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Emma vs Elizabeth part two

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Offline Odin

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Emma vs Elizabeth part two
« on: June 22, 2010, 03:06:15 AM »
There was really nothing for me to say, so I didn't say anything. Elizabeth had never confessed to me before that she actually fantasised about losing.

The girls began to undress in the lounge. So did I - me being nude on the bed was part of the fantasy. Emma produced a tape measure and handed it to me "I'm sorry, you've been rather left out Peter. I know how important details are to you boys, so would you like to do the honours?" I measured them both: 36 23 36 for Emma and 36 24 36 for a bemused Elizabeth. "Sorry darling I win, looks like you'd better stay off the chocolates." said Emma as she poked Elizabeth in the stomach with her finger. Elizabeth giggled and said "Are we really going to do this?"

"Lets have a weigh in before we fight, like the boxers do. Do you like boxing darling?" queried Emma. "Love it." replied Elizabeth. Emma stood lightly on the bathroom scales, 130 pounds. Elizabeth got on, 133 pounds. "Definitly the chocolates." said Emma, Elizabeth
couldn't help giggling. "I'm 5'8 1/2" " said Emma looking at Elizabeth's eyes as they faced each other "You must be 5'8" she said and Elizabeth nodded. Emma was right, boys do like details and I was thrilled at what a close match they were for each other physically.

We went into the bedroom "Bedroom fighting is so sexy." was Emma's comment. Once we had cleared a few things away they actually had a slightly bigger area to fight in, about 15' by 15', than in our own bedroom at home, in which Elizabeth had always wanted to have a catfight.

"Just before we start" said Emma "May I presume to suggest an addition to your fantasy?" Elizabeth nodded, probably unable to speak, her chest was heaving uncontrollably with the excitement. Both girls nipples
were naturally erect.

"That is, in addition to the body worship, face sitting and humiliation, the loser should be tied up for the rest of the night and forced to watch the winner in bed with Peter." said Emma. Elizabeth seemed to swallow hard and start breathing even more heavily, if that were possible. It was clear that the idea aroused her. She nodded again.

"Alright then" said Emma "Peter, I'll trust you not to interfere until its over. Ordinarily, I'd want you tied up at this point but that's not Elizabeth's fantasy."

"OK" I said standing by them "Have a hug and a kiss before you start." Which they did, long and sensuously they held each other and kissed deeply. I then kissed Emma deeply and finally Elizabeth, a little deeper and longer than I had Emma. I retired to the bed.

The girls circled each other and then attacked. Fists flew so fast for a few seconds that I couldn't really follow all the action. Then Emma's leg flashed out, her foot catching Elizabeth between the legs. Time seemed to stand still as Elizabeth dropped to her knees on the
carpet her face white with shock and her open mouth making an "O". Fast as lightning Emma slipped behind her
and applied a full nelson, then forced Elizabeth forward onto the carpet, straddling her from behind. "I told you I was good, darling." she gasped.

Elizabeth struggled for a long time, but to no avail. Emma expertly tightened and relaxed the hold and controlled her in it for about fifteen minutes. She could clearly have finished her much more quickly but obviously wanted to draw out the pleasurable sensation of controlling Elizabeth for as long as possible. When
Elizabeth, streaming tears, was nearly finished, Emma
once more tightened the hold, a little more than she had previously, and Elizabeth screamed "SURRENDER."

Emma rose slowly from the beaten body of Elizabeth, motioned me to stay on the bed, tucked her foot under one shoulder and rolled Elizabeth over until she lay on her back. Her sobs were very heavy now. After about five minutes though she sat up, still sobbing.

Emma said "You submit to me totally?" Elizabeth looked up at her and between sobs said meekly "Yes. I will do whatever you want me to." Emma said "Start worshipping me then, beaten darling." and lay back.

Elizabeth started tentatively on Emma's feet at which Emma murmered "Good. Very good." Without any instructions from Emma, Elizabeth proceeded to worship Emma's whole body with mounting energy and enthusiasm. Emma then sat on her face and it was apparent that Elizabeth's tongue was very active. "Oh you little minx. Ohh." Was one comment Emma made.

Emma then expertly tied her hands and feet and gagged her and sat her on a chair next the bed. She then straddled me and we made love with that unique quality that it has for me after watching women wrestle or catfight.

Elizabeth had agreed to all this before the fight but I felt terrible pangs about what she must be going through and looking at her sitting quietly on the chair, no longer sobbing but with tears running silently from her eyes, I couldn't bear the thought of her sitting there all night long watching Emma make love to me.

