Although the two women had known each other since they were at secondary school they could not be regarded as friends or enemies. They knew each other as people do in a medium size town enough to say hello too and that was about it. Both were very similar at the age of 34 Sandra being curly mousy blonde 5`4”, 34c weighing 121 lbs, Jane straight dark haired was also 34, 5` 5”, 36c and 128 lbs. They were both strong minded girls who wanted and normally got their own way. Which was why neither was married, as relationships had never been completely two way. Now both were aware of the biological clock ticking away and both wanted to settle down and have children, they were also mellowing and giving more to relationships. The problem was they both were seeing the same man, Tom a successful engineer, there was no commitment and in no case could either couple be considered an item. Both worked for different estate agents and wore similar uniforms of blouse and skirt which ended just above the knee. They knew of each others attraction for Tom and Jane decided to speak to Sandra about it around the time Sandra had the same idea. They both walked home from work along a quiet path through a park and Jane decided to wait for Sandra at a secluded picnic area with a few trestle tables. As Sandra approached Jane stood to meet her Sandra knew instinctively why she was there. Although both had never been in a real fight before Jane had had an altercation with a drunken girl one night and had slapped her once, the other girl burst into tears and ran. Sandra had a set to with a customer’s wife in a previous job and had pushed her back hard sending the wife to the floor and into a flood of tears. Both considered themselves capable of looking after themselves and knew a slap would settle any physical activity. As they approached each other they were apprehensive but confident of any outcome.
Jane got straight to the point and told Sandra that she would appreciate it if she stayed away from Tom; Sandra of course told her where to go. The conversation got more heated until Sandra told Jane all was fair in love and war and went to walk away Jane put her hand on Sandra’s shoulder pushing her round, shouting “don’t walk away from me bitch”. Sandra’s reply was very succinct, her open hand landed with a resounding smack on Jane's cheek. Both looked at each other in shock not knowing what to do now but instinct took over and both grabbed handfuls of each others hair. They started shaking each others heads and trying to swing each other round in an attempt to trip the other to the ground but to no success. Sandra released her right hand and stared to slap at Jane’s face but with Jane shaking Sandra’s head most blows missed and those that landed were ineffectual. Jane let go with of Sandra’s hair and grabbed the collar of Sandra’s blouse and started slapping at Sandra’s face the pulling and tugging was moving the women over the ground. Their shoes were short healed slip on type and when being pushed back Jane lost her footing and fell backwards dragging Sandra on top of her. As she stumbled her hand grasped at the top of Sandra’s blouse also catching her bra between the cups, they were still travelling backwards when they hit the ground. Sandra’s knee striking Jane an accidental glancing blow on her crotch, Sandra was then catapulted over Jane’s head with Jane still holding her blouse and bra, as she flipped over and landed on her back the thin material of the bra sapped and the buttons flew from her blouse. Unseen by either of them two teenage boys had arrived and hid themselves in the bushes to watch the fight.
They quickly came to their knees staring at each other Sandra trying to hold her blouse together and Jane pressing a hand to her crotch, they were confused not understanding how they were fighting but again instinct took over and they launched themselves at each other. Hands buried in hair they pulled and tugged until they fell again in an untidy heap. They rolled over and over legs intertwining while grasping hands tore at hair and clothes, open handed slaps landed anywhere, skirts rolled up to show panties giving the two onlookers erections. Jane’s blouse was ripped open and her bra was pushed above her tits meanwhile Sandra had lost her bra and blouse completely. Both had lost their shoes Jane’s self supporting stockings had slipped down her legs, Sandra’s stockings was holed but were still held in place by her garter belt. Sandra was sting on top of Jane’s stomach both still had handfuls of hair, Sandra released one hand and punched Jane on the cheek then lowered her aim and punched her right tit, Jane shrieked with outrage and went to cover the damaged tit when Sandra flattened her left tit against her ribcage. The two boys crept closer. Jane was trapped under Sandra with her legs kicking and thrashing at the ground giving the boys a clear view of her white lacy panties under her skirt. However her hands were free and she grabbed a double handful of Sandra’s hair pulling herself off the ground and Sandra down until she pulled her off balance and rolled over on top of her using her advantage to exact revenge by punching Sandra’s face with her right hand and squeezing as hard as she could on Sandra’s right tit with her left hand. Sandra screamed in protest and launched a fist straight into Jane’s face catching her on her nose instantly bringing tears to her eyes and causing her to leap up to her feet and back away until the back of her thighs came into contact with a picnic table. Sandra stood massaging her sore tit while Jane held both hands to her nose which was not broken and only seeping a drop of blood. They stared at each other both knowing they needed to finish this quick as they were both tiring, they two boys still unnoticed stared open mouthed at the women stained, dishelved with their redden tits on full display and Sandra’s skirt rucked up above her light blue almost see through panties displaying a well rounded bum.
Jane lowered her hands to the table top she was stood with her legs slightly parted about to spring to the attack when Sandra beat her to it, she launched herself at Jane grabbing two handfuls of hair Jane leant back but could not move as the table was in they way. Sandra’s left knee passed with all the force she could muster between Jane’s open knees stopping only when it met Jane’s crotch with a sickening thud. Jane screamed and reached down to comfort her injured womanhood but Sandra kept tight grip of her hair forcing her onto her back on the table, Sandra climbed on top of Jane’s stomach trapping one of Jane’s arms under her body and the other bent up across her stomach but under Sandra’s crotch. Jane was in floods of tears and near to panic when Sandra unleashed blows to her face and tits at random screaming for Jane to give before she really hurt her. Jane was in the verge of capitulating when she managed to turn her hand round under Sandra’s crotch an grabbed a handful of panties, pubic hair and flesh she squeezed and twisted for all she was worth Sandra raised herself to escape the burning pain, high enough for Jane to get her other arm free and grab Sandra’s right tit pulling her from on top to land flat on her back legs hanging on either side of the bench seat and Jane landing bum first on her stomach driving the wind from her lungs. Knowing the end was near Jane grabbed Sandra’s hair and bounced her head of the seat two or three time dazing the blond, she slapped her face then grabbed both of her tits and tried to tear them off her chest it was then she realised she had won and the battle lust left her. She looked down at the crying blond and raised her aching body off Sandra noticing that she was partly nude and that Sandra was lying in much the same condition but with her skirt up around her waist. She lent down and grabbed one of Sandra’s tits in each hand and told her Stay Away From Tom emphasising each word with a full force knee between Sandra’s open legs.
She turned to walk away putting her ruined blouse and bra back as best she could noticing the two exited boys for the first time. Her mouth twisted as a wicked thought came to her, she said “hey boys seen one of these before?” and with that turned back to Sandra grabbing her panties and tugging them off, then holding Sandra’s hands away from covering herself and inviting the boys to have a feel and take pictures her holding Sandra up in her nude condition with their mobile phones. The pictures would be round town in minutes and she would have completely humiliated the defeated blond.