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For fighttime-request wife fights neighbor

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Offline MistressVicky

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For fighttime-request wife fights neighbor
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:46:43 AM »
few comments in front of me like "When are you going to get a real woman" etc. Linda says if Kim gives her one more dirty look that she is going to get the beating  of her life. Linda is 43 5'7" 145 and kind of aggressive. Brad has told me that she says she looks forward to putting Kim in her place. I recently did a poll for them and Linda swept it. My poor wife was annihilated.... Anyways... Curious to see what you think will happen. Look forward to your story.

Your wife has been suspicious of your neighbor for a long time now. It doesn't matter to her that your neighbor is married, she doesn't want anyone near her man.

Your flirtatious, slutty neighbor really doesn't care if your wife finds out, she gets what she wants and if anyone gets in her way, she is really to knock the shit out of her.

Your neighbor's husband would be cheering for your wife to win, however he is a realist and he is quite convinced that his wife is going to knock the shit out of your wife, and he has been bragging about how after his wife beat up other women, she dominated and humiliated them, and she sure is going to do this to your wife.

I personally think that my wife is going to knock the shit out of my whore neighbor. You may think that it would disappoint me to watch my wife beat my mistress into a bloody pulp, but I want my wife to win, it will renew our commitment, and give us a whole new chapter in our relationship, and spice up our love life.

Sorry  we have been busy writing stories. I have been down for a few days and we had a lot on our plate. Johnny said we should be doing your story very son, and he wonders just how excited you will be when your wife fist fights your neighbor, and how excited does it get you when I tell you, one of these women are gong to be quite dominated and humiliated by the other. It is a bloody, fist fight until one of these women is knocked so silly, she doesn't  even know where she is any more BUT

got this from Johnny
this is far from over. Can you guess at which woman is going to have every last drop he dignity drained out of her and is willing to do anything and everything that the winner says.

Can you just imagine?Huh??


Offline kimmysassy

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Re: For fighttime-request wife fights neighbor
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2015, 08:30:59 AM »
So get it on....


Offline MistressVicky

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Re: For fighttime-request wife fights neighbor
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2015, 12:04:05 AM »

Linda says if Kim gives her one more dirty look that she is going to get the beating  of her life. Brad has told me that she says she looks forward to putting Kim in her place. Linda is aggressive. Brad and Linda have an open relationship, they are swingers. "When are you going to get a real woman", she gets what she wants and if anyone gets in her way, she is really to knock the shit out of her. Brad and Linda have an open relationship, they are swingers. Your wife has been suspicious of your neighbor for a long time now. Linda says if Kim gives her one more dirty look that she is going to get the beating  of her life. "When are you going to get a real woman" "When are you going to get a real woman" however Brad is a realist and he is quite convinced that his wife is going to knock the shit out of your wife, and he has been bragging about how after his wife beat up other women, she dominated and humiliated them, and she sure is going to do this to your wife. Linda is aggressive.

Variety is the spice of life and after all, Lind is a very attractive woman. She has been fucking and sucking you for quite a while now. Brad knows, but they are swingers and he gets plenty on his own. No one has even approached Kim about swinging, they left that up to you, and you don't think bringing it up to her is such a good idea. Linda has been telling you just how much she wants to knock the shit out of Kim. She noticed just how excited it gets you when she talks about it to you during sex, after sex and before sex. She has had several fights with other wives she has told you and she has told you about how she loves fucking other woman with her dildo or using a vibrator on them. As if that doesn't get you over excited, you can just picture her on top of your wife Linda, forcing her to lick your cum out of her cxnt. Now brad isn't the only one who keeps thinking about Linda knocking the shit out of Kim, but still, if Kim were to fight for your cock, you would fall in love with her all over again.

Linda has actually been trying to provoke Kim into a fight. Several times she has made comments which if Kim had an explosive temper, she would have definitely started throwing punches. Kim is really getting pissed off, and it is hard for you to believe that Kim has not said or done anything at all.

