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Who's Your Mommy? Mom vs. Stepmom story pt. 2

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Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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Who's Your Mommy? Mom vs. Stepmom story pt. 2
« on: November 14, 2009, 02:03:04 PM »
                             Who’s Your Mommy? Mom vs. Stepmom Pt. 2
                                                         By: Supporturgoddess

       Doug’s first wife, voluptuous, brunette Marie, had wanted to keep her family together, but her driving ambition to become an artist, long trips, and general “me first” attitude caused her marriage to end in divorce. Doug’s beautiful blond neighbor, Robin, had flirted with him even while he was married to Marie. The instant Doug’s marriage ended, Robin made her play for Doug. Robin, an only child, desperately wanted a family. Although still beautiful and relatively young, she knew her good looks couldn’t last forever. Unable to have children of her own, she saw her newly divorced neighbor and his sons as her last chance to have the family she always wanted. Doug fell hard for the statuesque, platinum-blond bombshell. Doug’s sons, Steven and Eric, accepted Robin, but only to a certain point. No matter how hard Robin tried, she couldn’t get the young men to call her mom, mother, or even step mom. They only called her by name. Mom remained a term used only to refer to their birth mom.
       Doug and Robin were about to be married when, out of the blue, Marie returned, determined to fight to take back her family. Eric and Steven were home from school that summer. Marie announced she was moving back in, to spend the summer with her boys. The two women began a struggle for supremacy over control of the house and the family. This left Doug with one wife too many and his sons with one too many moms in the house.
       Mom and step mom competed viciously. The climax came one afternoon when, after sunbathing by the pool, Mom Marie and step mom Robin came in and found Eric and Steven playing a wrestling game on their computer. This led to the moms playing each other, effectively wrestling each other in a digital format. When Marie beat Robin badly, Robin tried to save her pride by claiming Marie was lucky it HAD only been a game! Insulted and challenged, Marie wouldn’t let her sons think their new mom could beat her or back her down. With her sons watching, Mom Marie crept up behind step mom Robin.
       Doug returned home from work just in time to see his ex-wife, wearing a light blue bikini, grab his next-wife Robin, who wore a hot pink bikini, by the throat and pull her to the floor. Not about to risk breaking up the fight, Doug crouched outside and peered in through a window. Still wearing bikinis, Mom and step mom began an all-out wrestling match for supremacy!
       Marie’s sons, Eric and Steven, watched in breathless excitement. Caught completely by surprise, Robin lie flat on her front. Marie sat with her hips on Robin’s hips, trying to pull both of Robin’s arms up behind her own back. Acting on sheer instinct, the wildly kicking step mom kicked the tops of her bare feet up, back, and around the birth mom’s chin and then straightened out her legs, sending Marie crashing down backward. Marie groaned, but she tried to get up. She only reached her hands and knees before Robin circled behind her, pinning one of Marie’s hands to the carpet while pinching her hand around Marie’s chin and threatening to twist her neck. Marie fumbled at Robin’s pink bikini, but she couldn’t catch hold of it. Having expected her surprise attack would give her a quick win, Marie was shocked and a little afraid. She found herself in a real fight!
       Eric shouted, “All right! It’s a real wrestling match, Mom vs. Robin!”
       The older son, Steven, snickered. “Watch out, Mom! Robin’s got you!”
       Fighting the fear showing in her eyes, birth mom Marie struggled to rise, coming up on her knees directly between Robin’s long, tan legs. Robin struggled to maintain control. Marie lifted the blond step mom’s foot off the carpet, trying to trip her down.
       Eric yelled, “Twist her chin!”
       Steven shouted, “No! Take her back into a leg scissors!”
       Both moms’ mouths fell open, each equally shocked to hear the boys cheering for their new step mom over their first mom. 5’3”, 120 lb. Marie grabbed both Robin’s shapely ankles and threw her feet straight up, sending the 5’7”, 116 lb. platinum-blond step mom flying down hard on her back. Looking in through the window, Doug had to clasp his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing at Robin. The total shock in Robin’s bulging eyes and her wide-open mouth as she fell were priceless. Robin had never been in a fight in her life, and she wanted out of this one!
