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SERENA77 VS Laetitia Casta Christmas catfight gold mall fight

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Offline stormbolt7

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Round 4 happened to take place in the mall. The sexy Serena from Italy winning the poll, and her own story.
Like the other gracious winners.. Serena got the story first. Then has given her permission to share it here.
THAT said.... here is Serena's story.

Serena77 VS Laetitia Casta  Christmas Catfights round 4  Mall winner

It was almost Christmas. What was going to make it even better and more special.
I was going to enjoy having the company, of one very beautiful, and sexy lady from Italy.
Serena77 was a very stunning woman. Long dark hair, framing one of the most beautiful faces anywhere.
Lush, womanly curves, on a very fit, and toned body.
Serena was flying in, to spend some time together, as well as get to do some last minute holiday shopping, at the mall.
It only helped, that her personality, was as enjoyable, and pleasing. As Serena was pretty. Many times, a woman as beautiful as her. Would be full of her self, and unbearable to spend time with.
Serena was simply like the girl next door. Except unfortunate for me. She lived on a different continent.
I could only imagine, how enjoyable it must have been. Getting to grow up, close to this sensuous lady.
I did not have long to think on it. As I see her wave to me, as I pick her up at the airport. Serena not even noticing, the many heads that turn. As cell phones come out. As other people, begin clicking images, as they think Serena had to be some kind of celebrity.
Serena is wearing a pair of skin tight jeans, a simple tee shirt. That is strained across her ample chest.
With a light jacket, unzipped, and hanging on her curvy frame.
Serena dressed for the milder weather we happened to be having. Yet as instructed, she had also brought along clothing for colder days.  We get her settled in, giving her a chance to relax. The following day, having plans of taking her to the mall, and other places.
I wake the next day, rolling out of bed. To wonder if I was dreaming as I start bleary eyed, to see this brunette beauty smiling, and already looking like a million. Serena having used the guest room.
Serena is a little chatty, and excited to start seeing things, during the day.
It is mild again outside. So I find myself escorting the lovely lady. With her dressed in a very tight blouse. That was opened enough in front. To give a hint of the pleasing assets beneath, in a black lace bra.
Her skirt, clingy, and short. Helping to show off her shapely legs. As well as how fit she was top to bottom.
Something quick and light to eat. As later I definately intended on treating her to a local sampling of pizza and pasta. Later for dinner. To see how they matched up. As well as other things, she wanted to try, at lunch or during the day.
Soon we arrive at the mall. Making sure to get there a little early, to find a good parking space.
I can't help but smile. As soon as I hold the door for Serena as she gets out of the car.
They eyes already noticing her presence and beauty. As well as a few jaws dropping, and girls smacking their boyfriends, as they check Serena out.  Since she was from another country. I could easily say, more than ever. Today she was world class beauty, at it's best.
Serena leaving her jacket in the car, for later. As it got darker, and cooler in the evening.
As we walk inside, we are greeted by holiday music, playing through out the mall. Serena's eyes roaming everywhere. As many eyes male, and female roam over her.
Some in appreciation, with others envy and jealousy.
From the ceilings, playful large snowflakes dangle. All the store fronts decorated, with signs of specials, and sales. As well as the usual white frosting on glass or other decorative displays.
Other mall patrons dressed almost summer warm. While others looked ready to spend time in an igloo later.
We go in and out of the stores, as things catch her eye. As more people come in, and things begin getting more crowded. Serena slipping one arm, through mine. To help keep from being seperated. As we move along.
Some people, texting, listening to their own music on phones. While others quickly pass, with bagged purchases. Others with packages ready to go, using the charity gift wrap tables.
We are passing the area, set aside for Santa and his elves. Children lined to get their pictures taken, as gift wishes are shared.
A rosy blush, coming to Santa's cheeks. As Serena smiles, then blows him a kiss as we pass by.
We are moving closer to the food court area. A chocolateur shop, down the nearby wing. The chance to let Serena pick out, a tasty gourmet candy or chocolate. As people still stare at her, taking cell phone photos, sure she must be a famous actress or model from somewhere. Her long hair framing her pretty face. Easy smiles coming to it as well.
From a different direction, heading towards the same area. Another crowd has grown, around an equally stunning woman.
