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Taylor Swift VS Selena Gomez [Poll then Match]

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Offline jsmith95

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Taylor Swift VS Selena Gomez [Poll then Match]
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:04:25 AM »
Here's the beginning of the next story! This time, it's a poll. I'm curious what you guys think, so please vote if you can. The match will consist of arm-wrestling, and then a nipple fight/titfight. Eventually, one girl will win by breast smother or crushing her opponent's rack until they give up. Anyway, I'll finish the story later this week. I hope you like the beginning! :)


Selena Gomez sat in her apartment, tying the straps of her bra together. Her breasts filled the cups with zero effort, as she had chosen a bra one size too small. She wanted her competition to know what she was up against, and the ex-Disney actress knew that she would upon seeing her generous cleavage on display. The bra bulged slightly, attempting to keep Selena’s boobs contained.

In a few minutes, she would be fighting one of her friends.
At least, they used to be. Earlier in the week, Selena heard fellow singer Taylor Swift excuse her of using her assets to get more followers on Instagram, flaunting them in every other pic she posts.  According to Taylor, there are two reasons Selena has more followers between the two, and they’re both small ones. When Selena heard that comment, she became enraged that Taylor, of all women, dared to mock her breast size when hers were so much better than the country star’s. She rang up Taylor that night, and challenged her to a hands-off titfight tonight to back up her shittalking. The country star, prideful as ever, accepted without hesitation.

Selena stood up, pushing her boobs up high to prep them. You’ve got this in the bag, the singer assured herself.

The doorbell rang, Selena pulled down the hemline of her bra, exposing slightly more of her breasts as she made her way to the door. She opened it quickly, to come face to face with a scantily-clad Taylor. Taylor walked in, dressed in nothing but a white push-up bra. With it, she was able to match Selena in terms of cleavage.

“Ha, look at this! The little girl has to wear a push-up to get a woman’s cleavage,” Selena teased, folding her arms together as her cleavage swelled, “Too bad we all know what that tag reads, eh, Tay?”

Taylor pouted. When compared to other girls, she was never able to compete with them in size. Katy Perry dwarfed her with her formidable D cups, to the point of eclipsing the blonde’s rack with her own. Yet, Taylor had to smile; while smaller than most, she relied on the hidden firmness of her breasts to best any buxom bitch she fought. She was able to crush Katy flat with her mighty peaks, even making the pop star’s nipples yield to her stronger spikes; she knew she would have Selena begging for mercy in the same way soon.

“Well,” Taylor huffed, “At least I don’t have to resort to suffocating my tits just to make them look bigger! What did you squeeze yourself into, an AA?”

“Maybe you could fit comfortably into an AA, Tay-Tay, but my bigger girls need their space,” Selena jabbed, pushing her rack together causing her cleavage to appear deeper. The change was not lost on Taylor, who couldn’t help but steal a glance. Selena smirked. “Just to remind each other, what size are you again?”

“32B,” Taylor said, placing her hands on her hips as a smile crossed her face. She pulled away from her staring to look Selena in the eyes. She already knew the answer, having done her research ahead of time; she wanted to hear it come from Sel’s lips. “And you?’

“Bullshit!” Selena snapped in surprise, “I’m a 32B too… but there’s no way we’re the same cup!”

“You said you knew what my bra tag read. Do you want to see it again?”

“Damn right I do,” Selena replied. She figured Taylor was just trying to brag, but as Taylor turned around, Selena reached for her bra tag and flipped the tag over to read it. Her face flushed red as she read the size. She could have sworn she had Taylor beat by a good margin; sure enough: the taller blonde was telling the truth.

“What’s it say?” Taylor asked in a condescending voice, rubbing the top of her breasts with her fingers.

“Damn!” cursed Selena.

What’s it say?” the country singer repeated.

“32B.” Selena replied meekly, crossing her arms.
Taylor turned around again as Sel took a step backwards.. The blonde arched her back to give Selena a better look at her bustling cleavage, completely bulging out of the petite push-up. Now it was Selena’s turn to stare. As they studied each other's bodies, Selena gleamed with the fact that, although they shared the same bra size, Selena's rack had the slight size advantage against Taylor's. They both sported impressive cleavage for B cups. Sure, Taylor was wearing a push-up for added assistance, but the A-cup bra Selena stole from one of her previous victories was a huge help, too.

