I agree with (Leroy Veritas?) the scenario seems familiar - doubtlessly because it's been a classic staple of the genre since prehistory (I'm sure I saw cave paintings depicting a similar scene in Northern Spain in the 1960's...or maybe it that was a Raquel Welch film?)
Anyway, my ONLY quibble, complaint, suggestion would have been that the author could have dragged this out into 3-4 separate posts (prefight setup; daughters school fight; daughters rematch @ Scotts; moms fight @ Scotts). Even then, the possibility of MORE would still be out there. Would the daughter's be satisfied with the results? Would the moms? (would SCOTT?) And inquiring minds want to know.....now that the gym teacher (Ms Jones?) has found out about all of this, what does she think? (if she's hetero, would she go after a piece of Scott herself? If lesbian, how about one/both of the moms....or would she - being the professional educator we know all of the teachers in these stories to be - want to take the two girls under her wing and teach them the finer points of fighting so when they grow up and have daughters of their own they'll be able to "take care of business".
As I said, I saw a lot of potential "left on the cutting room floor" (pretty much the same thing that happens all the time in Hollywood - but don't get me started on that!!)
Anyway, just had time to kill and wanted to give vet51 a shout out and throw some red meat out there for vet51 and others who may be dying for ideas for some stories. If I weren't so overburdened with other commitments, I'd have done something myself instead of just throwing out ideas.