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Young office worker fights boss' S&M Mistress/wife 4 his cock

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Young office worker fights boss' S&M Mistress/wife 4 his cock
« on: December 25, 2014, 10:30:43 PM »

Hi, my name is Diane and I would like to share a story of a fight that I very recently had. It all started when I was hired as a sales woman in Las Vegas. I had been working with the company for almost a month when the company gave me a new account. My boss told me how important this account is compared to all my other accounts because this account is from a big International company. I drove to the airport to pick Ronnie up and I immediately thought that Ronnie is a very cute, charming older man. I dropped Ronnie at his hotel and we decided to meet later for dinner. I don't know why, but on my way home to change I couldn't help but wonder "Is Ronnie going to expect me to go up to his hotel room after dinner?" Would I, should I go up to his room? Does my boss expect me to go up to his room? I have to admit I was very nervous.
I picked Ronnie up for dinner. I was dressed really sexy, and I was totally surprised that Ronnie had bought me a dozen beautiful, red long stem roses. Ronnie was even. more charming at dinner and with a bottle of good wine I found myself hoping that Ronnie invites me up to his room, but Ronnie was a perfect gentleman and kissed my hand when we arrived at his hotel and he said he will see me in the morning. I couldn't stop thinking about him all night. I had trouble sleeping and I was soaking wet and couldn't help but think "why didn't he invite me up to his room." Perhaps he's married and."
We met in the afternoon the next day and we worked until it was late and we went to dinner again. The wine was getting me really turned on and so was Ronnie, and I found myself soaking wet and I couldn't help myself, I kept sneaking my hand down and rubbing my soaked pussy, really turned on and excited, wondering if Ronnie knew what was going on. When we got back to the hotel the valet opened my door and I got out of the car, and although the valet opened Ronnie's door, I walked up right in front of him and asked, "what is the matter, don' t you find me attractive."
Ronnie and I made hot, passionate love, over and over and over again.  We fucked and sucked and barely found time to do any work. When Ronnie left at the end of the week I had to sleep for two days, and then I missed him and I couldn't wait to hear from him, to see him again.  Every night I would lay in bed rubbing my pussy and thinking of  Ronnie. 
Ronnie started coming back and staying longer and longer. I asked Ronnie if he was married and he told me that he lives with a woman in the New York and that it is a complicated relationship. He started to explain that Mistress Marsha is an S&M Mistress, and that they had been together for 20 years, and that she acted as if they are married, she even wears a wedding ring. Ronnie showed me Mistress Marsha's web site, and I saw pictures of the fat old cow and I just couldn't understand what Ronnie see's in her. I do have to admit that some of the outfits and some of the activities on her web site turns me on. I found out that Ronnie and I share many sexual activities and fantasies which revolve around women fighting, domination, humiliation, spankings, dildo's, vibrators and other related activities. We also enjoy girl on girl and forced female on female activities. Mistress Marsha is in her late 40s, 5’6”, 160 lbs, 36DD, while I am 23 years old, 5’10”, 120 lbs, 34B.

Our common fantasies formed an even stronger bond and relationship between us and I found myself looking for attractive women to fight and to join us in threesomes. It started with slap fights and making out at the end of our wrestling/slap fights, but soon it got. more violent and more domination, humiliation and forced lesbian activities. Ronnie started making video's and taking pictures, and we would watch them when together alone. We started telling each other stories, at first about some of the women I was with, and soon we started a Facebook page specifically with our fantasies, and while Ronnie was back in the New York I was writing very hot stories for him, I think in hopes that they would keep him occupied so that he wouldn't have any need to see that big, old fat cow Marsha, but Ronnie is quite honest and he told me that when he was in the New York he was with Marsha a lot. I couldn't help myself, I was jealous and infuriated and I took it out by writing stories for him about how I will kick that flabby old whore's ass and humiliate her even worse than she humiliates her stupid submissive slaves. When Ronnie spent time with me, which was now much more often than he was spending with that fat cow, I would tell him just how I would beat the shit out of her and then drain every last drop of  her dignity out of that pathetic worthless old whore. This made both Ronnie and me so fuckin excited we had the most explosive orgasms that either of us ever had before.
Then last week Ronnie had to go back to the New York for a week and I couldn't wait for him to come back. I wrote him the most erotic story that I ever wrote him before and I posted it on our Facebook page. A couple of nights later I returned home from work and checked the Facebook page expecting a message from Ronnie telling me just how he exploded over and over again, but much to my surprise I found a message from Mistress Marsha, telling me how she was going to do even more to me than I did to her in my story. She told me that she is married to Ronnie and that she wears Ronnie's wedding ring. That fat fuckin whore even posted pictures, one of her wedding ring on her finger, and others showing off  her big fat cow tits and asking me if I think that Ronnie worships my pathetic little golf ball sized tits like he worships her sexy big tits. She posted a picture of her wearing her big 14" strap on dildo and she told me how she was going to fuck me senseless with that cock, and then make me suck it clean. She went on and on about how she would really get off on draining each and every last ounce of my dignity out of me, and she was hoping she could do it right in front of all of the people I work with, and all my friends and neighbor's. 
