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Wife vs Friend: The Sequel

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Wife vs Friend: The Sequel
« on: November 10, 2016, 06:13:15 PM »
Thanks for all the feedback. If you missed how this feud got started you can follow this link to the first fight, which in turn links to the backstory:

Before I dive into the aftermath and subsequent rematch I wanted to expand on the background more. These two individuals in this story are my real life wife and friend I love dearly (statistics, personality and all). I include quite a bit of choking in my story because I enjoy it. Mostly because my wife has eluded to it several times as her choice of tactics in a fight. Someone once asked her about what would happen if she ran into her brother's ex-fiance (also her ex-best friend) and she replied with, "There would be a lot of choking!" Long story short: bad breakup, my wife was angry, and she wanted to murder her ex-friend. Good backdrop for a future story I suppose. Now without further stalling, the short-awaited sequel -

In the weeks that followed our house was very somber and tense. That fateful evening after I untied my wife she simply got up and shuffled her feet to the bathroom, tears still streaming down her cheeks. Not one word has been said to me since that night. I slept on the couch and we kept our interactions normal around our families, but within the walls of our own home things were shattered. I half expected divorce papers to be lying on my new makeshift bed everytime I went to lay down. I had another woman give me pleasure right in front of (or moreso on) my wife and forgiveness was something I knew I could never ask for, or expected to receive. I attempted to apologize at one point but all I received back was an empty stare; a stare of shame, defeat, and anger.

One morning while I sat at my office I heard a faint whisper coming from the door behind me, "Can we talk?"

It was Elizabeth. The sound of her voice sent a slight shiver through my body. No, it wasn't shivers of fear. Her tone was sincere and one that I had missed so dearly these past few weeks. With my mind bracing for the coming conversation all I could manage to say was, "Yeah sure", through a half crooked smile.

She sat down on the guest bed across from my desk in my makeshift home office. I could tell we were both equally nervous about what was to come next. I took in a deep breath to say something but Elizabeth surprised me by saying, "I'm sorry too". I couldn't see but I was sure my jaw hung open just wide enough to express surprise.

She continued, "I'm sorry I put you in the position I did. I spent all this time go over everything: being angry, being sad and getting confused at how it turned out the way it did. Ultimately if I had controlled my emotions and not called Mettie over none of this would have transpired. I know what catfights can do to you so I don't blame you completely for what happened. It's just that..."

I stopped her, "Don't. You don't have to justify anything or apologize". We spent the next hour apologizing back and forth. It was an emotional release that we both needed badly. By the end of our conversation we both had managed to smile a bit more, even reminiscing about that one night.

"You know I almost had her right? It was over until she grabbed her fucking bra", my wife said.

"To be fair, you did rip it off of her", I replied. To which she smirked and gave me a playful slap across the shoulder.

The rest of the day I spent working away. She occupied her day with housekeeping and running errands. I felt more comfortable walking by her now that we had that conversation. Each time I could sense tension building which I'm now certain she felt to...sexual tension. We had avoided each other almost entirely for such a long time that we had slightly lost that connection. Her willingness to be gracious in defeat and still want to be married to me made her even more desireable. That night we had our cliche 'make-up sex' and it was one that would echo through the ages. Little did I know at that time that it would fall second to the session that was about to come over a week later.

The next few days were some of the best days I could remember in a long while. Things were back to normal (or as normal as can be). I had just finished mowing the lawn and went back inside to grab another beer.  My wife leaned over the island counter top and slid my phone across to me. "I see she's still texting you".

I looked at my phone and a message displayed across the screen: 'Hey, haven't chatted in a while. Hope you're doing well'. It was from Mettie.

I made eye contact with Elizabeth and said, "Don't worry, I'm not going to reply. Nothing has been going on behind your back".

"I know", she said with a genuine smile.

Looking down at my phone again I began scrolling up the message reel of my texts with Mettie and reached the messages from the days following her humiliation of my wife:

Sunday, October 2nd, 10:02am - 'Hope Elizabeth is doing ok. Emotions and adrenal got the better of me last night'. I replied that she was doing fine physically, but we haven't spoken.

Sunday, October 2nd, 10:13am - 'Sorry to hear that, but I told her I didn't want to fight. I'm not going to take blame for ruining your marriage. Again, sorry if that came across harsh'. This one took me a little longer to process and reply to, but eventually I replied with, 'We'll see what the coming days have in store'.

Sunday, October 2nd, 8:33pm - 'I forgot to ask, how are you doing? Anything I can do?'. She attached a photo of my wife's bra and underwear. I was shocked. Not wanting to stir the pot I ignored her message.

