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Society Reboot - The Climax

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Re: Society Reboot - The Climax
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2017, 09:16:25 PM »
Oh come on now! I need more!

Poor Tiffany getting abused like that. Lyanna so triumphant...

*munches all kinds of popcorn*

Amazing work.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline TheScribbler

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Re: Society Reboot - The Climax
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2017, 05:02:47 AM »
Hi Folks...glad you're enjoying the story.  Sorry tonight's installment is a little late...I've been on airplanes again.



Tiffany gasped and shook her head, as much as she could with her hair twisted tight around Lyanna’s fingers.

“But where’s the fun in that?” the redhead went on.  “I’m sure they’d find some really creative ways to humiliate you…for the longest time but…well, call me selfish.  I want you for myself.” She reached over Tiffany’s shoulder, her fingers grasping and lifting Tiffany’s right breast, squeezing it, weighing it.  “How does it feel, to be beaten down…defenseless…helpless?” she purred in Tiffany’s ear.  “The mighty, fallen,” she added mockingly as she pinched Tiffany’s nipple hard.  Tiffany moaned.  “But bitch…you haven’t begun to fall yet.  The night is young.”

Lyanna flung Tiffany’s head forward again, and Tiffany had neither the strength nor the spirit left to keep herself from slamming down on her face once more.  She lay there, trembling, hurting, tears flowing freely now.  I’m done.  She’s won.  She can do whatever she wants…and she will.

What Lyanna did right at that moment was to bend over and thrust her fingers into the back of Tiffany’s sweat-soaked thong.  “I think we can all agree,” she called out, her words intended not just for Tiffany but for the entire room, “this bitch doesn’t deserve to wear this any longer…if she ever did.” She raised her voice even more.  “What do you say, people?  Strip the bitch?”

There were cheers from the audience, and even a short-lived chant, “Strip the bitch! STRIP the bitch!”  Lyanna jerked hard on the thong, pulling it down at the back, lifting Tiffany’s ass up off the floor as she did so.  Tiffany groaned in pain as the harsh movement wrenched her injured back, and moaned even louder in humiliation as the redhead pulled the thong down her thighs, past the knees, over her ankles and off her.  She offered no resistance.  She had none left to offer.  She was beaten.  She lay there, motionless. She took my thong.  She’s taking my title.  She’s taking everything.  Her shoulders shook with a wracking sob.

Lyanna crouched over her again, and once again yanked her head up off the mat.  Through her tears, she saw the scarlet scrap of cloth dangling from Lyanna’s hand as the redhead held it in front of her.  The gold sigil of the Society gleamed in the light.  “You won’t be needing this any longer,” Lyanna gloated.  “You’re not worthy to wear it.”  With a careless flourish, she flipped it away into the middle of the arena.

There was a flash in front of Tiffany, and she swiveled her eyes – all she could move, held tight in Lyanna’s grasp – to see a blonde-haired woman in an emerald-green dress with her cell phone raised, evidently having just taken a picture.  Lyanna laughed. “Hey honey, let me give you a better one!” She jerked Tiffany’s head up further by the hair, getting a barely audible groan of pain from the brunette, and shuffled forward until her breasts – nipples dark and hard – rested firmly on Tiffany’s shoulders, either side of her smudged, stricken face.  “How’s that?”

The woman – Tiffany had seen her before at Society parties but did not know her name – smiled.  “Just wanted something to record the event,” she replied in a pronounced English accent.  “Thanks!” She melted back into the crowd.

“There’s gotta be a lot of people want to ‘record the event’” grinned Lyanna, mimicking the blonde’s accent.  “Let’s go meet the public, shall we?” She gave Tiffany no choice in the matter as she rose to her feet and half led, half-dragged the battered brunette toward the expectant onlookers.

The crowd parted around them, phone cameras flashing, everyone eager to capture the sight of the proud victor, the beaten champion.  It’s all over. All over bar the submission, and she can get that any time she wants.  She knows it.  She just wants to draw it out, to twist the knife.  Bitch.  Tiffany knew that she too could end it.  She could cry out her submission.  Eventually I’ll have to. But she could not bring herself to utter the words – not yet.  Why not? Is there any hope? Seriously? She shook her head desperately.  It was unthinkable.  The Society champion was who she was.  Without that, she was nothing.

She caught sight of a couple standing beside one of the leather couches that dotted the room.  The woman was a strawberry blonde in the proverbial little black dress, probably in her forties but well-maintained.  She looked like a fighter, or at least an ex-fighter.  Her male companion was maybe a little older, dark-haired with strands of grey at the temples, dressed in a dark suit.  The woman stood pressed against him, actually grinding her crotch on him as she regarded Lyanna and Tiffany with hooded, lustful eyes.  The man had the same look, and there was a visible bulge in the crotch of his trousers.