I was infuriated and I wrote on Marsha’s page, telling her that I would like nothing better than to fight her for Ronnie. I told her that Ronnie loves me and not her. Marsha was infuriated too and she told me that if I don't stay away from her  husband, that she would knock all of my teeth out with her wedding ring. She once again posted a picture of her fist with that fuckin big, wide gold wedding ring, the fuckin cow was really getting me angry.
Then before anything else could happen, Ronnie was at my door. I was so infuriated about this big fat cow Marsha that I had almost completely forgotten that there was a trade show in town this week and I was supposed to be preparing for the show. Ronnie brought me a beautiful gift, a big diamond cluster engagement ring, and he apologized to me about Marsha, and he told me that he decided he wants to be with me and not with her. I was soooooo happy and me and Ronnie went to bed. I started to tell Ronnie how much I was looking forward to the opportunity to knock the shit out of his big, fat cow ex-wife and how I would be her Mistress and make her my slave. I started to tell my Ronnie how much I want to strap on a dildo and shove it right into her ass hole and to fuck her up her fat ass with it, while I force her to masturbate herself over and over again. I was really getting excited when Ronnie rolled me over onto my stomach and he plowed his big, hard cock into my soaking wet pussy from behind, and how he started plunging that cock deep inside of me while he reached around twisting my nipples, and my nipples became harder and more erect than I ever remembering them being. 
Ronnie was more passionate then he was ever before, and Ronnie was already by far the most passionate lover I ever had. Ronnie was almost crying as he told me how big, strong and tough that S&M Mistress is, and how dominant she is, and how much he loves me and was afraid for me, and as hot as the stories and fantasies are, he would love me and be with me and it was not necessary for me to ever fight the fat cow for real.
 Now it was my turn and I couldn't help myself as I shoved Ronnie over and I sat upright on Ronnie's big, hard cock. I was bouncing up and down and almost in tears as I told him how I want to blacken that fat cow's eyes, and break her fuckin nose, and knock each and every last one of her teeth right out of that big fuckin mouth others, and then I told Ronnie how much I want  her ring. I was really infuriated and  I said, "I want to pull that fat cow's wedding ring right off of her finger and then I’ll have you and I'll have her precious wedding ring too Ronnie." Ronnie had never cum that hard before. The feel of his body violently erupting, exploding deep inside of me, made me explode like I had never exploded before.........
Monday I went to work and started setting up our booth for the show. Ronnie had come to the convention center in the afternoon and he helped me until evening and a few of us girls went to the bathroom to put on our dresses, do our hair and makeup and get ready to go out for a fancy dinner, and I leave Ronnie and some of the husbands and boyfriends from work in the corner of the convention center to wait. I put on my very favorite black low cut micro mini dress, high heels and stockings. Then I fix my hair and do my makeup and I put on my jewelry, my gold watch, a bracelet and my new big diamond cluster engagement ring. I'm showing off my ring to all the girls and you can see the envy in everyone's eyes as they congratulate me.
I return from the bathroom with all the girls and there is no mistaking it, there is Mistress Marsha, sitting on the bench, hanging all over Ronnie, with her big DD breasts hanging halfway out of her white micro mini dress. I look from a far and I can see her black fishnet stockings and her high heels. I have to admit that Marsha looks a lot better in person then she does in her pictures, and I'm really shocked to see the entourage of people she has with her. She has two young attractive slave girls sitting at her feet, and a other Mistress with two female slaves sitting at her feet, and 3 male slaves chained together with ball gags in their mouths.  At first I feel butterfly's in my stomach. Here I am showing off my new engagement ring to my friends and coworkers, and bragging how in love me and Ronnie are, and telling everyone how excited I am to have such a great man, and here is his fat cow ex-wife sitting practically right on his lap, hanging all over him and with all the strange people with her. I'm really infuriated, but I decide to play it very cool and collected as I walk right up to Ronnie and say, "Are you ready I go to dinner honey." Marsha gets this nasty little smile across her face as she looks up at me and she says, "Ronnie is not going anywhere with you, so why don't you just get out here."  I'm still trying to control myself and I say, Ronnie is my man now, and he will be leaving with me, you got it."  Marsha gets to her feet and she pushes me back a few steps as she holds her left fist up right in my face and in a voice quite loud enough for everyone to hear the screams, "Do you see this ring. This is my wedding ring, and as long as I wear this ring, Ronnie is mine, his cock is mine, and you better stay away from him, you got it." 