Tuesday, October 4th, 12:39pm - 'I guess my last message was a little over the top (no pun intended) ;-). Was just thinking about Saturday night and how exhilarating it was that's all'. Since Mettie was being more civil again I replied, 'Understandable. Yes, it was exciting for me too but this aftermath not so much'. We went back and forth for a while with small talk. Chatting with Mettie then became my escape from my nightmarish situation.

Thursday, October 6th, 9:51pm - 'Just like when my hands were around Elizabeth's neck and your cock'. This was the caption to a photo she just sent. A picture of her with both of her soft tiny hands wrapped around a 10 inch dido. Immediately in the background was her sexy look of seduction. She sent a few more sexual texts and pictures regarding the night she kicked my wife's ass before she revealed to me that she had had a few drinks. I told her she should go to bed and that she was probably not in a state of mind to be communicating with me. What I didn't say was that her pictures and messages were hot as hell! I didn't need more fodder for catastrophe considering I was trying to get back into the good graces of my wife. After this last night of texting all communication between us stopped.

"These are the texts I told you about the other day", I said over my shoulder to Elizabeth. She had walked around the island and laid her chin on my shoulder as I sat there showing her all of the messages. My assumption of her eventually seeing my texts with Mettie were correct. Making sure my responses weren't incriminating worked in my favor.

"Wow what a slut. And I used to think she was such a sweetheart", Elizabeth snorted. She released her right hand from my hip and grasped my genital area where I was beginning to bulge. "Really!? You're impossible", she said sternly as she shook her head and walked away.

"What? You know what catfights, or even the mention of catfights, do to me", I quickly replied after her. She ignored me and continued on into our bedroom. "If you're that upset just fight her again", I mumbled under my breath. It must have been louder that I thought because she peered around the door frame and said, "You'd like that wouldn't you? Not gonna happen". The door closed shut and that was the end of that conversation.

By nightfall any notion I had of a real rematch had vanished from my consciousness. All that was left was wondering how it would play out in my imagination.  I laid in bed staring at the ceiling pondering about how the duel would go. Then, as if I had projected my thoughts into Elizabeth's mind she turned to me and asked, "do you think I could win?" I rolled over to my side to face her and replied, "Of course! You said so yourself that you nearly won last time".

"I know, but what if I lose again? I don't want you to see me lose or think less of me if I did lose. She's smaller than me but she's stronger than I originally thought".

I spent the next few minutes reassuring her that losing wouldn't change my feelings about her at all. In fact, just the sheer thought of her in a fight is enough to set me off regardless of the outcome. She didn't look assured from what I could see in the dim light. I laid my arm across her shoulders and pulled closer, kissing her on her cheek. "Look, you don't have to fight her again if you don't want to. I'm just teasing because it's a huge turn on for me. Of course you already know that".

She turned into me and kissed me on the lips, "Yes, I know".

"Buuuut, if you did fight her what would you do to her?" I egged on.

Elizabeth let out a short laugh. "Oh jeez. You can't stop fantasizing about it can you?"

I smiled, shook my head and continued to kiss her lips, neck, and then worked up to her ear.

"OK, I'll entertain your fantasy", she exhaled. "First I'd make sure I get on top of her". She pushed my shoulder back and made me lie flat on the bed. She quickly mounted me and pressed her lips and tongue into my mouth. Her lips were sweet and her heavy breathing enticed me for more. Elizabeth sat up and reached behind her. She grabbed my fully erect cock and started stroking slowly up and down. "Then, I'll make sure she gets to feel what I felt", she moaned as she slid her petite free hand up my chest and around my throat. Her hips slid down my body and she placed my penis between her pussy and on her clit. With both hands on my throat now she thrusted back and forth. "After I give her a good beating I'm going to slowly choke her out like she did me. Then I'll give you a good fuck on and around her".

After making love to my wife telling me about what she'd do Mettie I felt like the rematch really happened (fortunately for me, this was not the amazing sex session I had referred to earlier). I laid there in bed sweating and panting from our hour long session.  Elizabeth came out of the bathroom after cleaning up and said, "I'll do it".

"Do what?"

"Fight her again. I'll never get over it unless I fight her and try to win".

"You sure? What if you lose again?"

"The only way I'm losing is if I'm out cold again. I'm not going to give up. And if she chokes me out again, then I guess she'll probably fuck you or suck your dick again", she shrugged.

The next morning I woke up quite refreshed. I still wasn't quite sure if I heard my wife correctly last night. It played through my head like a broken record but I started to think it was a dream after having sex.

"Give me your phone", my wife interrupted. I put my half sipped coffee down and asked, "For what?"

"I'm going to call Mettie".

Sure as shit. She placed my phone down between us and pressed the phone receiver symbol next to Mettie's name. Elizabeth then pressed the speaker phone icon. "This should be an interesting conversation", she said and smiled to me.

