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Michelle the Catfighting Wife VS Blake Mitchelle

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    • Fantasy_Matchups · Wrdwvr's Fantasy Catfighters Matchups
Michelle the Catfighting Wife VS Blake Mitchelle
« on: December 19, 2014, 03:20:45 AM »
I wrote this story for Michelle and Steve as I had been thinking about a fight between her and a Porno/Video catfighter and Blake was perfect.

            The doorbell rang loudly, snapping Michelle and Steve out of their little diversion from the long wait. Blake had been scheduled to come by at 08:00 PM and 30 minutes later she was still not there. Michelle was trying to clasp her bra as Steve put his pants on both legs at the same time stood up and promptly fell back onto the bed again. Michelle smiled at his antics and finally managed to get her bra in place and went to get the door. Blake was waiting, a gym bag on her shoulder, and said "Hello Bitch!" right to Michelle's face to get them on the right foot from the get-go. Michelle just smiled and took Miss Michele down to the "Rumpus Room", which was setup with lights and 2 kinds of cameras. Blake would fight a hooded Michelle and they were selling the tape to the highest bidder.
          Blake looked around and saw the couch, already smiling at the prospect of using it to her advantage! Michelle knew exactly what she was thinking, having asked Steve to leave it for the fight. Steve was soon ready and Michelle put on her red colored hood, her eyes and nose given plenty of room, the back opened and allowing her hair to fall free in the long pony tail she wore. Michelle was looking forward to seeing herself on video trashing her rival again! She was already thinking of all the nights she would spend with Steve watching her decimation of the bitch! She smiled for the camera and turned towards Blake who stood ready in a sexy one piece suit that pushed her cleavage up and almost out of the small sized cups, given the impression her tit's were even bigger then they actually were, which was a good size. Michelle was pissed that Blake looked so much bigger then her at this point, and that her husband was gawking at her, again. She charged at her and immediately went for the top, she would show the bitch what happened to women that flashed their tits at her husband! Blake smiled at the expected move and easily stepped back quickly, slamming her foot into the furious looking Michelle's belly, catching her by surprise. She followed up by tackling Michelle to the ground!
            The two women rolled around the thick heavily under padded rug till Blake caught Michelle in a headlock from the side and began to work it in! "I'll rip your fuckin head off, you loser!" Blake spat at her ear! Michelle tried to twist her way loose but the hold was to strong, one of Blake's specialties! Still Michelle was gaining more and more cat fighting experience and before she started choking she put a stop to it with 4 well placed punches directly into the exposed part of Blake's left tit, her fist sinking in deeply each time as Blake stiffened in response to the 3rd blow! Blake gasped as the 4th punch slammed onto her tit and with a pissed off yell she let go before Michelle could strike again, the red-faced brunette gasping for air as she stood up. Blake looked at the bruise already starting to form, "You'll pay for that you cxnt, I'll torture those pitiful excuses for tit's till your precious Steve is screaming for me to show you mercy!!" she yelled as she rubbed at her boob where the brunette had hammered it. "Well then you can add this to the account!" the sexy fighter screamed as she threw one towards the redhead's face and as her guard came up the brunette ripped her hands down the front of Blake's suit as she grabbed it from the top, the material ripping loudly and her large breasts spilling out!
            Michelle quickly punched each one in the nipple, then while a stunned Blake brought her arms up she grabbed them both, quickly before Blake could retreat or block her, and she started a crushing attack that the very pissed looking redhead took rather well, at first. When Michelle changed tactics she smashed those luscious mammaries together as she drove in her fingers, both women having completely cut their nails prior to the fight at Steve's insistence. The Masked fighters arm muscles strained from the force she applied! The redheaded beauty realized Michelle might prove tougher to beat, as she seemed to remember quite well exactly what Blake could take least and feared most. Blake latches onto Michelle's much larger nipple and starts to attack them furiously, trying to stem the attack on her tits by the brunette!