By now it seems like everyone around us is making a semi circle around us and I can hear someone screaming, "Fight, fight, two girls." Now I'm not only embarrassed, but  I'm pissed off too and I hold my right fist up right in Marsha's face and I show this fat cow my engagement ring screaming, "look at  this Marsha, Ronnie and I just got engaged. He wants me now, he doesn't want a flabby pathetic old fat cow like you anymore, so why don't you just get out of here and stop humiliating yourself." Marsha gets this crazy look on her face as she puts her hands on her hips and says, You apparently have no idea of who you are talking to you pathetic flat chested little whore bitch. You think you are going to humiliate me. I'm going to make you my slave.  She lets out a vicious laugh and she gets this nasty vicious smile on her face as she continues.  "I'm really going to enjoy this you skinny little slut. I'm going to make you lick my ass hole clean. I'll spank you into submission and then I'll make you beg me to," BUT
I'm infuriated, my face is beet red and I'm not about to let this bitch embarrass me like this in front of Ronnie and all my friends and the people that I work with. I take the open palm of my right hand and I slap Marsha "bam" right across her face, swinging her head sideways and leaving a red handprint on her cheek. I scream, "you big old fat cow, I'm going to," BUT now Marsha is just as angry as I am and as her head spins back around, she lunges right at me, grabbing my dress with both of her hands and she shoves me back hard. My dress rips right off of my body in Marsha's hands as I go stumbling backwards on my high heels like a little floppy doll until I fall right over onto my ass on the cement floor of the convention center. I'm just sitting there in my bra and panties in front of everyone and now the crowd is really cheering. 
I'm shocked, I can't believe how strong this fat cow is. I'm looking up at the cheering crowd, and now I can see that the crowd has grown even larger. I can see one of my bosses, and a couple of my girlfriends, and then I see Ronnie cheering for me to get up and kick Marsha's ass.  Marsha walks right up standing over me, and she's laughing as she screams, "look at her Ronnie, look at your weak, skinny flat chested whore now Ronnie. She thought that she was so fuckin tough." Diane's leans forwqrd, grabbing at my hair, BUT as she does I take my fist, right right fist and I send it plowing full force "bang," uppercut right into Marsha's jaw. You can hear Marsha's teeth knock together and chatter in her head and her head swings straight up in the air, and Marsha stumbles backwards on her high heels and she almost falls over, and now it's Marsha who is shocked. She's standing there rubbing her jaw, and I get up onto my feet. I step toward Marsha and I hold my fists up screaming, "Alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, I'll fuckin fight you Marsha you big fat cow. I'm going to blacken your eyes, and break your fuckin nose and knock each and every one of your teeth right out of that big fuckin mouth of yours, and then after I kick your ass, I'm going to show everyone just what a stupid, pathetic, submissive fat cow you really are." 
Marsha is enraged, her face is beet red and Marsha loses her temper. She pulls her right fist all the way back and she comes after me screaming how she's going to kill me, "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to fuckin kill you Diane you fuckin whore." She sends her fist right at my face, but I'm much faster than is fat, flabby cow and quickly I manage to step to the side and out of the way, and as
 Marsha goes stumbling right past me quite off balance, I stick my foot out and I trip Marsha, and Marsha goes sprawling right onto her stomach on the ground. I can hear all my friends cheering me, and I see the looks on the excited faces in the crowd as I quickly look around. Then I see Ronnie cheering me and as I look down I can see Marsha starting to push herself up a little. I'm behind Marsha now and I take the sharp point of my right high heel and I kick her "boom," right in her ass, and Marsha moans "aaahhh" as she falls right back over onto her stomach on the concrete floor again. I'm standing over the big tough Mistress and now it's my turn to start laughing viciously as I scream, Get up cow, get up you fat fuckin whore. I thought you were such a tough Mistress. I thought you were going to beat me up. Come on, get up and fight me so that I can really knock the shit out of you." Slowly Marsha starts to push herself up off of the cement floor, but I dance around to the side of her, and just as she raises up, I take the sharp point of my  right high heel and I kick her "boom," hard right in her ribs. Marsha falls back onto her stomach on the floor again holding her aching side and crying out, "You're going to be very sorry bitch." I look down and I can see Marsha's huge breasts holding her body up off of the ground and I take the same high heel and I kick her "boom," right in her big fat cow tit. "OOOFFF," Marsha moans as she grabs her aching breast. I scream, "come on cow, get up and fight me so that I can really knock the shit out of you."
Marsha is rubbing her aching breast and crying out, "when I get my hands on you Diane you skinny whore bitch, I'm really going to make you sorry." I kick the cow in her ribs "boom," again, making her moan, "AAAHHH," as she grabs her side. I'm laughing as I scream, "look at her Ronnie, look at your fat cow ex-wife now Ronnie. Look at you Marsha. You thought you were such a tough Mistress, You're not so tough." I send my right high heel right at Marsha's ribs again, but this time Marsha manages to reach out and she grabs my right foot. She pulls my foot up and twists at it and I scream "AAHH," in surprise as I fall right over not my back on the cement floor. My head hits the concrete floor and for a moment I'm seeing stars. Then I can feel Marsha slowly start to climb on top of me. My right leg is pinned under her but I take my high heeled left leg and I kick Marsha "boom," right in her big, fat cow tits. Marsha moans "AAAHHH," as she rolls right off of me onto the floor. 