Things really come to a fuckin head at a big party. Many of you and Kim's friends are there, and many of Brad and Linda's friends are there, and many of your mutual neighbors are there, and Linda has come to the party and wants to bring the situation to a head once and for all.

Kim notices Linda following you when you excused yourself to go to the bathroom. She sat there for 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes. She was really pissed off. She just knew that you and Linda had gone someplace to have sex, perhaps just a blow job. When you and Linda finally come back to the party, although you walked in separately a minute or two in between, Kim could see the smile on
your face and the nasty smirk on Kim's face. Kim was visibly angry. She was giving Linda looks that could kill. Linda whispers to Brad that Kim was giving her nasty looks again and she told him she was about to go over there and knock Kim silly and humiliate her in front of everyone. Brad encouraged his wife, telling her how big and hard it would get every man at the parties cocks, especially if she really humiliates Linda.

The hostilities only built up over the next hour and Kim was really starring daggers at Linda. Linda walks right up to Kim and in a voice quite loud enough for everyone to hear she says, “that's right you big, fat cow, I just gave your husband a blow job. He loves having sex with a real woman like me, not a flabby, pathetic old cow like you, and I am thinking of taking him home with met after the party and fucking him until he can't move. Haven't you noticed that he has been having less and less sex with you you ugly old cow.” Linda was really provoking your wife now and Kim just can't hold her anger back any more and she takes the open palm of her right hand and she smacks Linda hard “bam,” right across her face, swinging her head sideways from the full force of the hard smack. By now a large crowd has started to make a circle around the two women and they're cheering. Everyone has known that this fight has been brewing for some time now and everyone is really excited. Linda laughs ad she walks right up to Kim and she grabs the top of her dress with both of er hands and she screams, “you stupid cow, is that all you have, I'm going to knock the shit out of you over and over again. I have a big dildo in my pocketbook just waiting for me to strap on and fuck you with, and I can't wait to sit on your mouth and make you lick your husbands cum right out of me. The crowd is cheering and Kim is embarrassed and her face is bright red and she starts slapping at Linda with both of her hands. Kim's slaps are doing no damage at all, but it does manage to piss Linda off and Linda lets go of Kim's dress with her right hand and she balls up her fist, hard and tight and she starts “ bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Kim's nose with her fist. She just keeps smashing her fist into Kim's nose until first blood starts rolling from Kim's nose and then Kim's knees just buckle under her and Kim falls right over onto her ass on the cement floor of the club.

Kim is just sitting there with blood coming from her nose, and her white bra is exposed as Kim's dress ripped halfway down the front when she fell to the floor. Linda stands over Kim with this vicious smile across her face, laughing at Kim as she screams, “You are even a bigger wimp then I thought you would be. Are you ready for the dildo bitch, or do I have to knock the shit out of you some more.” Kim starts pushing herself back and away from Linda on the floor. The crowd has gone silent, it's so silent you can hear a pin drop. Everyone is really excited and they can't wait to see what is going to happen next. You're standing there worried about you wife, and calling out for her to get up and fight, “Get up Kim, punch her in her face, knock her teeth out.” Kim has moved back about ten feet from Linda and slowly she gets to her feet. Linda goes after her and she grabs Kim's dress and she rips the rest of her dress right off of her. The crowd is screaming as Kim is standing there in front of everyone in only her sexy white bra and her little white lace panties. You are having very confusing, mixed thoughts right now. On one hand you are wishing that your wife would only start to fight back, to at least put up a good fight, and yo u are now worried that Linda is going to really knock the piss out of poor Kim and you can't imagine how Kim is going to feel being fucked with a dildo or forced to suck  Linda's pussy in front of all of your friends and all of your neighbor's, BUT on the other hand it is so fuckin erotic watching Linda dong for real, all the extremely hot fantasies she described to me when we had our get together s, and my cock is so hard that it is trying to bust out of my pants.

