while Scorpion 2 pulled her hard back into it over & over until Scorpion 1 happily conceeded defeat to her partner , the real defeat in it all was poor Lisa Raye's crotch area , on fire with pain from the run ins with the steel pole .
Lisa Raye's aching crotch got just a mere break as Scorpion 2 again pulled her crotch back into the pole & just leaned back & held on as Scorpion 1 & began to stomp away at Lisa's tits , one stomp , two stomps , 3 stomps , right dead center of Lisa's tits , 4 stomps , 5 stomps , 6 stomps , 7 stomps , all in the same place as Scorpion 2 held on keeping the pain going on Lisa's crotch as well as the tit stomping continued on as the ref did nothing still to stop the double teamming since that was what it was still all about in ASP .
After 25 tit stomps , both Scorpions stopped their assault & Scorpion 2 entered the ring , the ref doing nothing to stop her & once the Scorpions were side by side , they each dropped down to their knees on either side of Lisa , balled up their forearms & continued to repunish Lisa's tits , bashing their forearms into her tits as Lisa's legs hsot out instinctivly from the force of the bashed to her boobs as they gave her about 25 bashes each as the ref stood watching .
After getting up & high fiving each other , The Scorpions teased the downed Lisa & then resumed their attack as they brought Lisa to her feet , bent her under the middle & top rope with her front facing out of the ring & as Lisa somehow stood out on her feet , the Scorpions left the ring & stood on the apron on either side of Lisa & took turns giving her tit chops , giving each tit 12 chops & then both gave her a hard punch to her mid & let her go & both got into the ring as Lisa hunched down over the middle rope ,
Scorpion 2 put her knee against Lisa's back as Scorpion 1 spanked Lisa's slightly exposed butt cheeks for a full minute straight & then got up & ran the ropess as Scorpion 2 held Lisa down with her knee until Scorpion 1 returned from her trip off the ropes to gather momentum where as she jumped , Scorpion 2 moved away & it was Scorpion 1 who pounded her hard knee into the back of Lisa , making her fall to the mat where both Scorpions took turns dropping elbow drops to her chest as the ref still did nothing to stop the 2 on 1 assault in this singles match .
Lisa was yanked further to the middle of the ring where Scorpion 1 made the cover on Lisa & the ref finally did something , count , 1-2- but no 3 as Scorpion 1 lifted Lisa's shoulders off the mat with a hair pull & yanked her up onto her knees where the Scorpions , making it a clear cut handicap match at this point , held Lisa by her arms on either side & went back to punishing her tits again as they took turns kicking at the nearest boob as Lisa only let out small whimpers of pain as she was helpless to do anything as she had no partner or the ref to help her .
After 20 kicks to each tit , the Scorpions stopped their assault & let Lisa hunch over still on her knees where Scorpion 2 lifted Lisa back up fully on her knees as old school ASP took place , sans the uppercut to the jaw as Scorpion 2 held Lisa from behind in a full nelson , allowing open access to whatever body part Scorpion 1 wanted to punish & began her assault with 5 mid punches , 3 punches to each tit , 5 more belly punches , 3 more punches to each tit , 5 more to the belly , 5 to each tit & 10 to the belly before Scorpion 2 shoved Lisa down onto her front & they gave her tits & mid a break , now deciding to add her back to the list of pain as they applied a camel clutch / boston crab combo on her & did it while also twisting her side ti side in different directions for a full minute before dropping her back to the mat & together did a stompfest to her back & shoulder blades until Scorpion 1 told her partner to stop & watch , Scorpion 2 did & watched as Scorpion 1 spread Lisa's legs & gave her a hard kick to her crotch where they walked away laughing as Lisa rolled in pain although she was pretty much out of it as all Lisa could do was hope the Scorpions got bored & finished her off at this point .
The Scorpions yanked Lisa to her feet where 1 of them then put her into a full nelson hold from behind , which one it was was moot at this point since the ref was allowing the double teamming to happen & once the full nelson was locked in , the free Scorpion told her partner to ragdoll her & that is exactly what that Scorpion did , throwing Lisa's body side to side while holding on with relative ease , tossing her down rudely after the 12th visit to each side & then told her partner to try it , it was fun & Scorpion 2 did so or again , could of been the legal Scorpion , but Lisa was pretty much out of it & it did not matter , her sexy body again was ragdolled side to side until being tossed to the mat without warning & the Scorpions gathered close & gave her 5 elbow drops to her tits & after the 2nd Scorpion hit her 5th elbow drop , she remained on Lisa as the other Scorpion told the ref to count .
