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Taking Him Back!! Shannon vs Tanya continues

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Offline snw

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Taking Him Back!! Shannon vs Tanya continues
« on: June 16, 2019, 09:55:01 AM »
       Some may remember that Tanya & Shannon's last meeting was not very fun for my wife Shannon and my ex gf Tanya. If not here's a link to find out how that one ended.

        Now here's what that fight led to. My wife Shannon had taken a pretty one sided loss to my ex gf Shannon. When it was all done Tanya had embarrassed my wife in front of me and left little doubt that she was the better woman. As a result  Shannon had to decide if she still wanted to get past her defeat. Have another fight with Tanya to make her give up her pursuit of getting me back. Or to leave it as it was now. Which was staying together and allowing Tanya to call me up or meet me somewhere to refresh my memory of the fight against my wife. That would mean spending 2-3 nights a week with Tanya,  and when I came home acting as things were normal.  Shannon decided on the later. That lasted for about the next 3 months.

         Tanya would ask me when we were together if Shannon had asked me to set up a rematch. I said no, she hadn't mentioned that night or the fight. She wanted me to pose the question to Shannon concerning a rematch. I asked Tanya what made her think my wife would fight her agin based on the result of the last encounter. Tanya said that a mutual friend had told her Shannon had been working out more . She was also taking boxing lessons at the gym. For the purpose of asking Tanya for a rematch. Shannon had told them that she just knew she could win next time. As Tanya told me this I started to become aroused. Tanya laying beside me in the bed reaches down to  see if I was.  Feeling me starting to get hard she slips her hand in my boxers and wraps her small fingers around my cock as she starts slowly giving me a hand job. Smiling at me as she says why Steve it seems that you would like to see me kick ms wife's ass again. Squeezing me slightly as she strokes it while saying I want to fight her again. I said what if she has gotten stronger and the lessons have helped her. Tanya says I kinda doubt either of things are true. She smiles at me and says you thinking she might win? I just say well you never know Tanya she is spending time getting into shape and learning skills to do just that. Tanya feels me about to cum and stops her hand job as I reach for her hand and place it back to my cock. Giggling a little a she says don't worry. You don't have to try and motivate me by making me feel as if I need to show you she can't beat me. Reason being Steve I want to kick her ass again cause I won't you here with me and not her. I want to fight her to win you back. So you get it setup and I'm there.

         I left Tanya to go back home and as I walk in my wife is standing in the living room and has pushed all the furniture to the walls. Wearing a string bikini. I see her and stare at her tight little body and say damn Babe you look awesome. She smiles and says thank you babe. I say what's all the furniture and the bikini is for?  She didnt tell you? Tell me what? She says well your bitch sent me a photo of her riding you tonight with a challenge to fight for you. I didn't answer that text but I did the next one she sent. It was a video of tit fucking you and asking if she was better at tit fucking than me and you said I don't know I've never tried it. She then said ohh you poor boy I'm sorry Shannon doesn't have anything for you to do that with her. The end of the clip she stops as you are about to cum (I know that look if you're wondering how I knew) so she slows her pace way down and starts moving her hand or her tits and begins to say this. See Steve you want to cum bad right now don't you. You said please do it. Finish it as you reach to finish it yourself she grabs your wrist pinning you to the bed so you can't finish yourself. When she starts telling you "you want to cum don't you Steve ? She's torturing you knowing you need to release. She looked right at the camera and sits up across your thighs and gives a bicep pose to it. The taking your cock in her hand she says you want me to fight your wife again Steve? The she starts pumping it again as she says you want me to kick her ass babe ? You got to say Steve as she stops again. Holding it in her hand she says tell my stud you want me to beat that excuse for tits wife again right? Yes oh shit yes as she empties you. You must of left be fore it finished cause the video ends with her in a close up shot asking 'well bitch you want him come get him cause he's all mine unless you fight me.

         Shannon informs me that she's on the way here right now. About that time I hear the door open and before I can look Tanya walks up behind me reaches around from behind grabbing my dick as she says ohh Shannon he is hard right and I mean hard to see me dismantle your little flat chested ass again. With that Shannon charges in reaching for Tanya's hair. As her hand is about to latch on Tanya steps side ways as Shannon steps by but just as my wife gets even with my ex Tanya jumps up with what looks like a superman punch connecting it with my wife's jaw. The blow causes Shannon to drop right at that spot. Tanya turns to look down at her with a smirk on her face and says just don't know know when to quit do you bitch? Reaching down grabbing a handful of hair pulls my wife up to her knees. Looking toward me she says like that babe? As I nod my approval. Jerking Shannons head backward to look up at her Tanya gets in her face. Look at you Shannon you're pitiful. Steve was expecting a fight out of you.