“Okay, so we’re the same size. Firmness is a whole different story!” Selena grinned, "None of my fans been able to push mine back in a bearhug - especially when my nipples come into play." She gestured to her nipples which were beginning to swell. She began to massage her tips.

Taylor, knowing exactly what Selena had in mind, began doing the same, squeezing them together between her thumb and forefingers.

"You haven't come across mine yet," Taylor warned.

Soon, both pairs of spikes were stiffened from their stimulation, jutting out from their boobs as they stood at attention. Taylor’s seemed slightly larger, which Selena couldn’t help but be envious about. Selena’s were rock hard though, and she was positive that Taylor’s would bend to hers as soon as they met.

“Well, come on in,” Selena insisted, closing the door to her apartment as Taylor entered past her.

Selena undid the clasp of her bra as they stared each other down, dropping it to the floor by her feet as her pert breasts bounced free. They were firm indeed, especially so for a young woman of her age. They sat high on her chest, without a single amount of sag. Taylor, not about to be outdone, also removed her bra. She threw it on top of Selena’s, hiding it underneath hers. Taylor also had very pert, perky boobs, with nipples hard enough to cut through glass.

“Let’s see who the better woman is, shall we?” Selena challenged.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 03:06:30 PM by jsmith95 »


Offline herboyfriend

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Re: Taylor Swift VS Selena Gomez [Poll then Match]
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2015, 05:36:56 PM »
I believe that Selena is the stronger girl in her arms and after a long exhausting struggle against the tall woman's leverage advantage she eventually slams Taylor's hand, but if Taylor made such a mess of Katy Perry's boobs then Selena has no chance whatever to escape Taylor's spike nipples demolishing hers.
Every excess is fine as long as you don't overdo it.


Offline jsmith95

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Re: Taylor Swift VS Selena Gomez [Poll then Match]
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2015, 01:53:07 AM »
Thanks for voting, everyone! Here's the rest of the story! I know, the poll isn't finished yet, but I couldn't resist finishing this.


"Let's see who's stronger!" Selena challenged, to which Taylor nodded.

Both girls, having just removed their bras, made their way to Selena's kitchen table. They cleared a place on the table, then sat to face each other diagonally on one corner. They locked hands, elbows close together but not touching. Selena noticed the size difference in their arms immediately. Taylor's arms were longer in relation to the shorter Selena, and the blonde also had larger hands. Furthermore, Selena was caught off-guard with how firm the country singer's grip was, with Taylor giving Selena's hand a gentle squeeze as their fingers locked. Selena always figured Taylor to be a twig of a woman, and expected her arms to be no different; alas, sizing up their muscles, Selena was visible impressed to find that Taylor's arms had pretty good definition to them, rivaling her own easily. Selena tried to loosen the pressure between their hands, but found that Taylor's grip was locked like a vice.

"Are you ready?" Taylor said in a sing-song voice.

"Get set,"  Sel returned.

"Go!" Taylor cried. She gave an audible grunt as both girls poured on the pressure. The tendons in their thin arms bulged, but neither girl managed to push away from the starting position. Selena gritted her teeth, using every ounce of strength to force Taylor's arm to the table. Taylor did the same, but their equal strength had them locked into a stalemate. Both girls were shocked; they expected each other to be much weaker, but found themselves turning red in the face as they struggled to gain the slightest inch. Selena found herself straining nearly twice as hard, as Taylor's arm length gave her a leverage advantage against the black-haired beauty. Selena gripped the blonde's hand tighter, hoping to catch her off guard and gain a slight lead, but Taylor returned the squeeze with one of her own, causing Selena to gasp as she felt Taylor's strength.

"Give it up, Selly," Taylor spat, arm trembling as both girls lowered their heads for support, "You can't... beat a country girl." Her words were said between breaths.

"Wanna bet, bitch?" Selena whispered.

"Don't call me a bitch," Taylor warned.