Linda walks up to Kim again and she grabs her bra and she pulls it forward and then she lets go, and my wife's bra just goes sliding down until it's hanging over her stomach. Kim's face is bright red both from the anger and the humiliation of having her tits exposed in front of everyone she knows and Kim

finally loses her temper rand she sends her right fist plowing wildly, as hard as she can right at Linda's face. Her punch misses Linda by a foot. Her punch misses Linda completely and Linda starts laughing at Kim as Kim stumbles sideways quite off balance. Linda goes after my wife and just as Kim regains her balance, Linda sends her right fist plowing full force, “bang,” right into Kim's nose again. Kim's head snaps back and Kim stumbles backwards until she loses her balance and she falls right over onto her ass on the cement floor again. Now blood is really rolling from Kim's nose and Kim is fuckin startled as she's sitting there. Tears are starting to well up in Kim's eyes and Kim starts crying out, “alright, enough, I had enough.” Linda walks over to her pocketbook and she pulls out this large strap on dildo and she shows it to Kim and Linda is laughing like a crazy woman as she screams, “alright bitch, you don't want me to beat you up any more, than beg me to fuck you with this cock.”

Kim is for the most part quite straight and even the thought of a dildo makes her embarrassed, but to have this women threatening to fuck her with this big, rubber cock is way more than she can handle and she starts crying hysterically and pushing herself backwards and away from Linda with this look of total terror on her face. Tears start rolling down Kim's face as desperately she ties to get up and get away from Linda, but Linda is really getting off on this and she really wants to give everyone a really good show and she goes right after my wife waving that big strap on dildo as she laughs viciously screaming, “You're not going anywhere you bitch. At least not until you get fucked with your new cock. That's right Kim, I own your husbands cock and from now on I will fuck him and suck him any time I want, and you, you're going to have this big rubber cock to remind you just how good it feels to have a cock inside of you.” I feel sorry for poor Kim, but Linda has my cock so big, and hard that I have to let it out of my pants now.

Kim looks up at me and she's crying like a little girl and she starts begging me, “please help me, I'm your wife, please don't let her do this to me.” I want to help her, but I promised that there would be no interference. Kim see's by big, hard cock out of my pants and she lays down and she turns over onto her stomach and she starts crying like a little girl, whimpering out, “'NO, PLEASE I”M BEGGING YOU, NO MORE,” but Linda has been waiting a long time now to give me and everyone a really good
show, and she is not going to fuckin stop.” She walks right over to Kim and she grabs her hair and she lifts Kim's head up off of the floor and she holds that big rubber cock right in front of er face screaming, “Look at it bitch. I'm going to fuck you with this cock. This cock is going to be your new very best friend you pathetic cow.” She lets go of the dildo and its on the floor right under Kim's face. Linda walks over and she grabs my wife and she spins her over onto her back. Poor Kim is all bloody and swollen, and tears are streaming down her bright red face, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup. Linda is laughing as she moves down to my wife's feet and she spreads them apart a little. Linda is laughing as she screams, “get ready cow, get ready you stupid fat cow, because now I'm going to fuck you like you deserve to be fucked.

Linda grabs poor Kim's panties and she starts pulling them down, but all of a sudden Kim starts kicking wildly at Linda. Linda is bending over and one of Kim's hard kicks just goes plowing full force, “bang,” right into Linda's chin. You can hear Linda's teeth knock together and chatter in her head as her head snaps back, and Linda is seeing fuckin stars as she falls over onto her back holding her aching chin. Slowly Kim starts to get up. She turns over onto her hands and knees just in time to see Linda start to sit up, but Kim jumps right onto Linda's stomach. “OOOFFF,” she knocks the fuckin air right out of Linda and Lind is coughing and gasping for air. Kim is beet red and crying like a baby as she grabs Linda's hair and she yanks her head right up off of the concrete. Kim has this crazed, insane look on her face as she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” smashing Linda's head against the concrete. She's cracking her fuckin skull over and over again against the hard cement until Linda goes limp like a