“Look at you two!” Lyanna said brightly to them both as she stepped up to them, hauling Tiffany along with her.  “Look at them, Tiffany!  See how much they love seeing you like this.” She twisted Tiffany’s face up to look into each of their hungry faces.  “See how turned on they are!” She laughed.  “Take a close look!’  She thrust Tiffany’s head forward and the beaten champion groaned in embarrassment as Lyanna rubbed her face firmly against the man’s bulging crotch.  Lyanna kissed him hard.  His wife or girlfriend gave her a hostile look until the redhead grabbed her head and kissed her too with equal vigor.  She was still standing wide-eyed as Lyanna moved on with Tiffany in her wake.  “That’s your Society, bitch…well, it used to be your Society.  Not so much now!”

They moved on once more, touring the crowd.  Tiffany no longer even tried to avert her eyes from the numerous spectacles of depraved arousal as individuals, couples and even small groups surrendered to their desires – to the arousal they felt at seeing the champion deposed, degraded, destroyed.  They stopped again, and Tiffany heard a familiar voice.  “Well hi, sugah! You planning to give me that lesson, now?” The older, blonde Tiffany laughed musically.  She stood arm-in-arm with another, younger, shorter and rather buxom blonde.  The flush on both their faces suggested that they had been kissing, moments before.  “I guess not, huh?”  She stepped forward and, taking her eyes off Tiffany, kissed Lyanna on the lips.  “Congratulations, honey.  The queen is dead.  Long Live the Queen!”

At last Lyanna hauled the sagging, beaten brunette back onto the black rug, turning her on her knees to face the audience before lifting her to her feet with one hand in her hair and the other forcing her up in a half-nelson.  Tiffany hung there in her enemy’s arms.  Her legs were like rubber, her body limp.  It was all she could do to stand, and she was not even certain she could do that if Lyanna let go of her.

“Much as I’m enjoying this,” Lyanna taunted her, her cheek pressed against Tiffany’s neck, “it’s time to end it.  Time for you to give it up, bitch.  Tell them.  Tell them it’s over.  Tell them you surrender.  Let’s hear it.”

Tiffany shivered uncontrollably as her eyes roved fearfully around the room, taking in the watching crowd.  Everyone’s attention was on her now. They were all waiting to hear her surrender the fight and the championship.  Her gaze flickered from one face to another, unable to meet anyone’s eyes, until she settled at last on the one empty space, only a few feet in front of her – the seat in the center of the nearest couch, right in front of her.  It was upholstered in red, a stark contrast to the black leather on either side.  This was the champion’s seat – the throne as Tiffany had always liked to think of it.  Her chair – but hers no longer.

The thought of it was more than she could bear.  She opened her mouth, but no sound emerged.  Lips trembling, she shook her head.  I can’t.  I CAN’T!  She knew Lyanna was right.  It was over – all over.  She had given everything, but it hadn’t been enough.  She wasn’t good enough.  But still she couldn’t bring herself to say it.  It would be the admission that she had lost it all – everything she had worked and fought and suffered for.  It was all lost.  She was lost.

Lyanna stepped around in front of her, holding her by the matted hair each side of her head.  Tiffany stood there swaying, barely able to stay on her feet, eyes lowered.  Lyanna shook her head violently.  ‘Look at me!  LOOK!”  Tiffany reluctantly looked up, blinking.  Tears streamed down her cheeks.  “It’s over.  We both know it.  Everybody knows it!  Give it up!” She gripped Tiffany’s head even tighter.  “SAY IT!”  Tiffany let out a sob, but still she remained silent.  It wasn’t defiance now.  It was simply denial.  She couldn’t bring herself to think it, let alone to say it.  Another sob shook her.

“Stupid! Stubborn! cxnt!” Lyanna’s face contorted in fury.  “Have it your way!”  With a roar she took an abrupt step backward, yanking Tiffany forward along with her by her ragged hair.  The redhead didn’t stop there however.  She continued backwards, toppling, and dragging Tiffany after her.  In the instant before Tiffany too fell, Lyanna’s left foot slammed hard up into the pit of her stomach.  She had no time even to register the pain – and it would have been a mere drop in the ocean of agony that already engulfed her – as she felt herself propelled upward in an arc over the redhead’s body.  Oh fuck.

She landed not on the thick rug of the arena or even on the surrounding carpet, but across the vacant champion’s seat in the middle of the couch.  Her head and shoulders crashed into the seat of the sofa, which absorbed much of the initial impact.  Not so a moment later when her already ravaged back crashed down hard across the back of the couch, the weight of her legs arching her spine agonizingly.  Her scream of utter torment echoed off the walls.  Her entire body went rigid for a moment before she wilted against the cushions, quivering.

“Too stupid to know when to quit!” growled Lyanna as she rolled up to her feet and stalked toward Tiffany.  The devastated brunette recognized those words.  She had heard them from her own lips a dozen times, when she faced a particularly obstinate opponent who had too much guts, or too little sense, to capitulate.

