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8-way Hotel Room Free-For-All Bondage Mayhem! Bella, Vika, Asia, & More

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Offline vevelane

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  • The Petite Powerhouse
    • VeVe Lane, Petite Powerhouse Wrestler
This was just wild mayhem in our hotel room at FetCon 2016.  8 ladies fighting and lassoing each other all across the beds and floor.  whoa...

8-way Free-For-All Bondage Mayhem!
Bella Ink, Vika, VeVe Lane, Ashlee Graham, Asia Perez, Dresden, Sarah Brooke, Ramona Flour


Bondage wrestling mayhem! 8 ladies, all in lovely lingerie, gathered together for this raucous event in our hotel room at FetishCon 2016. Unlike our previous multi-way bondage wrestling events, this wild 8-woman adventure is a Free-For-All and not a formal tourney: There are NO pre-assigned opponents or teams, and no official rounds. Competitors can make alliances and betrayals on the fly; they can gang up on anyone and can turn on each other as it suits them. Anything goes... as long as 7 ladies wind up hogtied and gagged, with one final champion posing victoriously over them in the end!

For this crazy rope-wrestling melee, we welcome returning stars Bella Ink, Sarah Brooke, and VeVe Lane, with new guests Vika, Ashlee Graham, Asia Perez, Dresden, and Ramona Flour. The battle field is a combination of mats and mattresses, making for multiple levels of "terrain" to climb over and fight across... it's like a slumber party gone wild!

With no pre-determined opponents, all 8 ladies dive right in at once, fighting simultaneously and racing to get their ropes on each other. Some try to strategize during the action, some go in care-free all-or-nothing, and some are simply steamrolled! Alliances, treachery, one-on-ones, multi-teams that come and go. Amidst the shouting and turmoil, more and more ladies eventually wind up hogtied. But with these ladies, even hogties can't keep them out of the action or out of mischief!  [Read More: ]

Total running time: 42 minutes

Includes pre-match and post-match comments from all ladies. SPOILER ALERT: VeVe is NOT the winner! Oh my. Who could it be? Hogties, 4 ball gags, 3 tape gags. An adventurous battle. Hats off to all these wily competitors!

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« Last Edit: October 27, 2016, 07:56:01 PM by vevelane »
- VeVe

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