Taylor hated being names more than anything, but the one name that boiled her blood was "bitch." She was used to being mocked, especially derogatory references to her small bosom from both older and younger women. However, that word filled her with immediate anger. Tightening her grip, she felt her strength begin to rise. For the first time, their arms moved from the starting position. Selena gasped as she felt her arm being forced downward at a steady pace. Selena's head remained down as the raven-haired actress gritted her teeth, giving all her strength into stopping Taylor's push. Taylor flexed her arms, and Selena couldn't help but notice a considerable muscle expanding on Taylor's arm. Selena gasped to herself. As much as she hated to admit it, Taylor was strong for such a petite woman. Adding insult to injury was her height advantage, which made every attempt Selena put into winning that much more more difficult. The actress squeezed her eyes shut, tensing her arms as she somehow managed to slow Taylor's onslaught.

After a brief struggle, with Selena's arm fighting against grazing the table, she managed to fight both girls back to even, but only just. Both girls were panting, as neither expected this fight to last more than a few seconds. Taylor cursed; so close to victory yet so far.

Taylor's nipples were solid, extending out from her chest as she fought for control against the strong Latina. Testing her strength against Selena was getting her hot, and, watching Selena's tips growing with each second, she figured the feeling was mutual. Beads of sweat were beginning to collect on their foreheads, and on the tops of their heaving breasts.

"Sorry... How about - ugh - flat bitch, instead?" Selena asked, eyes focusing on Taylor's chest. She smirked, "They aren't so impressive without your helping bra, are they?"

Taylor grunted, forcing Selena's hand down a few inches. Taylor wiped her blonde bangs away from her eyes, feeling the sweat dripping onto her hand as both girls exerted their full strength. Selena was beginning to worry. As seconds passed, Taylor kept pressing Selena's arm further and further to the mat, and Selena was unable to get the strength needed to turn the tables. Their muscles were tensed, and both girls could easily see veins sprouting from each other's arms as they exerted their pressure.

"What's wrong, Selena?" Taylor said with strain in her voice, "Don't know what to do when you're outmatched?"

Selena's eyes widened. Her arm was barely an inch away from the table when she forced every ounce of strength from her body into stopping Taylor from pinning her down. Taylor grunted in frustration as she tried to slam the pop singer's arm hard, but she was unable to give any more strength. Worse yet, both girls found their power beginning to wane, and it was only a matter of time before one girl ran out of the juice needed to combat the other. Taylor was the first to begin tiring, as Selena was able to get out of the danger zone and return them back to middle. Taylor moaned as she struggled to stop Selena from regaining her ground, but she finally found herself unable to stop the Latina from pushing her arm backwards.

"It's not that easy to beat a Latina," Selena quipped.

"No, no!" Taylor moaned, leaning forward in her seat for added leverage.

Taylor's boobs squished against the side of the table as she threw all the strength in her body into her right arm, but she was unable to match Selena's advancement. As Taylor's arm approached the table, she did manage to hold Selena off for a few seconds; however, Selena looked into Taylor's eyes, and gave the blonde a look as if to say: it's over.

With one final grunt, Selena pinned Taylor's arm to the table, and kept it there.

"I win," Selena boasted with pride. Taylor fought her hand out of Selena's grip, clutching it with her left as she held it tenderly. Both girls sat back in their chairs, regaining their strength and breath. Their breasts continued to heave, with their sweat giving them a somewhat shined appearance.

"Whatever. You win the arm wrestle," Taylor mumbled, "You must be excited. I can tell by your little nips standing at attention."

"Little?!" Selena replied in shock, "Bitch, they're thicker than yours -- and don't forget stronger!" Selena rested her hands on her hips as she pushed out her chest, showing off her breasts in their glory. Taylor stood up, causing Selena to do the same.

"Let's see if you're right," Taylor suggested.

She moved to the centre of the room, followed by Selena. Both girls stood a few feet from each other, and lined up their nipples until they were parallel. They stood nose to nose as they glanced down at their nipples. With both sets ready for action, they carefully pressed their nipples together. Selena wasn't sure if she was right earlier, but now she definitely knew the truth: Taylor had longer nipples than her. Both sets were equally thick in their own right, but it was Taylor's who touched first. When their daggers touched, it was Selena who let out a pained sigh as she felt Taylor's bigger nipples pierce her own.