Within a few rings Mettie picked up and greeted me enthusiastically. "I didn't expect to hear from you ever again", she said.

"Listen Mettie, this is Elizabeth". There was a slight pause. "I'm calling you to take you up on your offer. Remember? If I wanted you to 'choke me out again' I should give you a call".

"Elizabeth I'm not going to fight you again. I'm sorry about what happened. I said those things in the heat of the moment".

"I realize that. But life hasn't been the same with my husband since you humiliated me and I'm looking to redeem my womanhood with him". She winked at me. My wife was trying to bait Mettie into a fight. I was enjoying this conversation thoroughly.

"Sorry but that's just not going to happen. You got me to fight you once, I kicked your ass and now you just have to live with it. Now if you don't have anything important to say to me, goodbye"!

"Does YOUR husband know?", Elizabeth sneered toward the phone. The silence from Mettie said it all; she never told him about anything. "You see, I have some pictures and a video of you seducing my husband. Actually the video shows you deep throating my husband and more". Mettie maintained her silence so my wife continued, "You fight me and win and I won't send him the evidence. All I'm asking for is a chance to kick your ass. I think that's a fair trade".

It seemed like Mettie had hung up the phone. Not a peep, and then, "Fine. When and where?"

Fight night! I didn't think my heart could beat any faster but when Mettie rang our door bell I swear my heart jumped through my chest. The days that led up to this felt like an eternity! The rules were laid out during the phone call from a few days ago: same rules as last time.  However, this time my wife proposed stripping down to the nude. She didn't want Mettie to use cheap tactics like her bra.

I opened the door and gave Mettie a cordial hug. It was as if she was coming over for a friendly get-together, but we both knew better. "Hey Mettie, come on in". Mettie was a good friend of mine, but in this specific situation it was hard to hold a casual conversation. As she took off her flats I awkwardly asked, "so you're still okay with doing this?"

"Of course I'm not okay. But if kicking your wife's ass again means saving my marriage then I'm more than willing to do it", Mettie replied.

She followed me down the stairs to our basement where she showed my wife who the better woman was weeks earlier. We turned the corner and my wife was already at the other end fully nude. She looked immaculate! From her size five feet up to her brunette colored hair, her 5'2 (and a half), 125 pound frame was a sight to see. Her 36D natural breasts hung beautifully from her body.

Mettie began to undress and said, "let's get this over with. I kicked your ass once and now I'm going to do it again".

"We'll see", Elizabeth said nervously. "Just make sure your clothes are well out of the way so you don't cheat to win again". Mettie replied by raising her middle finger at my wife.

This time my wife was going to let me watch. In fact, she asked me to be the camera man. She wanted me to record this to have for when she beat Mettie, a triumphant moment to relive over and over. If she lost I was supposed to delete it. She didn't want me watching her in defeat again.

By the time I finished starting up the camera Mettie was completely undressed. I pretended to struggle with the camera operations as I turned the lense toward her naked form: 5'1(and three-quarters), 115lbs and reddish brunette shoulder length hair. Her 34B breasts perked up just enough.

Both women were breathing irregularly which meant they were both equally nervous. Elizabeth took the first step forward but Mettie soon matched her stride for stride as they closed the 15 feet gap between them.  When they were within an arm length of one another they reached out and clasped hands. Elizabeth and Mettie both pushing one another and circling like sharks around a kill.  They continued to grasp, push and then release their hands when no one was giving ground. Hand grasps soon turned into grabbing each other by the upper arms and shoulders. Elizabeth and Mettie were trying to out muscle each other but they were at a stalemate. Everytime Elizabeth gained ground, Mettie would halt her progress and push her back. The same held true when Mettie was able to advance.

Seeing that they were getting nowhere Elizabeth wrapped one arm around the back of Mettie's head and cinched in a headlock. Mettie tried to return the favor but only managed to get her arm across the upper back of Elizabeth. Their breasts were now squeezed up against one another as they twisted and turned around the carpeted floor. Mettie took her free right hand and clamped onto Elizabeth's left breast on the far side of her body. Heavy breathing soon turned into screams and yelps from both women as Elizabeth clawed into Mettie's own left breast with her free left hand. With both hands occupied now Elizabeth went for a tripping maneuver. She placed her right leg across Mettie and pulled Mettie's head down and forward. Mettie stumbled across Elizabeth's leg but managed to regain her footing quickly. It was a near takedown and Elizabeth went for it again and again, but each attempt became more feeble as Mettie knew how to counter it. Both breasts were displaying a red color and screams turned into grunts of frustration at the stalemate.

