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Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"

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Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« on: February 06, 2013, 11:46:47 AM »
                                               Young Wife vs. “The Other Woman”
                                                                    By Supporturgoddess

       A young wife uses one arm to prop herself up on her side. She knows another woman wants her man. She has chosen to fight “The Other Woman”, and she has paid a price. Her pale flesh is scratched and bruised. Her panty hose has been shredded, and tufts of her sand-colored, light-brown hair lie in her carpet. Tears flood her eyes, but she tries not to let them fall. She can’t let her husband see that SHE can make her cry. She can’t let HER know how close she is to breaking down and quitting. Across the room, a beautiful woman with thick, black hair sits with her legs pulled up and her chin resting on her knees. She gasps for breath. She is sure she is the man’s true soul mate, his best friend as well as his trusted co-worker. She is the woman he would have married, if only they had met earlier in life. The darker-haired brunette is certain he would have chosen her over his wife, if only he had been given that choice before exchanging wedding vows. The brunette’s eyes are huge. She expected to mop up the floor with the thin, pale wife. The little wife has proven a far greater challenge than the dark brunette ever dreamed possible. Each woman glares at the other through narrow, fiery eyes. A simple victory is not enough. To claim the prize each woman fights for, she knows she must utterly dominate and humble her rival, leaving her lying in humiliating defeat before the man they both want. Each knows that if she fails to destroy her rival and break her spirit, that heartbreaking fate awaits her instead!