       The brunette birth mom circled around, standing behind the blond step mom as she rose to her knees. Marie stood behind Robin, standing on Robin’s feet. She pulled back Robin’s arms, trapping her in a full nelson. Grinning ear-to-ear, birth mom shook the bikini-clad step mom back and forth. The boys laughed and cheered, as Robin’s tiny pink bikini strained to hold Robin’s sexy body in. Robin wasn’t resisting. Panting, she was all but limp, submissive. She wanted to quit, but then she looked up at the young men she had spent months trying to win over. She instantly knew that in their eyes this contest mattered. Their birth mom was making a joke out of her. She refused to give up. Robin grasped Marie’s feet and threw them up, using the same move Marie had used on her to send Marie over backward. The two moms rolled away, turned back, and faced off on their knees. Acutely aware of the boys’ presence, Mom and step mom forced taunting smiles onto their faces, trying to act as though this was only a friendly, playful competition.
       Marie looked over her shoulder at her sons. “Go up and set on the stairs, boys. Don’t come down until we’re done. I mean it! I need you to stay out of Mommy’s way!”
       The adult young men instinctively obeyed, wanting the match to continue.
       The battle resumed. The women rolled around on the carpet. From their perch on the far side of the living room, Eric and Steven shouted instructions.
       “Grab her foot! Put her in a toe hold!”
       Straining and purse-lipped from pressure, Marie tried to grab Robin’s foot. From Doug’s view much closer to the action, it was obvious the boys had been shouting their encouragement to Robin. The blonde seized the brunette’s foot and used it to turn her over onto her stomach. Robin then crossed Maries legs, folding them back against Marie’s back. She then sat down on them, trapping Marie’s bent legs against her back. For several moments, a mom lay trapped and helpless under a step mom. Marie strained, but the bigger blonde had too much leverage for the smaller brunette to resist.
       Trying to appear unfazed, Marie strained to keep a ridiculous, obviously insincere smile plastered across her face. Just out of earshot of her sons but near enough for Doug to overhear, Marie whispered back to her enemy, “Don’t do this to me. Don’t you dare do this to me in front of my boys!”
       Dominant, Robin toyed with Marie’s bare feet and whispered, “Maybe you should have thought twice before you jumped me from behind!”
       The boys continued to shout ideas. “Twist her ankles! Pull back her toes and make her give up!”
       Still holding onto that ridiculous smile, the red-faced birth mom looked up at her sons and gasped, “Whose side are you on?”
       Robin held up Marie’s bare foot, smiled tauntingly, and teased, “What should I do with this fat foot? Should I break it? Should I bite off her toes?”
       Marie let out a nervous, frightened laugh. Although she tried to brush off Robins taunts, she was afraid of what the platinum blonde might do next!
       Robin twisted Marie’s ankles. Marie tried to put up a brave front, pretending Robin wasn’t hurting her. Robin intended to leave no doubt. She pulled back on Marie’s round toes. Marie buried her face in the carpet, fist pounding. Finally, Robin made her cry out. Satisfied, the step mom moved forward, sitting on the birth mom’s lower back. Robin then clasped her hands in front of Marie’s forehead, pulling Marie’s head straight back in a kind of clutch. Marie’s smile was gone, replaced by a bare-teethed grimace. Her fists pounded and her feet kicked in obvious pain. Robin demanded surrender, but Marie refused. Face almost purple, Marie looked up at her sons. Suddenly Robin rolled Marie over, lay belly on belly, and pinned Marie to the carpet. Marie looked up at her sons, straining but unable to free herself. A tear rolled down her cheek as she heard them count her out!”
       Robin’s victorious smile almost left her face. Stunned into silence and fighting tears, Marie looked up as her sons cheered their new mom’s victory over her. Seeing the heartbreak in Marie’s big, brown eyes, Doug felt sorry for his Ex.
       Robin crawled off on her hands and knees. Instantly Marie sat up, planted her foot on Robin’s hips, and kicked her down!
       “Who said this was only a one-fall match?”
