I am still shaking my head over my duel with Jolene. One moment, I was scratching her slug like clit like a dog with an itch, the next moment, I was looking up at it and had to salve it’s wounds with my tongue! In an effort to console me, the fan who had sent me pictures of my last fight forwarded a select batch of this one, saying he thinks the selection caught the true flavor of the brawl.
I think my fan was a little less selective this time, because I had to weed out a few unseemly shots, but all in all I feel this series of photos was about right. The archtypical face off picture had Jolene, dressed in red brushing her titty against my upright boob garbed in classy black, just before our fight erupted. Then the second picture was of an upright scramble with me pulling on her dress and revealing her flapping tit, and than an unkempt twat as I pulled her thong high and tight!
We toppled to the carpet, me maneuvering to scissor her waist as she pried herself upwards, boobs dangling, when I obtained a two handed stranglehold on a flopper, and almost tugged it off. The third picture showed Jolene’s distress and agony from my efforts. A needless fourth picture showed some maneuvering, but the fifth picture showed me biting down on her boob and her howling as I kicked her away, my eyes were gleaming!
I don’t see the need for the sixth picture, where we both got up minus our dresses, and displaying bruises and scratches, but the seventh shows me charging at Jolene and her trying to fend me off. The eight pic shows us after Jolene snuck behind me and got her chin rammed and her tummy elbowed. That is a good one…her mouth all pursed up! Somehow we ended up face to face and the ninth picture shows Jolene smirking, and her knee peeking thru between my legs as her hands are pulling on something around chest high. I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but there should have been a better selection of photos.
The tenth pic has me teaching her a lesson, sawing her thong up hard and plucking pubes. While in some stupid effort for balance, the eleventh picture shows my tits being yanked and a gob of red pubes in the air.
The twelfth shot shows us nude for the first time, our thongs off, red faced and titty scratched, with both of us clutching at our mounds. I sure must have hurt her!
It got confusing here, because I think my fan's sequencing was wrong. The thirteenth shot has me wide eyed and open mouthed, as Jolene looks to be going low and dirty, but the fourteenth has me happily jabbing at Jolene’s mound (I was going for her clit!) while the angle made it look like I was waving my bottom at the crowd. The next to last shot is blurry, lots of motion and I am standing up, facing her down. Then there is a smiling picture of Jolene’s face, while all that can be seen of me is some red hair in her hands. While not of the best quality, I gather my fan was distracted by some of the ‘goings on’ of the mob around him, and forgive him for not getting focused snap shots.
I accept these sixteen photos as a fairly accurate rendering of the ‘Jolene/Linda fight for cock’ and submit them for the historical record. If anyone has better photos, please offer them for review.