       What do you do when you meet the woman of your dreams, your soul mate, but you’re already married? What do you do when you love your wife and don’t want to lose her, and yet you can’t imagine life without the love of your best friend, the woman you know you would have chosen, if you had been given the chance?
       Daniel faced exactly that problem.
       During his senior year in high school, Daniel met Lauren Hargrove. She stood 5’1” tall, with sandy colored hair that fell down her back to shoulder blade level. Though slightly wide at her hips and belly, Lauren’s arms and legs were quite thin, so thin that Danielle could easily pinch his thumb and forefinger around her wrist, and almost around her ankle. She boasted nice, adequate breasts roughly the size and shape of pears, and a truly dazzling smile. Lauren wasn’t the prettiest girl in school, but she was the cutest. That was no accident. Lauren wore that title like a crown and worked hard to keep it. In Lauren’s hands cuteness was a weapon, one wielded with devastating affect. Though she didn’t belong to the drama club, she was the greatest actress in her school. She knew when to act silly and ditzy--mainly around boys, and when to act intelligent and sweet--mainly around girls. Though painfully small, she learned how to use that handicap to her advantage, playing the sympathy card. She would stand by bus doors or pickup trucks and pout until some handsome boy lifted her in. She made the boys of her choice lift her over mud puddles she could easily have stepped around. Clever Lauren knew how to work with what she had.
       Danny had to wait in line to get his chance. When he did, he worked hard and eventually won her over. They became a couple. Soon, however, graduation loomed. Danny would be off to college. Lauren would not attend. Lauren was far too smart to believe Danny would be able to stay faithful to his high school sweetheart, while attending school so far away. She refused to wait. She let him know that he had to make up his mind, hinting strongly that there were plenty of other boys who would happily take his place if he refused. She told him that if he wanted her he had to marry her, immediately. He did.
       At first the two were blissfully happy together. In Danny’s eyes, every move Lauren made was adorable. Lauren was happy to play the role of homemaker, in large part because she insisted the role was temporary. Lauren had BIG plans. She would write just the right song, cut a demo, and become a country music sensation. Well, either that, or one of her novels would become a best seller. Then Hollywood would call, and before long, she’d be in the company of superstars. She envisioned herself at red carpet events, surrounded by Hollywood hunks who would fawn over her. When Lauren watched her favorite programs, she was really going shopping. She was sure she would meet her favorite Hollywood hunks someday. Danny could only roll his eyes and sigh. He indulged his young wife’s celebrity crushes, mainly because he had no other choice.
       Little by little, some of Lauren’s cuteness began to wear off. Pressured, Danny had married Lauren only because of her cuteness. They had nothing in common. He was a beer drinking sports enthusiast who loved classic rock. She hated sports and rarely let him watch them. She lived for country music. They couldn’t agree on anything. A young couple grew apart.
       Enter the new girl at the office, Penny Robertson. The quick-witted, playful brunette carried an MBA along with her sassy, saucy personality. Bright, hard-working, and ambitious, she was a force to be reckoned with. She stood about 5’4” and sported very thick, black hair that fell to just above her shoulders, along with a dark but healthy tan. She had an oval face with full, sensuous lips and huge brown eyes. Penny came from the “Ally McBeal” school of office attire. Her tiny skirts showed off her legs. Danny found himself fixated on those golden legs, legs far sexier than his wife’s pale, thin legs.
       Daniel’s co-workers were immediately impressed by the new girl’s skills. Then, at the end of her first week, they learned more about her. Daniel and his friends talked by snack machines in a hallway.
       “Did you see Romo smoke ’em last Sunday? This is the Cowboys year!”
       Eyes turned to the new girl, standing farther down the hall.
       Danny asked, “What do you mean, ’Uh-uh?’”
       Penny shrugged. “Look, I bleed for The Boys, y’know? I love ’em, but…. They’ll start out hot, and then they’ll implode by mid season. I doubt they’ll even make the playoffs.”
       Penny, it turned out, knew her football. She was even a bigger sports fan than Danny.
       That afternoon, Danny caught Penny looking him over. She caught him checking her out, too. The chemistry between the co-workers was electric and undeniable. Penny was also tremendously talented. Daniel pulled some strings and had Penny assigned to work with him.
       The next Monday, Penny learned she had been reassigned to Daniel’s team.
       And then it began. Playful and assertive, Penny stood so close to Danny she almost stood on his toes. She looked up into his eyes, and in a very sexy voice, cooed, “I understand this was your idea. So, you want me…UNDER you?”
       Before he could catch himself, Danny flirted back. “I’m sure I’ll enjoy…HAVING you.” Realizing how awkward his words were, he added, “You’re a true talent. In a year, I’ll probably be working for you.”
       Penny’s lips curled into a teasing smile. “I enjoy being…ON TOP. So, you want mind if you end up…UNDER ME?”
       The innuendo continued and increased.
       At the end of the month, Daniel’s boss asked him to do a work assessment, rating his new employee’s performance.
       Daniel invited Penny into his office and said, “I have to review your work. I need to ask you some questions.”
       Penny leaned back in the chair, showing off those magnificent legs, as well as firm, round, gravity-defying breasts the size of softballs, breasts far more impressive than his wife’s own.
       Penny joked, “A-hem. I’m up here.”
       Danny whispered, “You’re pretty much bursting out all over….”
       A wry grin appeared on Penny’s lips. She wanted to play. She teased, “Feel free to GO ALL THE WAY. I want you to ask DEEP, PROBING questions, you know, so you can go DOWN DEEP and really GET TO IT.”
       Though sweating, Danny was ready to play, too. “I’ll try to make my questions sufficiently…PENETRATING. Hopefully you’ll find this a…FULFILLING experience.”
       Now Penny blushed. She grinned ear-to-ear.
       Daniel began spending more and more time with Penny. They ate lunch together at a local sports bar. Unlike his health-conscious wife, Penny ate all the foods Danny liked, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, and so on.
       One day Penny finished her hot dog and sighed. “Damn. I’m still hungry, but I don’t have time to place another order.”
       Daniel glanced down at the hot dog on his plate, and told her, “I might be willing to share my WIENER with you.”
       Penny raised an eyebrow. “I’d like that. I’m sure it’s a MOUTHFUL, but I think I can handle it!”
       As weeks passed, Daniel opened up to Penny, grumbling about his home life. Penny was too smart to come down hard on Daniel’s wife, but she clearly was not Lauren’s biggest fan. In fact, Penny held Lauren in contempt. “Tsk, tsk,” Penny would say. “If that were ME, I’D be more sensitive to your needs. I’D help out more around the house, too. I carry my own weight!”
       Daniel couldn’t deny his growing feelings for Penny. He had met his best friend and soul mate…but he met her only after he was already married to another woman!
       Lauren grew increasingly suspicious of her husband. Danny talked a bit too much about the new wonder girl in his office. He spoke of her in such glowing terms! Lauren grew jealous. Then one day they crossed a line. Swamped by work, Daniel invited Penny over to spend that Saturday at his house! Daniel insisted they would spend the whole day working feverishly to catch up. This was true, but Lauren was aghast! She was smart enough to know when another woman was after her man. What was going on at the office was bad enough in Lauren’s opinion, but now her enemy was bringing the fight to Lauren, crossing boldly into HER territory. Lauren couldn’t believe her husband had the nerve to bring “The Other Woman” into HER home!
       Penny arrived early Saturday afternoon, ready for work. From the start, Lauren gave Penny a very cold shoulder, taking pot shots at her at every turn. Insulted, Penny responded by openly flirting with Danny, right before his wife’s wide eyes! The day was filled with catty remarks and a few nasty low blows, but both girls had to play nice in front of Daniel. Secretly, each woman wanted nothing more than to curl her fingers in the other’s hair and tear it out, but they kept their emotions in check. Daniel and Penny worked well into the night. The evening passed without incident, until….
       A dense fog rolled in. Daniel insisted Penny stay until it lifted.
       Lauren couldn’t stand it. “Nonsense,” she said, pushing Penny toward the door. “You’re being rude to our guest! I’m sure she wants to get back to her home.” Lauren forced Penny to the front door and threw it open. The group stared out. They could barely see the end of the porch. Penny’s car, only a few feet beyond, was lost in dense fog.
       Daniel pulled Penny back into the house. “That’s it! You can’t even see five feet in front of you! You can’t drive in this soup! It’s almost midnight. You’ll…just have to spend the night here tonight!”
       Lauren’s eyes almost popped out of her head. He didn’t just say that! He couldn’t have said that! How could he invite THAT WOMAN to spend the night in their home?
        Lauren sneered. “You can use the spare bedroom.”
       Penny vanished down the hall. When she returned, she wore only high, thin, white socks…and DANIEL’S favorite team T-shirt! Daniel found that look especially irresistible!
        Penny said, “I didn’t bring anything to sleep in. I hope you don’t mind.”
       The little wife was reeling. Danny never even let HER wear his favorite shirt, yet there he was, telling Penny how great she looked in it! Lauren had to admit to herself that she couldn’t have filled the shirt out as well as Penny did, a fact that only made her hate Penny more.
       Desperate to end the beating she was taking, Lauren said, “I’m sure you want to get to bed. Don’t mind us. We usually watch a little TV before bed….”
       Daniel spoke up. “Why don’t you join us?”
       Lauren’s head looped back, as though struck by an unseen fist! Penny joined them. Instantly Daniel snatched the remote from Lauren’s hands and handed it over to their guest.
Lauren’s huge, hurting eyes seemed to whine, ‘But…you always let ME choose what we watch!’
