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MILF fight (Anna (superlifighter) vs almost ex-wife Cindy

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MILF fight (Anna (superlifighter) vs almost ex-wife Cindy
« on: November 07, 2016, 08:31:29 PM »

Anna 46yo, 5'8”, 140 lbs, 34D
Cindy-46yo, 5'7”, 180 lbs, 36FF

My name is Anna and I want to tell you a story. About 4 months ago I met Johnny, and it was love at first sight. Johnny is a sweetheart, and he has treated me like no other man has ever treated me before. He listens to me, he asks my opinion, he tells me how beautiful I am, and he makes me feel beautiful when he does. He appreciates me, and he makes me feel so special. He takes me for romantic weekends, and we flew to Paris for lunch, and New Orleans for dinner. He showers me with gifts, flowers, chocolates, jewelry. He has re-defined hot, passionate love, and he makes me feel like no man has ever made me feel before. He loves me just as much as I love him, and a few weeks ago Johnny asked me to marry him.

Johnny told me about his ex-wife Cindy, who he's still married to. Johnny is the CEO of a large company, and I have become friendly with Christine the office manager. I spent a day with her at the office, and she filled me in on all the dirty details. About 6 years ago Johnny met Cindy, his 3rd, and last wife. Everyone had warned Johnny not to marry her, but Cindy was a drop dead gorgeous, big breasted, blonde, a trouble maker, she has an explosive temper, and she can be quite crazy.  While Johnny saw Cindy as the most exciting woman he had ever met, everyone else saw her as crazy, bi-polar, or some kind of mental problems, a nasty self centered bitch. She's conceited, dominant, cocky, demanding, and she's quite used to getting everything her own way, and she can be a real bitch

It seems like not almost everyone that knows Cindy hates her. Cindy is very jealous, and she's a bully. Cindy once said that 80% of women adult women either doesn't know how to fight, or is too scared to fight. 10% of women will back down if they get punched in the face, especially if they are bleeding. The final 10% are fighters. She said that she loves when a woman becomes threatening. Even if the woman wants to back down, Cindy won't let her back down. She'll get off on making the woman go through hoops, and humiliate her. She won't let her just walk away.

Johnny left Cindy and filed for divorce almost a year ago. Johnny has had a couple of girlfriends in between me and Cindy. The first one Cindy confronted and she scared the shit out of the poor woman, and Johnny didn't see her again. The second one Cindy got into a screaming and threatening match at a bar, and Cindy punched her in her face a couple of times and the poor woman was bloody and crying and Cindy made a fool of her in front of Johnny and in front of everyone at the bar. Johnny hasn't seen her since then. 

Johnny had his attorney draw up the divorce papers. Cindy made appointments, and she didn't show up. Christine told me that Johnny called his attorney about a month ago, and he told the attorney to off her more. Give her anything she wants, just get her to sign the papers. The attorney told Johnny last week that Cindy wanted twice what she had originally asked for, and that she would definitely be in to sign the papers in 1 week. Johnny and I decided to have an engagement party, and the two of us couldn't wait. We already booked the patio at the Yacht Club, hired a DJ, ordered the food and the beverages, and sent out the invitations. Christine told me how worried Johnny is for her, and because he realized that Cindy would know about the party, and she was bound to show up. She told me that Johnny  didn't want me hurt, he didn't want me humiliated, and he didn't want me to be involved. I didn't tell anyone about how crazy I get when I get into a fight, and I didn't tell anyone about my competitive boxing experience. I just assured everyone that I am not worried at all.

