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Glinda the Good vs Wicked the Bad --- 2nd Cosplay match

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Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Glinda the Good vs Wicked the Bad --- 2nd Cosplay match
« on: December 21, 2014, 03:26:06 PM »
It was day 3 at this years Cosplay Convention , or known to most , plain & simple , Saturday , & as always each night , it was pro wrestling time & on night one , the fans were bored as tey watched the same ladies match they have seen for the past 2 years since almost all were regulars & then on night 2 , yesterday now , the fans once again seemed to not give a shit as yet another womens match that took place was the same as the past 4 years , but adding an extra ladies match a few matches later , a match where Daphne Blake &  Vema Dinkley , The Mystery Inc. ladies , better known as The Scooby Doo girls , were completely destroyed in a tag match that wound up being an impromptu tornado rules match , being something new as well as a complete squash fest , the fans actually cared about the match & were really into it , in the end , caring less that the precious good girls were on the losing end for a change .

The promoter on night 3 though at first , not getting the hint the night before from Daphne & Velma's destruction , at the start of the show put on yet another ladies match that has been seen every year since they started having wrestling shows & once again , the mostly annual visitor fans cared less , the promoter watched the match where the ladies did what they always did , leaving nothing in suspense as in 7 minutes & 22 seconds , the good girl won , just like she did every year in 7 minutes & 22 seconds in this matchup , complete with the same exact finish , but the fans cared less , mostly chatting with each other while not even looking at the ring as the ladies performed & when it was over , only a light smattering of applause could be heard , but once again , he had an experiment women's match set up a few matches later to once again see how the fans reacted . 

The announcer let everybody know as they do everywhere that the following match would be a " Ladies Match " in case like always the fans were too dumb to figure it out on their own when seeing the wrestlers in the ring & since the faces were usually always introduced first unless they had the titles , which they did , holding the mens' title ( King Author ) , the tag titles ( Mario & Luigi ) , & the women's title ( Wonder Woman of course ) , but introduced first as hailing from the Emerald City was the beautiful & gorgeous kind soul , Glinda the Good Witth of the North

Out came the stunning sexy blonde looking deliscious in her gold & white short dress looking outfit with white boots & gold & silver accents that matched the gold & silver heart at the top of her outfit , of course she came out with her little magical wand & like any good good girl , greeted the fans who once again seemed to perk up a bit from seeing something new for a change & showed the gorgeous Glinda the love , Glinda still playing to them after getting into the ring as her opponent was then introduced to loud boos , announced as The wicked Witch of the Southwest

Out came the green faced meanine , complete with her evil looking broomstick , threatening the crowd for not very long before she got into the ring , stormed up to the announcer & let all know that she was indeed the Wicked Witch of the Southwest , the Wicked Witch of the West was her aunt & after all this time , was still upset that she was melted down by that farm bitch from Kansas , Dorothy & her mangy little mutt , Toto & since Dorothy was too cowardly to face her knowing full welll that she was truly lucky against her aunt , she would have to gain some revenge facing Dorothy's so called guardian angel pal , Glinda , who aided in the demise of her aunt , telling the gorgeous Glinda she was going to go " WICKED " on her sweet ass & then told the announcer to go get the mic & tossed it out of the ring while giving a long & loud crackled laugh .