       Penny switched to a sports channel. She then turned and plopped down into a large recliner.
       Lauren smiled. She had her! “Oh no,” Lauren said. “You can’t sit there! That’s Danny’s favorite chair! He doesn’t like anyone else sitting--”
       “Don’t be silly,” Daniel said, turning to Penny. “You’re our guest. Make yourself comfortable.”
       Steam almost shot out of Lauren’s ears. Her husband never lets HER sit in his favorite chair, but now he gives it up to HER? Lauren watched as Penny flopped one of her sexy legs over the arm and pulled her other leg up into the seat. To Lauren, it seemed her husband had brought ’The Other Woman’ into their home to try her out, as if testing out the hot new model before throwing out the old one. Unable to take anymore, Lauren stood and switched off the TV.
       “She has to get up early,” Lauren said. “The fog might still be lingering. You wouldn’t want her to have to drive home in the fog without getting plenty of sleep, would you?”
       Penny sneered. ‘Little Wifey’ had her beat that time. Penny had no choice but to head for the spare bedroom.
        Lauren took a shot at her. She took her husband’s hand, leading him into their bedroom. “I hope we don’t make too much noise and keep you awake. Tee-Hee!”
       Penny snarled.
       Lauren wanted nothing more than to get frisky with her husband that night. The spare bedroom was directly beside the master. The couple’s bed and the spare bed in the other bedroom rested against a common wall. Lauren knew Penny would hear everything through the thin wall. Lauren came on to her husband with all her charms and was shocked and dismayed when he turned her down!
       “Y-a-w-n! I’m too tired! I’ve been working all day. I have to sleep. Goodnight.”
       He turned his back on her!
       Lauren pulled her legs up and rested her chin on her knees, sulking. She knew exactly why her husband didn’t want her that night.
       She was right. Daniel couldn’t get his mind off Penny. His bed stood against the wall. He knew Penny lie in a bed only inches away, on the opposite side of that wall. He could almost see her stretching her fit, golden body out on the bed. Was she still in his shirt, or---was she spreading her nude body out on those sheets? He wanted Penny, desperately. He knew he would dream of her. He only hoped he didn’t talk in his sleep that night!
       At dawn, Lauren practically shoved Penny out of her house. The fog remained. Lauren watched helplessly as her husband insisted on following Penny home, ‘just to make sure she got home safe and sound’. The round trip took about an hour and a half. He was gone more than twice that long. Lauren knew she was losing her husband. She sneered. It was time to fight back!
       Lauren turned on the charm. She let Daniel watch his sports shows. She ordered a T-shirt to match his, and watched the games with him, cuddling on their couch. She even enjoyed them. Daniel remembered why he had married Lauren in the first place. She was so cute! She began to win him back.
       Now Penny knew she was on the ropes. The beautiful brunette watched helplessly, as Daniel pulled away from her. He told her how sweet Lauren was being. Penny wasn’t buying it. She was sure it was an act. She dug deep into Daniel’s relationship with his wife, trying to find fault with Lauren. Losing and desperate, Penny finally made a desperate move. During a particularly heated moment, Penny dared lean in and kiss Daniel.
       Daniel pushed away. “I’m…married.”
       “Not happily,” Penny peeped. “You’ve said so yourself.”
       Daniel swallowed. “Lauren’s trying, hard. We’ll be happy again.”
       Daniel turned away. He heard a tiny voice behind him.
       “You’d be much happier with me.”
       Daniel spun, in shock. Penny stared back, wide eyed. Danny wasn’t sure if she really said those words, or if he had only imagined her saying words he secretly wanted to hear. If she did say them, she clearly wished she could take them back, fearing she had pushed too far. They backed away from each other.
       Two lovely little brunettes had declared war. Only one would be left standing.
       Men like being fought over just as much as women do. Danny couldn’t resist telling Lauren about some of Penny’s milder flirtations, hoping to make his wife jealous. Of course his wife had been aware of what was happening for months. She was ready.
       “Isn’t that pitiful?” Lauren asked, derisively. “Can you imagine a woman being so pathetic that she flirts with her boss, just to get promoted? Honestly! You know she plays up to her boss all week, but then she gets busy with other guys on the weekends! What kind of guy would be dumb enough to fall for her act?”
       Lauren’s brilliant attack deflated her husband’s ego. He began to wonder if hot little Penny really was only brownnosing, to get promoted.
       Lauren kept her gloves up. Penny became frustrated. She couldn’t find a target. Daniel kept talking about how sweet and how cute his wife was. It made Penny sick.
       Then, one day, Penny found her opening. Daniel had gone on and on about how cute his wife’s dreams of stardom were.
       “Where are you?”
       Daniel stopped. “What?”
       “Where are you?” Penny asked again. “Why aren’t you in any of her dreams of her future? All I hear is what SHE wants. What about what you want? I hear her talking about all the handsome celebrities she wants to meet. Where are you supposed to be, while she’s meeting those men? Why doesn’t Lauren ever mention you when talking about her future?
       “Look, I’ve known girls like her. They use the guys they can get to keep them safe and comfortable, while they try to get something better. Don’t you know that if your wife ever gets her big break, she’ll dump you in a second? Be careful, my friend. Some girls only want to use you until they get what they really want.”
       Penny walked away, leaving Daniel deeply troubled. Was she right? He had much to think about….
       January turned to February. Lauren had stayed on her toes, dancing circles around Penny and keeping her advantage, but she feared Penny would use Valentine’s Day to out maneuver her. Penny had an obvious advantage. She was the forbidden fruit, the tasty treat just out of reach. Would she use the day to sleep with Daniel? How could a wife compete? What was she supposed to do, sleep with her husband? They had slept together almost every night for years! Penny was the unknown, the promise of something new and better. What could a young wife do that could turn her husband on more than that? Lauren knew she had a slight edge over Penny, but she could lose it any second. She wanted to put an end to the threat once and for all! She wanted to show up Penny in front of Daniel, to prove she was the better woman…but how?
       Then, while watching TV with her husband one Monday night, Lauren found what she wanted. She always knew her sports-fan husband loved pro wrestling, but that night, she saw how much he enjoyed women wrestling. The little wife’s mind went into overdrive. She had a pretty good idea about Danny’s ultimate fantasy. She knew how to make it real. A wife set out, determined to prove her superiority over her rival and take back her man for good, all in one night!
       Lauren knew her husband’s schedule. She drove to the office when she knew Daniel would be out on business. She went in and caught Penny on a break. Penny halfway expected a showdown then and there. What happened instead left Penny’s head spinning.
      Lauren forced a smile onto her face. “Hi. Remember me, Daniel’s wife? The other night when we let you stay with us, you said you’d be happy to pay us back one day. I’ve come to ask you for a favor.”
       Shocked, Penny asked, “YOU want a favor from ME?”
       Lauren smiled, insincerely. “Uh-huh. Every Valentine’s Day, I try to do something special for my husband, to really turn him on. He loves it! This year, I want to do something special. You know he’s a sports nut. He’s always watching pro wrestling. I know he’d love to see ME wrestle! The problem is, though, I need an opponent. I’m hoping you’ll agree to wrestle me…in front of him!”
       Penny’s jaw nearly hit the floor! Caught completely by surprise, she was too stunned to respond.
       Lauren quickly added, “Oh, it would just be a game, a joke, just for fun. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you!”
       Penny was so shocked she couldn’t even reply to that obvious slap in the face.
       Lauren spun to leave. “Ah, well, at least I can tell Danny I challenged you, but…you backed down!”
       Lauren’s surprise attack had left Penny reeling on the ropes. She barely cleared her head in time to realize what the little wife was doing to her! Lauren had planned all along to catch Penny off guard, leaving her so shocked she wouldn’t be able to respond. Lauren would then make the challenge in front of several of Daniel’s other co-workers. Then Lauren could spin and walk away before Penny could answer. This would let Lauren tell her hubby that she challenged Penny, and that cowardly Penny ran from the fight!
       Just before Lauren could get out the door, Penny shouted, “I’ll do it!”
       Lauren froze. Her smile faded.
       “He’s a great guy,” Penny said. “He deserves some fun…for a change.”
       Lauren stood as tall as she could, walking up nose to nose with her rival. “Fine. I’ll call you and we’ll work out the details.”
       The girls made the other office employees swear to keep their secret.
       The first part of the wife’s plan had failed. She had planned to march in, deliver her challenge in front of witnesses, leave her rival in shock, and then spin around and leave before Penny could answer. That would have let her tell her husband she had challenged Penny to a fight, and that Penny had backed down. Even so, Lauren had a devious mind. She was a master actress, the queen of cute. She knew how to use that. If she lost she would play the sympathy card, pulling up fake tears and making her husband feel sorry for the sweet little wife made victim to the big, bad home wrecker. Daniel had never been able to resist the power in his wife’s tears, real or not. Lauren was sure she could make Penny out as a big bully. She would have Daniel toss her out for hurting his ‘precious little angel’.
      Lauren, however, had no intention of losing. She planned to destroy Penny in front of her husband. She planned a rope-a-dope strategy. The little wife would start out all smiles, making Penny think this really was all good-natured fun. She would roll around with Penny to her husband’s delight, until she found the right opening. At that moment, Lauren would explode, hitting the stunned brunette with everything she had. Penny wouldn’t even know what hit her. Lauren would take the fight out of Penny before she could defend herself.

