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Anna (supermifighter) goes next door to avenge dauther Mary) maryfighter beating

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Anna is Mary (maryfighter) mom 46 yo, 5'8", 140 lbs, 34 D



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Ana (Topless Dancer/Mistress) 28 years old, 5'7", 160 lbs, 34 HH



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Ana (28 yo) beat the shit out of Mary (18 yo) and totally dominated and humiliated her in front of her friends



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This is Anna, I'm Mary's (maryfighter) mom. I want to tell you what happens when I go to visit Mary, and I see her eyes are blackened, and her nose has a lump, and her lips are swollen, and puffy, with a cut on her swollen upper lip. She tells me about the new fat cow neighbor, some kind of Mistress, came over and she beat the shit out of her. Mary started crying, and she told me that this big fuckin fat cow punched her until she was a limp, goofy rag doll, and then she stripped her naked in front of all of her friends. Mary cried to me, she had tears streaming down her swollen face as she said, “mommy, she humiliated me so bad. She ordered me to kiss her big fat cow tits, and when I refused, she slapped me silly with those big, tits of hers. She made me worship her tits mommy, lick them and kiss them.  Mommy, she humiliated me with a dildo.” I couldn't hear any more. What kind of sick, demented bitch is this fat cow, and to my daughter. I want to bash her fuckin face in. I'm really worked up. I have a temper, and I'm about to lose it on this cow's face.”

My daughter's girlfriend shows up, but I'm numb by now. All I can think about is punching this fat slut's face bloody. I wanna blacken her eyes, and break her fuckin nose, and knock out each and every one of her teeth right out of her mouth. How fuckin dare this slut humiliate my daughter with a strap on. How fuckin dare does this fat fuckin whore take my daughter's dignity from her in front of all of her friends. Mary and her girlfriend are trying to calm me down, and trying to tell me that Ana is a tough cow. They are trying to talk me out of fighting her. They are trying to tell me that she might kick my ass. They're think this bitch can beat me up. They are quite concerned for me, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. No one knows how crazy I am when I get angry. Once I lose my temper, I don't remember what happens, and I'm already so mad that nothing is going to stop me from going next door, and destroying this fat perverted whore.”

That's it, I say to Mary and her friend.” I'm going to go over there, and I'm going to beat that fat cow up, and I'll humiliate her, even worse than she humiliated you.” Mary and her girlfriend insists on going with me, so I storm out the door, with the two of them behind me. I get to this fat cow's door and I'm pounding on the door screaming, “you better answer this door you fat cow. I'm going to,” but just then the door opens, and a man dressed in a tuxedo opens the door, and says, “may I help you.” I'm all worked up and I scream, “I came to see that fat cow Ana. She thinks that she can beat my daughter up, she has something coming to her.” The man said, “the Mistress is down stairs in her dungeon. I would be happy to show you the way.” We follow him to a door to the stairs, and we walked down to the basement, and when we get down there I see this dark, cold looking dungeon, with all sorts of perverted equipment. It makes a chill run down my spine. I hear a voice from behind us, and  as I turn to look, I see Ana, sitting on a queens chair, with two men at her feet, each one is licking and kissing one of Ana's naked feet. I can't help myself, I say, “what kind of sick, perverted place is this, and what kind or sick demented bitch are you.” Ana says, “I heard you outside you stupid bitch, you have come to avenge your daughter's lesson.” I say, “that's right you stupid bitch. You might have knocked my young daughter around, but you wouldn't stand a chance against a real woman like me. You're going to apologize to my daughter for what you did, or I'll be forced to teach you a lesson, very similar to the lesson that you taught my daughter.”

