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Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2

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Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« on: July 14, 2015, 12:33:42 AM »
This part has more violence than I normally write…. Please read at your own risk.
Saga Part 2
“I don’t know Anna,” Dave replied over the phone, “The last time I had someone help you, you and her got into a huge fight! Not that I am complaining or anything.”
I could hear the smile on face in his voice. Dave, who I had known for years, had been a supplier of anything you could think of. His scrounging skills were second to none. He was also a love of all things busty when it came to his lady friends. He had a stable of girls helping him over the years. What he was referring to was an altercation between myself and a busty blonde named Louise. She was supposed to help me on a case but had sold her services to my competitor and she and I had ended up on our knees topless, hands in each other’s hair.
“Dave,” I said into my cell, “As long as you have someone more reputable than Louise we will be just fine. Plus I need to use your plane, I need to keep my trip off the radar.”
Dave and I came to a price and I was to meet his plane and pilot in DC. The ride to DC had me day dreaming. I could not believe what had transpired the day before. Me and my family at it again. Now with Amie on the list of women who despise me, I was in dire need of friends.
Lucy called me as I boarding the G4 private jet. She told me Heidi had informed her that I was too late and that she was not interested in helping me find the Eye. Lucy said that she never mentioned the Eye to the busty redhead and that I needed to watch my back because more and more people were getting involved in the search. A young busty brunette named Cassandra, dressed in a flight attendants uniform greeted me as I entered the jet. Dave sure went all out for this one. I removed my coat and she took it and hung it up in the closet. We got our clearance from the tower and were off, heading east across the Atlantic towards London. The stop in London would be about a day than off to the middle east.
I sipped champagne as we flew and Cassandra sat down across the aisle from me.
“So you are the infamous Anna,” she said, leaning back, her large breasts straining against the uniform. “I have heard many stories about you from Mr. Dave.”
“Don’t believe everything you hear,” I said, “Dave has a way of telling great stories.”
“You know Louise tried to come back to Dave after you and her got into it,” she said leaning across the aisle, “But Dave would not have it. I ended up fighting her in front of Dave.”
“Dave is a great lover of tits and catfights!” I said with a laugh. “How’d ya do?”
“I am here now,” Cassandra said with a rueful smile. “Maybe you and I could get better acquainted?” She unbuttoned the top two buttons on her blouse. Her red bra and tops of her full breasts showing.
“What did you have in mind?” I said, my hand caressing my right breast on instinct.
Then she got up and moved to a series of buttons on a wall of the cabin. Seats went flat and a nice sized bed came into view.
“We have hours and hours until we land,” she said taking my hand and getting me to my feet.
She was my height but had what looked like a G cup up top. She pulled me into an embrace and we kissed. Soft at first, our hands around each other’s backs. Our breasts were pressed tightly together, her hands pulled at the zipper to my skirt and I pulled her blouse, untucking it from her skirt. We were like two kids on prom night, our fingers worked at blouses and skirts, my bra was unclasped from behind and I let it fall to the floor next to the rest of my clothes. She took my left breast into her mouth, her teeth nipping at my nipple, sucking on the flesh causing me to oooh and ahhh. I unleashed her breasts and was immediately jealous because the globes were taunt and had no sag. They were immense. I pulled her face up and started licking and sucking on her left ear, our naked breasts came together and pushed out at the sides. Our hard nipples pressed tightly into our skin. We glided down to the bed and what started out soft and caressing turned into an animal like lust as we tore off our panties and with just our stockings on, we fucked like animals. We pulled hair, rolled back and forth, forced our breasts into painful contact with the others. We drew each other close. Our legs spread, one over the other, hooked behind our backsides. Our wet pussies, thick labia and engorged clits mashed in contact as we screamed in ecstasy. We pulled our hips back and smashed them forward grunting each time. Our tits bounced and slammed together. Our arms held each other tightly. Good lord I could get used to flying like this. After 5 earth shuddering orgasms, we lay in each other’s arms, bodies sticky with sweat and our own juices, drifting off into sleep.
We cleaned up and got dressed again as we made our decent into Heathrow. I felt invigorated. I told Cassandra where I would be staying and that she needed to get her ass there as soon as possible for some more fun. Customs was quicker than I thought it would be and I was off in a car towards my hotel. Lucy filled me into what I had missed while airborne. She had talked with, persuaded, even threatened contacts in the underworld to find out more about who was after the Eye. She kept finding the same thing over and over again. A woman only known the more deviant society as The Kat. A cat burglar by trade who had stolen some of the most expensive and highly guarded items in the last few years. I had come across her only once. Never seeing her face, but chasing her one night through the Louvre and onto the streets of Paris. And to add to my dilemma, The Kat, like me, employed numerous men but mostly women the world over, assisting her in her goals. My former comrade Heidi was now on The Kat’s payroll. Lucy asked if there was anyone else she should contact and I gave her a few names to look to see where they were and if I could hire them. She told me she would get back to me. 