       Valentine’s Day arrived. Daniel was a bit disappointed. Lauren was hinting that she expected a gift, but it seemed she had nothing for him. He had expected Penny to be all over him that day, but she kept her distance. She didn’t even dress provocatively. The day was a complete let down.
       Daniel returned home that evening and found the house dark. He flipped the switch, but the lights didn’t come on. He called out to his wife. Her voice rang out in the darkness, magnified by coming through his stereo system.
       “Come in and shut the door behind you.”
       He entered his 20’x30’ living room. All the furniture in the room was gone, except for a couch at the far end…and his favorite chair.
       “Take a seat.”
       He asked, “Honey, what’s going on?”
       Lauren flipped a switch. A disco ball and other party lights sent colored light swirling across the walls, floor, and ceiling. A gag song she found on the internet, Julie Brown’s ‘Girl Fight Tonight’ blared through the sound system.
       Lauren’s voice rang out again. “Introducing first, fighting for her husband and their marriage, wearing a pink robe, standing 5’1” and weighing 116 lbs., The Wonder Wife, Super Spouse, your own…ME!”
       Danny laughed, loving it. Lauren danced out wearing her fuzzy pink bathrobe and a very wide, confident smile. Lauren’s hips swayed and gyrated to the music, as she danced around her husband. She tore off her robe, revealing sexy little pink two-piece lingerie and nude panty hose.
       Daniel’s jaw dropped open, as a second familiar voice rang out through the sound system.
       “Her opponent, fighting for love, destiny, and her best friend and soul mate, wearing his favorite T-shirt, standing 5’4” and weighing in at 110 lbs, The Other Woman, The BETTER Woman…PENNY!”
       Daniel could barely believe his ears…or eyes. Penny danced out dressed in Danny’s favorite T-shirt and thin, knee-high, white socks. She did a slow and very sexy bump-and-grind dance for him. Then she slowly pulled off the T-shirt, revealing a frilly white bra and matching panties.
       Lauren’s voice boomed. “This is a domination match. We’ve agreed to wrestle until one of us thoroughly humbles the other, leaving no doubt who the better woman is!”
       The sandy-haired wife and the dark-haired beauty stood toe-to-toe. Though Penny was taller, she seemed much closer to Lauren’s size without her heels. Lauren’s slightly pear-shaped torso gave her a slight weight advantage. Both girls fixed fake smiles onto their faces, but their eyes still showed the disdain they had for each other. Daniel looked them over. Lauren’s pear-shaped breasts paled beside Penny’s larger, firmer ones. The wife’s pale, plump belly hung down about an inch over the front of her lingerie bottom. Penny’s golden body was fit and firm from head to toe. Danny shook his head. What was his wife thinking? Penny would mop the floor with her!
       Lauren shouted, “Go!”
       Lauren used the sudden start to gain an advantage, grabbing Penny’s thick, black hair and pulling her into a headlock. Lauren worked Penny over. Winning and loving it, Lauren grinned widely to her husband. “You can cheer us on, if you want to!”
       Danny laughed. “You’ve got her! Keep it up!”
       Lauren grinned. “I’ll bet YOU’RE keeping it up!”
       Penny pulled her head free. Hoping to keep the contest playful until she was ready to spring her surprise attack, Lauren smiled innocently at Penny and shrugged. The women circled. They began pushing and grabbing. Finally, they extended their arms, grabbing at each other’s hands until they managed to work their fingers together. Hands clasped, they began a test of strength. Almost instantly, Lauren’s smaller, frailer hands turned pink and white. Penny squeezed Lauren’s fingers until they turned as red as strawberries. Grimacing in pain, the little wife’s thin legs folded, and she sank to her knees.
       Daniel said, “You’ve got her down! Show her who’s boss, Penny!”
       Penny grinned. Lauren looked up through narrow eyes.
       Penny forced Lauren face-down in the carpet. Penny started rubbing her sock-covered foot on the back of the young wife’s neck. A stomp or grind might have brought the contest to a sudden end, but there was Daniel to consider. Penny couldn’t risk looking like a bully. She was content to embarrass Lauren by showing Danny she had his wife completely under control.
       “If she begs for mercy,” Penny insisted, “I win! That’s proof I dominated her!”
       Daniel told his wife, “Come on, Lauren! Don’t just lie there! She’s kicking your butt!”
       Red faced, Lauren grunted, “No…she’s…NOT!”
       Straining hard, Lauren lurched forward, tripping Penny down. They rose, fighting each other for every inch. Lauren suddenly lifted Penny a few inches off her feet and slammed her to the carpet. Penny shouted “Whoof!” as Lauren came down on top her, belly to belly. Penny’s eyes flashed wide in shock. “Little Wifey” was fighting back!
       “That’s it,” Danny cheered. “Get her!”
       Penny instinctively turned her torso to one side, to keep her shoulders up and avoid the embarrassment of being pinned first. Lauren had all the advantage in leverage. Sitting on Penny’s side, she easily held down one of Penny’s wrists, but she couldn’t quite force the other one down. Booth girls bared their teeth, straining. Bodies began grinding flesh-to-flesh. Legs entwined and slid up and down each other. Breasts began grinding and sliding against each other. Penny slowly overpowered Lauren. She rolled on top and sat on the little wife’s stomach, pinning her thin arms to the carpet. Lauren kicked desperately, trying with all her might to keep her shoulders up. Penny lowered down body on body, her legs pinning Lauren’s legs, her breasts engulfing and pinning Laurens paler, less impressive ones. Penny looked up at Danny with a cocky grin, as he watched her body dominate his wife’s body head-to-toe.
       Danny counted, “One! Two! Three!”
       All smiles, Penny stood over Lauren. Lauren propped up, catching her breath.
       Lauren scowled. “One pin isn’t domination! We’re not done, unless…you’re afraid of what I’ll do next!”
       Penny laughed! “Ha! I’m just warming up! I’ve got plenty more to do to you!”
       Embarrassed in front of her husband, Lauren threw herself into Penny. She hugged Penny around one thigh, lifting it to trip Penny, but she couldn’t quite get the bigger girl down. Penny leaned down forward and caught Lauren in a front face lock. After a mad struggle, it was Penny who flipped Lauren down hard onto the carpet. Penny dove on her, but Lauren turned her over. The girls rolled wildly around on the carpet, one on top and then the other. Minutes passed, with the girl’s straining with every ounce of their strength, fighting for control. Daniel was both surprised and impressed by his wife. She stayed on top almost half the time. Soon, however, Penny’s body proved too much for Lauren’s. Once again, Penny’s voluptuous, toned body lie on top Lauren’s pale body, pinning it to he floor.
       “One! Two! Three!”
       Lauren let out tiny, high-pitched wheezes, gasping for breath. Panting hard, she held up one hand, begging for a moment to catch her breath.
       “Oh, no!” Penny said, firmly. “She’s down! Start the ten count!”
       Lauren looked up with pleading, tearing eyes. “Twenty! Please?”
       Danny nodded. “Twenty.”
       Penny didn’t like that one bit! Penny was winning the match but losing the prize. Danny’s wife was making him feel sorry for her. If she coaxed enough pity from him….