Part 2
It's Saturday, the day for our engagement party. The party is outdoor and casual, so I put on my sexy blue jean mini skirt, and my white blouse, and my 4” high heels. Johnny and I arrive at the party a little before 1 pm. By 3 pm the party is going real good. There's over 50 people, and they're eating, and drinking,  and dancing, and having a really good time, when who shows up but Cindy, and she has the fuckin nerve to bring along her best friend Vicky with her. I'm sitting on a bench, right next to JohnnyIn a voice quite loud enough for everyone to hear, I hear Cindy scream, “slut, whore.” I look up just in time to see Cindy walk right up to me, and she holds her left fist in my face screaming, “Do you see this ring. This is my wedding ring, and as long as I wear this ring, Johnny is mine, his cock is mine, and you better keep that skinny slut body of your away from him, you got it.” By now everyone at the party has stopped what they were doing and is looking. I'm embarrassed and I scream, “Johnny isn't married to you any more Cindy. He left you, and now he's going with me, so why don't you just get out of here and stop humiliating yourself.” Cindy grows visibly angry, and her face starts turning red. She's so angry she starts shaking her fist in my face screaming, “you're going to stay away from him, stay far away from my husband or I'll knock your face in with this ring, and I'll teach you to respect my marriage, and my wedding ring.” I'm just as crazy as Cindy, and my face starts turning red. I put my hands on my hips screaming, “You fat cow, I'm going to punch you silly until you won't even know where you are any more, and then I'll pull your precious wedding ring right off of your finger, I'll,” but before I can finish every I had to say, Cindy shows me her left fist screaming, 'I'm going to bash your face in with this ring slut.” Cindy pulls her left fist back to punch me in my face with her wedding ring, but I definitely hit Cindy first. I ball up my left fist hard and tight, and I send it plowing “bang,” right into Cindy's chin, you can hear Cindy's teeth knock together and chatter in her head head, as her head swings back, and as Cindy's head comes back forward, I send my right fist plowing, “bang,” right into Cindy's chin again. Cindy's head swings back, and Cindy stumbles backwards on her high heels and she almost falls over. I go right after Cindy again. I grab her by her white mini dress with my right hand, and I pull her forward into my left fisyt. I send it plowing into Cindy's nose. Blood start rolling from Cindy's nose as Cindy's head swings back, but I yank her forward by her dress, and I hold her up right in front of myself, screaming right in Cindy's shocked face, “you think you're so fuckin tough you fat cow. I'm going to beat you up over and over again, until you don't even know where you are any more, and then I'll make you beg me to take your precious wedding ring off of your finger, and I'll make you sorry you ever came to my party to start fuckin trouble with me,” and Cindy doesn't say a word, she's fuckin startled.

I shove Cindy back hard, so hard that Cindy's dress rips right off of her body in my hands, and the crowd starts screaming as Cindy goes stumbling backwards on her high heels until she loses her balance, and she falls right over onto her ass on the cement with a bang. Cindy is just sitting there on the concrete, in her huge white push up bra, and her little white lace panties, with blood rolling from her nose, and Cindy is shocked. She didn't think that I could fight so good. I stand right over Cindy, and now I'm cocky and taunting her, “get up cow. I thought you were so fuckin tough. Get up and fight me so that I can really knock the shit out of you.” Cindy is just sitting there, her face is getting redder and redder. She puts her hand to her nose, and seeing her own blood she screams, “look at what you did to me you skinny slut. I'm bleeding. How fuckin dare you make me bleed.” Cindy loses her temper, and she turns over onto her hands and knees, and then she just launches herself at me, wrapping her arms around my knees, and she tackles me to the cement. My head smacks “bang,” right against the concrete, and for a moment I'm seeing stars. Cindy leaps right onto my stomach, “OOOFFF,” she knocks the air right out of me, and I'm gasping for air. Cindy is like an enraged lunatic. She balls up her left fist and she smashes it, “bang,” right into my mouth. You can hear the metal of Cindy's big ring bang against the enamel of my teeth, and my lips split open under that fuckin ring, and blood starts rolling from my lips. I start bucking and kicking and screaming, get off of me you fat fuckin cow.” My hands are free, and I reach up with my right hand, and I take my sharp fingernails, and I dig them right into Cindy's left breast, and with my left hand I start punching at Cindy's face, and pulling at her hair. Cindy wrenches my head up off of the cement, and then she shoves my head back down, “bang,” right against the hard concrete, and Cindy screams, “I'm going to knock you silly you skinny little bitch, and then I'm going to humiliate you over and over again.” She lets go of me with her left hand and she holds her left fist in my face screaming insanely,” I'm going to make you lick and kiss my wedding ring you whore, teach you to respect my marriage. I have a big strap on dildo in my pocketbook. That's right bitch, I'm going to fuck you with that cock like the dog that you are..” I'm still desperately bucking and kicking and raking my nails down her breast. Cindy grabs my wrists and she starts struggling, trying to hold them down to the cement. I'm struggling hard too, but Cindy is much bigger and stronger than I am, and she overpowers me as she leans forward, and she manages to hold my wrists down to the concrete, but as she does, I raise my head up, and I clamp my teeth down hard, right on Cindy's huge left breast. Cindy lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAHHHHHHH,” as she leaps up off of me, trying to get to her feet, but Cindy trips over my legs, and she falls right over onto her ass. You can see bloody red teeth marks on Cindy's white bra, and Cindy starts rubbing and messaging her aching bloody breast, crying out, “you bit my tit, how fuckin dare you bite me. I'm going to kill you.”