floppy doll in Kim's hands. Linda is out cold. Kim has knocked Linda unconscious and everything is black for Linda. You have never seen Kim this angry before and she takes the open palm of her right hand and she crack it “bam,” right across Linda's face. Then with the back of her hand she smashes it “bang,” across the other side of her face, swinging her head back in the other direction.  Kim starts “bam, bam, bam, bam,” slapping Linda's face silly. Back and forth her face is going, swinging back and forth like a floppy doll under Kim's hard slaps, and Kim, she's screaming, “wake up Linda, wake up you fuckin fuckin big mouth, I'm not even finished with you yet. She smacks the shit out of Linda's face until she slaps Linda's back awake. Linda's eyes blink open and Linda is slapped so silly she doesn't even know where she is any more.

Kim screams, “Now I'm going to fuck you with your dildo you stupid whore bitch, but first I'm going to beat the shit out of you over and over again and show everyone here just what a stupid, cock sucking whore you really are.” My cock has never been harder as I stand there and watch Kim balls up both of her fists and she starts pummeling Linda's face. First she punches her left eye, “bam,” then she punches her right eye, “bam,” Kim is like a crazy woman and she just keeps on “bam, bam, bam bam,” pounding Linda's eyes until Linda's eyes are all swollen and black and blue, and Linda starts crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP, ENOUGH.” Kim wrenches Linda's head up off of the concrete screaming, “How fuckin dare you tell me when you had enough Linda you stupid whore bitch. You started this, you thought you were so fuckin tough. You thought you were going to beat the shit out of me and humiliate me. Now you're going to beg me to humiliate you. Let me hear you beg bitch.” I'm having an orgasm in my mind and I'm screaming, “Yes, make her eat your cxnt Kim, make her eat your cxnt.” 

Kim apparently hears your screaming and she still has Linda's head jerked right up off of the cement, and she screams, right in Linda's dazed face, “that's right bitch, you are going to eat my cxnt. You're going to lick my pussy into orgasm, but first, where is that dildo you are so in love with.” You watch as your wife, your sexy wofe reaches over and she grabs a hold of that dildo and she holds it right up in Linda's face screaming, “Now you're going to beg me to humiliate you bitch, and you're going to beg me to fuck you with this cock.” Linda is crying and crying and she cries out, “PLEASE, I”M BEGGING YOU.”  Kim lets go of Linda's hair and Linda's head falls, “bang,” right against the concrete,” and Kim puts the dildo down and she takes her balled up right fist and she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Linda's nose insanely. Linda starts crying out, “PLEASE HUMILIATE ME KIM, I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE FUCK ME WITH THE DILDO AND HUMILIATE ME, I'M BEGGING YOU.” Kim grabs the dildo straps it onto herself, and then she holds it up in front of Linda's face, and Linda pulls Kim's hand down so that the big dildo is right in front of her mouth and she guides the dildo into her mouth and she starts sucking it, just like she sucks your cock, eight in front of everyone. She's sucking that dildo and sucking it over and over again until Kim pulls it out of her mouth and she gets up, strapping the dildo onto herself. Kim screams, “Roll over bitch and get on your hands and knee. Roll over and stick your ass up in the air.” Linda is shaking in fear. She's never been beat up of humiliated like this before and obediently she rolls over onto her hands and knees and she sticks her ass up in the air.

