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My Man 4

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Offline sandra_4766

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  • I love catfights espically against asian women
My Man 4
« on: September 22, 2015, 11:51:28 PM »
Sandra and Mia laid there on the floor, Sandra straddling Mia, as they both had a good hold of the others hair. Their eyes locked onto one another's and the hatred between them could be easily seen. Mia  pulled on Sandra's hair  pulling her forward as she could now see the deep cleavage of Sandra's breasts. Sandra pulled Mia's head back and forth on the carpet for a moment or so. "Guess you are used to being on the bottom aren't you bitch," she hissed at Mia.

"Shut up you whore," answered Mia as she started to thrash her body back and forth trying to roll Sandra off her. Finally Mia's hands dropped from Sandra's hair and started to pound her fists into Sandra's side make her  cry out in pain as she released Mia's  hair and sat up on her stomachs  and her hands when to the front of her blouse and after two good hard jerks  buttons flew off in all directions and the front of her blouse was wide open as Sandra got her first look at Mia's  breast s  the pinkish nipples almost fully erect. She stared too long at them as Mia took advantage of this as she once again pushed her body upwards and turning to the side causing Sandra roll off her as Mia came right after  rolling over quickly and as Sandra rolled on to her stomach, Mia  rolled over and on top of her back straddling her and keeping her pinned to the floor as she moved her ass forward. Mia's blouse was wide open her breasts swaying back and forth as she position herself.  Both of Mia's hands went forward grabbing the back of Sandra's hair as she pulled her head back and off the carpet and jerked it from side to side. " I got you now you bitch," scamed Mia at Sandra as she held her hand with one hand and slapped her face with her other hand. The room was filled with Sandra's scream of pain and the sound of loud slapping.

Slapping her hands on the carpet in pain Sandra was trying to dislodge Mia from her back as she twisted her body  back and forth.  Getting tired of the  hair pulling Mia let Sandra's hair as her hands pulled Sandra's blouse free of her skirt and grabbing the bottom of it she tugged until she had it ripped up the middle. Kicking her legs as hard as she could Sandra was trying to  drives the heels of her feet into Mia's back. This move distracted Mia for a moment as she tried to block Sandra's legs and then she moved herself more forward on Sandra's back. Sandra started rolling her body back and forth until Mia fell off her and both  women rolled away from the other and got to their feet glaring at each other as they pushed their hair back from their faces. The two of them quickly took off their blouses letting their breast come into full view.  Their skirts were more like belts as they were wrapped around their waists.

They looked at each other and then rushed at each other their bodies slamming into one another breasts flattening as their erect nipples pushed against the others. Mia seemed to be the stronger as she pushed Sandra back against the wall and stood in front of her slapping away at her swaying breasts. With each blow Mia landed  Sandra screamed harder until she placed her foot against the wall and propelled her body into Mia's sending both women backwards. Sandra managed to land a solid punch just below Mia's left breast and it was Mia's turn to scream now as she kept backing up as Sandra kept coming at her getting ready to send her fist at her again.

Mia saw Sandra's fist coming at her as she sent out her foot aiming at Sandra's thigh. Sandra didn't get out of the way in time as she screamed in pain and fell back to the carpet. Mia came right after her as she landed on top of her laying outstretched on her body as legs soon came entwined with the others and hands went back into the others hair. They were locked together on the floor facing each other in a cat ball as they continued their fight.