Lyanna dropped onto the couch, on her knees astride Tiffany’s face, pinning Tiffany’s arms down with her shins.  Her scent seared the brunette’s lungs – perfume, sweat, anger and arousal.  The musk of arousal was stronger now – much stronger.  “If you won’t give it up on your own, I guess I’ll have to persuade you,” she hissed.  Tiffany felt a chill but had no time to ponder the threat before the redhead’s fist slammed down into her belly.  “MMMPPPHHH!!!” Again the last remnants of her breath erupted from her chest as her enemy’s knuckles twisted deep in her defenseless abs.  The pain paralyzed her, not just her body but, it seemed, her very thoughts.  She couldn’t think.  She wished fervently that she couldn’t feel, but the bitch granted her no such mercy.  Her other fist pounded into Tiffany’s belly too, deeper still.  Tiffany convulsed, her body jack-knifing upward beneath her tormentor, before flopping back again, twitching helplessly.

“Dammit, you stubborn skank!” Lyanna’s voice was thick with frustrated lust.  “How dare you!” She reached down and hooked her thong aside, exposing the shaven, swollen, flushed lips of her sex.  “I’ll make you eat me, bitch, surrendered or not!” She thrust herself downward hard, and Tiffany squirmed weakly but ineffectually as the redhead’s sopping loins enveloped her mouth and nose.

“Lick me, cxnt! DO IT!” Lyanna snarled in a voice that brooked no disobedience.  Tiffany tried to twist her head aside, but could not.  She tried to breathe, but what little air she inhaled was full of Lyanna’s juices.  She whimpered again as the redhead ground down on her, circling her hips.  She heard Lyanna moan and the powerful body above her trembled with burgeoning need.  With an inward sob – she could not spare the air for anything more – she gave in to the inevitable, extended her tongue and began to lap at her enemy’s swollen, throbbing clit.

Lyanna began to respond immediately.  The motion of her hips grew more urgent.  Needful sounds penetrated the fog of pain that surrounded Tiffany’s agonized awareness.  She hunched forward, gripping Tiffany’s thighs, pulling them apart.  Dimly Tiffany heard murmurs from the audience.  She realized she was exposed to them, her pussy open wide, on display like a piece of meat, stripped of any dignity.  People would be taking pictures of the champion shamed.  Right now Tiffany was past caring.  What dignity do I have left?

“That’s…good…bitch.”  Lyanna’s voice trembled.  “You’re…good for something…after…all…” Her words trailed off in a gasp.  “Oh….OHH…OHHH YESSS!!!” She bucked reflexively, shuddered and then shook like a leaf as a cataclysmic climax overcame her, body thrashing, bouncing, gyrating, screaming as her fingers clawed at Tiffany’s thighs in a frenzy.

Eventually – and it took a while – her spasms abated, and she lifted herself, shakily, a few inches up off Tiffany’s face.  Tiffany gulped a welcome breath, though it was still filled with the odor of her enemy’s orgasm.  She blinked – her eyes were blurred not just with tears now but also with her enemy’s juices.  The bitch came on my face! All over my face! She made me lick her!  Before…before – That train of thought came to a sudden, horrifying halt.  Before what? Before I surrender?  Here I am, too beaten to even move, hung upside down, pussy opened up for the crowd, with her kneeling on me, her cxnt in my face, my mouth full of her juices.  What have I got left to surrender?  Again the tears flowed.

“Not bad, skank,” purred Lyanna shakily.  “Not bad…for the first round, anyway.”  Her chest heaved as she stared downward between her breasts, past her mound with its immaculately trimmed strip of hair exposed by her displaced thong, into her defeated enemy’s eyes.

Yes, defeated. Tiffany could bring herself to admit it now, at least to herself.  God, how do I get out of here with some shred of respect…even self-respect?

That decision was made for her – though not in any good way – a moment later when Lyanna leaned forward and spread Tiffany’s trembling thighs even wider.  “So…back to the subject of persuasion.”  Tiffany gave a startled and fearful yelp as the redhead’s fingers spread her pussy lips.  “I can be…very…persuasive.” Her fingertips trailed softly from Tiffany’s ass, along the cleft of her womanhood.  Tiffany shuddered as she felt her enemy’s nails stroke with awful gentleness, slipping inside her lips, probing at her entrance.  No!  NO! “NO! DON’T!!! PLEASE!!!” It took a moment for her realize that she had spoken – screamed – out loud.

Lyanna paused.  “What’s that, bitch?  Finally coming to your senses?  Ready to accept the inevitable?”

“PLEASE!!!” Tiffany repeated.  “Stop!  STOP!!! I’ll…I’ll do anything!”

Lyanna straightened up atop her and gazed down into her eyes again.  Her smile was slow, knowing.  “Oh yeah…believe me, you will.”  She backed herself up and clambered off the couch, leaving Tiffany laying there upside down, aching all over, trembling with shock.



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Re: Society Reboot - The Climax
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2017, 02:35:51 AM »
And we aren't done yet Tiff, oh, not by a long shot!


Offline TheScribbler

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Re: Society Reboot - The Climax
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2017, 02:37:54 AM »
Hi's tonight's episode...



