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Katricia (Tricia) vs Ann - Ex friends have it out! Black vs Black....

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Ann and Katrica were both in the Navy and not only shipmates but were friends at one time. That was one time in the past and after a falling out, Katricia felt betrayed by Ann and really wanted to beat her ass. How do I know? Tricia told me so in no uncertain terms! Ann left the command where the women were stationed together and Katricia couldn't wait to see her again. I never found out what Ann did but I knew the result. Now Ann is no wimpy woman and while a very hot lady, she had a fighter's attitude. She played varsity basketball in school but now she was a bit softer in build. She is a black woman with a medium completion and about 2 inches shorter than Katricia and maybe a couple pounds lighter but essentially they are the same size. Both are confident women to boot each fully believing they would beat the other's ass in a fight. While they were on the friend side of the relationship they had said just that one day sitting on the mess deck the 3 of us talking. Who knows, maybe that conversation put the burr under their saddle?

Well a Facebook reunion page came up for that ship we were all on one day and it was to be held close to where I was living so I planned on attending. Karla was not letting me attend alone and wanted to give Katricia that look saying for her to keep away (from the battle of the K's story)! I told her about Katricia and Ann feelings for each other. If both attended then that might the entertainment! Good she replied back.
Well as luck would have it both Ann and Katricia were there. Tricia came up to us locking eyes with my lovely wife for a second before I broke the silence saying hello, hope you have been well. Then I asked if she had seen Ann? Tricia's whole expression changed, her eyes narrowed and she said really now? Where's the black bitch at? Karla smiled and kind of chuckled a bit in surprise, the change of posture and attitude. Katricia again locked eyes with my wife and told her this only delays a rematch and your ass whipping! To which the gorgeous latina replied that she must have gotten the outcome of their last meeting mixed up or something as the submission count was not a close one. Then she flashed a confident and sexy smile. Katricia then looked at me and said that she would be very sure to tell us where to be tonight so that Karla will see what will happen to her in their next encounter if she is woman enough to a rematch! Now Karla's eyes narrowed a bit and I stepped in before something else was to happen. I was glad at the reactions though as this meant I had a great chance of seeing my wife catfight again! Maybe there was hope yet to get her to enjoy my "hobby" after all and not just put up with my liking it so much! Keeping my fingers crossed.

I touched Katricia on the arm and pointed across the room to where Ann was standing. I also noticed Katricia's arm was noticeably firmer than when she fought my wife and could only imagine what her pride and joy legs looked like. Hopefully I would see the whole body in action. Katricia strode straight for Ann. We followed back just a bit but still close enough to hear what was to be said. As we got closer I got a better view of Ann and she looked great. I could see that she noticed Katricia walking towards her. She smiled a devilish grin and stepped away from the people she was by (so they wouldn't hear anything maybe) and moved her sexy peanut butter complexioned body to meet the ebony beauty coming her way.

Ann has a bit of a grin/smirk on her face as she obviously is looking Tricia up and down, probably sizing her up. Katricia tells her she made a mistake by coming here tonight as she was lucky to "get away" when she transferred off the ship without getting her ass beat back then and that Katricia never forgot what happened.  Ann told her nobody had the slightest concern about her black ass neither then nor now while starring directly into Katricia's eyes. These two powerful and sexy black ladies looked at each other as if no one else existed, both completely fixated on the other. Then I moved in closer and suggested they take things somewhere more private and both women quickly agreed. We had rented a suite and it was close so of course I offered it which was acceptable to both.
Upon entering both women went to the opposite corners of the room and wordlessly began taking off heels, jewelry and sexy dresses without taking their eyes off each other. Karla leans over and whispers in my ear "They are really gonna go after each other, I'll bet this will be a wild and rough fight!" I was thinking just that with more 4 letter words thrown in. So, I step to the middle of the room and ask them to agree to 1 rule since this obviously was going to be an all-out fight and asked for no punching to the face as both women or at least the winner was going to return to the party and all. Not to mention work on Monday as well.... Each took a second but agreed to that one rule. This was still going to be a brawl!

Both women were now staring holes into the other standing in just their bras and panties.  Now I could see that Katricia was definitely in much better shape than when she fought Karla and also added muscle to that lovely ebony frame.  Ann was still in military shape on looking at her.  Big legs showing good muscle with broad shoulders and a flat stomach all packed into her 5’ 3” frame.  It gave her the look of power and I’m sure it wasn’t looks alone!  Her athletic background surely meant she was powerful and even though she was giving up a few inches in height to her foe, she had the look of the predator not the prey!
Katricia spoke first asking Ann if she was ready for her ass whipping? Ann laughed  and stepped nose to nose with Katricia but before she could say a word, Katricia palm shoves Ann's face back with her left hand to then deliver a thunder crack slap to the face with her right.

Katricia kept moving forward and drove her left knee deep into Ann's gut. No sooner than the lovely ebony leg touched the floor it flashed up again. This time straight inward delivering a perfect and hard blow to the smooth brown skin that was Ann's crotch. The effect was immediate. All air left Ann's body with her mouth in the shape of an "O" as her hands sought to cover the area of the pain. Her dark skinned foe then moved beside her and grabbed two hands of Ann's hair and while stepping back, Katricia threw Ann to the carpet hard. The thud that resulted from Ann's impact made my wife and I both give out a soft dayummmmm. The smooth skinned ebony beauty kept up the pressure as she kicked Ann’s torso multiple times, then she pulled Ann up by her hair and slipped behind Ann.  Katricia places her legs around her foe’s middle and her left arm around her neck.  The ebony beauty then clamps down with both her arms and legs. essentially flexing her whole body at the same time to bear down on the hold. Katricia had a sly grin on her face and she whispered something into Ann's ear. Ann bucked and twisted and squirmed to escape but she couldn't. Her movements got slower and weaker. Katricia let up some with her arms then would tighten back down as you could see her arms flex and relax but her powerful legs kept locked in tightly without loosening at all. She kept whispering into her foe's ear and flashing a smile. While on the relax side of this ongoing hold, Tricia would use her off hand to grab, twist, scratch, pinch, and punch Ann in the body and breasts keeping that grin all the while.  This went on for over 5 minutes before Ann finally passed out.