I start to regain my senses and I sit up and I can see Marsha slowly getting up onto her feet, holding her aching side. Slowly I get to my feet too and I don't give Marsha a chance. I step forward and I take my right fist, the one with my big, diamond cluster engagement ring and I send it plowing "bang," right into Marsha's nose. You can hear the ring bang against the bone of her nose and blood starts rolling from Marsha's nose as her head swings back and forth. Then before Marsha has a fuckin chance to think, I take that ring, once again. my big, diamond cluster ring and I send it plowing full force "bang," right into Marsha’'s nose again. This time my ring makes a big gash across the bridge of Marsha's nose and blood is really rolling from Marsha's nose, and Marsha cries out, "Oh, I'm bleeding," as her head snaps back and Marsha stumbles backwards a few steps. I go after Marsha and I grab her white mini dress and I shove her back hard, and Marsha's dress rips right off of her body in my hands as Marsha stumbles backwards on her high heels again. She's just standing there in her huge, white push up bra and white lace panties and now the crowd is really screaming. 
I'm still really pissed off and I go right after Marsha. I send my right fist at Marsha's face, trying to bash in her nose, but this time Marsha manages to raise her left hand and she catches my wrist in mid air, and with her own right fist she sends it plowing "bang," right into my chin. Marsha is much bigger and stronger than I am and you can hear my teeth knock together and chatter in my head as my head snaps back, and I'm seeing fuckin stars again as I go stumbling backwards on my high heels until "boom," my body hits the cement wall hard, and "bang," my  head does too. I bounce right up off of the wall, but just as I do, Marsha walks right up to me and she laces her hands right through my hair and she shoves  my head back hard, "bang," right into the cement wall again. Marsha is crazy and she's really pissed off and she yanks my head forward, screaming right in my shocked face, "I'm going to knock you silly you stupid bitch, and then I'm going to make you my slave. I'm going to drain every last drop of your dignity right out of you, and you're going to be so embarrassed you're never going to want to see Ronnie or any of these people again." Marsha starts "bang, bang, bang," hammering my head over and over again against the cement wall. She's cracking my fuckin skull  again and again and again into the hard cement wall until I'm really seeing fuckin stars, and my eyes start swimming around in my head, and then "bang, bang, bang," she bashes my head until everything goes black and my legs just buckle under me, and slowly I slide down the wall out cold. Marsha knocked me unconscious, and I'm just sitting there propped up against the wall. My chest is heaving up and down in contrast to my otherwise lifeless body.
Marsha leans over and she grabs both of my legs and she drags me away from the wall out into the middle of the crowd. Then she let's go of my legs and she grabs me by my fuckin hair as she climbs right on top of me and she sits down right on my stomach. Marsha takes the open palm of her left hand and "bam," she slaps me hard right across my face, swinging my head to the side from the full force of her hard smack. Then with the back of her hand she cracks me. She slaps me "bam," backhand across the other side of my face, swinging my head back in the other direction. Marsha starts slapping my face, forehand, backhand, forehand, backhand, "bam, bam, bam bam," back and forth and back and forth. Marsha is slapping my face silly screaming, "wake up Diane, wake up you stupid little bitch, I'm not even finished with you yet." Marsha slaps my face until she slaps me back awake. She smacks me right out of those fuckin stars I was seeing. My eyes blink open and at first the sounds are reverberating and i see Marsha sitting on my stomach, and then I start to realize that Marsha has just beat me up, and I cry out, Get off. Get off of me you fat cow." Marsha smacks my face forehand, backhand, "bam, bam," screaming, "How fuckin dare you tell me what to do. I'll tell you what you're going to do, do you understand me. I am your Mistress and you are my slave, say it." Feebly I start bucking and kicking and crying out, "no, never, get off of me you fuckin cow.
Marsha grows visibly angry and she slowly gets up up off of me. She's standing right over me and then she leans down and she wraps her hands right though my hair. Marsha starts yanking, wrenching, jerking at my hair, and feebly I reach up trying to pull her hands out of my hair, crying out, "AAHH, AAHH, let go, please let go," as Marsha drags me standing straight up on my wobbly, rubbery legs. Marsha lets go of my hair, and when she does, I just start to stumble and then to sway, first forward and then back, and then I just get this silly little smile across my face. I have this goofy little grin right across my face. Marsha holds her left fist up right in my face, and she starts showing me her ring, her big, wide, thick gold wedding ring  right on her middle finger, screaming, "look at this ring whore." Marsha takes her tightly balled left fist and she smashes that ring, "bang," right into my nose screaming, "Now you're going to tell everyone that you're my slave. You're going to tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, or I'll really bash your face in."  I'm not quite as cocky and confident as I was before, but I am normally quite dominant, and I don't want this fat cow to make me submissive in front of Ronnie, and in front of all my friends and the people I work with. I'm still feebly trying tyo get away and I cry out, "please no." Marsha shows me that ring again, once again that fuckin wedding ring and she sends it plowing "bang," right into my nose again. Marsha's punches are hard and powerful, and she has on that ring,that big, metal wedding ring and  this time blood starts gushing from my nose.