Ana gets to her feet, and she pushes the two slaves to the side, and she steps into her high heels, and she comes storming right towards me. At first I thought I was going to get my hands up to stop her, but my hands did nothing to stop her, and she just comes plowing into me, grabbing me by my sexy white blouse, and she shoves me back, until “bam,” my back hits the cement wall, and “bang,” my head does too. She's holding me up against the wall, so that my feet are practically dangling in mid air, and she starts laughing viciously, as she screams right in my shocked face. “Oh good, the mother of the skinny little bitch I beat up the other day. You're just as hot as your daughter. I'm really going to enjoy this, and after you make me cum bitch, maybe we can watch mother fuck daughter with a dildo.” I can feel my face getting redder and redder, until I lose my temper, and I take my left fist, and I smash it “bang,” right into Ana's face, right into her nose. Blood starts rolling from Ana's nose, and Ana lets go of my blouse, dropping me to my feet. I'm crazy, and I'm really pissed off, and I grab Ana's white mini dress with my right hand, and I start hammering Ana's nose with my fist, “bang, bang, bang, bang,” over and over again, until she leaps back and away from me, and her blouse rips right off of her body in my hand, as she goes stumbling backwards, and away from me. Blood is really rolling from her nose, and she puts her hand to her bloody nose. I'm really infuriated and I scream, “I'm going to kill you cow.”

Ana shows me the blood on her fingers, and she then she gets this crazed look on her face, and she lunges at me, laughing viciously, and screaming, “you're not going to kill anyone you skinny bitch.” I send my right fist “bam,” into her left eye. Instantly her eye starts to turn pink and get all puffy, but my punch doesn't seem to do a thing to slow Ana down, and she just comes plowing into me, full force. She grabs my white blouse with both of her hands, and she practically lifts me up off of my feet, and she throws me back, and I just go stumbling backwards on my high heels like a floppy doll, until I lose my balance and I fall right over onto my back on the cement floor. My head hits the concrete, “bang,” and for a second, I'm seeing fuckin stars. Ana doesn't wait. She sits down right on my stomach, and her ass sinks into my belly, and I gasp “OOOFFF,” for air. Ana takes her right fist and she smashes it, “bang,” right into my nose. Blood starts rolling from my nose. Ana grabs my hair, and she wrenches my head up off of the cement screaming, “you really are beautiful, I'm going to strap on my big dildo, the one that I used on your daughter, and I'm going to use it on your ass. I'll make you suck it, while I have your daughter lick my pussy.” Hearing this fuckin cow's words makes me lose my temper. I start bucking and kicking and screaming, “get off of me you fuckin cow.” Ana grabs my hair with both of her hands, and she lifts my head up off of the cement, and she's laughing like a crazy woman, screaming right in my face, “I'm going to knock you silly bitch.” She shoves my head down, “bang,” right against the cement. I'm still bucking and kicking, and my hands are free. I reach up with my right hand, and I dig my fingernails into Ana's chest, right above her bra, and with my left hand, I start punching and scratching at her face, anything to get this fat cow bitch off of me. Ana yanks my head up off of the concrete again, and then she shoves it down “bang,” right against the cement again.

My nails are leaving bloody scratch marks on Ana's tit, and Ana screams, “AAAHHH YOU BITCH,” as she grabs my wrists. She starts struggling hard, trying to hold my wrists down to the cement. I'm struggling hard too, but Ana is much bigger and much stronger than I am, and my arms seem to tire, and then they just buckle, Anna leans forward, holding my wrists down to the cement, right over my head. I'm crazy, and I raise my head up, and I clamp my teeth down right onto Ana's big tit. I can taste the blood, as Ana lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAHHHHHHHH,” and she leaps right up off of me, trying to get to her feet, but Ana trips over my feet, and she falls right over onto the concrete, rubbing her aching, bloody breast, and screaming, “you bit me. You fuckin bit me bitch.” You can see bloody red teeth marks on Ana's bra. I get up onto my rubbery legs, and I'm trying to shake the cob webs out of my head. Slowly Ana starts to get to her feet screaming, “you bit me slut, you fuckin bit me. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fuckin kill you,” but just as Ana gets to her feet, I send my left fist plowing, “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of Ana's fat cow stomach. “OOOFFF,” I knock the fuckin air right out of her, and Ana grabs her aching belly and she bends over in pain, gasping for air. I scream, “you're not going to kill anyone you fat cow. You think you're so fuckin tough. I'm going to knock the shit out of you.” Ana lets go of her stomach, and she starts to stand up straight again, but as she does, I take my right fist, and I plow it “boom,” right into Ana's flabby gut again. “OOOFFF,” I smash the air out of Ana, and she grabs her aching belly, and she doubles over in pain coughing, and gasping for air. I scream, “stand up, stand up and fight me you stupid fat bitch, come on, I thought you were so fuckin tough.” Slowly Ana starts to stand up straight, and as she does, I take my fist, my tightly balled up left fist, and I send it plowing full force, “bang,” right into Ana's chin. You can hear Ana's teeth knock together and chatter in her head, as her head snaps back, and she goes stumbling backwards on her high heels, and she almost falls over.