I checked into the hotel and dropped my bags off. I received a text from Lucy stating Emily Smith would meet me at the Ink and Chains club in South London. Emily was the daughter of Gerry Smith, an old London style gangster, who controlled the gambling, drugs, prostitution and any other illegal activity you can think of in south London. I had met Emily a few years ago on a train across Europe, she was cutting her teeth in the assassination game and I was protecting her target. After a vicious hand to hand fight in the bouncing cabin on the train, the fight just got plain dirty, ridding us of weapons and clothing. I was able to get the best of her that time, but the fight impressed both her and her father and he had actually hired me for a job a short time later.
The taxi dropped me off at the club. I had changed into a short black dress and my trademark 3 inch black heels. I showed enough cleavage to get stares as I walked to the bouncer and told him my name. The club was busy and I was met by a beautiful Asian women who told me her name was Jade and bid me follow her to meet the Smith’s. I was ushered upstairs where I overlooked the large crowd drinking and dancing. Gerry and Emily were seated in a dark corner with no less than 10 men, most likely armed, guarding them. I took a seat opposite them in the darkened booth.
“Good to see you again my dear,” Gerry said with a smile. The man was in his late 50’s with a good tan and an expensive suit. “I understand you are only passing through and that it is going to be sandy and hot for you for a while.”
“You are well informed as always Mr. Smith,” I replied. Emily was dressed in a red blouse and black skirt. Her black bra and large breasts pushed out from her chest. “I was hoping I could purchase some information from you.”
“I have the information you need dear Anna,” Gerry said. “Emily and I have been discussing what the payment should be and we have come to a consensus. No charge.”
I was a little take back. The look on my face must have given away the confusion I had. Gerry Smith and Emily were not the type of people who did things for free.
“The Kat as she is known in our walks of life is an American. I don’t have her name but her physical description. 5’9” around 130lbs for you Yank,” Emily said reading from a sheet of paper in front of her. “She has two extremely close associates, Ewa, born in Poland, but residing here in London and Sylvia, German born but living in Cairo. Both women have been working with The Kat from the beginning, or at least that is what is believed.”
I felt the hairs on my neck stand up and I looked behind me. Making his way up the stairs toward us was a man dressed in a trench coat which I found odd because it was warm tonight. Emily noticed it too because she whispered something to one of the bodyguards and he moved toward him. Then the world erupted!!! Shouts of Allah Akbar could be heard downstairs even over the sound of the music followed by automatic gunfire. The man in the trench coat opened it to show he was wired with an IED. Gerry grabbed me and pulled me and Emily towards him as the man detonated himself.
My ears were ringing. I could hear faint screaming and cries. The chatter of gunfire still going on. Smoke and dust were falling and I moved. I did a quick check and nothing was broken or cut. The table had taken most of the brunt of the explostion. Emily was cradling Gerry in her arms crying. Gerry, in protecting Emily and I, had been exposed to the shrapnel. I got myself upright and checked one of the bodyguards closest to me. He was died, I took his pistol, a Glock 9mm. It fit nicely in my hand. I crouched and moved forward to the railing to peer down. Bodies were everywhere. There were two men with MP-5’s spraying bullets around indiscriminately. Gunman 1 was close to where the DJ booth was, riddled with bullets, he stopped to reload. I got up from my crouch and aimed, firing two rounds that caught him in the chest. He crumpled. Luckily gunman 2 was still firing and he didn’t notice or hear his buddy go down. I crouched and moved slowly down the stairs, stepping over body parts and broken glass and plaster. Gunman 2 now saw his pal and ran over to him, shouting to someone hidden from my vision. He was yelling in Arabic, he said Raif is dead, what do we do know? A woman’s voice answered to find the Smiths and kill them. He turned around and saw me and I sent him to meet Allah. I descended the stairs as quick as I could and was met with gunfire from a handgun. I ducked behind a knocked over table. I peered around and saw a woman, dressed for the club not a gunfight with a pistol in her hand shooting in my direction. My scan picked up no one else. I put the gun over the top of the table and fired two rounds in the direction of the woman, then looked again. She had ducked and was moving toward an exit in the back of the club. I moved and fired, she moved and fired. With pistols, moving and firing with all the adrenalin coursing through your veins, you have to be a master shot to hit a moving target. I watched as her pistol locked back on empty and she threw it in my direction and went through the exit. I ran after her.
I came out in a dirty alley and saw her running towards an idling black BMW. As soon as she got in the back seat hit accelerated, moving away from me down the straight alley. I dropped to one knee, breathed out a few times and aimed for the left back part of the window. Then I remembered we were in England and switched to the right. I fired three rounds and the car turned sharply and slammed into the wall on the left and careened out of the alley and slammed into a building. The horn was blowing and smoke was coming out of the smashed front end. I ran for the car. My Glock’s slide was locked back on empty. I clicked the slide release and sent it forward. Maybe I would use it as a bluff. The back door came open and a shadow darted into the building the BMW had smashed into. I got to the car. The driver, a blonde man was slumped over the steering wheel. Blood oozing from a bullet hole to the back of the head. Still got it after all these years.
I slid in quietly to the building. It was a warehouse, concrete floor with boxes of every sort stacked around. I heard shaking of a door and a curse further in the warehouse. Must have been chained. I slipped off my heels setting them down. I stealthily moved towards the sound and tried to get a better look at the woman. I hid behind some boxes as she removed a small cell phone from her stocking and dialed.
“It went south Michelle….” She breathed heavily and spoke in a slight German accent, “No idea if the Smiths bought it or not. Some woman killed Raaf and Faroq and William. Yes,” she said into the phone in reply to something that was said to her, “I believe it is her. Please come for me.”