I sit up and I start to get to my feet. Cindy gets to her feet too, and Cindy is infuriated all over again. Her face turns bright red, and she starts screaming how she's going to kill me. “I”m going to kill you bitch, I'm going to fuckin kill you.” She pulls her left fist back screaming, “I'm going to fuckin kill you, I'm going to knock each and every one of your teeth right out of your fuckin mouth.” Cindy comes after me, she sends her fist right at my face, but quickly I manage to step to the side and out of the way, and as Cindy goes stumbling right past me off balance, I spin around and I run right after her. I grab her by the back of her hair and I shove her forward until “bang,” I smash her face first right into the stone wall of the clubhouse. I bounce this fuckin fat cow's face right off of the hard stone wall, and then I grab Cindy's shoulder, and I spin Cindy right back around to face me again, screaming, “You're not going to kill anyone you stupid fat cow.” I take my tightly balled up fist, and I send it plowing, “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of Cindy's fat cow stomach. My fist sinks deep into Cindy's flabby gut, and “OOOFFF,” her eyes almost bulge right out of her head as she puts her hands to her aching belly and she leans forward, gasping for air. I grab Cindy's hair with my right hand, and I wrench her standing straight up, and Cindy screams, “AAHH, LET GO,” as she reaches up, trying to pull my hand out of her hair, but as she does, I smash my left fist “boom,” right into Cindy's flabby gut. I knock the fuckin air right out of Cindy again, and “OOOFFF,” Cindy doubles over in pain trying to catch her breath again. I still have my right hand wrapped through Cindy's hair and I scream, “how does it feel to get beat up you fat, fuckin bully bitch.” I start “boom, boom, boom, boom,” pounding Cindy's stomach again and again. I'm knocking the fuckin air out of this fat cow over and over again, until Cindy's knees buckle under her, and Cindy falls right over onto her hands and knees on the cement.

Cindy rolls up into a ball on the cement, and she's desperately coughing, and gasping, and trying to regain her breath. I lean down and I grab Cindy's hair, and I yank her head up, so that Cindy is looking right into my eyes, and I scream, “I thought you were so fuckin tough. I thought you were going to beat me up with your wedding ring, and look at you Cindy you fat cow, you can't even fight.” Cindy is still trying to regain her breath, and she gasps out, “PLEASE STOP.” I start dragging Cindy, across the rough cement, on her hands and knees, by her fuckin hair. Cindy's knees are getting all scraped and bloody, and Cindy is crying out, “AAHH, AAHH, LET GO, YOU'RE HURTING ME.” I let go of Cindy's hair and I walk around behind her. Then I lean down and I un-hook Cindy bra, and Cindy's bra falls over onto the cement. I grab Cindy's hair, and I drag her standing up on her rubbery legs, and Cindy cry's out, “STOP, ENOUGH.” I grab Cindy's shoulder and I spin her back around to face me again screaming, “ENOUGH, ENOUGH, HOW DARE YOU TELL ME WHEN YOU HAD ENOUGH. I'LL TELL YOU WHEN YOU HAD ENOUGH. YOUR STARTED THIS CINDY, YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE SO TOUGH. YOU'RE A BULLY YOU FAT FUCKIN WHORE, AND NOW YOU'RE GOING TO GET TO SEE FIRST HAND JUST HOW IT FEEL TO BE DOMINATED AND HUMILIATED IN FRONT OF ALL OF THESE PEOPLE.” Cindy has tears welling up in her eyes, and she cry's out, “NO, STOP,” but I'm still really infuriated, and I'm not going to fuckin stop.”