A desolate sob tore through Tiffany as she heard the applause, the cheers that resounded through the spectators as they celebrated Lyanna’s victory – her enemy’s victory, and her own defeat. I lost.  I lost everything.

“Up you get, loser,” Lyanna ordered her.  “You know how this goes.”  Tiffany’s limbs twitched weakly but she could not find the strength or the coordination to lever herself up from her awkward position.

“Move, bitch!” Lyanna’s voice was sharper now.  “Don’t think you can get out of this just because you were the champion.” The word ‘were’ cut Tiffany to the core.  She managed to raise one leg and get her foot on the back of the couch, but the redhead did not wait for her to do anything else.  She bent over, grabbed Tiffany again by the hair and hauled her off the couch.  She barely groaned at the pain in her scalp, and did not even bother trying to raise her arms.  Her butt hit the floor with a thump.

Lyanna stood over her as she lay there, trembling just with the effort of breathing, staring blankly upward through her tears, face covered in the victor’s juices.  She won.  She’s the champion.  She’s the champion and I’m – She did not know to complete that thought.  She did not know what she was, except that she was more beaten than she had ever been.

“Get up!” Lyanna nudged her firmly in the ribs with a hard foot.  “On your knees, loser!  You know what to do!”

Biting her lip, Tiffany managed to roll herself onto her side, then over onto her belly.  She lay there for a long moment, gasping, fighting through the pain that seemed to be everywhere at once, through the trembling fatigue in her muscles.  Lyanna’s foot jabbed into her ribs again.  “Fetch!” she ordered.  “Bring me what’s mine!”

Tiffany slowly pushed herself up onto all fours, her head hanging between her shoulders, her face downcast, hidden by the tangled, ragged curtain of her hair.  She knew what she had to do.  She hated it, but she had no choice.  Tears of grief joined those of pain and despair as she began to crawl, first one uncertain pace, then another.  Her limbs seemed to fall into a familiar if faltering rhythm, moving independently of her will.

She crossed from the white carpet to the black rug that marked the arena.  As Lyanna said, she knew what to do.  She had to find her discarded bikini, pick it up, crawl back to her victorious opponent and present it to her.  It was a Society tradition.  Knowing that did not make it any easier or any less humiliating.

The top was easy to find, laying almost in the middle of the arena, the scarlet fabric standing out starkly against the black rug.  She crawled ponderously over to it, bent her head and pressed her face to the scrap of cloth.  Her tears stained it as she picked it up in her teeth and lifted herself up onto all fours again.

She turned her head back and forth, blinking through her tears as she sought the second, even more heartrending symbol of her surrender.  The champion’s thong.  My thong.  She gave another muffled sob through the bikini top in her mouth.  No.  Not mine any longer.

“Look at her!” scoffed Lyanna from behind her.  “Too beat up to know where she is!” Out of the corner of her eye, Tiffany saw the redhead had stepped forward into the arena too.  Unlike Tiffany, trembling on her knees, the new champion – Tiffany gave another sob at the thought – stood proudly, shoulders back, head high with a beaming smile on her face.  She was breathing hard, not from exhaustion but from exhilaration, her proud breasts rising and falling rhythmically.  Her skin glowed under the bright lights – the glow of victory.

At last Tiffany spotted what she was looking for – what she wished with all her broken heart she did not have to seek.  It was almost all the way across the arena, close beneath the balcony.  She made her way painfully, despondently toward it.  She wished fervently that she could move faster, get this over with, crawl away and hide, but her battered body betrayed her, forcing her to crawl slowly, to prolong her anguish, to wallow in her defeat.

She reached the thong, bent her head again and took in her mouth.  It took her two attempts, but she finally managed to pick up both the top and the thong.  The strings trailing along the carpet between her dangling, swaying breasts, she turned a half circle and began her slow return journey to where Lyanna stood waiting.

After a long time she found herself kneeling at Lyanna’s feet as again the redhead stood over her.  “Good job, loser,” she said scornfully.  “Seems like you can take direction after all.”  Tiffany caught the flashes of camera phones as the champion stretched out her hand.  “Give.”

Not even trying to contain her tears, Tiffany slowly lifted her head.  She tried to keep her eyes downcast – she did not want to meet Lyanna’s gaze – but she was unable to help herself.  She looked up into her enemy’s triumphant face as she stretched out her neck and placed the bikini in Lyanna’s hand.

Lyanna flung her arm up in the air, brandishing her trophy for all to see.  “YESSS!!!” She grabbed Tiffany by the hair and yanked her upright on her knees, spinning on her right foot to face the crowd, placing her left between Tiffany’s calves, stretching the routed former champion backward against her left hip.  She’s showing off her trophies, showing off the champion’s thong – and me. 

There were more camera flashes as the audience reveled in the moment.  Tiffany did not need to look to know what they were seeing – the proud victor, glistening with the sweat of her conquest, the battered, vanquished loser, hanging limply with only defeat in her eyes.  She whimpered once more as Lyanna jerked her left and right, showing her off for the cameras.