        Tanya pulls her hand back slapping her face and knocking her to the floor. Damn get up Shannon I thought you was going to fight me. This time grabbing 2 handfuls of hair and lifting my wife all the way to her feet this time starts pushing her backwards until my wife is slammed against the wall. You want to quit now or do I get to give your man a show as I whip your ass all of this house? My wife swings a fist hitting Tanya in the face but it's so weak it has no effect. Laughing from the blow Tanya says you are a dumbass aren't you? Slamming a fist into her solar flexes drawing a uhhhh ppph. Tanya said let's do that again Shannon. I like that sound. Again slamming another in the same spot getting the same result doubling the wife up. Damn Shannon your making me wet with that noise. Pushing Shannon back up right Tanya pulls her away from the wall grabbing an arm and dipping her knees Tanya pulls Hannon over her shoulders. Standing up fully now with my wife across her shoulders as she jumps up in down in the perfect version of Nikki Bella's rack attack. I can't help but cheer her on at that show of power carrying my wife around as she stops in front of me saying look at your bitch now Steve. How you like this move? Love it love it love it. Smiling and kissing me while holding my wife's body like it's nothing. Ready Shannon? I hope so cause you are going on a ride as she twits her upper body catching Shannon around her neck in a swinging neck breaker and allowing my wife to  slam to the floor. Flexing for me she pulls my wife up again and drags her to me as she says this little slut is weak babe. Standing her in fromt of me she moves behind her snaking her arms around bellow her shoulders to grap onto my wife's tits. Look at the little boobies Steve. Poor poor girl just a weak flat chested little bitch.

        Tell him Shannon. Shannon sways back and forth as she's barely able to stand and says No. ok come on sweet heart let's play. Calling me over and says take my top off me Steve please your wife wants to see some real tits. I pull the top away as Tanya stands Shannon against the wall and slams her tits in to my wife's tits. My wife whimpers crying and says please Tanya no more I'm sorry Tanya pleas stop beating on me. You whipped my ass good this time.. without being told Shannon says I'm sorry Steve I can't fight her anymore she's too strong. Taking my wife's face a turning in to face her Tanya says ok Shannon suck my tits NOW. I'm stunned as Shannon starts licking her nipples lightly and softly knees her other tit as Tanya says ohh yeah good job. Shannon starts rubbing Tany's biceps and suck ing on her tits like she wants to satisfy Tanya. Look at you go princess. You like my muscles Shannon as Tanya flexes her arms Shannon moves over and kisses Tanya's biceps and starts telling her you're strong Tanya. Your muscles beat mine I can't even hope to beat you. Moving back to Tanya's tits again. All at once Tanya gives Shannon an ax handle chop to her shoulders and neck causing my wife to drop to her knees.

       Tanya says ok you little tit sucking bitch time for the real thing now. Without further instruction Shannon pulls my lovers panties down and starts eating her out like she wants it so bad. Tanya has broken my wife completely now. Tanya puts a hand to the back of Shannons head and pulls it in tight to bury my wife's face into her deep. Shannon starts whimpering as Tanya is so excited she doesn't realize Shannons air has been cutoff. You can hear mmmmpppphh over and over as Shannon pushes weakly at Tanya's hips but can't budge her. Tanya calls me over now and says get the pants off as I do. Tanya encases my cock with her hand and starts pumping my cock hard. Yeeesss I say damn do it babe. She eats good babe ohhh shhitt she can eat let's cum together as Tanya says faster bitch faster. I explode all over my wife as Tanya has covered her face in her wetness. Pulling Shannons head away from her and making her stare upwards at the woman who has beating her in every way as a woman. Is he mine Shannon. My wife says as she tears up he's yours Tanya. He's too good for me. You proved that I'm nothing compared to you. Tell him that bitch. She gets you Steve. I can't fight her and she is what you should have. You can go to her when she wants. Pitiful bitch says Tanya. Can't even show some fight. I stomped your ass made you eat me and worship my tuts and muscles as your man wTched. You're nothing and don't deserve this big cock. I'm taking him to your bed and I'm going to screw his brains out and show him what he's been missing in the very bed you lay. How's that feel Shannon knowing he's hammering my pussy and sucking my bigger tits while you sit down here and wait for me to finish pleasing your man. As Tanya says ok come on I got something to give you like never before. I turn to start that way as I i here a little scream and uhhhh. I turn to see Tanya kicks my wife on the side of her face knocking her out. See ya slut. It's not the last beating you will get and nothe last time Steve watched you eat me out cause you can't do a damn thing to stop it. Let's go finish before she comes to.


Offline JayB

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Re: Taking Him Back!! Shannon vs Tanya continues
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2019, 09:32:46 PM »
This Tanya takes no prisoners.


Offline master

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Re: Taking Him Back!! Shannon vs Tanya continues
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2019, 04:14:02 AM »
Another great story of domination and sexy humiliation in the Tanya v wife series.  I look forward to these excellent and creative stories.  Can't wait for the next great work. Thanks
« Last Edit: August 04, 2019, 04:32:00 AM by master »


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: Taking Him Back!! Shannon vs Tanya continues
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2019, 07:16:45 PM »
hi snw did you watch my PM  :o