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Watching my Partner get Destroyed 88 - Masked Mystery

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Watching my Partner get Destroyed 88 - Masked Mystery
« on: November 23, 2014, 10:47:19 PM »
Good evening folks , Otto with you here , live from Stockhom Sweden as it is another SWF Monday Night & later on , this mystery woman , Maritza , I mean , The Masked Goddess will be in action finally against Monster Nakano , let's see if she can put her money where her mouth is , but right now , it is the SWF Women's Champion , Polish Power heading to the ring for a 3 on 1 gauntlet match against 3  youngsters from our wrestling academy   , the youngsters taking this match under the conditions that Polish Power has just 5 minutes to defeat all 3 or else she will allow all 3 to cover her for pins & a victory over the SWF Ladies Champon .

Polish Power enters the ring as the 3 youngsters are all standing on the rings edge , eyeing the size of the champ until the tall blonde , Luz , enters the ring to go first & a ssoon as the two go to lock up , the champ blasts the blonde in her nid with a big stomp & follows up & a hard clubbing forearm to the back of the blondes shoulders , sending her to the mat & then yanks her right up by her hair & places her between her powerful legs & then lifts her up for what looks like a powerbomb & indeed is , but she does it by powerbombing Luz right into the corner turnbuckle & after giving the other 2 students a little sinister smile , she grabs Luz by her wirsts & ankles & lifts her up for the Polish Driver & nails it & make sthe non chalant cover , 1-2-3 & Luz went rather quickly & as Polish Power gets up , the 2nd blonde of the group , Mariela is just finishing getting through the ropes & as soon as she darts forward , Polish Power has no trouble stepping forward & booting Mariela in her mid , stopping her plan of any attack & without waiting , Polish Power grabs Mariela by her hair & hair beils her across the ring , landing next to Luz who is still in the ring & only has been able to roll a bit to the side since she was just pinned not even 10 seconds ago & even though she has been eliminated so to say , Polish Power yanks her up & powerbombs her right down onto Mariela & then Mariela while still feeling the effect of her own match partner crashing down on her , Polish Power grabs her by her ankles & wrists , powers her up & delivers a nasty Polish Driver on her & then bodyslams Luz back onto her & with Luz laying across Mariela's body & both of their shoulders on the mat , Polish Power plants a foot on Luz's mid , effectively making a cover on both blondes & the ref makes the count , 1-2-3 as Polish Power just having 5 minutes to defeat all 3 students looks good now as she still has over 4 minutes left to finish off the last student , perhaps maybe a 2 or 3 minute challenge would of been a challenge here so fa r, but let's see what student # 3 has to offer .

Loreena , the lone brunette of the trio , like Mariela , tries to take advantage of Polish Power being involved & tied up with a pin & quickly darts into the ring , but with Polish Power standing during this cover for the double pin , she is also quick to go at the brunette , attempting a hugh clothesline , but while Loreena is able to duck under it , ther eis another quick issue she has to deal with besides the champ & that is her own partners laying in her path & she has to hold up the best she can so she does not trip over them & is able to do so , but as she turns , the delay allowed Polish Power to charge at her & Loreena has no time to defend herself as the big foot of Power crushed her chest  , sending her going backwards & tripping over her partners anyway .

The only good news for Loreena at this point was that now both Luz & Mariela gave her some sort of little barrier from the champ & tries to roll away as Polish Power with time on her side she feels , yanks Luz up & hair beils her away & then does the same to Mariela as Loreen asenses a chance to attack & climbs to the top rope & when Polish Power finds her , Loreena  jumps down at her , trying to knock the champ over by hitting her with her forearms joined up , but due to her inexperience , she waits way too long  & as she dives down , Polish Power is able to wrap her hand around Loreena's throat & smiles deviously as Loreena knows she is in deep trouble & let's out a cry of dread as Polish Power lifts her up & slams her hard down onto the mat with a nasty chokeslam , taking student # 3 out of th emix , but Polish Power still with about half the time left decides to have a bit more fun & with Luz & Mariela close to each other & still in the ring , Polish Power yansk both up & gives them a dual chokeslam with 1 hand & then yanks each up 1one by one & chokeslams them onto Loreena & then Loreena while still feeling the crunch from her own partners is lifted up helplessly & given a Polish Driver to the mat & as her body convulses from the impact , Luz & Mariela are stacked onto her at an angle so all 3 have their shoulders down & Polish Power once again plants a foot on the pile & the ref made the count , 1-2-3 as neither student moved & with that , announced at a time of 3 minutes & 21 seconds , Polish Power had defeated all 3 students winning the match & her 5 minute challenge .