       Penny fought back. As the wife sat on the carpet trying to recover, the other woman took her seat…on Danny’s lap! She ran her fingers along his face, cooed, and giggled.
       Penny asked, “How am I doing? Am I dominating her enough for you? She looks pretty lame. Maybe weak little Wifey’s had enough.” Penny mocked the young wife, running her toe along Lauren’s face. Furious, Lauren turned suddenly and bit Penny’s big toe through her white sock. Penny screeched and fell out of Daniel’s lap. He roared with laughter.
       They had tried to keep up the pretense of a playful wrestling match, but the gloves were coming off.
       The girls charged. They grabbed and shoved, struggling madly. Penny’s arms were shapely and feminine, but still far stronger than the pale toothpicks Lauren had as arms. Penny overpowered Lauren and started twisting her arm. Soon the painful twists had the young wife shouting. “Owww! O-O-O-Owwwww!” Penny pulled Lauren’s twisted arm up behind Lauren’s back into a chicken wing. Lauren’s eyes bulged and filled with fear. Penny pulled straight up on Lauren’s trapped arm. Lauren cried out in pain.
       “Now,” Penny demanded, “beg for my mercy!”
       Lauren stared in horror at her husband. “No!”
       Penny tortured the young wife’s arm. Lauren screamed in pain.
       Lauren looked to her husband, her eyes upside-down crescent moons filling with tears. She whined, “N-o-o-o-o?” She let out a long, harsh squeal, as the punishment continued.
       Lauren stooped over, her arm still bent up behind her back.
       Penny winked to Daniel and said, “Wifey needs a spanking!”
       Penny spanked the stooping wife’s hips again and again. Lauren shouted in rage and helpless humiliation. Her free arm flailed madly, until she managed to send it flying back over her shoulder. Her elbow smacked into Penny’s teeth. Penny shook and staggered. Lauren reached back and seized fistfuls of Penny’s thick, black hair. Lauren then fell to her knees, flipping Penny head-over-heels down over her shoulder and onto the floor. Penny screamed. Having lost a little hair, she clutched her head, feet pounding the floor in pain. She rolled over, but before she could rise, she felt Lauren’s foot on the back of HER neck! Suddenly Penny, the tan, fit, sexy super girl, looked up at Daniel through frightened schoolgirl eyes, as his wife stood over her, posing with her foot on Penny’s neck! Lauren showed considerably less restraint than Penny had. She stomped hard! Penny cried out in fear. She sat up, only to take a wicked kick to the back of her head. Lauren sat down directly behind Penny and wrapped her legs around Penny’s waist. She squeezed, demanding, “Now YOU beg ME!”
       Penny looked up in shock. She looked into Danny’s eyes and saw how disappointed he was in her. Far from mopping the floor with his wife, ‘The Other Woman’ was losing! Penny’s hands grabbed desperately at Lauren’s legs, tearing her pantyhose to shreds. Lauren kept up the tremendous pressure. Penny cried out, but Lauren refused to stop. Penny’s struggling decreased. Finally she just sat there with her rival’s legs crushing her waist. Penny just gasped for breath, taking the excruciating pain.
       Lauren smiled broadly up at her husband. “I’ve humbled her. I wrecked the home wrecker. She’s done. You’d better call it off, before I really hurt her!”
       Penny couldn’t believe this was happening! She expected to walk all over the pale, thin little wife! She was supposed to be the one gloating! She shook her head wildly, yelling at Daniel.
       “She’s such a bitch! I’m not even tired! Don’t you dare stop it!”
       Desperate to prove herself to the man she loved, Penny forced her feet up under her. She lurched forward, but Lauren rode her, causing Penny to simply fall out and lie with her front on the carpet. With Penny on her belly, Lauren sat on her back and clasped her hands under Penny’s chin, pulling it back in a kind of camel-clutch-like hold. Lauren pulled Penny’s upper half up and back, while sitting on Penny’s lower half, holding it down. Penny’s face turned red. She flailed in desperation, as Lauren put terrible pressure on Penny’s lower back. She looked up at Danny. Her huge eyes seemed to apologize to him for not living up to his expectations. She had made herself out to be the fit sports nut, the office Wonder Woman, a force of nature who was ten times the woman Lauren was. She wasn’t living up to her image.
       Lauren worked Penny mercilessly. Desperate to escape, Penny powered her way up to her hands and knees, her face rising up between Danny’s legs. She looked up at him through hurting brown eyes.
        Lauren pinched her fingers around Penny’s chin and twisted her head back and forth, saying, “I think this little whore needs a spanking!”
       Lauren gleefully took her revenge, spanking Penny’s firm bottom wildly. Penny screamed, far more from shame than pain.
       Penny put all she had into reaching her feet. As she did, Lauren slammed her knee between Penny’s round hips. Penny yelled, falling face-first into the couch on the far end of the room. Wife jumped on top soul mate, trying to smother her with the pillows. Penny’s feet kicked madly behind her, smacking her feet against Lauren’s back. Lauren reached back and caught one of Penny’s feet, pulling it forward and stretching Penny’s leg. The painful hold didn’t last. Lauren simply pulled off Penny’s sock. Lauren tossed it away, then instantly wanted it back. She pulled off Penny’s other sock and began tying Penny up with it. Penny struggled and broke free.
       Lauren dug her fingers deep into Penny’s shiny, black hair and slammed Penny head-first into the wall. Penny fell. Lauren lifted her by her hair. Penny curled her fingers around Lauren’s sandy hair. The brunettes engaged in a battle of wills, in the form of a vicious hair pulling match. This was not a fight the little wife with the thin, brittle hair should have chosen. Penny regained control. She began flipping Lauren around by her hair, leaving the wife screaming in both pain and fear.
       Lauren finally sat up. She looked around at the tufts of her hair lying around her in the carpet and burst into tears. Lauren loved to dish it out, but she couldn’t take it. She scooped up a handful of her hair, holding it up to her husband and crying her eyes out, looking for sympathy. Penny was too much. Lauren didn’t want any more. She was ready to quit.
       Then, as Penny pulled Lauren up to her knees by her hair, Lauren finally found the target of opportunity she had been looking for. As Penny lifted her to her feet, Lauren fired her bony knee up between Penny’s legs. Penny froze, shocked by the low blow. Penny staggered and fell forward. Lauren hooked her arm around Penny’s neck and rolled down with her, rolling Penny out onto the floor. The little wife who had only moments earlier been ready to quit straddled ‘The Other Woman’, sitting on her and looking up at her husband with a huge smile. Lauren reached down and began blatantly choking Penny. This brutal move, following a clear low blow, risked making her look like a cheater, but at this point Lauren only cared about one thing. She had to end up on top, beating her husband’s mistress. Penny looked up through terrified, glassy eyes. She reached up and pressed her palm over Lauren’s face, desperately trying to push Lauren off her. Lauren turned, grabbed Penny’s hand, and viciously bit Penny’s fingers. Penny screamed, kicking out wildly.
       Penny yelled, “She’s cheating! Can’t you see she’s cheating?”
       Lauren’s broad smile was almost too large for her face. She looked to her husband. “Aw, poor baby! We never said biting was illegal! She’s just a wimp!”