"Ohhhh..." Selena moaned, feeling her spikes being woman-handled by Taylor's peaks.

"That's right, let me here those moans, bitch," Taylor grinned, grabbing Selena's shoulders as she dragged her nipples left and right over Selena's weaker pair. Selena's continued to give away as Taylor brushed her nipples back and forth across Selena's, yielding the way for the blonde's stiffies each time.

"Come on, Selena!" Taylor encouraged, stabbing her nipples deep into Selena's nubs as the dark haired girl grunted in pain, watching as Taylor's were inverting her own with absolutely little effort, bending them up towards the sky. Selena moaned, but Taylor's spikes were too strong, and did not allow hers to rise, "Are you just going to let my girls mow over yours?"

Selena, with her boobs on fire from the torture the leggy blonde was inflicting, tried to thrust out her chest to dislodge Taylor's twin peaks. Try as she may, Taylor didn't budge an inch. Selena was always proud of her nipples, depending on them to beat down any slut who tried to steal away her man. She once met a busty fan who was very eager to hook up with her then-BF, Justin, flaunting her nipples through her shirt which were much bigger than Selena's. However, the smaller Latina used her powerful nipples to invert said fan's bigger pair deep into her chest, without so much as breaking a sweat. She was visibly shocked when she found herself breathing heavily, scared as she watched her strong daggers losing against such a flimsy girl like Taylor. It wasn't possible.

"You have no idea how powerful my nipples are. Ask Katy," Taylor bragged, stabbing Selena again as the raven haired beauty groaned in pain, "Where'd your nipples go?"

Selena couldn't handle it anymore. Tears in her eyes, Selena begged, "Stop, stop, you win!"

Taylor smiled, giving Selena one last grind before releasing her. Selena clutched her swollen nipples, massaging them as Taylor crossed her arms in victory. Both girls sat in their chairs, relaxing as they took a breather before the next round. Selena's nips were back to normal, having had time to cool down after their destruction.

"Looks like it's 1-1," Taylor concluded, "But we've both been waiting for this, haven't we?"

"This is where you lose, Tay-Tay," Selena snapped, jumping to her feet as she puffed out her chest to intimidate the blonde. It didn't work.

"Right, like I lost the nipple war?"

"This will be different. Now, you're taking on my girls here," Selena winked, cupping her tits as she hoisted them in her hands, "Feel free to back out, though!"

"Like hell! I can't wait to feel them crushed under my firmer breasts. Take the first shot -- I'm open."

Selena, accepting the challenge, approached Taylor with a cocky grin plastered to her face. Taylor tensed her chest, prepared to take Selena's blow without budging from her spot. Sure enough, Selena swung her tits into Taylor's, as their firm boobs slammed together with an slap that echoed throughout the apartment. It was followed closely by a groan, and it wasn't Taylor.

"God... how is your rack THAT firm?" Selena gasped, cupping her tits as she stepped backwards in shock. Selena has been in titfights before, but nothing hurt as much as that smack. She felt like she picked a fight with a brick wall.

"How are yours so weak? Come on, I barely even felt that one, S!" Taylor giggled.

Selena scowled, and came at Taylor again. This time, when she slammed her bosom into Taylor's smaller pair, she cried out as she watched her tits flatten upon impact while Taylor's retained their round, perky shape. Selena arched her back, attempting to push Taylor backwards with her rack, but the tall blonde didn't move a muscle. Instead, Selena felt her globes being forced flatter as she pressed their bodies together.

"Ugh!" cried Selena as she broke the connection.

"You think you have a chance against my strong boobs when even bigger, busty Katy Perry couldn't stand up to the challenge?" Taylor laughed, "This bust is too much for you, little girl."

"I can-- I can take you!" Selena insisted, suddenly wrapping her arms around Taylor and pulling the taller girl into her with a grunt. Selena arched her back, her boobs swelling out as they mashed against Taylor's. For a split second, Selena had managed to push Taylor's titties backwards into the blonde's chest, but was now struggling to hold them there.