Being the total sweetheart she was , Glinda consoled the announcer for the Witch treating his job poorly & helped him out of the ring , turning her back to her opponent  & before the ref could even call for the bell , the Witch charged at Glinda , nailing her from behind  at her shoulder blade area with the long stalk part of her broomstick , making Glinda stumble forward holding at her just whipped back area as the Witch got behind her & with another big whack to her shoulder blade area as Glinda was slightly hunched over , the whack put Glinda onto the mat on her front where the Witch gave her a few more whacks to her back this time with the stalk of the broom as the ref called for the bell to start it , immediately yelling at the Witch to get her to get rid of her illegal weapon , , but the wicked one just stared at him as Glinda painfully rolled over onto her back , only to have the Witch smack her across the chest with the broomstick & then place it into her throat & choke away at her as the ref at first continued to scold her for her actions , the witch gaining extra choking time as she argued with him as Glinda meanwhile flailed her legs wildly for escape & air until the ref had enough & finally gave the Witch the 5 count to break or be DQ'd & not wanting to hear Glinda being introduced as the winner , the Witch stopped just in time & then stood , looked at the ref letting him know she understood , but gave Glinda one more whack with the broomstick befor esaying " oopsy " & letting the ref take the broom , toss it outside & scold the heel for her actions , Glinda still of course getting the worse of the start of the match , fans right away getting into it , boo'ing the Witch since she was the heel of course although once again , there were fans who enjoyed seeing the precious good girl in peril , most believing that Glinda would still triumph in the end , she was the good girl after all .

The Wicked one after surrendering her broom , took the time the ref took to toss it outside to scramble over to downed good girl & continue with the choking , using her knee this time to apply the pressure , Glinda's legs again flailed wildly struggling for air & escape which only came when Wicked removed her knee as the returning ref made his count , almost getting to 5 again as Wicked avoided DQ yet again & gave a small argument with him before yanking Glinda to her feet , irish whipping her off the ropes & on her return , she lifted her up & tossed her forward all in one motion , Glinda's throat at the end of her flight having her wind pipe crash hard against the top rope , taking more out of her , but she remained standing after the move & stumbled around , recieving a big clothesline as she turned towards the evil witch , who let out an evil cackle after sending Glinda back to the mat & as Glinda moments later got onto her knees coughing for air , she was too busy fighting to get some air back to realize that the witch was running the ropes until the boot of the witch nailed Glinda on the side of her head , putting her down with her head clouded  & got no relief as the evil witch followed with 5 straight legdrops to the back of her head before the witch stood & cackled for the crowd as Glinda lay on her front side , coughing for air still .

The witch moved back in & with Glinda still face down , put her knees to the side of glinda's head & squeezed hard until she had a good grip with her knees & then 10 times in a row lifted her up slightly & then quickly driving the head of Glinda back into the mat without losing her hold , while Glinda's throat was relieved of pain , her head meanwhile was being clouded each time her head hit the mat & with her head still clouded , the witch yanked her up & gave her 5 straight headbutts & held onto her as she made her way around to give Glinda a nasty neckbreaker as there was no opening for the good witch to make a comeback given yet by the relentless Wicked one .

After another quick cackle , the fans watched as the wicked one kept bringing Glinda to her feet & time after time , giving her one neckbreaker after another as the fans getting into it shouted one more time as Glinda was rendered limp as the neckbreaker marathon seemed to have no end , but did , but only after Glinda recieved 25 straight neckbreakers , Wicked seemingly stopping only due to making it look like she was appeasing the fans & after letting out a longer evil cackle , she yanked Glinda to her feet & put her into a crucifix hold & shouted out that it was time for the " Witches Brew " which was apparantly her finisher , and once she had Glinda up , Wicked spun around & around & around & around , she looked like she had some evil power as she kept going around & holding onto Glinda without getting dizzy or losing her grip , but finally she released Glinda after about 30 seconds , Wicked did show signs of dizziness though as she tried to locate the downed good witch as some thought this could be a turning point , but Wicked made her way over to Glinda , folded her legs over & took a seat as the ref moved in & made the count , 1-2-3  & that was it as Wicked had a one-sided victory over Glinda the Good to let all of Oz know that new winds were coming as she cackled loudly all during the count & few seconds afterwards .   
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline bishopberkley

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Re: Glinda the Good vs Wicked the Bad --- 2nd Cosplay match
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2014, 08:46:53 AM »
Nice decisive defeat for the good witch. after 25 neckbreakers, I was under no illusions she would make a comeback. Keep putting those sexy jobbers through the mill!