       Furious, Penny fought her heart out. She began to rise. Lauren wouldn’t allow it, but she was running out of steam, exhausted. The other woman had to go down! She raked her thin fingers across Penny’s eyes. Penny screeched. Before she could react, Lauren threw her to the carpet and slammed Penny’s wrists down.
       “One! Two! Three!”
        Lauren rolled away. A young wife sat up on the side of her hip, her pale flesh scratched and bruised. Her pantyhose have been shredded almost completely off her legs. Tufts of her sand-colored hair lie around her in the carpet. Across the room, a beautiful, dark haired young woman gasped for breath, Her eyes huge. She came to this fight thinking the ‘little wifey’ would be no match for her. She was wrong. Between them is the prize they are fighting for, the man they both want. He has to admit to being greatly impressed, even amazed by his little wife’s performance, while disappointed by the fight in the other woman. He can no longer see Penny as a wonder woman, but he has also seen a mean, ugly side to his wife, who has indeed fought dirty. He can no longer see his little wife as the sweet little angel she often pretends to be. He is committed to his wife but in love with his soul mate. Unable to chose, he makes a secret decision. He’ll let their fight decide for him. It is now truly winner takes all.
       Lauren scrambled up and stood over Penny, pressing her now bare foot on Penny’s breasts. “She can’t get up! I won! I won!”
       Penny shoved the foot off her. “Like Hell! You (gasp) got a twenty count!”
       Daniel nodded. “She’s right. You needed a twenty count to get up. She deserves one, too.”
       Penny shouted, “I don’t need one! Just let me at her!”
       The final moments of the battle of the brunettes began. A little wife battled the sexy other woman. They stood toe-to-toe, pulling hair and slapping wildly. They ended up chest-to-chest, throwing belly punches. Lauren’s flabby, pale belly proved woefully weak against Penny’s golden, firm abs. Grimacing, the little wife doubled over in pain. Penny slapped her thighs around Lauren’s head and tried to pull her up into a pile driver, but she no longer had the strength. Instead, with Lauren’s head still trapped between her golden thighs, Penny fired hard fists into the young wife’s lower back. Lauren cried out, reaching back in a desperate attempt to cover her back. Now it was Penny’s turn for revenge. Penny seized Lauren’s hair and rammed the top of the young wife’s head into the wall. Lauren collapsed, sitting on her own feet, her face against the wall. ‘The Other Woman’ believed the wife had crossed a line. The gloves were off. Penny leapt up and delivered a merciless kick into the little wife’s lower back. Lauren screamed in sheer agony. Lauren fell back arching her body, her hands on her lower back, belly high above her. Her eyes filled with fear and pain.
       Penny took Lauren’s ankle and dragged her over to her husband. Penny looked up at him, sobbing hard.
       “Little Wifey doesn’t look so tough now, does she?”
       Penny put her toes over Lauren’s lips, arching her foot to show off her leg, as she posed for Daniel. The little wife looked up at her husband, sobbing hard.
      Humiliated beyond belief, Lauren screamed in tears and threw mad, un-aimed fists at Penny’s legs. Penny fell. The women pounced on each other like wildcats. Body vs. body, Penny was just too much. ‘The Other Woman’ twisted and squeezed and stretched the wife’s body until she burst into tears, crying. For a couple of minutes Penny pressed her attack, kicking, punching, and choking. By the end, Lauren couldn’t even defend herself. All a young wife could do was to lie at the other woman’s feet, while she trampled her in front of her husband. Penny left Lauren blubbering and helpless, looking up at her husband in total defeat. Lauren looked at Danny in tears, letting out tiny, high pitched cries. “Puh-Wheeeeee! Puh-whee, puh-whee, puh-wheeeeeeeeee!”
      Penny smiled. “She’s pathetic. She challenged ME to this fight. Now look at her. You have to admit, she’s a joke next to me!”
       The wife cried hard at ‘The Other Woman’s’ feet.
       Penny slapped on a side headlock/choke hold and began to finish the young wife. Lauren tried desperately to kick her legs around Penny’s head. Penny shook her head, dismissively. Penny took Lauren’s toothpick legs, folding one under the other in something vaguely resembling a Texas Clover Leaf submission hold, her folded legs forming a shape similar to an upside-down 4. Lauren’s chin rested on the floor. Her pale body balanced straight up over her. Her thin arms stretched out on the carpet parallel to her shoulders. Penny pulled back on Lauren’s legs, arching Lauren’s body and putting tremendous pressure on Lauren’s lower back. Lauren’s little body curved back into a crescent.
       Lauren looked up through tears at her husband. Beaten and blubbering, she cried, “She’s breaking my b-a-c-k! She’ll break m-e-e-e-e!”
       Penny gloated. “Ha! What’s wrong? Aw, poor baby! Can’t little Wifey take it? Beg me for mercy! Beg!”
       Lauren pounded her fist on the floor, crying out. This isn’t how it was supposed to be! The Other Woman wasn’t supposed to prove superior to the good little wife! The good girl always beats the bad girl, doesn’t she? Lauren’s body looked ready to snap. Her pink and red fingers curled around the carpet and pulled out strands, as she fought to take the increasing pain in her curved back. Penny delighted in Lauren’s tears and anguish, pulling down on Lauren’s legs and curving Lauren’s back farther and farther….
       The little wife looked up at her husband through a waterfall of tears, broken, humbled and heartbroken. She gave all she had from head to toe, but it wasn’t enough. Finally, Lauren slapped the floor frantically, tapping out.
       Penny shook her head. “Uh-uh. No way! We agreed to keep fighting until one of us dominated the other. I want to hear you beg me for my mercy. Tell me…tell HIM…that I’m the better woman!”
      Horror and Agony mixed in Lauren’s bulging eyes. She looked to Daniel, bawling, “Make her stop! Please? I give up! I give up! Don’t let her make me--”
       Penny pulled down hard, folding the wife even farther. “I said beg!”
      Lauren’s face twisted until it was almost unrecognizable, distorted by both physical and emotional agony. She looked up at her husband and cried, “N-o-o-o! I won’t beg! She can’t make me!”
       Penny smiled, wickedly. “So, you say biting is legal, eh?” Penny pulled Lauren’s now bare foot closer and bit her toes. She pulled down even harder. The young wife screamed madly. “Mercieeeeeeee! I’m begging you! I’m begging! You’re the better woman! I admit it! I’ll say anything you want! Stop it! I can’t take anymore!” She looked to her husband. “Save meeeeeee? Please?Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?”
      Daniel started to get up, but Penny had already dropped Lauren. The wife lie at ‘The Other Woman’s’ feet in shame and defeat, sobbing. Penny put her bare foot on Lauren’s chest, posing in triumph. Then Penny retrieved her long, white socks. She used one to hog tie Lauren’s wrists and ankles together behind Lauren’s back She shoved her other sweaty sock in the young wife’s mouth, to keep her from talking back. ‘The Other Woman’ made the wife watch, as she sat in Daniel’s lap.
       Penny cooed, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Then, with the young wife’s tearful eyes bulging, Penny gave Daniel a long, wet, passionate French kiss. The little wife watched her husband eagerly, hungrily kiss Penny back. She watched Penny kiss him, and much more.