The redhead yanked Tiffany’s head up to stare down into her eyes.  “Tell them, bitch!” she barked.  “Tell them!  What am I?  WHAT AM I?”

Tiffany’s lip trembled.  It tore at her soul to say the words, but she had no choice.  They could all see – even she herself could see as her eyes traveled up Lyanna’s powerful body.  There was no denying it.  “You’re…you’re the new Society champion.”

Lyanna threw her head back and laughed.  “YES I AM!” she roared.  She suddenly spun again to stand in front of Tiffany.  “So why am wearing THIS???” She tapped a finger against her own crotch, against the black thong with the number ‘1’ on it.  She smiled down into Tiffany’s eyes.  “Take it off me.”  Tiffany glanced at the thong, then back up to Lyanna’s face again.  “Do it, bitch!” Lyanna slapped her hard across the face.

Trembling, Tiffany lifted her leaden arms.  It frightened her – though it failed to shock her – that she did not even think to do anything but obey.  She meant to reach up and hook her fingers in the straps over Lyanna’s hips, but her arms refused to obey her and instead she grasped at Lyanna’s legs just above the knee to steady herself.  The champion’s muscles were firm yet supple to the touch.  God, I can feel her power even now, even after the fight…even after all she did to me.  A shiver ran through her.  She’s got the power to kick my ass all over again…and I don’t have the power even to stand.

Slowly, ever so slowly, her fingers trailed upward along the outsides of Lyanna’s thighs.  Her unseeing eyes were fixed on the ‘1’ that hovered inches from her face.  Lyanna stood stock still as Tiffany’s fingertips glided higher, slipping around of their own accord to the backs of her thighs, then up onto the smooth, firm flesh of her bare buttocks.  Even her ass is powerful…so powerful. Tiffany shuddered again as she finally slid her fingers under the thin straps and began to ease the thong downward over the redhead’s sensuous hips.

Again she was surprised to find herself trailing her fingertips down the redhead’s thighs – caressing them gently as she slid the thong downward past Lyanna’s knees, over her calves, down to her ankles.  Her mind reeled in wonder.  All the time I thought she was soft, weak, just a wannabe…but she’s strong. The thought rose unbidden and unwanted – but nonetheless true. More powerful than me.

Lyanna stepped out of the thong, keeping her hold on Tiffany’s hair with one hand.  Tiffany felt the red bikini brushing her bare back. “Give,” Lyanna repeated.  Tiffany reached up with trembling fingers and placed the thong in her outstretched hand.  Lyanna looked at it thoughtfully.  “Number one,” she mused, then smiled and looked down at Tiffany again.  “Seems to me like this would be better on you than me.” She laughed.  “Number one loser!”

She thrust her hand out and rubbed the thong hard against Tiffany’s face.  It smelled – and tasted – of the new champion’s sweat, the musk of her skin, the heady scent of her fierce lust.  It’s the taste of her victory.  It’s the taste of my defeat.

Lyanna reached over Tiffany’s head and draped the thong around her neck, the front of it hanging against her chest.  She stared down into Tiffany’s distraught face and she too shivered.  “Gawd,” she drawled, “I’ve wanted this for so long…and now it’s mine.  You’re mine.  It’s all MINE!!!  Her voice swelled to a triumphant roar that echoed around the room as she gripped Tiffany’s head in both hands and thrust her hips forward, shoving herself against Tiffany’s face, driving Tiffany’s nose and mouth into her sopping pussy.  “MINE!!!

Tiffany stiffened and gave a gurgling cry that was quickly cut off as Lyanna’s nether lips enveloped her mouth.  She offered no other resistance as the redhead ground lasciviously on her face in unashamed, exultant passion.  There was more laughter, more cheers, more flashes.  She’s won.  It’s her dream come true.  She’s the Queen now and there’s nothing I can do but obey her.  She opened her mouth, extended her tongue and accepted the torrent of the champion’s lust.

She tried not to think, not to imagine how they looked as the depraved tableau played itself out.  It’s not just what she’s doing…using me, fucking my face…but it’s the way she’s doing it.  Everything she does, she shows her dominance.  It was true.  Lyanna was on her feet, powerful, controlling as she stood over Tiffany who shuddered on her knees, head thrown back as the champion stood slightly squatted over her face.  She lapped at Lyanna, neither eagerly nor reluctantly but dutifully, obediently – submissively.

“Mine!” Lyanna’s voice was strident.  “Mine!” She grew louder still.  Her hips bucked savagely against Tifffany’s face.  Her fingers clawed the beaten brunette’s scalp.  Tufts of hair cascaded to the rug.  Tiffany moaned into her tormentor’s streaming sex.  “MINE! MINE!!! OH…FUCK…YES!!! She convulsed, exploded and erupted into Tiffany’s gaping mouth, taking her pleasure greedily, ravenously from her ravaged foe.