Beautiful face, with long brunette hair. Lush, womanly figure. Dressed in blouse, skirt and high heels. Her blouse, slightly opened, with ample cleavage. Held in a velvety red, holiday looking bra. I was trying to be nice. Trying not to picture my friend Serena's possible matching black lace panties.
Now I was trying to keep from picturing this other ladies, in red velvet panties.
Serena is miding her own business, smiling, chatting. As the other woman, tries moving past her first. Only ending in bumping into Serena, and sending her, into the last food court table. Before the extra small wing of shops.
Serena knocking a few things over, spilling part of someone's drink onto the side of her skirt, and down her leg.
Serena softly cursing in Italian, by instinct, as I gently grab her, and help steady her.
The other woman giggling softly, to herself.
"My apologies, yet I always have heard." "How clumsy, and ill mannered Italian tramps are." "Especially when dining." She says, mistakingly focused on me. Thinking Serena was my date or girlfriend. Not that I would ever mind that being true. It simply was not the fact.
"Got it, Laetitia Casta." I hear someone close by, name the other brunette beauty, after searching for who she was.
Serena's face showing no surprise or awe, hearing who the woman was.
Laetitia standing still, hands on hips, legs slightly splayed, watching us.
"Where are my manners." Serena says softly. "We Italians are always ready to share." She ads, grabbing another cup, from the table. Before tossing the rest of it's partially filled contents, down Laetitias front.
"This is true, even with French whores like yourself." She ads smugly, as Laetitia stands gasping, and in shock. As her top becomes slightly sodden. Even as some of the liquid streams down her front, and beneath her skirt.
Onlookers calling things out or laughing watching it. As Serena stands defiant, waiting on her rivals response.
Laetitia scoops up, the last drink on the table, hurling it's contents onto Serena!!
As if by mutual consent. Serena, and Laetitia give cries of battle, before launching themselves, at each other.
Two statuesque, stunning ladies, collide. Bodies, wetted, hands reaching out, for hair or hand holds.
People begin to gather as diners rush out of the way.
Serena, and Laetitia slamming together, as well as into other tables, and chairs. Food, and beverages flying, spilling, and spattering or drenching the ladies even more.
Laetitia rips Serena's blouse open. As even more of Serena's lush curves are revealed.
Serena manages to yank Laetitia's head to the side, with a hand full of hair. Laetitia just managing to lift Serena's bra slightly. Letting Serena's right breast spill free. Serena's tit so pleasing to the eye. Well formed and symetrical in every way. The areola large, the nipple starting to distend. As her passion, and temper begin to flare.
Laetitia trying to sink her nails, into the heaving tit.
Even as Serena lands a forearm, to Laetitia's front. Driving her back, and partially up, over the edge of a table.
Serena quickly following it up, using one arm to partially pin her. As Serena rips Laetitia's blouse open, and her red velvet bra off, with the other. Laetitia's breasts, equally well formed, nice sized, and supple skinned. As well as very firm, and jiggling. As Serena begins to grab from around the table. Smacking, Laetitia's exposed tits hard. While spattering them with food. As she writhes, trying to slip free.
The growing crowd wincing, at the harsh slapping sounds of skin on skin. As Serena begins to punish Laetitia's tits.
"This is for trying to ruin my vacation, you french whore!!" Serena says, before adding a backhand, to the already bruising breasts.
Laetitia finally managing to slip a belly punch in. Serena gasping, as she doubles up slightly. Laetitia jerking her own body back, onto the table. Before sending a foot, flying into Serena's middle. Serena avoiding the full heel, as she was already trying to back up. Yet still being pushed back by the impact.
Laetitia scrambling, pulling herself off the table. Hurling herself at Serena. Soon it is Serena driven onto her back on a table top. As now her bra is stripped. Laetitia gleefully, spattering and smearing food, and drink across Serena's ample breasts.
"I do not see how they allow, Italian trash like you into their country slut!!" Laetitia taunts, as Serena writhes, arching her body, trying to get free.
Laetitia's bobbling breasts, rubbing against Serena's proudly thrust tits. As Laetitia makes the mistake of trying to get further in Serena's face.
Laetitia glaring down smugly at Serena. Until Serena's nails dig harshly, into one of Laetitia's firm breasts.
Laetitia crying out, as Serena squeezes the tit, as her nails rake the nipple, even as they try and dig in further. Into the tender flesh, of the aching breast.
Laetitia rising on her toes, trying to ease the pain. As one of her shoes falls off. As she is almost laying prone, up on top of Serena.
Then Serena's other hand slips free, to land a harsh slap across Laetitia's pretty face. Even as she bucks her nubile body.
Laetitia shifts, falling to the side, and to the floor. As Serena releases her tit, and shoves hard.