       Penny was surprised when Daniel refused to leave with her that night. He said he had to settle things with his wife. Though Lauren had called for the fight, she tried to make Penny out as a big bully. She made endless excuses. She played up the ‘poor little me’ routine, fishing for sympathy. When she didn’t get it, Lauren hit the roof…and Daniel. The little wife threw an absolute fit. (She also threw dishes, books, pots and pans, lamps….) She had a tantrum. Lauren had never lost to another woman before. She couldn’t stand it! She threatened Danny, telling him she would ruin him if he dared walk out on her. That ‘love me or else’ act pushed Daniel too far. He walked out…and straight into Penny’s arms. Daniel filed for divorce.

       Daniel and Penny eventually married. In Penny, Daniel found a woman who is more than merely cute. He has found a best friend and partner. It doesn’t hurt that Penny also proved far better in the bedroom than Lauren could ever be. Are they really soul mates destined to be together, or will they begin to have the same kind of troubles Danny had with Lauren, after the “new” wears off? Time will tell. Don’t feel too sorry for Lauren. She made good on her threats to ruin Danny, taking him for all she could get. She quickly remarried. Since then, Lauren has even managed to publish a few of her songs. She has had a taste of fame, if only locally. She finally got her chance to walk a few red carpets and mingle with some locally famous power players. She instantly turned on the sweet little innocent act. The queen of cute began flirting with the rich and powerful, ignoring her current husband. They are now headed for divorce, as Lauren leaves him behind to chase her star.
        Penny may have been right about Lauren. If Danny had stayed with her, she likely would have dumped him for a chance at the fame she always craved..
       There are no heroes or villains in this story. The little wife is a social climber who will always put herself first. Penny may have been Daniel’s soul mate, but she readily went after a married man, intent on breaking up a family. Daniel was only too happy to cheat on his wife with Penny. He encouraged her flirtations. Life and love are curious things. They don’t always follow predictable patterns. Sometimes the good girl isn’t completely good, and the bad girl isn’t so bad. Good girls don’t always win, but neither do they always finish last. Love can be a battle that leaves hearts scarred. Is it worth it? If you ask Penny, she would answer ‘yes’. She fought for her love, and won the victory of a lifetime.