I was about to say something to Emma when, only a few minutes after we had made love, she rose from the bed, went over, untied Elizabeth and removed her gag, raised her to her feet, placed her hands on her waist and kissed her tenderly, saying "You are so brave, darling. You have no idea how much I admire you for keeping your word. I adore you even more than I did before we fought. I release you from your bondage. Come and play, darling girl." and lead her back to the bed. She placed Elizabeth in the middle between us and we both caressed her, initially very gently, but culminating in the most violent multiple orgasms she has ever had.

When I woke up Emma was gone from the bed but Elizabeth was still sleeping. I noticed with relief that there was only one small mark on her pretty face. I quietly rose and stole out to the lounge room. Emma was dressed in an extremely elegant outfit and finishing a cup of tea. I kissed her deeply and continuing to hold her slim waist in my hands, said "Thank you for not hurting her. I know you could have done a lot more damage to her if you'd wanted to."

Emma smiled at me and said "No I couldn't have Peter, I know you would have intervened if I'd tried to. Not that I wanted to hurt her any more than I had to to beat her." We smiled at each other. She said "I've really fallen for her. She gets more wonderful the more I get to know her." I agreed "That's the way it is with her." She kissed me and said "Oh yes and you're a pretty handy swordsman yourself by the way Peter and by far the most interesting man I've ever met. Not many men could have held back and played their part as perfectly as you did last night. After a little while she added "I've never met a girl who followed through the way she did."

"Will she be OK about losing to you do you think?" I asked.

"I think so. Has she lost before?" Emma asked. "No" I said "She had two fights when she was 17 and won them both." Emma gasped "Is that all? Two fights? I've had a lot more than that." "I rather thought you had." I said

Emma thought for a moment and said "You know what, I really think she'll be fine. In fact I suspect that the idea of being beaten and humiliated in front of you was her ultimate, ultimate, ultimate fantasy all along, whatever she may say."

"On the other hand" she continued thoughtfully "If she is a true switch, having already tasted defeat, she will probably want that re-match and really try hard to beat me. I promise you, Peter, that if she does, she will not get badly hurt, or hurt at all if I can manage it. Will you let her fight me again on those terms, Peter, if she wants to?"

"On those terms, yes, wicked Emma." and we kissed for a very long time. Eventually she gently broke free and said "I'll make myself scarce today. It's probably best if you two have some time alone." and with a final lingering kiss, she was gone.

I made cup of tea and returned to bed. I watched Elizabeth sleep peacefully for another two hours. Obviously the fight with Emma had taken a lot out of her.

When she stirred I held her gently and lightly brushed her full lips with mine. "Mmmm" she said and then stiffened and opened her eyes.

"Yes, you did fulfil your ultimate fantasy and fight with Emma last night and yes, you did lose to her my brave and beautiful wife and yes, I love you more than ever for the courage that you showed." I said. She clung to me, her eyes wet, and I starting kissing her. We made love with what could best be described as abandon.

Afterwards I asked her "Are you OK?" She looked at me quizzically and said "You know, in a funny kind of way I think I am. I feel kind of liberated, like I've laid everything bare now and I've got nothing to hide, particularly from you. You're here with me now which is the most important thing of all. Even though she beat me, I feel great about having the courage to put myself on the line totally and go through with that fantasy that I've had for so long. I feel so good about doing that for you too, darling. I feel... quite turned on about what we'd did last night. I don't regret what happened. I only wonder now what it would have been like to have beaten her." After a pause she then said with a smile "Was it good for you too, darling?"

"Yes" I said "It was incredible, I'm still pinching myself, I still can't quite believe it really happened and I'm sorry darling, but to be perfectly honest with you, seeing her dominate you like that turned me on more than I could ever have imagined. I must ask Emma what that means, she seems to know all about these things!"

"Yes" said Elizabeth "She does, doesn't she and that's OK darling, about seeing me lose, that's kind of how it was for me too."

After a few moments silence she looked at me with those trusting blue eyes and asked the question I knew was coming: "Do you think I could beat her if we fought again?"

"Yes" I said "I think you would have A CHANCE of beating her if you focused on fighting her and fought the way you
did against Jane and Monica. Last night you weren't really yourself, I think you were just so carried away with the sheer sexiness of acting out our fantasy that you weren't really focusing on the fight itself."

"Yes" she said "I think you're right. I was thinking much the same thing but wondering if I was just making excuses for myself."