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Re: Society Reboot - The Climax
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2017, 02:42:26 AM »
Here's the conclusion to the story.  Thanks to all who have read this, and particularly to those who have commented.




“Mmm….yes…” murmured Lyanna when her spasms subsided at last, leaving her hunched over, still standing, still clutching Tiffany’s head to her crotch.  She untangled her hands from the brunette’s hair, laughing softly under her breath.  “That felt…so…good…” she said breathlessly.  “So…damn…good.”  She held Tiffany’s flushed, crushed, devastated face in her hands.  “But it’s still not over, is it…pet?” She let go with one hand and held it in front of Tiffany’s eyes, dangling the scarlet thong.  “The Queen deserves to be crowned…no?”  Tiffany flinched as the redhead slapped the thong hard across both her cheeks.

“Take it,” Lyanna ordered her in a voice that allowed nothing but obedience.  Tiffany shuddered involuntarily at her tone.  She rules the room now…and me along with it.  Her hands trembled even more than before, so much so that she dropped the thong when she tried to take it from Lyanna.  There was laughter – mocking laughter – among the audience as she fumbled and reached down to pick it up off the carpet.

Still shaking, she held it out at ankle height for Lyanna to place first one foot, then the other into it.  Tiffany kept her eyes unfocused, trying not to look, not to think about what she was doing, but the enormity of it filled her mind.  She’s not just taking the championship, taking my title…she’s making me actually hand it to her in defeat.  It’s all part of the humiliation.  She doesn’t just want the title.  She wants my dignity, my pride.  She wants it all.

She began to slide the thong, her thong – no, her thong – slowly up Lyanna’s lissome legs.  Her fingertips caressed the redhead’s slick skin once more on their return journey.  She remembered those legs clamped tight around her, the pressure, the pain, crushing her.  She shivered and she noticed, as she reached Lyanna’s knees, that the other woman’s flesh was quivering too.  She’s trembling with excitement.  Why shouldn’t she?  This is her dream come true.  She has it all.  She’s taken it all.  Yet another sob of despair made her drooping shoulders shake.

It became harder, both physically and emotionally, as she lifted the thong higher, up the new champion’s thighs, inch by inch.  She wanted to be anywhere but here, kneeling before her conqueror in front of the entire Society, and doing anything but this, relinquishing her title to her long-time enemy, but nevertheless she found herself leaning closer to Lyanna, feeling the power in the redhead’s muscles, smelling the scent of her musky sweat.  Her tongue flicked across her lips as her body, of its own volition, wanted to taste the power.

Lyanna lowered herself a little and spread her feet slightly wider to allow Tiffany to settle the thong over her mound, the slender straps stretched high over her hips.  It was perhaps a tiny bit tighter than it had been on Tiffany, but it was still, to all observers, a perfect fit.  Tiffany tried to avert her eyes, but she could not.  The champion’s thong – on her.  Her hands fell to her sides.  Not on me.  She could not help but stare transfixed at the golden circular Society sigil emblazoned on the front of the thong – emblazoned on Lyanna’s crotch now, on the new champion.  It’s hers now, by right of conquest.  That thought – that truth – squeezed at her heart and crushed the last ragged remnants of her spirit.

Standing over her, Lyanna seemed to grow taller, larger, more powerful.  She pushed her shoulders back further, held her head even higher, smiling in triumph at the crowd.  Phone cameras flashed yet again, capturing the culmination of her conquest, the new Queen crowned, the deposed champion cowed and beaten at her feet.  People were calling out to her, imploring her to turn in their direction, to smile for them, to pose for them.  She obliged them all.

She tilted her head down to gaze at Tiffany kneeling before her.  “Look at me.”

Slowly, Tiffany turned her tearful face upward.  Her eyes flickered, unable to meet Lyanna’s gaze for more than a moment. 

“Tell me again.  Who am I?” asked Lyanna pointedly.  “What am I?”

Tiffany’s mouth opened, then closed again.  “You’re…you’re Lyanna,” she replied in a quavering voice, “and…” She intended to say, “and you’re the Society champion” but the words that came out were, “and you’re the Queen.”  She shuddered and hung her head in shame.

Her eyes darted up again as the redhead pointed to her crotch, tapping the golden sigil.  “Kiss it,” she instructed.  “Kiss my thong.”  Tiffany trembled once more but did not dare to even hesitate.  She extended her neck, trembling even harder with the effort of holding herself upright, holding her shoulders and arms back and stretching out her head to place her lips gently against the Society symbol and the firm flesh of the new champion’s mound beneath.

She meant to make only a brief contact, merely to see that the order was obeyed, but her strength or perhaps her will gave out at that moment and she felt herself lean in harder, pressing more firmly against Lyanna’s crotch.  She let out another unrestrained sob of sheer misery as applause echoed around the room and more flashes immortalized her downfall.   

Lyanna stood tall for the cameras – the proud victor displaying her trophy to the crowd.  She did not bother to hold Tiffany’s lips in place against her crotch.  There was no need.  She merely stood smiling radiantly as the audience applauded and took picture after picture.  History had been made here tonight, and everyone wanted to capture the moment.