I raise my fists up like a man ready to fist fight, and I scream, “now I'm going to use those flabby, saggy, pathetic cow tits of yours as punching bags Cindy.” I start “right fist, “boom,” left breast, left fist, “bam,” right breast, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth. I'm using Cindy's big, fat cow tits as punching bags, and Cindy's big tits are just flopping around, and swinging back and forth, and bouncing. The crowd is screaming, and everyone in the crowd is really turned on. I've never beat another woman up this badly, but this fat cow is a bully, she gets off on making people miserable, and humiliated, and she's been giving Johnny such a hard time.

I'm starting to get turned on punching her fat cow tits. I'm starting to get turned on adjusting her attitude, and it's really turning me on hearing and seeing this stupid bitch getting more and more pathetic. I'm still really infuriated. This fat cow made me crazy, and made me lose my temper, and I just keep pummeling Cindy's big cow tits, until Cindy's tits swell up and turn black and blue, and Cindy is crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP I'M BEGGING YOU.” I scream, “alright Cindy, you want me to stop beating you up, then give me your wedding ring.” Cindy surprises me, and she becomes quite indignant, and she grows visibly angry. Cindy's face turns beet red and Cindy loses her temper and she cry's out, “NO, NEVER, I'LL NEVER GIVE YOU MY WEDDING RING, I'm going to knock your teeth out with my wedding ring you whore.” I grab Cindy's hair with my right hand screaming, “you're not going to knock anyone teeth,” but before I can finish what I was saying, Cindy punches me, “bang,” right in my mouth, right with that ring. The ring slits my lips open even worse, and blood is rolling from my lips, and I can taste it.” 

I can feel my anger build quickly, and I can feel the rush throughout my whole body, and my temperature starts going up, and my face is getting redder and redder, until I lose my temper again. I let go of Cindy's hair, and I make fists with both of my hands and I start beating Cindy up again. I hit her chin, left fist, “bang, right fist “bang,” left fist, “bang,” a three punch combination to Cindy's chin, making Cindy head flop back and forth  Then I hit her once, really hard. I send my left fist plowing full force, “BANG,” uppercut, right into Cindy's jaw. You can hear Cindy's teeth knock together and chatter in her head, and Cindy is seeing fuckin stars as her head snaps straight up in the air, and Cindy stumbles backwards on her high heels, until her head comes back down, and when it does, Cindy is punched silly. Her eyes are swimming around in her head, and her legs are all rubbery. She has to hold her hands out in front of herself to try and maintain her balance, and then she just starts to stumble, and then to sway, first forward, and then back, and then she just gets this silly little smile across her face.

I'm clearly winning at this point, and Cindy is punched so silly she's seeing fuckin stars. I could take Cindy's wedding ring off of her finger right now. I have punched all the fight out of this fat cow, and she can't so anything to stop me from beating her up, but Cindy has no idea of how crazy I am, no one here does. Everyone has been so scared, and so shocked, and this fat cow makes such an impression on them. Wait until they see how fuckin insane I can be. This fat cow likes to bully other women around. Cindy is about to see just how it feels to be the one that's bullied. I scream, “take off your panties you fat cow.” Cindy gets this shocked look on her face, and tears start rolling from Cindy's eyes, and Cindy cry's out, PLEASE, I”M SORRY, YOU WIN, PLEASE LET ME GO. I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE LET ME GO.” I laugh to myself, because I know how much this is going to turn my Johnny on. I take my left fist, and I plow it, “boom,” right into Cindy's fat cow stomach again. “OOOFFF,” I smash the air right out of her, and Cindy doubles over in pain coughing and gasping for air. I scream, “get it through your head Cindy, you're my slave, you're my fuckin slave, you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, and from now on, you are to address me as Mistress when you want to speak to me.”                       