Marsha is clearly winning at this point, and I'm starting to get scared. Tears are welling in my eyes and desperately I cry out, "Alight, I'm your fuckin slave."  Marsha is insane and she grabs me by my fuckin hair and she pulls me forward. She pulls me right over onto my hands and knees screaming, "You disobedient little bitch. You are going to learn to honor and respect your Mistress. You're going to do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it," as she starts dragging me across the rough cement on my hands and knees. She's swinging me around the convention center floor by my fuckin hair, and my stockings are all ripped and my knees are bloody. Tears start rolling from my eyes as I start begging Marsha, "stop, please stop, I'm begging you stop, you're hurting me." Marsha drags me over to the bench she had been sitting on when I first saw her, right near where Ronnie is standing. She lets go of my hair and she reaches down and she grabs my sexy black lace panties and she rips them right off of me. Then she sits down on the bench and she grabs my hair again and she pulls me right up across her lap. She takes me over her knee and she takes the open palm of her right hand and "bam," she smacks the left cheek of my ass. Then she "bam," smacks my right cheek. Marsha screams, "you're going to tell everyone that you're my slave. You're going to tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, and from now on, you're going to address me as Mistress when you want to speak to me." Marsha starts "bam, ban, bam," spanking my left cheek, and then "bam, bam, bam," spanking my right cheek. She has me over her knee like I'm her little girl and she's giving me an over the knee spanking, and tears are rolling down my cheeks and my ass is getting redder and redder and it's burning and stinging and I'm so embarrassed, so humiliated right in front of Ronnie, and the people I work with, and my boss', and the friends. Marsha is relentless and she's "bam, bam, bam," smacking the shit out of my ass, and my ass really hurts, and she’s leaving huge, bloody r3ed welt marks on my ass, and blood is rolling from the cuts on my aching ass. Desperately I start crying out, Alright, I'm your slave Mistress, I'm your fuckin slave Mistress. I'll do whatever you tell me to do."
Marsha shoves me off of her lap, and I fall right over onto the cement floor. Then she gets up off of the bench and she grabs me by my fuckin hair again and she pulls me standing straight up on my feet, and I SCREAM "AAAHHH," from the pain of having my hair ripped right out of my head again. Marsha holds her left fist up in my face and she starts showing me the ring, once again that big fuckin wedding ring, screaming, "now slave, now you're going to beg, fuckin beg your Mistress to shove this ring up your ass and to fuck you with it. Now let me hear you beg." I can't believe how sick and demented this fuckin fat cow really is. Tears are streaming down my cheeks,  mixing with my blood and my black eye makeup and desperately I start crying out, no, enough, please I'm sorry, please let me go, enough." Marsha smashes me "bang," right with the ring, right in my teeth. You can hear the metal of the ring bang against the enamel of my teeth and my lips split open under the fuckin ring and blood starts rolling from my lips.  Marsha screams, "Get it through your head, your my fuckin slave and you're going to do whatever I tell you to do."  I'm not about to let this fat old whore shove that fuckin wedding ring up my ass and I'm scared. I don't know how to make this crazy bitch stop beating me up, and desperately I start crying out, "Ronnie, Ronnie please help me, someone please help me," but everyone seems to be really turned on, and no one would move a fuckin inch to help me. They all just stand there and watch as Marsha smashes me "bang," right in the nose with the ring again. Blood is still gushing from my nose and I become submissive to Marsha, and desperately I start crying out, “fuck me, please fuck me up my ass with your wedding ring Mistress.”
Marsha shoves my shoulder back and she spins me around so that my back is to her. Then she takes her finger, her middle finger of her left hand, the one  with that big, metal wedding ring and she holds it right up to my anus.  I don't know what is about  to happen, but suddenly Marsha shoves her finger deep into my ass hole. I let out a bloodcurdling scream ""AAAAAHHHHHH," as I start jumping, leaping, twisting, trying to dance off of Marsha's finger, but I can't. Marsha has her right hand laced tightly through my hair, and the middle finger of her left hand, the one with that big, metal wedding ring shoved high up in my ass hole and I just can't get away. Marsha starts taking me out.  She's marching me around in front of everyone, and I'm crying out,  "get it out, please get it out.Please you’re hurting me.” Marsha screams, “You think I'm a cow. You have the fuckin nerve to call me a cow in front of my husband and all of these people. Now you're going to show and tell everyone just which one of us is the fuckin cow. That's right Diane. You're going to moo for everyone, and you're going to tell everyone just what a stupid pathetic cow you really are. Now let me hear you moo.”