Somebody off to Tiffany’s left called out, “Show us her face!” Lyanna reached down, twisted her fingers in Tiffany’s tangled hair, almost gently – She doesn’t need to use force any longer – and turned her in that direction, posing with the brunette’s cheek against her thigh, Tiffany’s ravaged face on show for the crowd and their cameras.  Lyanna was gracious in her moment of glory.  “Turn this way!” “Give us a victory pose!” “Put your knee in her back and stretch her out!” She smoothly and swiftly went from pose to pose, the hunter with her prey, the warrior and her vanquished victim, the object of their adulation.  Tiffany was turned this way and that, displayed for their derision. Please just let her send me away, and let this be over.

At last Lyanna tossed Tiffany away and the crowd closed in around the victor to offer their individual congratulations.  The redhead flexed, posed, offered her body to the crowd as they stroked her muscles, wanting to bask in her triumph. 

Tiffany lay on her belly, shaking with the force of a myriad emotions.  She didn’t even bother to order me out of the arena, like she should.  She just threw me away like a piece of garbage.  Somebody stepped over her to get to Lyanna. The party guests clustered around the redhead, hugging her, kissing her cheeks and even her lips, reaching out to touch her, all anxious to touch the power that had just deposed and destroyed the champion before their eyes.  Someone else stepped on Tiffany’s back and she groaned weakly but did nothing – could do nothing – to get herself out of the way of the crowd. 

She lay there a long time, alone in the midst of the throng, ignored, trying not to think, trying not to feel, wishing the floor would simply open up and swallow her – anything to be away from here.  She barely noticed when the crowd moved away, oblivious to everything but her pain and her shame.  She had lost it all.  I’ll never be able to stand up in this room, ever again.  They’ll all remember this night.  They’ll all laugh at me just like they’re laughing now.  That’s if they even let me through the door.

There was no telling what roused from her grief-stricken catatonia but she raised her head slowly to peer around her.  The arena was deserted now except for her.  The onlookers had gravitated back to the main part of the room, though there was a cluster crowded not far from the edge of the arena.

“Yes…I’m talking to you.” Lyanna’s voice cut through the background noise.  Tiffany struggled to focus on the redhead.  Lyanna was sitting in the center of the foremost couch, on the seat sheathed in red leather – the champion’s seat.  She was flanked by two women in evening dress – one blonde, one raven-haired. 

Lyanna’s legs were splayed wide to show off the scarlet thong, and she wore a matching silk robe over her shoulders.  That’s my robe!  How did she – ? The answer was obvious.  Someone had brought it to her, maybe even placed it on her shoulders.  It was the color of the champion, so it belonged to the champion.  Tiffany was no longer the champion.  It was no longer hers.

The robe hung open at the front, revealing Lyanna’s breasts, their nipples still flushed dark and swollen hard, above the velvet, gently rippling plane of her abs.  Lyanna lifted her hand, crooked a finger and beckoned to Tiffany.  “Come here.” She smiled.  “Crawl to me, bitch.”

It took even more effort than before – her limbs were stiff now as well as sore – but Tiffany obediently levered herself up onto all fours and began to crawl toward the champion.  Oh God, what now?  What else can she do to me?  What else can she take from me?  She stopped, her head and shoulders between the knees of her nemesis, face downcast, waiting.

Lyanna sat regarding her with a satisfied smile.  “Look at you,” she said at last.  “The mighty, fallen…though I guess you never were that mighty, to begin with.” She chuckled, then gave a pleasurable shiver.  “Well, you can lick pussy well, I’ll give you that much.  Maybe that can be your new job, after tonight.” There were matching chuckles from the standing onlookers.

“Speaking of which,” mused Lyanna, “I’ve still got a little itch I need scratched.” She reached down and stroked a finger up the front of her thong, tracing the line of her womanhood.  The cloth was pulled up tight between her nether lips in a distinct camel toe that was clearly visible from Tiffany’s vantage point. Even that, she owns now.

“Third time’s the charm, bitch,” laughed Lyanna.  She hooked a finger into the edge of the thong and drew it aside to expose her sex once more.  Her lips were puffy, deep red and glistening.  “Go on…please me.”

Tiffany looked up into Lyanna’s eyes, and saw the strength, the power, the supreme confidence there.  She looked into her own heart and found nothing – no scrap of pride or dignity or defiance.  She had nothing.  Bowing her head, she crawled forward further and bent her head dutifully, searching with her tongue for the new Queen’s clit.

“Mmmmmm,” Lyanna moaned with exaggerated enjoyment.  “I was right…you do lick pussy well.” She arched her back, grinding again on Tiffany’s face.  Her arms spread out wide and she gripped the knees of the women on either side of her as she thrust her body forward and upward.  She did not need to hold Tiffany’s head in place.  Utterly beaten now in every sense of the word, the broken ex-champion licked and sucked and nibbled unhesitatingly at her sopping sex.