Cindy is normally a dominant woman, she's spoiled, and cocky, and she's quite used to telling people what to do, not being told what to do, but Cindy is started to get scared. She is starting to realize how crazy I am, and she doesn't know how to make me stop, and she starts crying out, “JOHNNY, JOHNNY PLEASE HELP ME, VICKY HELP ME, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME,” but no one would move a fuckin inch to help this fat helpless cow, they all just stand there and watch, as I beat Cindy up again. I lose my temper again, and Cindy is on her hands and knees. I start dragging her, by her fuckin hair, right across the dance floor, pulling her by her hair over to a bench. I let go of Cindy's hair, and I walk around, and I grab Cindy's panties, and I rip them right off of Cindy's body. Then I walk around, and I grab Cindy's hair as I sit down on the bench, and I pull Cindy right across my lap. I take Cindy over my knee, and I take the open palm of my right hand and I start “bam, bam, bam, bam,” spanking her left cheek, and then “bam, bam, bam, bam,” spanking her right cheek. I'm spanking Cindy's ass over and over and over again, and first Cindy's ass starts turning pink, and getting all puffy, and Cindy is crying and crying out, “STOP, PLEASE I”M BEGGING YOU STOP.” I scream, “yopu want me to stop you fat cow, you better tell everyone that you're my slave, you better tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, and you better refer to me as Mistress.” I just keep on “boom, boom, boom, boom,” smacking Cindy's ass over and over again until Cindy cry's out,

“Alright I'm your slave, I'm your fuckin slave Mistress. I'll do whatever you tell me to do Mistress.” I stop spanking Cindy, and I laugh and I scream, “that's right slave, and now you're going to beg me to take that precious wedding ring off of your finger.” Cindy is crying, and crying, and crying out, “no please, no.” I can't believe how stupid this cow is. I can't control myself, I'm just so angry, and like a crazy woman I shove Cindy off of my lap and onto the cement. Then I stand up and I grab Cindy by her hair, and I pull her up onto her feet, facing me. I use my right hand to grab Cindy's left hand, and then I use my left hand to shove Cindy's shoulder back, and I wrench Cindy's left arm up behind her back as I spin Cindy around to face the crowd.  Cindy screams “AAHH,” from the pain of having her arm twisted up behind her back. I scream, you better fuckin beg me to pull your wedding ring off of your finger bitch.” I'm twisting Cindy's arm up higher and higher behind her back, and Cindy is screaming, “AAHH, AAHH, STOP YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK IT. ALRIGHT TAKE IT, TAKE THE FUCKIN RING.” I let go of Cindy's arm and I spin her back around to face me again screaming, “beg me again you fat fuckin whore. I know Johnny's cock is trying to bust out of his pants right now, and my pussy is getting wetter and wetter. Cindy becomes submissive to me. Feebly, submissively she holds her left hand up in the air, crying out, “PLEASE TAKE MY RING MISTRESS, I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE TAKE MY WEDDING RING OFF OF MY FINGER MISTRESS.”