Marsha drags me in front of the first person and I cry out, MMMMOOOO, MMMMOOOO, MMMMOOOO." Marsha screams, say it." I cry out, "i'm a cow. I'm a stupid pathetic cow," Then I start to moo again, "MMMMOOOO, MMMMOOOO, MMMMOOOO."  Marsha is fucking me up my ass over and over again. She's dragging me around in front of one person and then the next, and I'm totally humiliated as she makes me look in each person’s eyes and say "MMMMOOOO, MMMMOOOO, MMMMOOOO,"' and crying out, "i'm a cow, I'm a worthless, pathetic cow. MMMMOOOO, MMMMOOOO, MMMMOOOO." She marches me around in front of each and every person until she marches me right in front of Ronnie, and I'm crying like a little baby as I'm  "MOOOOO, MOOOOO," mooing like a cow right in front of the love of my life.. Marsha is laughing viciously as she screams, look at her Ronnie, look at your tough flat chested whore now Ronnie. She thought she was so fuckin tough, she doesn't look so tough with my wedding ring shoved deep into her ass hole and totally submissive to me, does she Ronnie." I start crying even harder, I've never been so humiliated in my whole life, and all of my friends, and the people I work with, and the bosses. Marsha starts laughing as she lets go my hair. She's still holding me up like a fuckin puppet on her finger as she uses her right hand to undo my bra, and my bra slides right down and falls to the floor, and now the crowd is really screaming. Marsha laces her right hand through my hair again and she raises me up and she puts me on display right in front of Ronnie screaming, "now Diane, now tell Ronnie just what a weak, worthless, pathetic flat chested whore you really are." I'm crying and crying, but I'm scared, and I'm totally submissive to Marsha and I look right into Ronnie's eyes as I cry out, "I'm a whore Ronnie, I'm a weak, worthless, pathetic flat chested whore Ronnie."
Marsha pulls her finger out of my ass hole and she wrenches at my hair and she pulls me right over onto my hands and knees in front of herself. Then she holds her left hand up right in front of my face and she starts showing me the ring, that big, gold metal wedding ring, the very same ring that she had just shoved deep into my ass hole and fucked me up my ass with, and Marsha starts laughing insanely as she screams, Now you're going to lick this ring clean whore, now stick your tongue out, lick this ring clean whore." I'm still really scared and I'm totally submissive and I stick my tongue out and I start licking the ring clean. I'm licking the ring over and over again right in front of Ronnie, right in front of my co-workers and the friends.
Marsha pulls her hand away and she grabs my hair again and she's laughing as she screams, "lie down, lie don on your back whore." Marsha yanks at my hair forcing me right not my back. She's standing right over me, with one foot on one side of me, and her other foot on the other aid of me, and I'm looking up through my tear filled eyes as Marsha removes her bra, and the crowd is going crazy as I see her huge breasts come flopping out of her bra. Marsha lowers herself down and she sits on my stomach, grabbing my wrists and holding them pinned down helplessly to the cement floor. I have to admit this warm sexy feeling came across my body as Marsha's big, sexy breasts start bouncing up and down right in front of my face, and I am even more turned on by the total control she had over me.  I'm turned on as feebly I try to move my arms, but I can't, Marsha is in has completely overpowered me and she is in total control of me and my pussy is starting to get all moist. Marsha leans forward and she engulfs my face with her left breast. I can feel Marsha's huge nipple start to get hard and erect as it presses against my face, but suddenly I can't breath. Marsha's huge breast is smothering my face and I start gasping for air. Marsha raises up and I get a chance to open my mouth and try to gasp in a precious gulp of air. I do manage to get a short breath, but now Marsha' big hard nipple is inside of my mouth, and I can feel it growing bigger, and harder. I start coughing and gasping and Marsha raises her big tit up off of my face, and I 'm desperately trying to gasp in precious air into my lungs. 
Marsha leans forward and she holds her big, sexy tits so that one breast is on one side of my face, and the other is on the other side of my face and Marsha is laughing as she screams, "now you're going to love my tits, you're going to worship my big, sexy tits just like my husband does, but before I can think, and before I can catch my breath, Marsha starts slapping my face with her tits. She's smacking my face back and forth and back and forth, from side to side with her huge sexy breasts, and now my pussy is really warm and really starting to get soaking wet, and Marsha, her nipples are all hard and erect, and I'm so turned on that the sound of the crowd screaming and screaming is only turning me on even more. Marsha is slapping my face silly with her big breasts, and when she stops she holds one breast in my face screaming, "kiss my tits whore." I'm really turned on as I raise my head up and I kiss Marsha's huge, baby bottle sized left nipple. Then I kiss her right nipple. I can feel the warmth and moisture coming from Marsha's pussy as Marsha orders me, Lick my nipples you whore. Worship my nipples just like my husband does you flat chested whore." I'm so turned on as I  stick my tongue out and I start licking  Marsha's hard, erect left nipple, and then I start licking her hard erect right nipple. I can feel Marsha's pussy blowing hot air out onto my stomach and  I can feel her warm juices rolling down my stomach as I'm licking her big, sexy tits over and over again, feverishly like a dog licking its master. I don't know what came over me. I'm licking and kissing and sucking on Marsha's big, sexy baby bottle nipples. I'm worshipping her huge breasts just like she told me I would do, and I'm loving it. I can't help but think of just how lucky Ronnie has been to have these big, beautiful memorable tits for all this time, and I can feel Marsha's cxnt is on fire and her juices are soaking my stomach, and I'm so fuckin turned on, I'm not thinking of Ronnie, or my boss', or my co-workers, or my friends. 