Offline dtrain12575

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2013, 01:25:01 PM »
Great story.... I love the the back and fourth during the fight and how descriptive it was. I always enjoy when the other women dominates the wife or current girlfriend. Most of all a really entertaining read. Thank you for sharing.


Offline Warlock641

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2013, 02:12:10 PM »
Fantastic, almost sounds to good to be true, but yet it happens all the time....divorce for the right reasons!!


Offline Wondering48

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2013, 10:36:18 PM »
Loved your story. I like long buildups and a lot of background and this story fufilled that desire. Hope you do more in the future.


Offline Catwacher

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 12:42:20 AM »
Another winner! :)


Offline not-quite-shy angie

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2013, 03:08:47 AM »
I love it! Nice twist.  Hawt!
I'm a shy girl with a dirty online secret :)


Offline Kayla

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2013, 07:13:36 AM »
Wow, great story! Reminds me of my sagas, way back, as the 'other woman' - tee hee!  :D ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline peccavi

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2013, 07:19:24 AM »
you always pull out all the emotional stops. Thank you so very much.
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2013, 10:53:24 AM »
I so enjoy your stories. Thanks for sharing.


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2013, 08:23:54 PM »
Paragraphs would be nice.  Formatting/presentation is almost as important as the story itself.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2022, 01:38:45 PM »
The best story I've ever read
MvM and MvF cyber matches are my favorites. We can talk the details :)

Skype: live: freelywriter
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Offline Dario

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2022, 07:45:15 AM »
Really wonderful.
Great work, totally exciting.
Many thanks.


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2022, 09:18:19 PM »
wish this writer would come back  :( love his stories  ;D


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2022, 10:17:17 AM »
I have always found this to be one of my favorite stories.  I just love your writing.


Offline katietay

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Re: Young Wife vs. "The Other Woman"
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2022, 12:19:34 PM »
I really like these stylistic experiments, and as an added bonus this story is also technically flawless :)
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)