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Janeway sabra vs karra sue in a steel cage match in sl

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Offline sabrajaneway

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Janeway sabra vs karra sue in a steel cage match in sl
« on: August 15, 2015, 10:40:17 PM »
WeW Mic shouts: DemonDiva Sapphire: The Warrior Janeway Sabra
asiankymm applauds enthousiatically.
 Arianna Rodex claps
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i walk into the arena and take my place at one end of the arena
Mila (xomilaxo) applauds frenetically
WeW Mic shouts: DemonDiva Sapphire: and the opponent
Referee Mat whispers: AllOver
WeW Mic shouts: DemonDiva Sapphire: From Kansas, USA. Weighing in at 230lbs
Jesaia Azalee is offline.
WeW Mic shouts: DemonDiva Sapphire: The Kansas Tornado Karra Sue
Karra Sue (karrasue): I stride proudly into the arena,My head held high as I wave,and blow kisses to the fans, leaping into the ring flexing My muscles and now ready to do battle. I then go to my corner and flex some more. I then yell "Sound the sirens! The Kansas Tornado has arrived!!!!
asiankymm applauds enthousiatically.
 tamika Cioc: YEAH KARRA
 Arianna Rodex: "Shall I take it away Boss?"
Arianna Rodex looks to Amy
Mila (xomilaxo) applauds furiously
Amy Lock Sapphire (demondiva.sapphire): Yes
Karra Sue (karrasue): looking over at My opponent..."You ready for a good beating, bitch?
 Arianna Rodex: "Oooookays!!!"  I clap my hands together.  "Alright girls, you know the drill.  Basically do what ever it takes to pummel the other bitch into a puddle.  All I say is no kicks to the cooch.  If you do, I'll have to introduce you to my friend Louieville Slugger.  Ya good?"
 Karra Sue (karrasue): YEAH!!
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): in your dreams bitch i back as we glare at each other
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): harsh ref
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): MEANIE
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): nod
Arianna Rodex: "Alrighty then.  Now....let's ring the bell!  We're going to HELL!!" XD
 Karra Sue (karrasue): WOOOOOOO
Ring Bell shouts: Ring Ring Ring
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): we walk toward each other till our tits presses against each other
Karra Sue (karrasue): Glaring over at My oponent...BRING IT BITCH
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: StandOff
Karra Sue (karrasue): Staring you down in center ring........ pressing tightly as I hiss at you with My clenched teeth
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): we took a step back then lock our hands together and slamming our tits against each other as we test our strength
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: Start Test
Karra Sue (karrasue): Locking hands with you as I plant My feet firmly on the mat, pushing hard against you"Not today bitch, you are going DOWN"
 warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): grrrr fucken bitch i hiss i am stronger then you i growl as we continue in a power struggle back and forth
Karra Sue (karrasue): GRRRRR OH YEAH BITCH??
tamika Cioc: mybe steroids hehe
Amy Lock Sapphire (demondiva.sapphire) shouts: Dont forget, You can tip the referee and the fighters my the tip poster under where it says Tips!!
Arianna Rodex: "Wow, lots of Bitch-ing.  We must be at a puppy mill?"
Karra Sue (karrasue): (LOL)
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): only bitch is you ari
[12:08] warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i let go one of her hand after finding out we are close as strong as the other and i go to one side and twist on the other arm as hard as i can
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 1StandWrist
Arianna Rodex: "Can it Euro Trash!"
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): bite me yank skank
 Karra Sue (karrasue): AIEEEEEEEE YOU SKANK!! Surprised as My wrist is twisted, I WILL GET YOU
Arianna Rodex looks over to Kara, examining the hold.  "Damn, that has to hurt. wanna give?"
 Karra Sue (karrasue): I slap My shoulder as I prepare to fight back"Ok this!!
Amy Lock Sapphire (demondiva.sapphire) shouts: ((Welcome All))
Arianna Rodex: (Minor Technical Issues; please stand bye... ^_^)
Karra Sue (karrasue): I quickly surprse you by pulling you with My other arm, and receersing your hold
Karra Sue (karrasue): *reversing
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): arghhhh bitch grrrrrrr
Arianna Rodex: "Huh....not bad Thick Neck.  I'll allow it!" XD
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i hiss as she recerse the move and start twisting my arm as hard as i can
 Karra Sue (karrasue): SCREAMING loud as I wrench and bend your wrist:Take this you WHORE"
 Karra Sue (karrasue): "You had enough bitch? Or do I work you over more??
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): yay karra