She hung the phone up. I stepped out from the boxes where I was hidden. I was maybe 15 feet from her.
“Hold it right there… Sylvia,” I said pointing the Glock at her. “You and I need to have a chat.”
“YOU!!!!” She exclaimed, “You are the one who killed William. He was my brother!” She was mad.
“Hand me the phone and tell me who Michelle is,” I said leveling the pistol at her chest.
“I would rather DIE!!!!” She screamed as she ran at me.
She was probably surprised that I didn’t shoot her and as she got close to me, I sidestepped and swung the pistol, smacking her in the back of the head and she went down like a ton of bricks.
I called Lucy with the number Sylvia had called from her cell phone. It was a burner phone so it was untraceable. The blonde German was tied to a chair in a small room alone as Emily Smith, now the boss, was deciding her fate. Emily was still dressed in what she had on that evening, with her father’s blood smeared on the front of her blouse. Then Sylvia’s phone buzzed with an incoming call. Emily and I went silent, looking at the phone. I picked it up and hit the speaker button.
“So you must be Anna,” an American sounding female voice said, “and I am guessing that the now fatherless Emily Smith is also listening in.”
“YOU FUCKING TWAT!!!” Emily screamed coming out of her chair, “I will kill you if it is the last thing that I do!!!”
“Calm down, Emily,” the voice from the phone said, “You are proving to be more than I anticipated. And Anna, I underestimated you. This is going to be fun!”
“People seem to do that a lot with me,” I said into the speaker. “Michelle, is it? You seem to be a step ahead of me but don’t get used to it.”
“Give it up now Anna,” Michelle said, “The Eye of Babylon is mine! You will not win!” And then a click and the call ended.
I turned to Emily. “You have been interagating Sylvia for the better part of 4 hours, and nothing so far.” I noted. “I think I just need to proceed onto Jordan. Will you help me?”
Emily looked at the ground for a while. “Of course I will help you. When you get to Jordan, an associate of my family, Gail, will assist you. Trust no one. Even Gail. She is a loyal employee but even those can be bought.”
“What are you going to do with her?” I said, hooking my thumb at the room with Sylvia in it.
“I am going to let her go,” Emily stated matter-a-factly. She took off her shoes, “I am going to release her and she will have to opportunity to try and leave the room. But she has to get through me first.”
One of Emily’s men went into the small room, untied Sylvia and removed the chair. The room was maybe a 10 by 10 foot space, bare tile floor with no windows and only one door. There was a camera in the corner, so I sat down and watched as Emily entered the room.
Emily was 5’6” about 125 or so, dark brown hair and a 36DD bust. She was dressed as she was when I saw her tonight, red blouse with a different color red staining it, black skirt. Sylvia was in a short black dress, she was taller than Emily at 5’8” and weighed about the same, she had long blonde hair. She was not as busty as the darker haired woman, maybe a 38C or so.
As soon as Emily entered the room she was on Sylvia, slamming into her, taking the blonde to the wall. There where grunts and cries as the two women spun each other around slamming into the walls, fists finding their marks on bodies and faces. The blonde grabbed Emily’s blouse and used it to throw her across the room, tearing it open to expose her black bra. As soon as Emily got up, Sylvia slammed a right fist underneath her left breast, causing Emily to cry out and fall back against the wall. Emily kicked out and caught the blonde in the tummy with a left foot. Both women were really not in the best shape for fighting, but Emily used her rage from her father’s murder to keep her going and Sylvia was fighting for her life. Emily charged forward and Sylvia met her in the center of the small room, arms going high, hands finding hair and their bodies colliding, spinning them and they went to the floor. Hand tore at clothing, nails raked exposed skin. Emily lost her bra and Sylvia top was torn down exposing her breasts. The two women found their targets, hands greedily grabbed, pulled, twisted and clawed at their exposed breasts. The boobs were taking on grotesque shapes, blood trickling from nail marks in their skin. Sylvia leaned her head forward and bit down on Emily’s shoulder. Emily screamed out in pain, I could see blood ooze from the bite. Emily shoved her hand up Sylvia’s dress and though I couldn’t see it, I knew she hit home. The blonde bolted upright and shrieked blood murder. She tried to pry Emily’s hand from her pussy, but Emily head-butted her and the blonde went down. Emily got on top and started punching her over and over and over again in the face. I rushed in through the door and grabbed Emily from behind and pulled her off Sylvia and to the floor. Emily tried fighting me but I held her tightly.
“LET ME GO!!! I AM GOING TO KILL HER!!!” She screamed in rage at me.
“STOP EMILY!!!” I yelled back, “We may need her!”
The brunette stopped struggling and I helped her up and got her dressed. The men came and took the unconscious Sylvia away. Roddick, one of her men said they would keep the blonde under wraps and that she would not be dealt with, for a while at least.
It was almost 4am when I got back to my room to basically shower and change and get back to Heathrow. I saw a note from Cassandra that she missed me and that she was heading back to the US and a new girl would be assisting me on the plane.
The plane cleared the runway and I was off on this whirl wind adventure. Lucy had told me when she tried to trace the phone number nothing came up. She also said all chatter about the Eye had gone silent. That worried me. I reclined my chair and was about to close my eyes.
“Can I interest you in some fun?” Monique, the dark skinned busty flight attendant said. She and a equally busty redhead named Judith had joined the flight that Dave arranged. Both Judith and Monique were unbuttoning their blouses.
“How about you two undress and fight about who wants to please me more,” I said with a wink as I spun the chair around to face the make shift bed. I would have to give Dave a big thank you for the entertainment.
There was a SLAP of flesh on flesh and I was in heaven!!!
To be continued……


