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My Wife, SAM VS Her Sister, AMBER

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Offline FormerGoddess

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My Wife, SAM VS Her Sister, AMBER
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:11:08 AM »
NOTE: Neither of the women pictured are the actual girls, but they're VERY accurate portrayals in size, build, and even hairstyles that I found after a bit of searching.

There isn't much set up for this. My wife and her sister aren't close, at times, barely speaking. A lot of the time, they're able to fake it with each other. They're both curvy girls with wide hips, plump ass and thick thighs. They're nearly identical in height and weight with just a few years between them. I'd love to see them go at it. They have very different personalities, in multiple ways, but at the end of the day, neither are women to fuck with. I've always imagined a long, hard, prideful battle.

Another ultimate man fantasy. 2 rival sisters fighting it out for superiority. Which of these 2 would come up the winner? How and why?


« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 07:13:19 AM by thevoid »