Katricia releases her stunning hold and stands looking down on Ann as she grinds her foot down onto her foe's breast while her hands were on her hips. With a big grin she said Ann was a stupid bitch and that she told her not to come but she was glad Ann did! She then looked over at me and winked saying she's not finished yet. Katricia bends down and grabs 2 handfuls of dark brown hair pulling Ann up into a semi-seated position. Then taping her face to wake her up Katricia looks for her eyes to open and when they do she lets loose with a full force stinging slap while telling her they are not finished yet. Still in full control, Katricia plows her fist into the smooth brown stomach so deeply Ann could only make the face of someone coughing as she had no air left to make a sound. Katricia looked back at my wife and fired another gut punch home. She was waiting about 30 seconds between punches and dug her knuckles in a twisting motion into poor Ann's midsection. After about 5 or 6 hard shots the ebony fighter told her foe there would be a 10 minute break before round 2. All the while her eyes locked with Karla' s.

The gorgeous latina waited a bit then only winked at the black woman trying to intimidate her and her tactic worked as Katricia walked up to her and got nose to nose. I moved between them to gain some control of the situation. They were gabbing back and forth at each other when the lovely black woman let out a yelp. Ann had recovered enough to grab Katricia's hair with both hands pulling her back into Ann's knee. Very hard blow to the lower back and repeated two more times before Katricia twists around. Ann is yelling at her while pulling her down to the carpet. Ann moves behind her foe telling her that she knows how to choke someone too but Katricia grabs her arm with one hand and reaches back to grab her hair with the other. She pulls Ann's hair hard enough to twist Ann's neck to the point it negates her coke hold. I got a nice look at a solid black bicep confirming my earlier thought that Katricia had gotten much stronger than before. That strength coupled with desire to destroy Ann (and doing it in front of Karla was just a bonus) from those years of built up hostility rallied herself. For now she had to contend with a mad Ann.

Ann was mad at herself for allowing Katricia to gain such an advantage at the start but she was determined to take back the advantage by capitalizing on her foe's loss of focus trying to play mind games with Karla! She cranked back harder on her choke hold ignoring the pain of her burning scalp as Katricia was still pulling her hair and bending her neck at the same time. Ann kept her right arm in the choke but took her left hand to reach around and claw at Katricia's breast. Digging her nails in as well as pulling and raking at her foe's womanly parts brought a loud groan of pain which brought a small grin of payback to the lovely brown face of Ann. A little twisting around and Ann's hair was free from the ebony hand's grasp and now it was Ann whispering into Katricia's ear. Katricia had one hand on Ann's forearm and the other trying to stop the beast assault. All the while the pair were still pivoting and twisting around on the carpet. Eventually Ann was able to maintain her holds but now had worked her legs into an advantageous position. Katricia was so focused on trying to stop the pain in her boob without getting choked out that's when those thick strong brown legs clamped themselves around her waist, she knew she was in trouble.

Ann pulled back on Katricia's head to try and straighten her body out to put the most pressure on the body and head. Now she stopped attacking Katricia's boob and balled up her fist and began punching the ebony woman's ribs as hard as she could. The ebony fighter pulled her arm back to her side in an effort to shield herself from the punches Ann was delivering.  Evidentially even in Ann’s weakened state her punches had some sting in them!  Katricia is still groaning with each thud of Ann’s punch even with her arm absorbing the brunt of the blow? Is the lovely ebony fighter playing a little rope-a-dope here? Katricia has squirmed around and positioned herself so she can get the heel of her foot to rake down the shin and ankle of the still punching Ann.  After letting the brown lady punch some more, Katricia makes her move escaping from the powerful brown legs wrapped around her and rolling away creating some distance. Enough to get back to her feet as Ann simply was not recovered enough to hurt Katricia to turn the tide and make a difference.
Katricia was able to execute a single leg takedown and both women were trying to wrap the other up. But for two very different reasons. Ann was looking for a break to recover more and Katricia wanted to hurt her foe some more.  After some give and take Ann found herself on her back pinned down with her enemy's lovely ebony face looking down into her's with a satisfied smirk. As she attempted to escape Katricia snaked her legs around Ann's to lock in a perfect grapevine. The sight was impressive for sure. Katricia's arms showing some tricep flex and her thighs flexed showing their strength at the same time. Ann struggling beneath her foe to escape without success. After giving all she had, Ann taps surrendering the fight.

Katricia's smile as she looks down onto Ann shows her satisfaction as she tells her how much fun she had whipping her ass and if she ever wanted a rematch just to call. Katricia then uncoils her legs and slides up Ann's body to sit on her face while still pining her arms to the carpet to smother her out again. Ann has no choice but to suffer the humiliation and Katricia's body is glowing with pride and dominance. With a great look of satisfaction on her face, Katricia looks directly at Karla while enjoying her smothering of Ann and tells my lovely wife that she is next. The beautiful latina simply smiles and with a chuckle replies that Katricia will end up like Ann is now and she won't be easy on her like she was in their first encounter. Katricia's eyes narrowed and she said we will see, bitch. Karla hugs me firmly then kisses me deeply as she slides behind me to look Katricia in the face while continuing to rub my body! Oh how I can't wait for that rematch!