“Oh…gawd…yes,” gasped Lyanna.  A long, plaintive groan escaped her lips.  She trembled against Tiffany, quivering with the effort of holding back her orgasm.  “This is…going to be…epic.”  She bucked as a tremor ripped through her.

Tiffany plunged her tongue deep into the redhead’s pussy, swirling it inside her as Lyanna’s hips gyrated in time with her rapid rhythm.  She felt Lyanna’s inner walls clamping tight around her, sucking on her tongue.  She pulled it out, stabbed it in again, pulled it and sucked hard on her conqueror’s swollen, throbbing clit.  I’ll make her cum.  There was no resistance left in her now.  Cum for me.  Cum on me! “Cum in my mouth!” She was barely aware that she had spoken the words aloud, muffled as they were by the redhead’s pussy.

Lyanna heard her however, and the champion let out a long groan of ecstasy that started low but grew rapidly in pitch and volume until at last she shrieked her fulfillment at the high ceiling and exploded on Tiffany’s tongue, writhing in wild abandon, bucking and humping and squirming.  A torrent of juices erupted in Tiffany’s face.  The routed, ragged, degraded and desecrated brunette – ruined was the word that echoed in her mind – opened her mouth and accepted it all, slurping and swallowing, wallowing in her defilement.  It was more than acceptance, more than resignation.  This was abject surrender.

When the redhead’s powerful spasms finally ceased – she cums as hard as she fights – it was as though Tiffany was a marionette whose strings had suddenly been cut.  She collapsed to the carpet, her face and hair, neck and breasts covered in the flood of Lyanna’s lust.  Body and mind both reeling with awful exhaustion, she lay gasping as the audience cheered and the champion’s juices drooled from her open mouth.

It took a long time for Lyanna to stir, but finally Tiffany heard her announce in a shaky voice, “Damn, this bitch really does eat pussy like a pro!  You people should try her out!” There were cheers and more laughter among the onlookers.  Lyanna too laughed as, with an effort, she pushed herself upright in her seat.  “Though I’ve got no doubt, a lot of you will do exactly that in the days to come.”  She nudged the crumpled Tiffany with her toes.  “What do you think, bitch?  I bet a lot of people are gonna want a piece of you, after tonight.” The renewed laughter from the crowd lent a chilling certainty to her words.

Lyanna leaned forward and used her grip on the knees of the two women flanking her to push herself to her feet.  She stood swaying just a little, smiling a smile of supreme self-assurance, completely confident in her own power.  “For tonight though,” she purred, “I want to keep you all to myself.” She bent and hooked a finger through the black thong that still hung around Tiffany’s neck – in her misery the brunette had completely forgotten it was there.  Lyanna used it to drag her up to her knees once more.  “Third time might be the charm,” she added loudly enough for everyone to hear, “but nobody says it has to be the end.”

She strode away toward the dark portal that led to her dressing room, tugging on the thong, using it as a leash.  Head hanging, hair sweeping the floor, Tiffany trailed meekly after her, crawling subserviently to her fate.



Offline lyannapelon

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Re: Society Reboot - The Climax
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2017, 01:33:39 AM »
Its been a long time coming but your new champion is here ladies and gentlemen! I can't thank enough our wonderful sponsor, the man himself Scribbler, but I also want to thank everyone who watched and participated in the story. I hope you all enjoyed the fight as much as I did, though perhaps thats asking a bit much as I know I LOVED getting my hands on Tiffany after so long wanting it!


Offline Freddy (B.A.W.)

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Re: Society Reboot - The Climax
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2017, 11:53:43 AM »
This one is simply stunning! Thank you so much to The Scribbler for writing and sharing it with us! You are the best!
Many thanks to Tiffany and Lyanna for doing this! I adore both of you!
Congrats to the new champion! W The Society!
Blondes do it better!


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Re: Society Reboot - The Climax
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2017, 08:09:48 PM »
Completely amazing. Such great work writing this. Tiffany has been a worthy champion so to replacemwere take an epic challenge from an epic challenger and Leanna is just that. A terrific tale befitting the end of one chapter and beginning of another.  Thanks to all involved in presenting this tale.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline Serena77

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Re: Society Reboot - The Climax
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2017, 12:01:31 PM »
I quote RedEnforcer. Hats off to Scrib for his amazing job. He never disappoint.

Poor Tiffany! Her fall was so hard, because she was flying high by a long time! But we'll see her again soon, imo.

Congrats to Lyanna! She had what she desired for years! Enjoy it, honey! But YOU are the new "target" of a lot of people! Defending the title is harder than getting it!


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Re: Society Reboot - The Climax
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2017, 12:28:12 PM »
Phew; that was fierce and intense!!!  ;) :P Mmm, with Tiffany out of the picture at present, suppose that makes me the cameltoe queen?  ::) Giggles!  ;D

- Sonja
Let's rumble, bitch ... let's see what you've got, slut!