       The boys went wild!
       Feeling confident, Robin turned on her hands and knees, ready to take Marie on again! “Oh, you really want more of me?”
       Marie motioned for her. “Oh, yeah! Bring it on, Blondie! It’s double or nothing this time, winner takes all!”
       Lisa snapped, “Fine! You’re going down! I’m taking you out!”
       The birth mom and the step mom slammed together. Determined to vindicate herself in her son’s eyes, Marie hooked her arms together under Robin’s thighs and lifted her two feet up, rocking her like a baby! Kicking wildly, Robin laughed at first, until Marie slammed Robin’s back down on the floor, hard. Marie slammed her again and again. Those slams hurt…a lot! By the end of the fourth slam, Robin couldn’t get up. She had fear in her big, blue eyes! Smiling up at her cheering sons, Marie covered Robin and tried to pin her. Robin kicked her long, golden legs, to no avail. Looking into the boys’ faces, Robin planted her feet and tried to bridge out. She strained until her face turned purple, putting everything she had into powering out. Marie had more. Robin strained until her body shook violently, but Marie was too much for her. Unable to hold in tears of shame and defeat, Robin closed her eyes and listened as the boys counted her out!
       Marie straddled Robin on her knees, assuming a victorious muscle pose. “Looks like your super step mommy’s not so hot after all, huh? I guess your REAL mommy proved better than Daddy’s bleached-blond toy, huh?”
       Helpless beneath Marie, Robin panted, her breasts heaving and her belly sucking in and out. “She…didn’t beat me! I pinned her first! I don’t care about double or nothing rules. If I’d called it over after the first pin, I’d already have won! She didn’t beat me. It’s one fall each!”
       “You know,” Steven said, “Robin’s right. Okay, the third fall decides it, no excuses!”
       Mom and step mom faced off. This time there were no smiles or taunts. The two moms glared at each other with hatred in their eyes and sprang together! What followed was almost five full minutes of mostly body-on-body wrestling between two determined but sweaty, exhausted women. Each woman poured the last drop she had into proving her superiority over the other. Furniture overtured, and swimsuits ripped. Two sons and their hidden father watched breathlessly, as a victor emerged. Step mom slowly dominated birth mom. Robin twisted and tortured Marie’s voluptuous body mercilessly. At first Marie kept looking to her sons, using them as inspiration as she fought not to submit to agonizing holds. As the platinum blonde’s body slowly took all the fight out of the natural brunette’s body, Marie could no longer bear to look at her sons, knowing they were watching their new step mom prove herself the better woman over their birth mom. Finally, Robin hooked Marie’s leg and rolled her up into a pin. Marie’s foot hung lifelessly over her. Marie couldn’t even resist. Robin won the deciding third fall.
       Both women stayed on their hands and knees for a long time, gasping for air and trying to recover. Marie hated her own body for losing to Robin’s body.
       Deeply ashamed of her performance, Marie looked up at her sons and gasped through tear-filled eyes, “It doesn’t mean anything! We were both holding back because you two were watching. It’s not like we were really fighting for anything!”
       Perhaps Eric was still angry over Marie’s absence at his graduation, or maybe he wanted to give her another shot at Robin. Maybe he just wanted to learn who the better woman really was. For whatever reason, a truly wicked idea popped into his mind. “Okay, let’s give you both something to fight for. We’ll have one last round, and no matter what happens, this one decides who wins. Robin, we know how much you want us to call you Mom. Mom, you’ve forbidden us from doing that. This time you’ll wrestle until one of you surrenders and admits defeat. We promise to call the winner Mom from now on! We’ll call the loser by her first name. How’s that for motivation?”