It is late rin the show & thankfully , we did not see the " Mystery Women " pop up on the screen during Polish Powers match , maybe she is wanting tonight to let her actions speak louder than words & here comes as we speak , the former SWF ladies champion , Monster Nakano   makes her way to the ring , Nakano  somewhat of a forgotten SWF wrestler now , appearing mostly in dark matches crushing students & those wanting tryouts , has once again gotten chance to show what she has on tv & once she is in the ring , here comes the mystery woman known as The Masked Goddess comes out & just look at he r, same body as Maritza , same boobs as Maritza , same walk as Maritza , The Masked Goddess is fooling nobody , she is even greeting the fans like Maritza , let's see if she wrestles like her also & will contend to be The Masked Goddess .

With the Masked Maritza in the ring , a quick Maritza looking stretch is added by Maritza & as soon as the bell rings to get it going , the screen comes on & wanting to play games , Polish Power is on the screen wearing a masked saying she is the Masked Polish Woman , Polish Powers pal from back home & she is here to expose the poser for who she is & blabs away as The Masked Goddess looks on amused , her smile could be seen through her stupid mask since ther eis an opening in her mouth , nose , & eye areas & just like Maritza does as well , the Masked Goddess to mock the screen does a little dance as Polish Power continues to blab away & mock Maritza until Nakano is tired of waiting & attacks from behind , smashing a big forearm to her back & then whipping her off the ropes & charging afte rher & as the Goddess turns , Nakano rams her big frame into the Goddesses frame , knocking her to the mat & then yanks her up , rope whips her & does it again , & then a 3rd time & Nakano then yells still after all this time , inaudiably at the crowd , leaving all clueless till as to what she is saying as she grabs a small breather .

The Masked Goddess is not looking to good right now , she looks like Maritza did against Polish Power , overpowered & outmatched & it gets no better as the masked Maritza puts up no defense as she is yanked up , whipped into the corner , & just remains in place as Nakano charges in a crushes the masked one in the corner & moves away as the good girl falls , only to be yanked up & whipped into the other corner where Nakano crushes her again & after she falls , a yank of the hair brings Maritza back up to her feet & whips her into a 3rd corner & crushes her again & then after bringing her up , the Goddess is whipped into the 4th corner & stands still as Nakano body splashes her again as all this is making the Goddess look like the queen fool of the year .

Polish Power now comes out from the back & make sher way ringside to watch as Nakano yanks the Goddess up & whips her off the ropes & on her return , Monster Nakano bends down & gets hold of the Goddess & get sher onto her shoulders & samoan drops her to the mat with her Monster Drop move & then she bounces off the ropes for momentum & then jumps forward , looking to crash he rbig ass down onto the body of the prone masked girl with her Monster Bomb & nails it , Maritza is so jobberific tonight & with Polihs Power applauding her fellow heels easy easy romp , Monster Nakano gives the Goddess a 2nd Monster Bomb as the fans are booing Maritza for being so pathetic & they continue to boo as Nakano makes the cover as the ef makes the easy count , 1-2-3 & Monster Nakano has won oh so easily , what a joke , what a fraud , what the hell .

Polish Power enters the ring saying out loud " Maritza - oh poor Maritza just got destroyed , that mask is hiding nothing " & Polish Power yanked Maritza to her feet & powerbombed her to the mat , saying " take that Maritza " & then she told the fans , " lets put a quick end to this charade right now " & after needlessly giving the masked good girl a Polish Driver , Nakano held the Goddess from behind on her knees where the out of it Goddess easily had her mask untied & pulled off to show , " huh , wait a minute , who the hell is that , that is not Maritza " it was some sort of Maritza body double , what is going on here ?         
You never grow old until you stop being young