Karra Sue (karrasue): GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i am not going to give street trash whore and you keep out of it tara slut i snarl in rage as i struggle harder
 Arianna Rodex: "Seems it ain't enough Kara.  The girl is still in it.  We're good
 Karra Sue (karrasue): Ok you slut, get ready for more pain then
Karra Sue (karrasue): I snatch your arm, forcing it behind your back, shoving it hard against your shoulder,
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 1ArmLock
Jade (lawlsy): laughs
Arianna Rodex: "Hey!  Some need low income housing!"
Arianna Rodex grumbles
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): grrrrrr fucken whore i snarl as she put one of my arm behind me and start to pull on it while twisting as it is in a hammerlock as my tits bounces around while i continue to struggle harder
Karra Sue (karrasue): I ramp things up a notch, taking your other arm, then hoisting you high up in the air as I shake you like a dirty mop
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 2ArmLift
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): arghhhh fucken bitchhhhhhh
Karra Sue (karrasue): Just give up you skank, make it easy on you!
Arianna Rodex: "Seems every time they say bitch, an angel gets it's wing.  Heaven is flying right now!  Anywho, what's it gonna be Janeway?"
[12:21] warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i struggle harder i use the back of my head and slam it on to her nose take this bitch soon we fall down onto the mat as i shake my arms to get the blood flowing again
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: BothOut
Karra Sue (karrasue): AGHHHHHH YOU MISERABLE #$%!@#~@~$#@
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i slowly got to my feet and help her onto hers by her hair
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: GetUp
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): yeah karrra you "$%£$%£%^&&*$$$$"" tell the &&&$$%^&&£%^&^&****####
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): nickel wow has jane put her prices up
Arianna Rodex: "Sorry toots; a good Wig Wagging is legal in the BCW.  I'll allow it!"
Arianna Rodex giggles
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): after a while i pull her to her feet and then slam my elbow to her feet as my fist slams hard across the top of her tits snarling "how does this feels bitch!"
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: Elbow
Karra Sue (karrasue): GAHHHHHHHHHH, Feeling your elbows hitting My chest, I cough as they hit Me "Soo this is how you wanna play, Eh?
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): fuck her up karra
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): dont take no shit from the ref
Karra Sue (karrasue): I rare back, driving My head into yours forcing us tumbling to the mat
Arianna Rodex: "Can it peanut gallery!"
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: BothOut
Arianna Rodex rolls her eyes and sighs.  "Now I gotta count damn it..."
Referee shouts: ONE
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): oh this willbe fun
Referee shouts: TWO
Karra Sue (karrasue): Shaking the sweat from My hair as I catch My breath
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): wow
Referee shouts: THREE
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): ref can count
Karra Sue (karrasue): getting on My feet
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): omg
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): ughhhhh bitch i hiss
Referee shouts: FOUR
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): faunts
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: NextMove
Referee shouts: FIVE
Karra Sue (karrasue): Glaring down at you as I plan My next move..
Arianna Rodex: "Jane's still taking a breather it seems.."
Referee shouts: SIX
 Lady Tara (tara.duffield): who taught the ref to count
 Arianna Rodex snarls
 Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 1Post Punch 2
 warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): grrrrr fucken bitch
Arianna Rodex: "We're good!  Eeeeks....well...Kara is.."
Karra Sue (karrasue): I yank you to your feet, tossing you to the corner as I unload My fist, Mrs Big, into your face
[Ryoko Takeda (ryokotakeda): /bolo
[Arianna Rodex: "Hey wait a tick!  Bad Kara!  No fence work around here!  BREAK it!"
Ryoko Takeda (ryokotakeda): >:O
Ryoko Takeda (ryokotakeda): >:O
Referee shouts: SEVEN
 Ryoko Takeda (ryokotakeda): >:O
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): she whip me across the cage floor and slam my back against the wall then she start punching my face as i struggle to block the punches
Ryoko Takeda (ryokotakeda): >:O
Referee shouts: ONE
Aen Aenis (aenaenis): hi :)
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 1HeadLock
Arianna Rodex: "That's right....."
Lady Tara (tara.duffield): kisses got to rest for a BIT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mila (xomilaxo): Hallo Aen :)