Marsha sits up, and my tongue is still swinging and flapping and I feel a moment of disappointment, but this lasts only a moment as Marsha holds her left fist in my face again and she shows me that ring again, and she's laughing as she says, "Now I'm really going to give you this ring you big mouth." Marsha rises up and she sits her ass down right on my chest. Her huge flabby ass is squashing my tits. But my nipples are rock hard and I'm. still really turned on as Marsha shoves my legs apart. And then she takes her middle finger of her left hand, the one with her wedding ring, and she slides it right not my wet, hot pussy. I moan "OOOOOWWWWW," as shivers of excitement shoot throughout my entire body. Marsha starts plunging that ring into me. She's masturbating me with her wedding ring, and I' so fuckin turned on that I don't even know what to do. In and out and in and out, Marsha is fucking me with her wedding ring, and I can feel the metal of that big ring rubbing against my clit. Marsha rises up and she moves her ass back so that her big, flabby ass is right over my face and she screams, "you love getting fucked with my wedding ring, say it." I am soooo fuckin excited and desperately I cry out, "I love it. Please I love getting fucked with your wedding ring Mistress." Marsha slides her finger out of my pussy. I start flailing my legs around and dry humping air, and I'm desperately trying to locate Marsha's finger crying out desperately, "Fuck me, please Mistress I'm begging you, please fuck me with your wedding ring Mistress." Marsha starts laughing viciously as she's holding her finger just out of reach of my pussy, occasionally letting her finger lightly sweep across my aching, soaked pussy. Tears are streaming down my cheeks and desperately I'm crying out,  "Please Mistress, I'm begging you, please fuck me with the ring." I'm aching for that finger, begging openly for it, and Marsha starts laughing as she screams, Stick your tongue out whore, lick my ass hole clean." I could never even imagine sticking my tongue into anyone's ass hole, not even in my very worst nightmares, but I want Marsha's finger. I want Marsha's big, gold metal wedding ring in my cxnt and I don't hesitate as I stick my tongue out, and I raise my head up off of the cement floor, and I start licking Marsha's ass hole with my tongue. I'm sliding my tongue in and out, plunging my fuckin tongue passionately into her ass hole, licking her feverishly like a fuckin dog licking its master.
I feel it. I feel Marsha's finger plunge deep into my cxnt. I can feel hot explosions, tremors erupting deep inside of me. I am so fuckin excited. I can feel that big metal ring rubbing, scraping against my clit, and all of a sudden it's like a volcano erupting. My whole body is exploding, "OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH," as I have one explosive orgasm after another. I'm spent, all the little energy remaining is drained right out of me and I'm covered in sweat, and breathing hard. My cheat is heaving up and down and up and down, and my eyes are closed as I feel Marsha climb right up off of me. The crowd is going crazy and all I can think of is "thank god this totally painful, humiliating experience is finally over, BUT just a minute later I hear the crowd start roaring again, and then I hear Marsha scream, "You think this is over. I'm far from finished with you yet you stupid little whore." at first I feel complete disappointment, and then I think to myself how humiliating this is, and for the first time in minutes I'm thinking about my co-workers, and my friends, and Ronnie and tears fill my eyes as I open my eyes, and through my tear filled eyes I can see Marsha with her big, sexy tits standing over me, and then I see Marsha start to attach this huge, 14" strap on dildo to herself. 
Marsha slowly lowers herself down and she sits down right on my breasts, and I can feel Marsha's hot, soaking wet pussy and then her hot juices start rolling down my right breast, and that cock is bouncing up and down against my chin, my nose and my lips. Marsha is laughing viciously as she screams,  Ronnie's cock belongs to me bitch, and this is your new cock, now tell everyone who owns Ronnie's cock, and who's cock this is whore."  Tears start streaming from my eyes again, and my face turns beet red in humiliation, but I'm still scared, and I'm still totally submissive to this big, fat cow, and I cry out, Ronnie's cock belongs to you Mistress, and this is my new cock Mistress.” Marsha raises up so that big, hard erect cock is right over my mouth and she screams, "kiss it whore, kiss your cock."  I raise my head up off of the concrete floor, and my head is all wobbly as slowly my lips get closer and closer to that big, hard erect rubber penis, and I kiss the dildo. I can hear the crowd going crazy.