The crowd has gone silent, it's so silent you can hear a pin drop. I grab Cindy's limp left hand, and I hold it up in the air. Then I grab the finger, the one with Cindy's wedding ring, and I start yanking, wrenching, twisting at the ring until I rip it off. I pull Cindy's precious wedding ring right off of her finger, and Cindy screams, “AAAHHH,” as the ring is leaving her finger. I put Cindy's wedding ring on my own left hand, right on my pointer finger, right next to the ring that I already beat Cindy up with on the middle finger of my left hand, and I hold my left fist in Cindy's tear filled face. Cindy gets this shocked look on her face as she realizes that she's looking at her wedding ring on my finger. She cry's out, “MY RING.” I'm laughing at Cindy, screaming, “THAT'S RIGHT CINDY, I HAVE YOUR HUSBAND, AND NOW I HAVE YOUR PRECIOUS WEDDING RING TOO, BUT I'M FAR FROM FINISHED WITH YOU YET. Now do you know what you're going to do Cindy.” Cindy is crying and she cry's out, “NO PLEASE NO.” I laugh and I scream, “that's right you fat slut. You're going to stick your tongue out, and you're going to lick and kiss your wedding ring on my finger. You're going to show everyone just how much respect you have for my relationship with your husband. Now kiss this ring.” Tears are streaming down Cindy's face, and there are bloody smeared, dripping makeup, and Cindy starts crying out, “PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU MISTRESS, HAVEN'T YOU HUMILIATED ME ENOUGH. PLEASE LET ME GO.”

I lose my temper again, and now I'm really crazed. I hold my left fist up in Cindy's face, and I start showing Cindy her wedding ring screaming, “Look at it Cindy. Now I'm going to knock your face in, with your very own wedding ring on my fist you fat cow.” I start beating Cindy up with her wedding ring. I take the ring, that big, gold metal wedding ring, and insanely I start “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Cindy's nose over and over again. Cindy is crying like a little girl, and she becomes submissive to me again, and desperately she starts crying out, “I'll lick and kiss the ring Mistress. Please, I'm your slave, I'll do whatever you tell me to do Mistress,” but I'm mentally deranged, and I just keep on “bang, bang, bang, bang,” over and over again until you can hear the bone of Cindy's nose crack and break under Cindy's big, metal wedding ring, and blood is gushing out of Cindy's nose. Cindy puts her hand to her broken, bloody nose crying out, “you broke my nose, please Mistress. I'm begging you, please let me lick and kiss my wedding ring.” 
I'm deranged, and I've lost control of my temper, and insanely I show Cindy her wedding ring again and I'm laughing viciously screaming, “how does it feel to have your face punched  in with your wedding ring you fat cow. How does it feel to have your face bashed in with this ring.” Cindy is crying hysterically and she reaches out and she grabs my left hand, holding it right up to my mouth, and she starts licking and kissing her ring, but this bitch doesn't have any idea of what crazy really is. I pull my hand away from her, and I hold my fist right in her face again, and I start laughing as I scream, “I gave you a fuckin chance to lick and kiss this ring, didn't I Cindy you fat slut, but you wanted to give me a hard time, now I'm going to give you a hard time. I want you to beg me, fuckin beg me to shove your wedding ring right into your ass hole, and to fuck your ass hole with your very own wedding ring on my finger.” Cindy knows how crazy I am now, and I have scared the shit out of her. I've alleviated every last bit of resistance, and now Cindy is eager to please me. She wants to do whatever I tell her to do, and she grabs my left hand and she starts begging me.” Please Mistress, please fuck me up my ass hole with my wedding ring on your finger. I'm begging you Mistress. Please fuck me with my wedding ring on your finger.”

I'm laughing insanely as I take the pointer finger of my left hand right up to Cindy's anus, and I grab her hair with my right hand, and I plunge Cindy very own wedding ring, right into her ass hole.” Cindy starts leaping, jumping, twisting, trying to dance off of my finger, but she can't. She's desperately crying out, “get it out, please get it out,” but I have my right hand laced tightly through Cindy's hair, and the pointer finger of my left hand shoved high up into Cindy's ass hole, and Cindy just can't get away. I scream, “alright Cindy, now you're going to show Johnny and all of your friends just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow you really are. You're going to moo for everyone. Now let me hear you moo.”
Cindy is totally shocked, and she has never even thought about being this humiliated, not even in her very worst nightmares, but Cindy is scared, and Cindy is totally submissive to me, and she starts to moo like a cow “MOO, MOO, MOO,” over and over again. I'm laughing, and I scream, “alright Cindy now you're going to tell everyone that you're a stupid, pathetic fat cow, and you're going to moo for everyone.” I start taking her out, I”m marching Cindy around the patio with my finger plunging into her ass hole, in and out and in and out, over and over again. I start holding Cindy up in frront of one person at a time, and I'm laughing as I scream, “alright, moo for them, moo and tell them just what a stupid fat cow you are.” Cindy looks the first person right in their eyes and she starts to “MOO, MOO, MOO,” over and over again. I scream, “say it.” Cindy tells them, I'm a cow. I'm a big, stupid fat cow,” and then she starts to moo again. I march Cindy around, one by one in front of this person, and that person, and with each person I make the fat cow moo, and she's forced to tell everyone what a stupid, fat cow she is.