Mettie's head was starting to feel the pain from the pressure applied by Elizabeth's headlock. With her left leg behind both of Elizabeth's legs Mettie decided to turn into Elizabeth and push forward. That did the trick. Elizabeth tripped and was unable to plant her feet as both women tumbled to the ground. They immediately let their breast holds go and each woman tried to flip her opponent over onto her back. They rolled over and over with their legs intertwined. Their crotches were so close and rubbed against each other that it was a miracle neither woman was moaning in ecstasy. During the rumble on the ground Elizabeth had managed to get a hold of both of Mettie's wrists. Mettie, however, had the slight advantage of being on top even though they were locked in a scissors position. Mettie tried pushing Elizabeth down into the ground with her arms, then with her chest and shoulders as Elizabeth continued to elevate Mettie's wrists behind her back.

Chest to chest their nipples flattened on each other. I zoomed in the camera to catch their breasts fighting their own battle for supremacy. Realizing she wasn't inflicting any pain Mettie reared up and began shaking, twisting and pulling her arms free from Elizabeth's defensive grip. Elizabeth was pulled up to a near sitting position by Mettie's move and went on the offensive herself. She let go of Mettie's wrists and pushed her shoulders backwards. Mettie rolled onto her back and Elizabeth quickly pounced on top of her. She pinned Mettie's left arm under one knee but Mettie managed to reach up and grab a hand full of hair with her right hand. Mettie yanked and bucked at the same time.  Elizabeth fell to the side of Mettie onto her elbows but remained mounted on Mettie. Elizabeth then grabbed Mettie's hair with both hands and jostled to get back fully on top.

The heavy panting and the sounds of effort from both of their soft high pitched voices let me know that neither woman wanted to give in. With her positional advantage Elizabeth let go of Mettie's hair with her right hand and started slapping Mettie's tits. She slapped, scratched and pinched. Mettie's pinned left arm could do nothing but reach over Elizabeth's right thigh in vein. Mettie let go of Elizabeth's hair with her free hand and tried to protect her vulnerable breasts from the assault. Elizabeth seeked to increase her advantage and grabbed Mettie's wrist to move it away. She ceased the aerial assault on Mettie's breast momentarily to pin her remaining arm under her left knee.

Mettie was now fully pinned. Elizabeth had both knees on her arms and both hands holding Mettie's wrists down to the carpet. Both woman stopped struggling to regain some energy as their labored breathing continued.

"I gotcha you fucking bitch!" Elizabeth exclaimed in between deep breaths.

"Fuck you", Mettie replied as she started to twist and turn again. Elizabeth spit into Mettie's face and grinned.

"Bring the camera closer babe", my wife said to me. "I want you to get her face in this next shot".  Mettie continued to twist her body. She tried bucking Elizabeth off. She even tried raising her legs to wrap around Elizabeth's upper body but after her first failed attempt Elizabeth was prepared for that move, and defended it by simply leaning forward.

Out of no where Elizabeth's relaxed grin turned into a grin of exertion. She wrapped both hands tightly around Mettie's throat and squeezed. The thumbs pressed into her trachea caught her off guard. She coughed silent coughs and wheezed as she tried to suck in air. Her mouth hung wide open as she tried to create any room for free flowing oxygen. Mettie's eyes tightened in agony.

"There's the look I wanted to see. I bet that's the same look she gives when she orgasms", Elizabeth said to me without turning.

Mettie's efforts to dislodge Elizabeth's hands and position became more desperate. Her hip thrusts aggressive enough to shift the fight from the middle of the room towards the outer wall. Her arms and hands flapped underneath Elizabeth's legs. There was no escape though. The fight soon left Mettie as her efforts lost strength. Her face was bright red and her body slowed its movements.

"No no no, not yet", Elizabeth stated. To my surprise she let go of Mettie's neck and placed her hands on her hips. "I need to punish you more".

Mettie coughed and gagged in the sweet fresh air. Although she was still conscious her body was too oxygen deprived to put up any resistance. Elizabeth turned at the hips and punched Mettie right in the gut. She did it again and again. She then used her other hand and grabbed one of Mettie's boobs that lie squished under her ass cheeks. *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!* The blows reigned down and the squeezing intensified.

As if the punishment wasn't enough Elizabeth decided to vary her attacks. With her punching hand she reached back and grabbed Mettie's clit and pussy. This brought out a loud yelp from Mettie. It was an exclamation of surprise, pain, and ecstasy all at once. This painful maneuver didn't last long. With Elizabeth leaning so far back now the pressure of Elizabeth's knees were lessened on her arms. The crotch grabbing wakeup call and time she was allowed to breath gave her new found strength. Mettie pushed up with her arms and bucked with her legs at the same time. Elizabeth's awkward positioning easily allowed Mettie to throw her off.