Arianna Rodex: (Bye Tar!)
Karra Sue (karrasue): I hear the ref ,a nd I swiftly move into a headlock, giving your air head some erious squeezing...YOU GIVE YET WHORE???
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): grrrr i will mack you pay for this whore i growl as she put me into a head lock after a few hard punches to my face
Karra Sue (karrasue): You got change for a quarter, bitch???
 warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i grasp her wrists and pull as hard as i can to break her hold off of my face
 Jade (lawlsy): WOW
Arianna Rodex: "Change in the ring?  This ain't no 7-11!"
RACHEL STORMCROW (coyoterachel.stormcrow) is offline.
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i finally got her head lock broken then i pick her up and suplex her hard onto the mat and i stood over her
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: NextMove
Arianna Rodex runs the hell out of the way
Karra Sue (karrasue): Trying to firmly hold My gri............GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU SKANK!!!
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i grasp one of her leg and start to twist on it hard growling how does this feel bitch
 Karra Sue (karrasue): Shaking My head to clear My head.......Wiping sweat from My brow as I glare up at you from the mat
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 1LegHold
Karra Sue (karrasue): AIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
 Arianna Rodex: "Hot damn!  Looks like a mule pulling out a stump!"  I kneel down to Kara.  "What's it gonna be mack?"
Karra Sue (karrasue): Looking at My leg being bent..... I work to get loose by kicking you with My free leg, "YOU BETTER LET GO WHORE, OR ELSE"
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): after a few hard twists and pulls i reach behind me and trying to turn her over while she struggles against the move
Karra Sue (karrasue): I AM NOT GIVING IN
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: BostonKick
Arianna Rodex shrugs, "Okeedokes.  We're good!"
Karra Sue (karrasue): AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELD upside down, My back being attacked"I must do something...I manage to grab your foot, yanking back on it, forcing you down
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: BothOut
Arianna Rodex: "Ok, so how does that rhyme go?"
Referee shouts: ONE
Arianna Rodex: "This lil' pigged went to market..."
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: GetUp
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): arghhhhh....ughhhhh....bitchhhhh i hiss as i fall back down onto the floor i struggle to get to my feet
Arianna Rodex waves her hands as the girls stand again.  "Keep it rollin!"
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): let go of my hair bitch i hiss as she got to her feet first and help me onto my hands and knees while pulling on my hair
Karra Sue (karrasue): Yanking you up byu the hair, seeing what else i can do with (to) you, I grab your leg, hissing "LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE PAIN!!!
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 1LegHold
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): grrrrr......arghhhhhhhhhh......sluttttt i snarl as she grasp one of my leg and start twisting and pulling on my leg as hard as i can
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: Stretch
Karra Sue (karrasue): Stretching and pulling on your leg"YOUare done, you street corner coochie
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): grrrrrrrrr
Arianna Rodex wafts herself. "My oh my!  I can feel the heat from here!  Anyways, we good down there girls?"
Karra Sue (karrasue): YEP
Karra Sue (karrasue): (HI Logan)
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i struggle harder as i can with one free hand pushes your leg off of my head while i wiggle harder to get her hold off of me
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i finally got free and roll to one side of the arena catching my breath
Karra Sue (karrasue): Seeing you try to escape, I work hard to keep My grip "You stay put"
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: BothOut
Arianna Rodex: "Come kids!  They don't pay for you two to lie around!"
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i slowly got to my feet and grasp one of her arm and twist on it as i help her to her feet
 Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 1StandWrist
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): after a while i walk behind while working on her arm and put it into a hammerlock
Karra Sue (karrasue): AIEEEEEEEEEE, YOU SLUT!! My wrist being worked again......I kick out at your leg with My foot as I try to get My way out......
 Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 1ArmLock
Arianna Rodex: "10 minutes to brawl bitches!  Oh they got ME doing it!"