I go after Ana again with my left fist. I pull it all the way back, and I send it plowing full force, right at Ana's chin again, but this time Ana manages to raise her right hand up, and she blocks my punch.Then with her own left fist, she smashes it “bang,” right into my nose. Ana is bigger and stronger than me, and her punches are very powerful/ Blood starts rolling out of my nose, and for a second I'm seeing fuckin stars, as my head snaps back, and I go stumbling backwards on my high heels and I almost fall over.” Ana holds her fists up screaming, “alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, put your fists up and fight me. I'm going to punish you for this bitch. I'm going to drain each and every last drop of your dignity from you old whore, and then I'll make you and your daughter service me and service each other.” I raise my fists up too, and the two of us just stand there, both of us with our fists raised like men, each of us wants to punch the other woman silly, and send her home totally humiliated, and you can just tell that this is going to be a really good fight. I raise up onto my toes, and I start dancing around Ana faking lefts and rights at her face. I measure this cow up, until I get her timing, and then I move in closer to her, and  send my right fist, “bang,” right into her nose, and then my left fist, “bang,” right into her nose again, and then with my left fist, “bang,” I hit her again. A 3 punch combination to Ana's nose, and now blood is really rolling from her nose. I step back, and then I step back forward again, and as as I do, Ana sends a wild roundhouse, a  head wrenching punch at my face, but I easily step out of the way, and duck, and Ana stumbles right past me, quite off balance, and she has a shocked look on her face. Then she regains her balance and her shocked look turns to a look of anger, and Ana's face turns beet red as she spins back around to face me again, but as she does, I punch her, “bang,” with my left fist, right in her mouth, and my big ring bashes against her lips, and her lips split open, and blood is rolling from her lips.

I step back and I laugh at her as I scream, “look at you cow. Look at you punched all bloody, and wobbly on your legs. I thought you were so fuckin tough. I thought you were such a tough Mistress, and that you were going to beat me up, and look at you cow, you can't even fight.” Ana's face is bright red, and Ana loses her temper. She shows me the blood on her hand screaming, “You bitch, you skinny whore bitch, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fuckin kill you.” She pulls back her left fist, and she comes after me screaming insanely about how she's going to kill me. “I'm going to kill you bitch. I'm going to fuckin kill you.” She sends her fist plowing as hard as she can, right at my face, but quickly I manage to step to the side and out of the way, and this time, as Ana goes stumbling past me quite off balance, I stick my foot out, and I trip Ana, and Ana screams, “OOOHHH,” as she falls over onto her stomach on the cement with a bang. Ana isn't prepared for how crazy I am, and I leap down right onto her back. “OOOFFF,” I pound some of the air out of her, and Ana gasps for air. I lace my hands right through Ana's hair, and I yank her head up, and then I shove her head back down, “bang,” I smash her face right against the hard concrete, screaming like a demented lunatic, “I'm going to beat you up twice you fat cow. Once for me, and once for my daughter.” I start “bang, bang, bang, bang,” bashing, bouncing this fat cow's face against the hard cement over and over again. Then I raise up over Ana, and I turn her over onto her back, and I start “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering her nose with my left fist again and again. Ana starts crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP,” but I'm still really crazed, and I'm still really infuriated, and I'm not about to fuckin stop.” I'm punching this fat cow's nose over and over again until you can hear the bone of her nose crack and break under the big ring on my fist, and blood is gushing from Ana's nose.     