I stumbled back and fell on my ass as my wife rolled towards me after Mettie's effort. Mettie stumbled to her feet by using the wall as support. Elizabeth got to her feet much quicker and went after Mettie without hesitation.

"You little bitch you thought--". Elizabeth's words were cut short as Mettie turned and grabbed Elizabeth down under. Mettie grabbed with no prejudice that two of her fingers slipped inside allowing her to grip through Elizabeth's g-spot. Elizabeth's eyes opened wide as she screeched. Her hands instinctively went down towards Mettie's death grip in her vagina. Wasting no time Mettie grabbed the hair on the back of Elizabeth's head and pulled her down to the ground. Mettie followed quickly with her ass onto Elizabeth's midsection in a reverse straddle position. Elizabeth kicked and flailed, but Mettie was furiously dishing out pain. Mettie aggressively fingered Elizabeth while slapping Elizabeth's clit at the same time. It was an impressive feat considering Mettie was also able to fend off and dodge the legs kicking at her.

"You want to fight dirty, you got a dirty fight"! Mettie screamed.

The attack was painful. I swear I could almost see tears gleaming out of Elizabeth's eyes from the assault. Part of me wanted to stop the fight right then and there because I could see the plight in Elizabeth's eyes. But I knew that if I did my wife would never forgive me...again.

With both arms extended Elizabeth was able to shift Mettie's sitting position lower onto her stomache. Her weakly kicking legs kept Mettie's attention forward. Elizabeth then reached up with both hands and yanked a handful of hair bringing Mettie down to the ground right next to her. Both woman rolled into each other with limbs violently swinging trying to gain the advantage. During the scrap Elizabeth snuck her foot between Mettie's legs and extended. She slid her across the carpet to a leg length away.

Elizabeth immediately got to her knees and lunged forward. Mettie defended herself by bringing her legs up and knees to her chest as Elizabeth made contact. Mettie's feet were pressed against Elizabeth's large breasts keeping her foe at bay. But Elizabeth surged forward and the sweat on her chest from the fight forced Mettie's feet to slide up over Elizabeth's shoulders. Elizabeth pressed onward with Mettie now folded in half at the waist. Mettie groaned as she tried to exert enough force to unfold herself but the combined weight of Elizabeth and her legs pushing forward proved too much.  Elizabeth reached down to grab Mettie's throat again. Elizabeth tightened her grasp as Mettie pulled at Elizabeth's wrists. Her attempt at choking Mettie was short-lived as Mettie slid her thighs around Elizabeth's neck and squeezed. Mettie locked her ankles and straightened her legs. Elizabeth tried to pull away and was now on her feet bent forward at the waist. Mettie's only body parts touching the ground was the back of her neck and head as she applied more pressure onto Elizabeth's fragile neck. Mettie turned to the side and the momentum dropped Elizabeth down into her side. Elizabeth lost her throat grip and both women now lay on their sides, Mettie holding Elizabeth in place with a deep head scissors. Elizabeth's nose was nearly penetrating Mettie's vagina. She used both hands to try to pry open Mettie's legs but it was useless against one of the largest muscles in the body.

Mettie could have easily broken Elizabeth's neck but she applied only enough pressure to cut the air supply of her nemisis. Elizabeth's face was very much like what Mettie's was earlier when she was straddled and nearly choked out.

"Bring the camera here", Mettie demanded. "Make sure to get this bitch's suffering face on it. I want her to look back on this and see herself lose to me again".

I looked down at my wife and my shock at her possible defeat made me run on auto pilot. I brought the camera down and zeroed in on her face. Her face was nearing blue as she tried frantically to throw her leg over Mettie's body for some leverage, but to no avail. Her clawing left red scratch marks on Mettie's thighs. Mettie reached down and meticulously moved strands of Elizabeth's hair out of the way for a better view of her face. She moved the last few strands, and as if on last survival instincts, Elizabeth managed to turn her head slightly and clamp down her white pearls onto the inside of Mettie's thigh.

Mettie's legs spread wide open and she pulled Elizabeth by the hair to get her off of her thigh. This only added to the pain since Elizabeth's teeth were clamped down tight. Her screams of distress rumbled the walls. It was Elizabeth's own coughing for air that finally caused her to release her bite as she slowly rolled away. Mettie herself scooted back wincing in tremendous pain as she could see a faint resemblance of broken skin. Elizabeth laid on her back rubbing the sides of her neck and gulping in air oblivious that Mettie was recovering faster and was now even more furious because of the cheap biting move.