Kim puts the tip of the dildo right up to Linda's anus, and just as Linda cries out a long, “NOOOO,” Kim grabs Linda's hair with her right hand and she plunges that big, hard erect cock right into Linda's ass hole. Linda lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH,” as that dildo slides deep into her ass hole. Linda leaps up onto her feet and she starts jumping, leaping, twisting, trying to dance off that big, hard rubber cock crying out, “Get it out, Please get it out, you're hurting me,” but Linda just can't get away. Your cock is  pulsating as you stand there and watch your wife, your

beautiful, sexy tough wife start taking Linda out. She's marching you whore neighbor around in front of each and every person on her wobbly, rubbery legs. Kim screams, “Now tell everyone that you're a worthless pathetic whore and you fuckin any man that has a cock.”  Linda has tears streaming down her cheeks, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup, and Linda cries out, 'I'M a whore, I;m a whore and I fuck any man that has a cock. The crowd is going crazy and applauding. Your wife looks more beautiful, more assertive, more sure of herself than you have ever seen her look and that is making your cock try to bust out of the skin, as you watch your wife parading tough Linda around.

Kim screams, “alright, you think I'm a cow Linda, you have the fuckin nerve to call me a fat cow in front of all of these people. Now you're going to show everyone just which one of us is the fuckin cow. You're going to moo for everyone bitch, and you're going to tell everyone just what a stupid pathetic cow you really are. Now let me hear you moo.”  This is the sexiest you have ever seen your wife, totally in charge of tough Linda, and forcing her to, “MOOOOO, MOOOOO, MOOOOO,” like A COW RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, AND HER HUSBAND, AND THE NEIGHBOR'S AND THE FRIENDS. “MOOOOO, MOOOOO,” Kim screams, Say it cow.” Linda cries out, “I'm a cow. I'm a stupid, pathetic cow, MOOOO,O MOOOOO, MOOOOO.” Kim pulls the dildo right out of Linda's ass hole screaming, “now get on your knees and suck this cock clean you whore.” Linda is scared and she's totally submissive to your beautiful wife now and Linda takes the dildo into her hands and she sticks it right into her mouth, and she starts sucking that cock just like she sucks your cock. She's sucking and sucking the huge rubber cock and Kim screams to you, get over here honey.” You walk right over, your big, hardened penis is sticking straight out, and you are mumbling over and over again, “I love you Kimmy, I fuckin love you baby.” Kim screams, “Brad, get over here.” Brad walks over and he's standing on the other side of Kim, and Brads cock is trying to break out of his pants. Kim says, “brad, take you hard cock out.” Linda is sucking the strap on like a prostitute, right in front of all of her friends and neighbor's, and her husband, her Brad is standing practically right over her as Kim grabs your cock in one hand and Brad's cock in her other hand and she starts jerking Brad and you off.

She's jerking and jerking and Linda is sucking and sucking until “OOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHH,” squirting glob after glob of hot cum all of Linda. Your cock is squirting and squirting and you're in a frenzy from what is going on, squirting more and more all over Linda's face, and hair, and it's rolling down onto her tits and her stomach, and Brad is squirting all over his wife. He is shooting load after load of his hot cum on his wife’s hair, and face, and it's rolling onto her tits and her stomach. The crowd is screaming. Kim pulls the cock out of Linda's mouth and she unstraps it from herself. Then she straps it into Linda's mouth and Linda is gagging on it and crying like a little girl, all covered in cum, and its still dripping down. Kim screams, “If you ever go anywhere near my husband again you fuckin whore, I will knock the shit out of you for real. She grabs your hand and drags you to the apartment. She's going to get the best fuck since the first night of your marriage.


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Re: For fighttime-request wife fights neighbor
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2015, 03:53:58 AM »
Thank you for the story Mistress Vicky! I'm so happy to see that my wife hung in there and took out the bitch neighbor for me. I knew she had it in her. Many people didn't think she could do it but she showed them  ;D ;D


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Re: For fighttime-request wife fights neighbor
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2015, 12:58:37 AM »
i really hope my woman has the power to fend off linda when it comes down to it...


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Re: For fighttime-request wife fights neighbor
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2015, 07:01:45 PM »
Does anybody think that this is how this fight might turn out :) ?