             Blake bites back a cry as another smash took its toll on her mammaries. "Ohhhh I bet you like that a lot huh bitch, bring back any memories? Maybe this will help!", Michelle yelled! Blake's tit's were expertly mauled by her rival who knew from experience how to hurt them best, smashing them together and mashing the titflesh between her fingers as she drove them in as deep as possible! Blake tried to reciprocate the attack by really working on the nipples of her foe, but Michelle had gotten to her with the constant boob bashes! Even as Michelle's face twisted in pain under the mask from the assault on her nipples she could not gain an upper hand and she soon grabbed at her rival's wrists and tried to pull them from her now aching tits, soon her knees began to go wobbly, the pain getting unbearable!
         The red head was slowly driven down to her knees as Michelle pulled back her tits and mashed them once again, a cry escaping the cat fighters' lips as she desperately pulled at Michelle's wrists. "Looks like you loose again bitch!" the now in charge brunette purred low so only the red head heard her. "Fuck you, cxnt, I'll get out and then I'lllllLLLLLL AAUUGGGGHHHHHHHH.........!!, her sentence cut off as Michelle buried her knee into her right tit and mashed it against the titflesh, trapping the redhead against the back of the couch! Steve was loving it as he watched his wife about to triumph once again over the overblown redhead! "What's the matter little baby girl, your titty hurt. That's what you get for coming back and thinking you could beat me.HaaaaaHaaaHaaaaaaaaaa.......!!". Michelle turned and waved at her husband, blowing him kisses her mouth in a huge shiteaters grin! As the redheaded fighter pulled desperately on the knee crushing her tit and chest she gazed up and the look of utter triumph on Michelle's face through the mask was enough to drive Miss Mitchell into a furious attack of her own, her previous loss a great shame to her and she had taken a lot of shit from the other professional cat fighters about it.
         She ripped her hand down and around Michelle's cxnt and then onto her ass cheeks and grunting with exertion and then with a great amount of effort, she tossed her up and over the arm of the couch! A totally surprised Michelle cried out as she flew up and over and she landed in a heap of limbs, getting slowly to her hand and knees facing the end of the couch Blake was on. She started to get up off the cushions as quickly as she could and Blake was just getting to her feet after turning around so as Michelle's face came up she brought her arm up and back in preparation for throwing a roundhouse right into her jaw and send her flying back!
         Michelle's face came up and she saw that Blake was standing on the other side of the couch, she pushed herself backwards just after Blake unleashed her roundhouse, the knuckles just scrapping her chin as she was able to get out of the way of the possibly match ending blow! "SHHHIIIIIITTT!!", Blake cried out in frustration as her fist missed a solid connection to Michelle's chin! Now she had to continue the grueling battle on an even footing, her tits already have taken a beating, especially the right one which was visibly bigger then the left. Meanwhile Michelle continued flying backwards and Blake missed her slamming the back of her head onto the armrest! A small cry escaped the brunette's lips as the back of her head bounced off the armrest! No one realized what happened, even Blake did not realize that she had really banged her head but good! Blake jumped knees' first onto Michelle's body and her knees just missed Michelle's tit's, instead slamming into her lower ribcage and upper stomach area, knocking the wind from her lungs and cursing at having again missed an opportunity! As Michelle struggled to get a breathe Blake was determined to get some payback in quickly before they bogged down in dirty close quarters battle.                         
          Ripping off the front of her rivals Bikini top she latched onto each tit as close to the bottom by the nipples as she could and ripped them outwards! She then smashed them together with all her might, poor Michelle letting a yell, but otherwise docile! Blake repeated the savage move again, pulling the almost untouched titflesh outwards again and banging them together with a loud splat of flesh on flesh this time! The masked Michelle only stiffened and moaned her arms still hung at her sides as Blake had her way with her breasts! Steve was screaming for his wife to do something and get out of there as Blake moved her hands down and grabbed 2 good fistfuls of titflesh and tore Michelle upwards by them as she sank her fingers in deeply to hold them, and her, in place! "Lets see how you like this move you little shit!" Michelle's shoulders, then her back, came off the armrest till she was sitting up her, head rolling queerly, her arms still at her sides. Steve was going crazy at the sight of his wife in exactly the predicament he always feared. Blake looked over at him and smiled wickedly, and then she turned back towards her aching foe. 