Marsha sits up and she moves up and she sits down right on my tits again. That cock is bouncing up and down and bouncing against my face. Then Marsha reaches down at the base of the cock and all of a sudden the cock starts making noise and vibrating. It's twisting and changing shape as "RRRRRRRRR-EEEEE-RRRRR-NNNNNN-RRRRRR." Marsha is laughing as she raises up and she lays down right on top of me. Then she uses her hand to direct that huge gyrating electric penis right to my pussy, and then she guides it right into me. I moan "OOOOOOOWWWWWWWW," as that big, thick vibrating rubber cock slides deep inside of me, and Marsha's big, sexy tits slap right against my smaller breasts. Marsha's huge hard erect baby bottle sized nipples are pressing against  my hard, erect  nipples, and I let out a moan "OOOOOOOWWWWWWW," as Marsha starts to fuck me with that cock. She grabs me roughly by my hair and she leans down and she shoves her tongue into my mouth and our tongues start dueling inside of our mouths. She's fucking me like a man. She's making hot passionate love to me like a hot, sexy man, only Marsha's big,sex tits are smacking against mine, and our big, hard erect nipples are rubbing together, and that big, hard 14" vibrating cock is expanding and contracting and grinding and twisting inside of me. Marsha and I are making hot, passionate love, and all of a sudden I start "OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH," having one explosive orgasm over and over again. Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I cum and cum and cum.
Marsha pulls that big, hard erect rubber cock out of me and she gets up and she walks over to the bench and she sits down screaming, "Get over here slave." I'm still exploding inside, and I'm tired, and I'm spent, BUT I'm submissive to Mistress Marsha and I sit up, and then I turn over onto my hands and knees and I crawl right over to Marsha. Marsha spreads her legs open and she's sitting there with that big, cum drenched vibrating penis and she screams "Now suck my cock clean whore."  Submissively I crawl right in between Mistress Marsha's legs and I take that big, hard, erect vibrating cock in my hands, and I stick that cum filled rubber penis into my mouth, and I start sucking Marsha's cock. Marsha is laughing as she screams, "that's right whore, suck that cock just like you suck my husband's cock.”  I suck on that big, hard rubber cock and the cock is vibrating in my mouth, and the crowd is fuckin cheering.
Marsha shoves me back hard, and I'm lying there sobbing. Marsha turns the dildo off and then she un-straps the dildo and she walks right over to me.  She spreads my legs open and she takes that big, thick 14" rubber cock and she shoves it right into my already soaking, wet pussy, and she straps it right into me. Then she turns the button on and that big vibrating rubber penis is like a man inside of me, moving, twisting, expanding and contracting. Marsha stands right over me again and she slowly lowers her panties exposing her thick dark patch of pussy hair, and I can see her soaking wet cxnt lips with her juices dripping right out of it and rolling down her legs. I don't know why, but the dildo fucking my hot pussy and the view of Marsha's huge sexy breasts and her juice soaked pussy is making me crazy. Marsha is laughing viciously as she screams, "now tell my husband just how much you ache to lick me into orgasm. Tell my husband how much you want us to take you home so you can watch him fuck his Mistress so that you can lick and suck his cum out of a real woman's cxnt."
No one could imagine how erotic this is. That huge, erotic artificial penis seems to know exactly what I want, what I need, how to make me feel good. Marsha lowers herself down so that her soaking wet pussy is only inches over my face, and the sweet smell and the eroticism. Big, strong tough Marsha has taken me over completely, and seeing Marsha's big, sexy tits has my tongue sliding in and out and in and out of my mouth and tears start rolling down my cheeks as I start crying out, "please Ronnie, I want to lick and suck my Mistress into orgasm. Please I want you and your wife to take me home with you so that I can suck your cum out of a real woman’s cxnt.” I can practically taste my Mistress soaking wet cxnt. The sweet smell of my Mistress' wet, hot cxnt is driving me crazy and my tongue is hanging out of my mouth like a dog ready to pickup water when dry, and that dildo, that big, delicious dildo is vibrating and slinking around inside of me. Marsha  screams, "Kiss it." desperately I raise my head up, and my head is still all wobbly, and my tear filled eyes are still swimming around in my head as I kiss Marsha cxnt. I can feel the heat, and I smell the sweet odor and taste the delicious sweet nectar of her pussy. I start kissing her cxnt over and over again, and just as she says, "Lick it whore." I stick my tongue out and I start licking her sweet, delicious pussy, passionately, over and over again, feverishly like. dog licking its master. All of a sudden Marsha starts wrenching, and twisting, and shaking as she starts "OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, exploding all over my face, my lips, and my tongue, and this and the big, vibrating cock inside of me has me crazy, and I start "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOOOHHHHHH!" exploding over and over again like never before......

Marsha and Ronnie took me home and I am Marsha’s slave now. I cook, I clean and I obediently wait for Ronnie to fill Marsha’s sweet pussy with his cum so that I can lick it right out of my Mistress’ cxnt…….


Offline krispin

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Re: Young office worker fights boss' S&M Mistress/wife 4 his cock
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2014, 05:50:13 PM »
Very very nice story! Thanks!

Have you seen this:,44432.0.html

What about a story of you in which the slim lovely weak Audrey is easy teased and dominated by the larger big titted Jayne?
I like your style and yours build up. I think with her skinny puny body Audrey can't take much. May be some punches should be enough for her. Than I see Jayne crushing the weak naked body of Audrey with her so voluptuose larger naked frame.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 10:05:53 PM by krispin »