Karra Sue (karrasue): AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH@#~!@#~!@#~!@#
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): after a few seconds i turn her around and body slam her hard onto the floor how does this feels bitch
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 2BodySlam
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): then i stood over her looking at her as she is in pain
Karra Sue (karrasue): UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH@#$ My body hits the mat hard......... Glaring at you as I hit the mat"Oh you WILL pay , I promise that
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: NextMove
Arianna Rodex: "Please, can you try to put just a few LESS dents in my ring?  Jeeez..."
Karra Sue (karrasue): I get to My feet, staring you down eye to eyre
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: StandOff
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): grrrrrrr
Jade (lawlsy): infinity ;p
Karra Sue (karrasue): I quickly scoop you up, slamming youhard to the mat. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 2BodySlam
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): ughhhh bitch
Karra Sue (karrasue): TAKE THIS YOU WHORE!!!!
Karra Sue (karrasue): AND THIS
Arianna Rodex: "My my my with that pillow talk.  At least buy her some flowers!"
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: 2Lift
 Karra Sue (karrasue): Lifting you higjh over My head, as I drop u on My knee, weakening you for the finisher
Arianna Rodex winces at the gut wrenching fall!
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: NextMove
Jade (lawlsy): call for an ambulance for jane
Karra Sue (karrasue): Letting you drop, as I sneer dowen at you, admiring My handiwork...OK WHORE, GET READY TO MEET YOUR END!!
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): ughhhh some wind knock out of me as i landed hard on her knee then roll off of her leg and hit the floor and look up at her as i rub the sore belly and back
Sutara Constantine: must be karra is mad at her loss to me yesterday
Arianna Rodex: "4 minutes left in the game!  Tip these brutal 'beauties' for their services if you please!"
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: BackBre
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): arghhhh fucken bitch
Karra Sue (karrasue): I pick you up in My arms, draping your back across My broad shoulders, with an extrremely loud primal scream I bend you severely , making sire I apply maximium force
Arianna Rodex: "We got 2 minutes to go ladies.  And...SNAP!  Janeway; your ugh getting snapped!!"
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): i struggling harder to break this hold as my stamina slowly draining as hard as i can
Arianna Rodex cups her ear towards Jane
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra): never i hiss as i struggle harder
 Karra Sue (karrasue): Flinging sweat as I explode with pent up rage
 Karra Sue (karrasue): I SAID GIVE YOU SLUT
Arianna Rodex: "ONE minute!!!  What's it gonna be Jane?  Ya good?"
Jade (lawlsy): throw her out karra
Karra Sue (karrasue): YOU ARE DONE, DONE I SAY!!!!!
Arianna Rodex: "30 seconds...tick tock!"
Karra Sue (karrasue): GIVE YOU BITCH
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra) whispers: finding no other way out and knowing nearly stamina is nearly gone i have no other choice to yell out i GIVEEEEE
[12:50] Arianna Rodex: "And there's my que!  DIN DING!"
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: Win
BCW Timer shouts: Matchtimer Ended
Ring Bell shouts: Ring Ring Ring
Karra Sue (karrasue): WOOOOOOOOOOOO
Arianna Rodex: "Ladies and Gent;  We have your winner by Submission...."
Karra Sue (karrasue): I stand tall, panting and sweating from a hard fight as I recite My poem
Arianna Rodex: "Kaaarraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Suuuuuuuuue!!!!"
 Arianna Rodex: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
 Arianna Rodex: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
 Arianna Rodex: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
 Jade (lawlsy): after all these slams by submission !?
 Karra Sue (karrasue): Roses are red, doorknobs are brass, KarraSue has kicked your ass
 Mila (xomilaxo): Great match
Arianna Rodex claps politely for the girls!
 Arianna Rodex: ""
 Arianna Rodex sighs
Karra Sue (karrasue): TY Amy for having Me here, ty jane for being a greay opponent
 Karra Sue (karrasue): ty everyone for the tips and cheers!
Karra Sue (karrasue): Love you all
Diva Wrestling Limited Edition whispers: STOP
tamika Cioc: YEAH KARRA
 Karra Sue (karrasue): Shakes jane's hand, in good sportsmanship
 Arianna Rodex: "Good job ladies!"
warrior janeway (janeway.sabra) whispers "I want a rematch!" i snarls as i look up at her
Karra Sue (karrasue): any time bitch
i have an account in a 3d chat syte known as i go by the name of janeway sabra on were i cat/tit/sex fight as well as wrestling private or 3d public. trillian sabrajaneway1