The french actress model off balance, and on only one heel. Staggers, and stumbles to the floor.
Some of the crowd calling out for her to get up. While others cheer for Serena to add more punishment.
Serena quickly removing Laetitia's blouse the rest of the way. Before stripping her skirt. Soon Laetitia, is down to only her red holiday panties, and one shoe. As Serena presses her own foot. To Laetitia's nice ass. As the struggling beauty tries pulling herself ahead, and away.
Serena giving her ass a nice shove. Sending Laetitia sprawling, to the cheers, and applause of the crowd.
Serena turning slightly, to wave, and smile at her new fans.
Just before Laetitia uses her own leg, to sweep Serena's out from under her.
Serena drops to the floor, her air being driven from her, by the impact.
Now Laetitia scrambling, and yanking Serena's blouse off, before stripping her skirt. Serena's sexy black lace panties. Even skimpier than I imagined. Covering her sex, and very little of her firm ass.
Laetitia knocking Serena back. As she splays her own body, across my sexy Italian friends.
The two begin to rol, entangled tit to exposed bare tit. Dressed in only their panties, as they hit, slap, claw, and do more damage, to each other.
Their breathing more labored, as they struggle, and strain to gain the momentum, for a victory.
Chests, and bodies aching. While hearts pound, and catfighting blood races.
Hard nippled tits, grinding together. As legs try and grapevine, and pin the other.
Finally they both shove free, to rise to their knees, facing each other.
They both begin rising to their feet, hitting, and slapping each other hard. Then they shove into each other aggresively again. With a double hair pull, from each. They go over the side, and tumble into the water of the fountain together. With mingled shrieks, and a splash.
Arms, and legs flailing, water sloshing, and splashing, as they fight. Finally they both rise, panties now stripped, as black lace and red velvet bob sodden, and torn free in the fountain.
Two lush, sensuous bodies, naked, and glistening. Chests heaving, as long brunette hair, now plastered to their wet bodies.
"You know this ends with you the losing whore, flat on her back." Laetitia gasps out, between pants for air.
"Fuck you, let's finish this bitch!!" Serena replies.
Then with determined looks, and cries of battle from both. They surge ahead into each other again.
Water splashing, yet both beautiful ladies slowing, showing the fatigue, from the fast, and hard hitting catfight.
Laetitia manages to land a very solid punch, to Serena's left side, staggering her slightly. Yet the move leaving Laetitia partially open. As a hard fist, from Serena slams into Laetitia's sleek belly. Laetitia doubling up, as her air is driven from her body.
Serena grabbing Laetitia's long hair, pulling her head slightly to the side. Before following up. With a fast punch, to Laetitia's chin.
Laetitia's legs immediately wilt beneath her, as she falls splashing down into the fountain. Serena tubling down with her.
Laetitia almost fully knocked out. Revived slightly by the surge and wetness of the water splashing over her. Weakly pulls herself backwards, to lay partially draped up over the side. Serena moving with her, to lay on top for a moment.
The two naked, wet, and laying pressed together. As I move quickly in. Helping to guide one of Laetitia's arms over the side. To help her from sliding back in, and under.
Laetitia's chest heaving, as she lay dazed, and aching.
Serena's pretty brown eyes looking up at me. As she extends her own arm, letting me help her up, and out of the fountain. As people begin to cheer.
Laetitia Casta lay naked, splayed, and barely conscious in the water fountain.
Beside me, then hugging me gently. To keep from causing more pain to bruises, and achy places.
Serena, the naked, beautiful winner of the catfight.
Security, backed up, with a few called in local police. Begin breaking everything up.
With neither Serena or Laetitia wanting to press charges of any kind, against the other lady. As well as due to their being foreign visitors both. They are allowed to go free, no legal actions or charges filed.
After some pleading, and with escorts. Both ladies are allowed to purchase some clothing, along with their hosts. Before being escorted from the mall. With a ban for the rest of the day.
Serena all smiles, having enjoyed her catfight, with such a sexy opponent, as Laetitia. As well as being the winner.
Dressed in a simple tee shirt, and jeans now. Asks me what else was planned for the rest of her day.
We would return to my place, to let her relax, and maybe let me tend to some of her achy spots.
Then her promised dinner, after some sight seeing.
The next day, we would return to the mall. Where Serena would get involved in a major catfight, with over half a dozen other ladies. That Serena would win as well. Before being banned for a year from the mall.
Maybe next year, would have to be Christmas in Italy. Yet I never would regret one moment, of time shared. With Serena from Italy. The Christmas catfight winner.
The end


Offline stormbolt7

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