                                "Baby comes up and baby goes DOWNNNNN!!" she yelled loudly, slamming her fists into the already aching nipples of each boob like targets, driving them into Michelle's tit's deeply till she forced her back against the couch and her fists drove in deeper, the now tenderized flesh oozing out around her knuckles and then part of her hand as she keep the pressure up on the trapped brunette! Michelle finally grabbed at her rival's wrists, her face twisted in great pain under the mask, and unknown to all still seeing stars from the knock on her head!                                                                   
                           Blake just laughed at her feeble attempt and ripped her hands up and backs, out of Michelle's very weak grips! " Guess I need to add a few more finishing touches, hmm? Well how about more of yours and my favorite attack! How do you like this!", Blake purred at her as she slammed her fists into both Michelle's tits at the same time!. She was then pounding away at both tit's with no problem as tears started to pour from her rival's eyes, her mask getting wetter and wetter as the seconds passed and she started to bring her arms up. Blake suddenly stopped and a look of utter relief crossed over Michelle's face under the mask. Her entire body relaxed then stiffened and she let out a scream as Blake twisted her tits by the nipples, holding the breast flesh in one hand and twisting the nipple, then the rest of the boob with it! The brunette squirmed under her and seemed to becoming around, with some help of the kind she did not need from her foe, who was working on her other tit and nipple now as it became racked with absolute pain, tears pouring down the masked fighters eye slits. She reached out and gave Blake a tit smash driving her fingers in as deep as she could but she screamed out as Blake retaliated by giving her left boob a vicious 2 handed attack, wrenching the already swollen and battered titflesh in her fingers, the titflesh oozing out around her fingers as she dug into them. Steve was pleading for Blake to have mercy and Blake finally stopped and released her hold on the defeated beauties out and over mauled tit!
                            " To quote Mrs. Blake Carrington of Dynasty, whistle if you want a rematch! You loser!!!" and with that she strolled over to Steve and gave his crotch a little squeeze and kissed him full on the lips as poor Michelle was in agony on the floor and in need of some care! "Why don't you leave her and come upstairs with me as my reward!" Blake purred in a very sexy and irresistible voice. Steve was already moving past her brushing by her and she could feel he was conflicted as he brought ice packs over to his wife. The stupid fool could have had me and she would not ever need known the redhead thought. Blake shrugged and got dressed, letting herself out, after she collected the tapes, of course! .
                             A few weeks later Michelle had only just started wearing a bra again and Steve had again forbid her to catfight or titfight anymore. It was going to take a whole lot to change his mind this time. He popped in the video and she loved watching her torture of Blake's tits, but she starting cringing inwardly as what turned out to be her decimation started. A man's voice called the fight between the "great cat fighter Blake Mitchell" and the masked housewife that had beaten the video cat fighter previously and "dared' to challenge her again in her home turf! The turn of the fight came and now Steve understood what happened, as did Blake who had watched the tapes. But the announcer called it differently saying Blake survived the housewife's vicious attack on her beautiful breasts and using her great punching prowess she wallops her foe so hard she knocks all the fight right out of her! Michelle and Steve were furious at the portrayal and he turned the video off as the man was saying how Blake's expertise was how she had the masked beauties own gorgeous plump tit's causing her to become utterly defenseless as she tortured them! Long after they had finished making love Michelle thought to herself," I'll fuckin whistle one day you bitch!", wincing at the irritation she still had as she lay on her chest and tried to sleep!