"What's wrong, Sel? Are you having trouble--"

"Shut up, bitch!" Selena screamed, raising a hand preparing to slap Taylor. Taylor, with lightning-fast reflexes, caught Selena's wrist and squeezed it with an iron grip, causing Selena to squeal.

"I just wanted to take my time softening up your titties before I crushed them," Taylor admitted. "Watch you squirm for a while as I slowly flatten your rack with my girls here. But now you've pissed me off." She squeezed Selena's wrist harder causing Selena to let go of the hug as she fought to free her captured arm.

"Let-let me go, psycho!"

"This can go one of two ways, and I'll let you choose. A) You admit defeat and kiss my perfect ass here and now -- and don't give me that look; I know you want it bad," Taylor explained with a grin, still holding Selena's wrist tightly, "or, B) You watch helplessly while I crush your pathetic little rack back into your chest, AND THEN you admit defeat. Which will it be?"

"Suck my tits," Selena spat.

Taylor released her wrist, and giggled, "Other way around."

Selena went for another swing, sending her rack flying into the underside of Taylor's boobs. Selena grunted, as, again, Taylor's breasts shook but held their ground. Taylor quickly wrapped her long, slender arms around Selena, thrusting her chest into the pop singer's mounds with enough force to immediately collapse Selena's chest.

"Oh God..." Selena coughed from the blow, watching as Taylor's round bust completely eclipse and overpower Selena's B cups. Selena's breast bulged, attempting to stop Taylor from making any more progress, but if Katy couldn't stop her, no chance she could. Selena panted, "Oh God, it feels like my... breath. is gone."

"Your titties are gone too, Sel-ena," Taylor sang, grinding her chest against Selena's as the latter girl moaned in pain.

Taylor's boobs are so fucking strong, Selena thought to herself. Everything I throw at her... she just beats me back...

It was true. With every slam Selena attempted, her cute boobs were just pushed aside by Taylor's dominating peaks. By now, Selena was moaning with every impact, as Taylor paved her way past Selena's attacks each time. Selena tried pushing forward, but Taylor drove her into the back wall with just the strength of her firmer boobs. Eventually, Selena grew too weak to even move, so Taylor decided to wrap things up.

With one, mighty thrust, Taylor slammed into Selena with a rushing momentum. Selena arched her back, prepared to meet Taylor's blow, but nothing could prepare her for this. They connected, sending the Latina stumbling backwards as her boobs were literally caved into her chest. Selena screamed as her bust was battered into oblivion, and fell to her knees clutching her losing tits. Taylor's, slightly red but not nearly as much as Selena's, laughed as she rubbed her round boobs together with her hands.

"I expected more from you, Sel," Taylor mocked, "I probably should have mentioned that your ex, Justin, and I had some fun before I came here. He knows a pair of breasts when he sees 'em, and he said they're right here," Taylor squeezed her tits together, as Selena forced her head down, "Maybe I should've mentioned that before we started. It could have been some motivation."

"J-just go, you won!" Selena begged.

"I know I did. Fine, I will, but... after this long fight, I hope you'll be able to sleep tonight. Here, let me help you!" Taylor offered.

Before Selena could interject, Taylor grabbed Selena's head and pressed the black-haired girl's face into her sweaty bosom. Selena squirmed, trying to escape, but the previous beating had rendered her far too weak, and in a few seconds, Taylor's breasts had won the struggle and Selena was out cold. Taylor picked up both pairs of bras as she let herself out.


Offline qwerty123

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Re: Taylor Swift VS Selena Gomez [Poll then Match]
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2015, 08:58:58 AM »
Great story hope you keep on continuing with the stories love them love when the underdog wins too woo woo taylor


Offline gene smith

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Re: Taylor Swift VS Selena Gomez [Poll then Match]
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2015, 09:40:49 AM »
Great story hope you keep on continuing with the stories love them love when the underdog wins too woo woo taylor
I CAN do I
I MUST do it
I WLL do it
Peter Cannon Thunderbolt