Offline sabrajaneway

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Re: Janeway sabra vs karra sue in a steel cage match in sl
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2015, 10:41:53 PM »
page 1.
i have an account in a 3d chat syte known as i go by the name of janeway sabra on were i cat/tit/sex fight as well as wrestling private or 3d public. trillian sabrajaneway1


Offline sabrajaneway

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Re: Janeway sabra vs karra sue in a steel cage match in sl
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2015, 10:43:20 PM »
page 2
i have an account in a 3d chat syte known as i go by the name of janeway sabra on were i cat/tit/sex fight as well as wrestling private or 3d public. trillian sabrajaneway1


Offline sabrajaneway

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Re: Janeway sabra vs karra sue in a steel cage match in sl
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2015, 10:44:48 PM »
page 3
i have an account in a 3d chat syte known as i go by the name of janeway sabra on were i cat/tit/sex fight as well as wrestling private or 3d public. trillian sabrajaneway1


Offline sabrajaneway

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Re: Janeway sabra vs karra sue in a steel cage match in sl
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2015, 10:46:04 PM »
page 4
i have an account in a 3d chat syte known as i go by the name of janeway sabra on were i cat/tit/sex fight as well as wrestling private or 3d public. trillian sabrajaneway1


Offline sabrajaneway

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Re: Janeway sabra vs karra sue in a steel cage match in sl
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2015, 10:47:37 PM »
page 5
i have an account in a 3d chat syte known as i go by the name of janeway sabra on were i cat/tit/sex fight as well as wrestling private or 3d public. trillian sabrajaneway1


Offline sabrajaneway

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Re: Janeway sabra vs karra sue in a steel cage match in sl
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2015, 10:48:58 PM »
page 6
i have an account in a 3d chat syte known as i go by the name of janeway sabra on were i cat/tit/sex fight as well as wrestling private or 3d public. trillian sabrajaneway1


Offline sabrajaneway

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Re: Janeway sabra vs karra sue in a steel cage match in sl
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2015, 10:50:27 PM »
page 7
i have an account in a 3d chat syte known as i go by the name of janeway sabra on were i cat/tit/sex fight as well as wrestling private or 3d public. trillian sabrajaneway1


Offline sabrajaneway

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Re: Janeway sabra vs karra sue in a steel cage match in sl
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2015, 10:51:31 PM »
page 8
i have an account in a 3d chat syte known as i go by the name of janeway sabra on were i cat/tit/sex fight as well as wrestling private or 3d public. trillian sabrajaneway1