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Campus Amateur Boxing Event

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Offline nonothing33

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Re: Campus Amateur Boxing Event
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2009, 02:15:53 AM »
I got the Christina vs. Liana fight up, sorry if took so long. Haven't been feeling and been busy working. Bleh. Haha. One more fight to report on for you guys.


Offline BeautifulDisaster_Jen

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Re: Campus Amateur Boxing Event
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2009, 03:26:56 AM »
Great fight between Christina and Liana. Too bad Christina's fighting spirit was broken as the fighting went on. Sometimes the best strategy in the ring isn't physical, but mental. Can't wait to hear the last fight of the event.

Any idea how much they raised for the fund btw?


Offline nonothing33

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Re: Campus Amateur Boxing Event
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2009, 04:53:44 PM »
If I don't hear anything specific by this Wednesday then I'm gonna assume it was just a bunch of hooplah. Then again, things happening in private tend to stay private sometimes so you never know. Might have to use the old imagination playbook on this one. lol

@texaskid: No. I respect their privacy and refuse to give out any specific information about them.


Offline BeautifulDisaster_Jen

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Re: Campus Amateur Boxing Event
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2009, 09:32:01 PM »
Well you're quite the gentlemen for respecting their privacy...sort of. Not sure if posting their fights online and sharing their first names and pictures as well counts towards that.

It's a step in the right direction though, lol. Can't wait to hear about the last fight!  8)


Offline nonothing33

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Re: Campus Amateur Boxing Event
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2010, 11:40:49 PM »
I'll post the last fight tomorrow. Been super busy at work, I'm apparently everyone's go to guy when they need something dangerous done. I love my disposable grunt work position.  ::)

I think someone asked me if Jamie and Mary were going to have any further confrontation. Well there was, but it was nothing more than a simple chest bump at a holiday party. No fighting at all, just laughter. Apparently they got over it, though there is some guy throwing money at them for a private fight and one of them is considering it so you never know. I guess money can buy you happiness or at least a catfight. lol

Also the campus livens up again in like 2 weeks and there's already buzz about the event in the Spring. It is confirmed, but with a few altercations. The college wants a cut as well because of how successful it was and will be raising prices of tickets. They wanna hold it sometime in March before Spring Break to draw in a bigger crowd.  As for the roster by February they want everyone registered, so by then I can have a list of who's fighting who.


Offline nonothing33

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Re: Campus Amateur Boxing Event
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2010, 08:50:32 PM »
The last and final fight of the night was between a tall athletic Texan girl, Samantha and a Lithuanian foreign exchange student, Laura, who was about the same height. Both were seniors and this fight almost didn't happen because a lot of the girls on campus didn't want to fight Samantha because A) this was her event that she had put together and B) she was a tough Texas girl, known to be overly aggressive in sports. Many people were surprised on campus that this foreign girl signed up and agreed to fight against her, but unbeknown to anyone the Lithuanian chick actually knew how to box.



The fight was scheduled for 5 rounds. Both girls were wearing black headgear and black gloves. Samantha was wearing a Confederate printed trunks and red sports bra showing off her southern pride, while Laura just wore black trunks and sports bra to match. Samantha had this whole cocky look to her as if the fight was going to be easy, while Laura just looked happy just to be there. The moment the bell sounded for round 1 both girls turned into serious punching machines. They came out strong, hard and fast with Samantha getting the first shots in to Laura's body with some real brutal hits, that only seemed to make Laura wince a little. The Lithuanian quickly protected her body after a few hard body shots connected, so Samantha went for the head, but again Laura was quick and dodged by moving her head and body in unison away from the punches leaving the Texan open for a big right hook to the body. The sound of leather smacking against skin was audible as it drew the crowd silent and Samantha's eyes bugged open in shock as she let out a gasp. Laura followed up with another shot to athletic body of the blond, again stunning the Texan girl. Before throwing a right hook to Samantha's head, she quickly came to and popped a quick jab to Laura's mouth and then another shot to her head to drive her off before the bell sounded.
Second round wielded similar results as they pounded away at each others bodies with unrelenting force. The sound of leather smacking against skin was the only thing that could be heard aside from the groans and moans as each blow connected to their athletic bodies. Samantha wasn't fairing well at all as she was sweating a lot harder than Laura, her face turning bright end towards the end of the round biting down on her mouthpiece as hard as she could in frustration.

At the end of the 3rd round she demanded that the headgear be taken off because it was giving her heat exhaustion. At first the ref said no, but she began yelling about it the headgear was taken off both girls and they were to continue to box once again.

The purpose of headgear is to prevent any serious trauma to the brain and serious injury to the head, I guess Samantha didn't get that memo when the opening punch of round 3 was aimed right for her head and effectively sending her down on her ass. She got up at 5 and marched right back into the fight with Laura. Same back and forth hard hitting action, Samantha getting the worst of it but still trying. Towards the end of the round Laura can to slow the tempo down of her punches and Samantha saw it as an opening to strike her consistently still, never letting up her assault. She finally drew the Lithuanian girl into the ropes having her all covered up before she clinched with the Texan girl by the end of the round.

4th round Samantha went right back to work on the seemingly tired Lithuanian girl. Hitting her unprotected body, sending flecks of sweat flying as she was breathing hard, occasionally hitting the brunette's head which she kept protected behind her gloves. Mid-way through the fight Samantha began to tire out realizing that she wasn't doing any real damage, that was when Laura struck back with hard lefts and rights to Samantha's head shaking the sweat from her blond hair free into the air and spittle to fly freely through her mouthpiece before landing a thumping hard right hand to Samantha's toned athletic belly, RIGHT ON THE NAVEL, causing the big Texan girl to spontaneously spit out her mouthpiece as she gasped for air. Samantha fell into the ropes dazed and in tremendous pain as Laura continued her assault by banging her head in before the ref jumped in and waved off the fight as the Lithuanian girl proved to be just too much for the Texan girl.

After Samantha regained her senses she proved she wasn't a sore loser and shook the other girls hand and even raised it when it was announced that Laura was the winner. She then gracefully thanked everyone for attending the charity event and told them how much it raised(I forget the exact amount, but it was fairly high...I think somewhere in the thousands). It was a good final fight to a good night in my book.

Again as I said before, they're looking to do it again this year in the Spring so I'll try and get that up also, albeit the changes.  :D



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Re: Campus Amateur Boxing Event
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2010, 11:37:04 PM »
I am new to the site and looking for some friends but also was interested in the amateur boxing events if they are still going on. wouldn't mind checking some out. I live in NJ...anything around this area?