I march Cindy around in front of all these people until I drag her right in front of her best girlfriend Vicky. Vicky has tears rolling down her cheeks, and she starts begging me, “Please let her go, please that's enough.” I start laughing as I scream, “look at her Vicky. Look at your very best girlfriend Vicky. She thought that she was so fuckin tough. She thought that she was going to beat me up with her wedding ring, but she was wrong, I beat her up. I knocked the shit out of her, and now I'm going to put her in her place. Look at her. She doesn't look so cocky now does she. Look at her with her very own wedding ring shoved up her ass.” I start laughing as I go, “now Cindy, now tell your very best girlfriend how tough you thought you were, and then tell her how stupid you are, because you're not as tough as you thought you were. Tell Vicky that I beat you up. I knocked the shit out of you, and now you're my slave.” Cindy is crying like a baby, and she screams, “Vicky, I thought I was tough, I thought I could beat Anna up, but I'm stupid, I was wrong. Anna beat me up, and now I'm Anna's slave.” Then she starts to moo again. “MOO, MOO, MOO.”

I pull my finger out of Cindy's ass hole, and I scream, “get over here cow. Get on your knees in front of me and lick my finger clean. Lick your wedding ring on my finger clean you fat cow, and show everyone just what a weak, submissive whore you really are.” Cindy has made a complete 180 degree change as Cindy falls to her knees in front of me, and she grabs my left hand, and she holds it right up to her mouth, and she starts licking my finger clean. She's licking her very own wedding ring on my finger clean. I pull my finger out of her mouth, and I'm laughing as I scream, “where is your pocketbook you fat fuckin whore. Where is that dildo you were planning on using on me.” Cindy starts crying hysterically Please Johnny stop her, Anna please I'm begging you enough, you have taken all of my dignity, enough, please let me go. ” Punching this sexy cow silly, and slowly draining every last drop of her dignity out of her is really turning me on, but I want to cum. I want to make this fat cow make me cum, and this process is taking way to long. Like an enraged lunatic, I show Cindy her wedding ring again screaming, “with your own wedding ring cow.” I take the ring, once again Cindy's wedding ring and I smash it right into Cindy's teeth. You can hear Cindy's teeth crack and break under the metal of the ring, and Cindy's lips just bust open under her ring, and blood is rolling from her lips and starting to fill her mouth up.   

Cindy leaps to the side, and she grabs her pocketbook, and she runs right back to me, handing me her pocketbook, and crying out, “please, the dildo is in there Mistress. I'm sorry, please.” I open Cindy's pocketbook, and my heart starts racing, as there in her pocketbook is Cindy's very own, huge strap on dildo. I hold it up right in Cindy's face, and I laugh as I scream, “is this the strap on dildo you were planning on using on me. Cindy is crying like a baby, and she cry's out, “YES MISTRESS.” I strap the dildo onto myself, and I'm laughing as I scream, “I have Johnny's cock now you fat cow, and this is your cock. Now tell everyone who's cock this is Cindy.” Cindy cry's out, “it's my cock, it's my fuckin cock.” I'm laughing first as I scream, “kiss this cock Cindy,” and then even more when I see Cindy put her lips to the dildo and she kisses it. The crowd starts cheering. I scream, “suck it Cindy, suck it like you suck Johnny's cock you stupid fat cow.” Cindy is on her hands and knees and she puts that big cock right into her mouth, and Cindy starts up and down and up and down, sucking on that big rubber cock just like she sucks on a man's cock.