       Lisa’s eyes lit up, but a look of disbelief and horror covered Marie’s face. Robin agreed. Marie couldn’t back down. A final, all-out battle began. Marie wanted to bite and pull hair, but the boys insisted, much to Robin’s relief, that it remain a clean fight. Marie fought with all she had, but Robin was too big, too strong…too much. Deprived of all the cat fighting moves she might have used to dominate her enemy, Marie simply couldn’t out power the bigger blonde. Robin’s legs squeezed the fight and nearly the consciousness out of Marie, but Marie refused Robin’s demands of “Beg me! Beg me for mercy!”  The step mom tortured the birth mom with ankle twists, arm bars, and scissor holds, but looking up at her sons in tears, Marie refused to submit. Before long, Marie couldn’t get off her knees. Grinning wickedly, the step mom stood and forced the mom into a side headlock, almost squeezing Marie’s head off her shoulders. Marie whined. Robin grinned viciously up to Eric and Steven. She raised her foot up and then stamped it down, sending a spine-breaking jolt through Marie’s quaking body. Robin lifted her foot, threatening another stomp. Marie waved her hands, begging her sons to call their step mom off, but Robin stomped again. Marie’s body turned to jelly in her light-blue bikini.
       Robin rolled Marie out onto her back, still maintaining the headlock. Biting her lip to keep from bawling, Marie looked up helplessly at the blonde taunting her. Marie’s heart broke when her sons began praising Robin’s body, telling her how lucky their Dad was and saying that she was much prettier than their birth mom. Finally Robin wrapped her long legs around Marie’s waist and squeezed. Marie moaned and sobbed in agony, totally helpless.
       Eric shouted, “Uh-oh! Robin’s got Mom now! I mean…MOM’s got Marie beat!”
       Steven said, “Yeah, I knew MOM would beat Marie in the end!”
       Marie’s tears rolled. “Don’t say that! I’m your mommy, not her! I’m your mommy!”
       Smiling widely, Robin said, “You can call me Mom, if you want to!”
       Marie broke down. Robin squeezed and squeezed, until Marie finally cried out her total surrender.
       Marie looked up in tears, as Eric and Steven ran to hug and congratulate their step mom.
They then turned to Marie. Both boys hugged her and told her she would always be their mommy, but that Robin was now a part of the family and deserved to be their mom, too. Marie pretended to accept it, but she didn’t. In her mind, another woman had taken her down to the carpet and forced her to surrender sole possession of the coveted title of Mom.
       Doug crept away and returned later that evening, ready to pretend he hadn’t witnessed the battle. When he took his bride-to-be upstairs that night, he was especially…motivated. Watching Robin’s victory had been the sexiest thing he’d ever witnessed!
       After midnight, Doug left Robin sleeping and crept down the hallway. He saw a light coming from the living room. He went downstairs and found Marie sitting alone in the dark. She told him what had happened. She swore Robin only won because she had been forced to hold back in front of her sons. Deeply moved, Doug brushed away his ex-wife’s tear. She kissed his hand. Before Doug knew what was happening, Marie pulled him to the floor, kissing him.
       Doug gasped. “I’m engaged! Robin’s asleep upstairs!”
       Marie smiled. “She’ll never find out.”
       Unable to resist Marie’s charms, Doug gave in to his ex-wife, with his fiancée asleep upstairs! Doug had one Hell of a decision to make. There was one wife and one mom too many in that house. One fact was certain. One woman had to go!

                                                            TO BE CONTINUED!



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Re: Who's Your Mommy? Mom vs. Stepmom story pt. 2
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2009, 06:42:04 PM »
Great story.  I can hardly wait for part 2



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Re: Who's Your Mommy? Mom vs. Stepmom story pt. 2
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2009, 07:05:06 PM »
When two hot women want something as bad as those two, their thoughts are going to be on how to put the other "out of business" sexually so the boys may get a real education on how primitive two women can get when they wrestle next time.



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Re: Who's Your Mommy? Mom vs. Stepmom story pt. 2
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2009, 01:15:09 AM »
Part 3 of this story will be interesting.



Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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Re: Who's Your Mommy? Mom vs. Stepmom story pt. 2
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2009, 09:14:33 AM »
       The next part of this story should be posted about one week after this was posted.



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Re: Who's Your Mommy? Mom vs. Stepmom story pt. 2
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2009, 09:16:06 AM »
I am looking forward to it.