The count would of been academic as could be , but just before the 3 , the Scorpion rolled off of Lisa telling the ref that she was not the legal one anyway & then the other Scorpion butted in that she was not , the other was & then they feigned arguing who was Scorpion 1 & who was Scorpion 2 , allowing Lisa to regain some consciousness , so they yanked her up & carried her into the corner where they laid her across the top turnbuckle & together they went forearm bash crazy , taking turns smashing her tits & mid , doing just her tits 1st , then the other bashing her mid , then they teammed up to bash both areas & then switched & one worked her tits & backed away so the other could bash her belly & then of course , worked her over together , each attack lasting 20 bashes to Lisa's laid out body .
After stepping away to eye the abused hottie , 1 Scorpion put Lisa onto her shoulders , easily making the transition from turnbuckle to shoulders due to where Lisa was placed for the previous attack & with Lisa facing up & her legs & arms dangling limp towards the mat , the Scorpion did a little ring parade with her prize & dumped her non chalantly down where Lisa landed back first right onto the outstretched knee of the other Scorpion as the massacre continued on , a 1 on 1 turning into a handicap match & as the Scorpion with Lisa's frame molded onto her knee , the other Scorpion went to the middle rope for what was said to be their finisher , The Desert Strike , & with one hand bent to make it look like a Scorpions tail ready to strike , the rope standing Scorpion jumped down & rammed her fist into Lisa's mid as the other Scorpion actually used her power to bend her more with the momentum of the impact & as the momentum abated , Lisa was pushed to the mat , completely out of it .
The Scorpions still were not done though as they teammed up again to put Lisa into another camel clutch / boston crab combo , this time though they lifted her up as high as they could lift her while in the combo hold & they then jumped with her a few inches up & held onto her as the 3 crashed to the mat , the impact doing no harm to the Scorpions , but for Lisa , the impact was even more devastating to her , she was out cold from what was seen had to be the Scorpions 2nd finished , the Scorpion Strike & after hitting it , one of the Scorpons left the ring & just watched as the in ring Scorpion lifted Lisa's legs up , folded them across each other , & then pressed them down against Lisa's body , laying across the body & legs of Lisa & then stood motionless as the other Scorpion told the ref , 10 count & the ref did the only thing he could do which was count & hope the Scorpions were done feasting on their deliscious prey , 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 & that mercifully it for poor Lisa who remained out as the Scorpions reformed in the ring & both did a victory pose over Lisa , each standing on one side of Lisa & planting a foot on her tit for 30 seconds before leaving the ring as the redebut of ASP came to an end of it's taping as the camera panned the defeated beauty & her body .
You never grow old until you stop being young


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Re: Lisa Raye WANTS to job - she gets her wish
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2014, 06:20:34 AM »
Great story as usual! We missed your stories! :D


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Re: Lisa Raye WANTS to job - she gets her wish
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2014, 08:05:57 AM »
Thanks niner/fiver - was in London last week , off for 3 more full weeks , will try to do more .
Why over in the UK , was watching I believe " The Big Bang Theory " & in it , 1 of the female characters was in a tv show earlier in her life playing character Lisa Sparkles & her co actress was Jessica Glitter , ever since hearing those names on the show , I have been dying to make a tag team series featuring them as total jobbers , been looking for the right hotties since I got back home about 26 hours ago
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline Knicks

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Re: Lisa Raye WANTS to job - she gets her wish
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2014, 03:17:28 PM »
First great story as always. Second it was how I met your mother her with Lisa Sparkles played by Colbie Smulders and Jessica Glitter played by Nicole Scherzinger. I think those girls make the right girls, but if your looking for younger and in my opinion hotter options you can use Alexa Bliss from the WWE who wrestles in glitter and Ariana Grandeas the pop princess Lisa Sparkles.