"You bit me again you cxnt"! Mettie yelled as she started to stand. She walked toward Elizabeth with a killer look in her eyes. Elizabeth turned her head and saw the predator coming in for her kill. Elizabeth scooted onto her elbows and shuffled away from Mettie still hoping to gather more strength. Mettie bent over and grabbed two handfuls of hair and pulled Elizabeth to her feet. All Elizabeth managed to do at that moment was grab onto Mettie's wrists and go along for the ride. Mettie whipped Elizabeth by the hair viciously. Elizabeth flew into the wall five feet away. She stood up just as Mettie reached her. Mettie placed her forearm across Elizabeth's throat and began throwing punches. Boob shots, belly shots and even low blows. Elizabeth scraped at Mettie's forearm and tried blocking some blows. She alternated between freeing herself and protecting her body from harm. Elizabeth knew her only way out was to go on the offensive. So she reached out and pushed Mettie's face away with both hands, forcing Mettie to arch backwards. Mettie let up on her punches and grabbed at Elizabeth's reaching arms. She tried keeping her forearm choke up but it was slowly losing its affect as Elizabeth pushed her farther away.

Elizabeth raised her right leg and kicked at Mettie's belly with enough force to send Mettie reeling onto her ass. Elizabeth fell forward onto a stunned Mettie and went for her hair. Mettie returned the favor by reaching up and then kicking Elizabeth out at the shins. Elizabeth dropped to her knees. The two exhausted ladies now rolled around on the ground grabbing each other by the hair. They threw the occasional body blow but their focus now was more on straddling their opponent. When I thought Elizabeth finally mounted Mettie she was pulled right off. Mettie mounted Elizabeth but Elizabeth thrusted her hips and both woman were again side by side. They both halted their pursuit of getting on top and tried to catch their breath.

"Give it up", Mettie labored out.

"Not until your out cold", Elizabeth retorted.

"Not if I choke you out first", Mettie said as she made the first attempt to start the fight again.

Mettie released Elizabeth's hair and clamped both hands around Elizabeth's throat with a vice-like grip. The quick move caught Elizabeth by surprise. Mettie used her elbow and knee to push herself up to a more dominant position. Elizabeth kept one knee across Mettie's torso just under her tits to prevent Mettie from straddling her completely. Her strength now too sapped to push Mettie off.  Elizabeth then reflexively grabbed for Mettie's throat too. Both women now locked in a dual choke to the finish. Who would succumb first? Their faces strained and jaws hung low. Their eyes squinted but never closed. Each woman hoping the other would pass out first. Their lungs burned for air and hands were trembling from holding on so tight. They mirrored vocals: wheezing, gurgling, and gasping grunts. Mettie, having the weight advantage from the top position, saw the glimpse of victory as Elizabeth dropped her hands to pry away Mettie's. Mettie inhaled in relief as she could breath normally again. Elizabeth's grip around Mettie's wrists tightened as she pulled and twisted but saw no respite. Her eyes began rolling back and her mouth gaped open and closed like a fish out of water.

Mettie gagged and coughed in relief. "There's the look I remember", Mettie sighed through gritted teeth. "I'm going enjoy fucking your husband this time. Not just a handjob finish".

Mettie throttled my wife, shaking her up and down, grunting aggressively with each shake. Elizabeth's left leg halted its kicking and pushing. Her foot now only shifting slowly back and forth along the carpet. Her hands were now off of Mettie's wrists and slapping weakly at Mettie's shoulder and chest indiscriminately. I couldn't believe it. It happened just like last time. My wife lost. What was going to happen now? I looked down at the table next to me and placed the camera down. I braced myself for the sexual event to follow. I blinked a long blink as the gurgling noise picked up in volume. It was probably my wife's last gasp.

When I looked back up at them the scenery had changed. Elizabeth had her hands pulling Mettie's head down towards her by Mettie's hair, and her right foot was pressed firmly on Mettie's throat. Woah! Somehow my wife summoned her last amount of energy to go on the offensive one more time.

Elizabeth plopped Mettie down to her side without letting go of her hair or removing her foot even the slightest bit. With Elizabeth's throat now a near full leg length away all Mettie was grasping at was open air. She tried desperately to regain a hold of Elizabeth's throat knowing that she was just seconds away from choking her out once again.

I could hear my wife's shallow breathing with a few deep breaths in between meaning she was barely hanging onto consciousness. Mettie's choking face was taught with distress and desperation. Her body flailed as she couldn't get any leverage to get herself loose. Mettie's hands slapped at Elizabeth's arms and choking leg. She managed to get onto one knee before falling back down to her side. Her footing was no longer sturdy. Mettie's legs shuffled back and forth reflexively. This time it was Mettie who's eyes began to close and her tongue drooped out. Elizabeth's small feet was turned sideways easily covering the width of Mettie's throat. Mettie's body began to convulse, then twitch. Her lungs burned as the natural air exchange ceased to happen. Her hands wrapped around Elizabeth's foot and arm lost their grip. Her face relaxed and then her hands dropped to the ground. She was out cold. Finally, it was over.