Offline wbiassociates

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Re: Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2015, 06:21:02 AM »
Well, while you thank Dave we will all be thanking you for the continuation of another wonderful storyline!!


Offline Kellicat

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Re: Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2015, 07:31:45 AM »
Excellent story so far it.


Offline Michelle

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Re: Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2015, 10:30:37 AM »
Looking forward to the next part...The Kat look interesting...

I think she has possibilities...

Nice work....
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline Ewa S

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Re: Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2015, 06:26:14 PM »
Amazing... wow... I just love your writing....


Offline Braveheart1

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Re: Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2015, 06:48:01 PM »
Just outstanding ... It's nice to see a writer who really knows how to craft a story. I look forward to the next.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams


Offline joey

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Re: Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2015, 03:30:29 AM »
Another great story looking forward to more.


Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Re: Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2015, 06:47:59 PM »
Thank you for all the kind words... I am breaking down the next chapters now and will have future parts out soon.

Thank you so much to those who have allowed me add them as characters in this story.

The next few parts will have more mayhem, guns, explosions, a little fantasy, and of course busty beauties who love to brawl and catfight!


Offline Gary53

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Re: Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2015, 09:05:13 PM »
I can't wait to see what happens next. Your stories are well written. Outstanding!!


Offline CatfightOriginals

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Re: Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2015, 08:32:02 PM »
Hi Anna, I was in the middle of a catfight and a spy story emerged.  Nicely done.  Would so much liked to have been on both plane rides.  You really do just get better and better and its fun to watch.  Keep it up Marine.  It's fun being a fan of yours.     Catwriter


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Re: Saga of Anna the Marine Chick Part 2
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2015, 10:04:32 AM »
looking forward for this