"You never do that, darling. No, I think THAT IS a fair call but remember I only said you would have A CHANCE of beating her. She IS, as she said, very good and from the brief chat I had with her this morning before she left, it's clear that she's had A LOT more experience than you.
Having said that and also having seen you demolish Jane and Monica, I can't call the odds anything other than 50:50." I said.

"Hmmm" she said "Even money that I go down two nil or get to one all. It wouldn't really worry me to lose to her again - if she is the better woman, so be it. Two nil is really no different to one nil anyway. On the other hand getting to one all, actually beating her, would be quite delicious. If its an even money bet on those outcomes and I'm inclined to agree with you that it probably is, as near as anyone can judge, I'd have to take that bet." She then added "Provided you agree I can fight her again, darling."

I chuckled and she punched me lightly "What are you laughing at?" she mock scowled at me. "You" I said "I just love the way your mind works. But I REALLY love the way you couldn't wait to tear your clothes off and get your arse kicked last night without so much as a backward glance at me and now, in the cold light of day, you ask me whether you can fight her again. All when it's perfectly obvious that you've already made up your mind anyway."

She giggled and said "You know me too well darling. But seriously, is it OK with you if I fight her again?"


"Do you want to see me fight her again?"


"Gut feel, do you think I'll beat her?"


"That's all I need to know darling."

After a while she said "What a complete fluke it was meeting Emma the way we did."

I said "Oh, I meant to tell you. It was no fluke, she had you picked out from the moment you got on the plane.
I noticed her looking at you but you didn't. I know that look because it's the way I look at you. I'd say she was interested in you from the start. I'm not sure for what purpose exactly, probably for whatever you'd go for. All that newlywed stuff didn't just happen for no reason, I'm sure she had us, more particularly you, targetted, at least for sex, before she even spoke to us. Remember the comment about spilling coffee? That was a dead give away."

I could tell from Elizabeth's facial expression that her delightfully quick mind was rapidly absorbing and evaluating this proposition. At last she said "How clever of you darling, to put it all together like that. I'm sure you're absolutely right. What a deliciously manipulative little feline she is."

"We all play games to get what we want darling. Think about how rare it is to find a girl for a threesome or a wrestle, let alone a full blown catfight. I'm sure she probably picks out the cutest girl on every flight and tries her luck, with a cup of coffee on her lap or whatever. What was really clever of her though, although I gave her the opening, was the way, after we'd all already slept together, that she got you to tell her what YOUR fantasy was without tipping her hand. If you'd said nothing she could have at least kept playing with us and she'd lost nothing. But you DID tell her something and she hit pay dirt."

Again Elizabeth's facial expression betrayed the fact that she was thinking deeply.

"You really are a very clever husband for a girl to have." Elizabeth said slowly "But what I'm wondering about now is how far the manipulation went. All that stuff before the fight. You're right, I was so overcome
with the sexiness of it all that I was almost disarmed by it. Do you think she planned it that way to give herself an advantage in the fight?"

"Almost certainly." I said. I wasn't actually that sure
about it, as Emma had been pretty turned on herself, if not to the same extent as Elizabeth, but I KNEW it would be a huge advantage for my darling wife to believe THAT, going into the ultimate catfight of her life.

Emma returned during the afternoon and strolled into the bedroom where Elizabeth and I were still comfortably ensconced in her bed. The moment she walked into the room
Elizabeth, totally naked, sprang out of bed and approached her, saying "Hello sweetie, oh don't you just look divine in that outfit." Elizabeth then gripped Emma's shoulders strongly, pulled her close and kissed her passionately, before saying "Re-match, Sweetie?"

Emma was quite startled, and clearly she was a girl it took an awful lot to startle, but quickly replied "When?" Elizabeth replied "Mmmm, now-ish." before kissing her again and starting to undress her. Whilst they continued kissing, Elizabeth unbuttoned Emma's jacket and slipped it off and then her blouse, reached behind and expertly unhooked her lacey black bra and pulled it off then unbuttoned her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Whilst still kissing her Elizabeth then walked Emma over to the bed, threw her onto it, knelt and removed her shoes, then removed her stockings and matching black panties with her teeth. Murmering "Mmmm wish I had your legs, sweetie." To which Emma gallantly replied "Wish I had yours, darling girl." Elizabeth then stood and extended her hands, which Emma took, and pulled her to her feet and into the middle of the fighting area. After a final lengthly kiss they separated.