I walked over to stand between them to see my wife had passed out too.  I bent over to check on both of them. Yes, still alive. I looked over at Mettie, then my wife. Her eyes had begun to flicker open slightly.

"Did I win?" She rasped.

I looked over at an unconscious Mettie again and said, "Yeah looks like it".

My wife coughed continuously for a few seconds while massaging her throat. I offered to help her sit up but she said, "Give me a minute".

As I knelt between them I asked her, "I looked away when you were about to lose. What happened? How did you manage to get your foot on her neck?"

She replied hoarsley, hands still rubbing her neck, "It's all kind of hazy. I remember her choking me and I tried to choke her back as hard as I could. But she started hurting me too much so I had to let go". She paused for a moment trying to recollect the sequence of events. "I couldn't get her hands off of me and then everything started going gray and I could see small flickers of light. I barely heard her voice say something about fucking you and I remembered it angered me so much".

I stared at her amazed that she hung on for so long. The look I gave her must have silently spoke, 'Go on...'.

She smiled at me slightly and continued, "After that it was just glimpses of things. I thought I blacked out but I remember feeling her hair in my hands and my leg slipping up on her sweaty tits. That's probably how my foot got onto her neck. I don't think I tried, it was either by accident or instinct I don't know. The next thing I knew I was staring at her choking face through blurred eyes. That's all I remember. I assumed she got to me before I got to her".

By this time my wife had sat up. Comfortable enough that she wasn't going to pass out again. She looked over at Mettie's body and said, "Go get the rope from the next room. Let's tie her up and have some fun. Looks like I'm getting my revenge afterall".

Elizabeth tightly tied Mettie's hands behind her back. Her ankles were left untied and my wife told me she was going to need them untied later anyway. Then she winked at me. Elizabeth went from being dominated to dominator. She couldn't be any sexier than now. We had moved Mettie over to the couch area and laid her on the floor, waiting for her to wake up.

My penis was erect throughout the entire fight. I felt like I could've cum a dozen times during it and still have enough ammo to go another round (we all know that's not the case). My wife knew it wouldn't take much for me to explode now so she sat me down and stroked me slowly. She alternated between her hands and her mouth. Seconds into our handjob/blowjob session Mettie began to stir. Faintly at first, but when she realized she could move her hands from behind her back she became frantic.

"What the fuck? What the fuck is this!?"

"Payback whore", my wife said calmly. She went over to Mettie and sat down on her legs to make sure she didn't get up. "I'm going to enjoy every second of this", Elizabeth whispered as she slid her hands and body up Mettie thighs. Then she slithered up the rest of her body and ended up on all fours coming face to face with Mettie.

"Come on babe, fuck me over her", my wife said. So I got down on my knees as she slid her knees apart even more. "Get between her legs and raise them up", Elizabeth commanded. I complied. I was going to fuck Elizabeth doggy-style while holding Mettie's legs wide up. I grabbed Mettie's ankles and raise them to the height of my ears. I inserted myself into my wife as her high pitched moan filled the air.

"Ooooo yeeaahhh", my wife exhaled as she looked into Mettie's eyes.

Mettie squirmed and whimpered, "Get the fuck off of --". She was cut short as Elizabeth pressed both of her palms across Mettie's throat.

"You're not in control. You lost", Elizabeth said through breaths of ecstasy. "You cheated to beat me last time, but this time I won. So lay there and take it bitch". Elizabeth squeezed harder forcing Mettie to open her mouth. My wife then spit into her mouth and slapped her across the face. Mettie let out a suppressed cough. "Mmmmm! Yyyeeaaaah", Elizabeth exhaled.

She released one hand and reached down between Mettie's legs. She patted a few times on Mettie's clit and seductively said, "knock knock", before jutting her fingers into Mettie.  Mettie let out a cry of discomfort as my wife went in and out of her in quick succession.

The lessened pressure on her trachea allowed Mettie to force out a raspy, "Pleeease", but Elizabeth continued.

There we were. I was giving it to me wife as she straddled over Mettie, legs pinned out and up so my wife could finger fuck her. Elizabeth was moaning loudly in pure pleasure. Mettie was also quite vocal although I could tell if it was out of discomfort or enjoyment.

My breathing intensified as I held on to every last string of ejaculation, wanting it to last longer.  Elizabeth, sensing this, turned around and breathed out, "go sit on the couch". So I did.

She pulled her hand from the cavern of Mettie's vagina and swirled it into Mettie's mouth. "How does your own pussy juice taste slut"?