Ana cry's out, “I'M SORRY, PLEASE LET ME GO, I'M SORRY.” I can't believe how crazy I am, I'mwell past that point of anger, and I have absolutely no control of what I do. I can't help myself. I take my tightly balled up left fist, and I smash her right in her teeth with my ring, and you can here her teeth crack and break under my ring, and Ana's lips split open under the ring, and blood is rolling from her lips. I scream insanely, “I'm not the one you have to apologize too you stupid fat cow. Get on your hands and knees you submissive whore, crawl over to my daughter, and you better beg my daughter for forgiveness. You think your a Mistress. I'm in charge of you now you fat fuckin whore, and you're gong to do whatever I tell you to do. Now get on your hands and knees.” Ana is normally a dominant Mistress, and she's quite a bully. Ana is bossy and cocky, and she's quite used to always getting her own way, but Ana is starting to get scared, and she really doesn't want to fight me any more. Tears start rolling down Ana's cheeks, and desperately she's starts crying out, “PLEASE I'M SORRY, PLEASE I'M A MISTRESS, PLEASE DON'T HUMILIATE ME.”

I'm clearly winning at this point. I've punched all the fight out of Ana, and Ana can't do anything to stop me from beating her up. Ana really isn't prepared for how insane I am. I bash this cow's teeth in. I smash my fist, “bang,” right into her teeth, and you can hear her teeth break under my ring, and I knock her teeth right out of her mouth. Ana's falls to her hands and knees, and Ana is spitting blood, and bloody teeth right out of her mouth, and she grabs Mary's hand and she looks right up at her, right into my daughter's eyes, and she starts crying out, “PLEASE, I'M SORRY. I'M VERY SORRY FOR WHAT I DID TO YOU. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.” Mary spits right in Ana's face, and she screams, “I'll never forgive you bitch.” I walk over and I say, “Mary, perhaps we should give her a taste of her own medicine.” I grab Ana's hair, and I wrench her head up screaming, “where is that dildo you were planning on using on me.” Ana is crying even harder, and she's too scared to be disobedient. She just crawls over to her pocketbook, and she picks it up, and crawls over to me, and she hands me her pocketbook. I open the pocketbook, and there it is. The big, rubber strap on dildo. I take it out, and I show it to Mary, and I say, “is this the dildo.” Mary says, “yes.” I say, “Do you want to use this on her, or do you want me to use it on her.” Mary says, “mom, I want you to humiliate this bitch even worse than she humiliated me, and make her suck her dildo before you do anything else.”

I strap the dildo onto myself, and I laugh as I scream, “get on your hands and knees  you poor excuse for a Mistress, suck my cock.” Ana is totally submissive to me now, and she gets on her hands and knees right in front of me. Then she reaches up, and she takes that cock in her hands. I scream, “kiss it cow.” Ana holds the rubber cock right up to her mouth and she kisses the dildo. I laugh and I scream, “suck it cow, suck this cock.” Ana is being totally humiliated right in front of her slaves, and right in front of her friends, and most of all in front of my daughter Mary and her girlfriend. I'm laughing as I scream, “look at her everyone, look at your tough Mistress now, look at how pathetic this fat cow is. Mary, she doesn't look so tough anymore, does she. Look at her everyone. Look at your tough Mistress now. Everyone thought that she was such a tough Mistress, look at her now.” Ana's is sucking the dildo like it's a man's cock. Her head is bouncing up and down and up and down, and her big cow tits are bouncing. I pull the cock out of Ana's mouth, and I grab her by her fuckin hair, and I hold her face right in front of the dildo, and I start laughing as I scream, “Now you fat cow. You're going to beg me to put this dildo up your ass hole and to fuck you with it. Now let me hear you beg.” 