This time they circled each other for a couple of minutes, guards up, before anything happened. It was during this time, while I was still digesting the extraordinary sight of Elizabeth undressing Emma, as I looked at Elizabeth moving carefully, her face a mask of concentration, that something inside me said that things would be OK. By that I don't mean that I had any strong premonition about who would win, although Elizabeth was my sentimental favourite I didn't really know whether I was confusing wanting her to win with thinking that she would.

Rather I simply felt that, after her stunning and total defeat by Emma the previous evening, Elizabeth had clearly recovered her confidence and was now doing something she really wanted to do in fighting Emma again. I felt that whether Elizabeth won or lost this second fight, she would be OK about it. I was thus able to relax and enjoy the spectacle of the catfight between these two beautiful and evenly matched women.

At some point, I didn't really see it but Elizabeth did, Emma made some mistake with her footwork and Elizabeth pounced with a beautiful left jab, straight right combination and caught Emma with both punches. It rocked her on her feet.

Perhaps because there was so much riding on this fight, Elizabeth did not follow up immediately but continued to move warily looking for another opening.

After about another minute, Elizabeth danced forward as if to deliver another left-right combination but then merely feinted. Emma's left shot out like an express train and Elizabeth caught it at full extension with her left, then gripped it with her right as well and twisted it violently inwards until she was standing behind Emma holding her in an armbar. The pain must have been considerable judging by the cry Emma gave out. Without pause as she moved behind Emma, Elizabeth kicked the back of Emma's right knee hard with her right foot and then as Emma fell, still holding the armbar with her left hand, crooked her right arm around Emma's throat. Elizabeth then relinquished the armbar and used both arms to trap Emma in a headlock from behind, dragging her back on her heels at the same time.

Emma's face flushed and her arms flailed wildly. She then dug her nails into Elizabeth's arms for all she was worth but Elizabeth, knowing she was in a winning position, held on grimly. Emma's face turned bright red and I moved forward to catch her eye. She signalled her surrender to me and I laid my hands on Elizabeth's arms and said "Let her go darling, you've won!"

I caught Emma as Elizabeth let her go and then held her upright in my arms for about 5 minutes or so as she gasped for air. Her sweating, heaving body felt fantastic I might add.

When Emma had recovered her breath, if not totally her composure, I heard a soft, familiar voice behind me saying "Oh look, the boot is on the other footsie!" and turned to see a radiant Elizabeth, in all her glory, sitting on the edge of the bed with one of Emma's recently discarded court shoes on her right foot, which was crossed over her left leg and swinging cutely from side to side!

Emma, who had taken her defeat almost in her stride and who I don't think cried at all, aside from the tears induced by the physical effects of the headlock, grinned broadly. She went over to Elizabeth, and still grinning broadly, removed the shoe and began to administer the required body worship. Elizabeth then straddled her face
and enjoyed a pleasant ride with many an "Oh sweetie" "Oh clever sweetie" "Oh naughty sweetie" etc

When Emma brought the bonds to be tied up with and presented them to Elizabeth the latter said " Oh sweetie I think that was more your fantasy than mine, just come to bed and play."

Several hours later I lay with both girls heads resting on my shoulders and they were each half draped over me with my arms around them, their held hands resting on my chest.

Emma said "Smashing fight today darling girl, decider tommorrow?"

Elizabeth said "Love to, sweetie."

I said "Actually, lets not do that."

They both said in unison "Why not?"

"Think about it" I said "I've never seen two girls more gone on each other than you two are. I've never seen girls fight as well as you two either and I've never seen a more even match than you two are together. The result tomorrow wouldn't really prove anything, as far as I'm concerned you could toss a coin. The trouble is, the loser is going to want a re-match. Then there'll be another re-match. If you were to fight ten times my money would be on a five all draw. But if it were six to four one way or the other, it would go on, because you're both like that. You haven't really hurt each other yet, thank goodness, but if this goes on you will, the fights will inevitably become more vicious and this cosy threesome, which I'm quite fond of by the way, will disintegrate. You have both experienced the thrill of conquering the other and of being conquered by them. You've gone places together that most people will literally never even dream of. We'll always have those memories. Your all square at the moment and that's the way it should stay because things will always be right between you. Neither of you should beat the other in my mere masculine opinion - not because neither of you deserves to win but because neither of you deserves to lose. I love the physical contest between you two but can't we just wrestle together from now on and be lovers?"


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Emma vs Elizabeth part two
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2015, 09:51:24 PM »
Sorry to dredge this story up from the past, but would anyone happen to know whether there's a third part to this? Thanks!,8088.msg47466.html#msg47466
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.