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Watcher Amazon 3 Tourney: Bracket 2QS (Eva marie, Keibler, Bundchen, Mckinney,.)

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Eva Marie was wearing her all red wrestling gear but was promising she was not going to be robotic like her wrestling skills.  She was going to show her natural fighting skill, she felt she was the strongest here and she was going to prove it.  When she told people that she was coming here they said they wanted Keibler vs Rae or Danielle Monet her real name

Miranda Kerr had been in one fight to peoples knowledge and it wasn’t the best fight.  She and Izabel Goulart had gotten into a fight and it wasn’t the most impressive fight.  She knew that Izabel was now a different kind of woman at this and she had barely moved forward

That was evident in this fight.  Eva was punching her way to victory throughout the fight and when Miranda tried to her up she was easily lifted and thrown around.

Five minutes into the fight Miranda was on her hands and knees face beaten up, stomach beaten up and she was topless.  Eva ran at her and kicked Miranda into the ribs the kick landed with such impact that it put Miranda into the air and between the second and top rope. 

She was crying and saying she had enough as Eva stood in the ring fixing her fire red hair.

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When Stacy Keibler signed up for this and found out all fights would take place in the ring she thought of Gisele.  She stood in the middle of the ring and kept her head down waiting for the supermodel to come down and for them to finish a trifecta of fights that saw each get a win

Gisele Bundchen worked on getting back in true fighting shape.  She was weak and slow in her fight with Adriana Lima.  They said these fights would take place in a ring and she thought of her greatest victory ever.  Now she got to end the story with another fight with Stacy Keibler.

Stacy and Gisele stood in the middle of the ring.  The first time they fought it was the first time stacy fought someone her own height.  The second time was a brawl and Gisele was at her physical peak in strength.  Fight one Gisele won, fight two Stacy won.  Today they would have the rubber match.

“Saw your fight with Lima.”

“Im embarrassed by that fight.  All I’ve done since is train for you or her and I wish it was her.”

“You’ve had your chance against her… Years she and I wanted to fight and its time.”

“I think she’ll beat you.  Once I beat you she probably won’t even take the fight.”

The dialogue between the two continued because both didn’t truly want the feud to end.  Gisele loved that she had a win over Stacy and stacy was so far removed from that level of fame.  Yet it had to end and the end was near.

The fight started with a test of strength the second fight they had Gisele was stronger.  This time Stacy was.

Striking was even between the two, Gisele had worked jab and kicks until one was countered and Gisele was fighting in fear as it was a leg kick check.  Stacy started to open up on her destroying her legs with leg kicks.

The end saw both women’s face bruised and Gisele was completely beaten but was able to hit a kick between Stacy’s legs.  She quickly went for a power bomb but Stacy blocked it and dropped to her knee and hit her own low blow.

“glad you went for this I forgot it was how you beat me the first time.”  Stacy easily lifted Gisele up for a power bomb and spiked her down.  Stacy looked down on Gisele and picked her up and between the legs again and looked out “Katherine Webb you think this bracket comes down to us, this is what to expect.”

She lifted Gisele up for a power bomb and threw her down again “That one was for Adriana Lima who needs to know whenever she finds me across her path that her path ends.”

Repeat the power bomb “Curry, you are not the favourite vs me.  I am and always will be better than you.”

One final power bomb and she covered Gisele with her big toe “That was for Summer, you are a cheaper version of me and you…”  count of three and Stacy looked behind her and there was Summer Rae

She walked up to her and Summer jumped down “Not yet”

Stacy responded her hands gripping the rope tight, eyes shooting laser “You bet.”

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The most even fight of this round.  Michaela Schaefer fought for every inch and had each of those inches taken back by Brande

Tooth and nails were used by both in a effort

Exhausted they fell onto the other and it was Schaefer who just couldn’t take it no more and was pushed back into the corner.  Brande kept punching the tits of Michaela Schaefer until she heard “STOP”

Brande collapsed victorious outside the ring

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Alessandra Ambrosio was not built like Lima, Refaeli, Shayk.  Heck she wasn’r like Bundchin or Goulart.

Charlotte McKinney was a body that seemed unrealistic.  She was a bigger name right now than Katherine Webb and took her place and she absolutely mangled Allesandra Ambrosio.

Throwing her around the riing and abusing the tits of Ambrosio while laughing at the super model. 

Allesandra was on her knees begging Charlotte to stop the abuse and Charlotte laughed and walked away ready for Eva Marie.