I pull the dildo out of Cindy's mouth, and I unstrap it from myself. I sit Cindy down on the bench, and I push her legs apart. Then I take that big, erect rubber cock, and I slide it right into Cindy's cxnt.” Cindy moans, “OOOHHH,” as she fells that big, thick penis plow into her pussy. Then I strap it into Cindy, and I move Cindy's hands to the dildo, and I'm laughing, fuck yourself you fat cow. Everyone wants to see you make yourself cum.” Cindy starts fucking herself with the dildo. She's shoving it in and out and in and out. I scream, “Johnny come here.” I make Johnny stand right in front of his wife, and I laugh as I scream, “look at her Johnny, look at your tough fat cow wife now Johnny, you thought she was so fuckin tough. She doesn't look so tough now, does she Johnny.” I hear Cindy breathing hard, and letting out these sexy little moans, “OOHH, OOHH, OOHH,” and I can see sweat glistening on her body. Then I look down and I see Cindy's nipples are all hard and erect, and I start laughing as I scream, “look at her Johnny, look at how excited your fat cow wife gets when she's dominated and humiliated. This fat bitch is going to cum Johnny.” I see Johnny's cock is standing straight out in his jeans, trying to bust through the material. I scream take off your pants Johnny, and sit down on this bench. Johnny lowers his pants and his boxers and he sits down on the bench. I take off everything but my high heel shoes, and I move over to where Johnny is sitting, and slowly I lower my wet, hot pussy onto Johnny's big, hard cock. I start up and down and up and down on Johnny's big, hard cock, and I'm moaing and “OOHH, OOHH, OOHH,” making these sexy little noises, and my body is soaked in sweat, and Now my nipples are rock hard and beet red.

Cindy starts squirting. She's fucking herself with the dildo, and she's screaming, and howling as she has one explosive orgasm after another. Johnny's tarts exploding. He's dry squirting, screaming, and twisting around, and then he starts shooting glob after glob of his hot cum into my soaking wet pussy. He's having one insane orgasm after another. He's squirting and squirting until his hot cum and my juices are filling up in my cxnt. Then I leap up off of Johnny. I hold my pussy muscles closed tightly as I shove Cindy onto her back, and I climb right on top of her. I sit my cum filled cxnt just inches over Cindy's face, and I scream, “alright cow, now you're going to lick and suck every last drop of your husband's hot cum right out of my juice filled pussy, because that is the closest you're ever going to get to your husband again.” Cindy start licking my pussy. She licking out Johnny's hot cum, licking me over and over again, feverishly like a dog licking its master. She's licking my pussy clean. I'm panting and making sexy little noises, and now sweat is dripping down my face and my body. I'm soaked in sweat, and my nipples are rock hard and beet red. I scream, “moo cow, moo into my cxnt.” Cindy starts to “MOO, MOO, MOO.” The vibrations of Cindy's lips inside of my quivering cxnt is making me dry squirt. I'm screaming and screaming, and then all of  a sudden the storm gates open, and I start howling like a wounded jungle animal as I start exploding over and over again on Cindy's tongue and on Cindy's face.

Cindy is just lying there, crying and crying like a little girl. The only pleasant thought that crosses her mind is “thanks god this totally painful, humiliating experience is finally over, but I'm crazy and I'm still pissed off and I want to finish off this great experience with a bang. I remember seeing another strap on dildo in Cindy's pocketbook, and I grab it out of her bag and I start laughing as I scream, “you think this is over Cindy you fat fuckin cow. Turn over onto your hands and knees. Cindy is on her hands and knees and I shove that dildo into Cindy's ass hole. Cindy is crying and screaming, but I really don't care as I strap the dildo into Cindy's ass hole, and I laugh as I scream, “Now you have a cock in your ass hole, and a cock in your cxnt. Now crawl out of here, and don't ever come back. The crowd is screaming as Cindy crawls out of the patio..........



  • Guest
Re: MILF fight (Anna (superlifighter) vs almost ex-wife Cindy
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2016, 06:10:28 AM »
my mom is too strong fot that bitch