Ana is crying hysterically, but Ana is totally submissive to me now, and tears are streaming down her cheeks, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup, and Ana is still spitting blood and bloody pieces of her teeth out of her mouth. She's sputtering blood, and she starts begging me,” PLEASE FUCK ME UP MY ASS WITH THE DILDO. I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE FUCK ME UP MY ASS WITH THE DILDO.” I walk around behind Ana, and I guide the tip of the big, hard rubber cock right up to Ana's anus. Then I grab her hair as I plow that big, hard cock right into her ass hole. Tears start overflowing out of Ana's eyes, and Ana starts leaping, jumping, twisting, trying to dance off of the dildo, desperately crying out, “get it out, please I'm begging you get it out,” but I have my hand laced tightly through Ana's hair, and Ana's very own big, strap on dildo plowed deep into her ass hole, and Ana just can't get away. I march Ana right over to where Mary is standing, and I'm plunging that rubber cock in and out and in and out of her ass hole. I'm fucking this fat fuckin whore's ass hole with her very own big, hard, erect rubber cock, and I scream, “look at my daughter you fat cow. Ana looks over at Mary. I scream, “now Ana, you're going to moo for Mary, and you're going to tell my daughter that you are a stupid, pathetic, worthless fat cow. Now let me hear you moo.”

Ana lets out a “moo.” I pull harder at Ana's hair, and I shove that dildo deeper into her ass hole, and Ana raises up onto her tippy toes, and she takes a long, deep breath, and she let's out a loud, long, “MOOO.” I scream “say it.” Ana is crying and crying, but Ana is scared, and she's totally submissive to me now, and she cry's out, “I'm a cow Mary. I'm a stupid, pathetic worthless fat cow Mary,” and then she starts to “MOOO, MOOO, MOOO,” moo over and over again, right in front of my daughter. I'm already making a fuckin fool out of Ana, but I'm crazy, and I'm really going to drain every last drop of this fat cow's dignity from her.

I'm fucking Ana's ass hole with the dildo, and I start taking her out, I march her in front of one of her slaves or friends at a time. I hold her up screaming, “moo for your slave bitch, and tell your slave that you're a worthless, pathetic, submissive fat cow you are.” I make Ana moo in front of one person and the next, making her tell everyone that she's a stupid, submissive, pathetic fat cow.  Then I pull that dildo out of Ana's ass hole, and I scream, “get on your hands and knees you fat bitch. Suck this dildo clean.” Ana falls obediently to her hands and knees, and she grabs the dildo with both of her hands, and she holds it right up to her mouth, and she starts sucking the dildo as if it was a man's cock. She's sucking it and sucking until I pull it out of her mouth. I take the dildo off, and I walk over to Ana's queens chair and I lower my panties, and I sit down on the queens chair screaming, “crawl over here slave.” Ana crawls on her hands and knees, until she's right in front of me. She crawls right in between my legs, and she starts licking my cxnt. She's licking me feverishly, like a dog licking it's master. I scream, “moo bitch, moo into my cxnt like the fat cow you really are.” Ana starts to moo, “MOO, MOO, MOO,” she's mooing over and over again like a cow, rright into my soaking wet pussy. The vibration of Ana's lips inside of my cxnt makes me start “AAHH, AAHH, AAHH,” breathing hard and making these sexy little noises. My body is glistening in sweat, and my nipples are rock hard and beat red. I start to cum. I'm screaming and howling like a wild jungle animal as I have one explosive orgasm after another.

I stand up and I grab Ana's hair, and I stand the fat bitch up on her wobbly, rubbery legs screaming, “get up cow, I'm not finished with you yet.” I let go of Ana's hair and I hold my fists up screaming, “alright, put your fists up and fight me.” Ana is crying like a baby, and she cry's out, “please stop, you beat me up already. You humiliated me, please, I don't want to fight any more. I scream, “You stupid fat cow, I beat you up for me, and now I'm going to beat you up all over again, but this time I'm going to beat for my daughter. I raise my fists up like a man and I start punching Ana's huge breasts. Right fist, “boom,” left breast, left fist, “boom,” right breast, “boom, boom, boom, boom,” back and forth and back and forth. I'm using Ana's big cow tits as punching bags. I scream, “Mary come here.” Mary walks right over and I say, “Mary, use this fat cow's tits as punching bags.” Mary balls up her fists hard and tight, and she starts “boom, boom, boom, boom,” pummeling Ana's tits, and Ana's big tits are all swollen and black and blue. When Mary stops punching Ana's tits, I scream, “From now on you fat cow, if you ever see my daughter again, you are to fall to your knees and ask her how you can serve her, and if you ever misbehave, I will come and find you, and this will seem like a vacation compared what I will do to you.” Mary and her girlfriend and I leave......