This is a fight I'm working on. Who do you think wins? Feel free to post your thoughts on what will happen. This fight features FCF member Melissa taking on Chloe.
Melissa (5'5 124lbs 34 y/o ) lives near Dover, DE. She works as a receptionist in a large accounting firm and works some shifts at night as a waitress to make some extra money. She is a single mom that loves spending time with her kids and hitting the beach and the extra money Apartment Wrestling could bring would mean more time for fun and less time for work. Melissa has a bit of a wild side now fueled by an occasional margarita. When she was younger her wild side led to trouble including fights. She isn't much of a gym rat, but loves to run and workout outside the gym. She thinks she is still plenty mean with a nasty edge. Melissa's response about why she would be a good Apartment fighter -- "I'm lean, mean and nasty. I'm willing to push the rules and myself when I compete. Limits are for those losing. I don't have limits or boundaries. When you lose to me you'll know you had your ass beat!" (fcfmelissafent_bitch)
Chloe (5'4 117lbs 20 y/o) lives near Eugene, OR. She is currently a student at the University of Oregon and a member of the cheer team. She is studying to be an exercise physiologist or a physical therapist. She spends a considerable amount of time in the gym as part of the team in various conditioning and strength building exercises. She loves to hike and be outdoors when she has free time. Chloe's response about why she would be a good Apartment fighter -- "I'm the prettiest. I win at everything I do. Cheerleaders are athletes. I plan to show up all these bitches who think cheer girls are weak. And trust me, I'M A SERIOUS BITCH!"