She then grabbed two handfuls of hair and pulled a screaming Mettie up to her knees. She threw her onto the couch next to me in a bent over fashion. Mettie's chest pressed on the seat cushion with her face turned towards me.  Her chest was heaving and the look on her face still radiated defiance. Elizabeth raised Mettie's head by her hair and said, "now give him a good suck and eat his cum". She had her free hand stroking my cock, keeping me primed for what was to come.

Mettie looked at my dick, then back at Elizabeth standing behind her and said, "No! Fuck you"!

Elizabeth answered in her sweet innocent tone, "Aw the poor thing hasn't learned her lesson yet". She released my ready-to-launch shaft and Mettie's hair and closed both hands around Mettie's neck from behind.  Her eight fingers pressing firmly on the front of Mettie's throat. Mettie couldn't do anything as her body's reflexes forced her to open her mouth for air. Her tongue slithered out reaching for any air molecules.  Elizabeth raised Mettie up by the throat and shoved her gaping mouth onto my cock. She forced her up and down making my bulging dick go deep into Mettie's throat.

"Taste my pussy and my husbands dick you fucking whore", Elizabeth demanded.

It was deeper than Mettie was comfortable with because she immediately gagged and coughed.  Her saliva dripped down the side of my penis and down her chin.  Mettie's eyes squeezed together everytime my wife forced her to deep throat it, causing tears to stream out of her eyes.

A few more thrusts and I erupted into Mettie's mouth. I exhaled loudly when reaching my climax. Mettie's gagging persisted as my wife continued to force her head up and down.  When I finally relaxed Elizabeth raised Mettie's head up off my cock and shoved her down onto the floor.  Mettie felt the immediate rush of relief and began coughing and spitting.

Elizabeth turned to me, "How was that?", as she kissed me. I just nodded my head still trying to slow my breathing down.  She then turned towards Mettie and said, "My turn".

Elizabeth used her foot to shift Mettie from her side onto her back. She immediately mounted Mettie's face allowing Mettie's eyes and nose to peer up at her for just a moment. Their eyes connected; Mettie was wide-eyed and still panting. Elizabeth smiled down and her look said it all: 'I win, you lose'. She grabbed Mettie's hair with her left hand to keep her from turning her head. My wife then proceeded to grind herself back and forth on Mettie's face. All that Mettie could let out were muffled moans and grunts. Elizabeth's own sounds of orgasmic pleasure drowned out Mettie's defiant cries. Elizabeth began to thrust her hips faster and faster. Her sexual moans grew louder. She was going to orgasm on Mettie's face at any minute.  I could see some of my wife's vaginal discharge lubricating Mettie's face already.

Elizabeth reached behind her with her right hand and pressed down on Mettie's throat again. "I love that you stick your tongue out when you're being choked. Makes it perfect for situations like this", Elizabeth said through her heavy breathing and sexual groaning.

Everytime Elizabeth revealed a small part of Mettie's face I could see her choking expression below, tongue rolled out and licking my wife involuntarily. Mettie's twisting body increased in movement as she tried to escape. Her legs kicked. She pushed onto her toes and arched her back. But my wife wasn't going to be denied now. I couldn't help myself but look on in excitement at what was unfolding in front of me. I could feel myself growing again down there. Only a few minutes had gone by but seeing my wife dominate Mettie was enough to get me going again.

Elizabeth finally let out a long and loud roar as she reached orgasm.  Her face tensed and mouth opened.  Her body taught from the chemical release inside of her.  She continued to press down and into Mettie to squeeze out every ounce of this orgasm. Mettie had stopped struggling and my wife rolled off and onto her back next to Mettie. Her chest heaving up and down as she collected herself.

She looked over at Mettie, then at me. "Looks like I smothered and choked her out again".  She got onto her knees and shuffled over to me. "Oh my gosh that was amazing!" She said and grabbed my already erect penis. "Now, let ME be the one to make you cum".
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 06:25:18 PM by NorthernCFF »


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Wife vs Friend: The Sequel
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 08:39:39 PM »
Fantastic, again. The character details are what makes this so great.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.



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Re: Wife vs Friend: The Sequel
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2016, 10:50:45 PM »
great story...are we expecting a third fight to decide the final winner...? 


Offline snw

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Re: Wife vs Friend: The Sequel
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2016, 07:58:58 AM »
enjoyed this story. Liked the first on the best. I like stories where the wife or gf loses to the ex better especially if the wife/gf starts the fight.


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Re: Wife vs Friend: The Sequel
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2016, 05:08:58 AM »
great story...are we expecting a third fight to decide the final winner...? 

A third fight between these two like this might end up with one not walking away! YAY! (lol)


Offline cflover

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Re: Wife vs Friend: The Sequel
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2016, 12:15:52 PM »
Great story!



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Re: Wife vs Friend: The Sequel
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2016, 08:37:02 AM »
I hope there's a third tie breaker coming  :)