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Snow Day

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Offline KukriParty

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Snow Day
« on: February 16, 2017, 01:02:06 AM »
Here is an idea for a story that I started to drum up for now... What do you think should I keep going? Too severe? Going to throw it on the board here to see if there is any interest, though doesn't seem to be much of a fight story yet...but will develop that into a surprise.

The 30 degree temperature and high humidity made for the ideal condition for a wet heavy snow. It had been snow all night and now into the morning as the medical staff at the hospital began its' shift change for the morning. It had been a very busy night at the hospital's ER, with among other things a backlog of patients and their families, who had endured extremely long wait times. Many of them were very unhappy. Candi, as the triage nurse that night, had borne the brunt of the unhappy people sometimes waiting up to 4 hours. Candi could be very abrupt and not everyone was very happy with what they perceived as Candi's aloof and arrogant attitude towards the patients and their families.

There had been many confrontations between Candi and the many people waiting that night, especially people from the minority community, as they were especially sensitive to Candi's arrogance towards them. In fact it had gotten so bad that night Candi had called security to order at least five discounted "customers" to leave the waiting room. Several women had called Candi all sorts of obscene insulting names and had even threatened her. One hispanic man threatened Candi by saying, I'm going to wait for you after work and when you walk outside I'm going to fuck you in your asshole you fucking slut!" One black woman threatened to kick Candi's slutty ass, until ordered to leave. Candi had been through it before and blew it all off as just talk.

The 44 year old attractive brunette nurse was now happy to be off and was walking to her car in a more secluded part of the parking lot. Due to the snow the lot was very full. The snow was blustery and coming down heavily. Candi walked to her car and opened the driver side door of midsize Japanese made car and was bending over to get her snow brush to clear her car off. What Candi hadn't noticed was five black women were in their car just three cars over and they were watching her intently. In fact these were the same women who had threatened Candi earlier and who Candi had called security on them to have them escorted out of the ER. They recognized the attractive Italian brunette nurse as soon as she walked through the parking lot.

Candi finished clearing the snow from her car and had the driver's door open and she was bent over at the waist standing just outside her car, leaning halfway inside the interior of the car across the driver's seat, organizing her overnight bag on the front passenger seat. Candi still wearing her scrubs and bending over made her ass a nice target for same four black women, who had been watching Candi. Candi hadn't seen the same four black women get out of their car and walk quietly behind her. Suddenly Candi felt a jolt like she had been given an electric shock in her asshole as one of the women behind her had given Candi a very powerful, hard, swift kick in the nurse's vulnerable asshole, with the toe of the woman's shoe connecting and actually going an inch or two up into Candi asshole. Candi was totally stunned and after several delayed seconds let out a low deep groan, still not sure what happened to her. The black woman was became excited her kick had such a reaction on the nurse, which Candi's groan sounded strangely lewd, sexual yet a submissive reaction, as Candi just stood there. The black woman then lashing out with two more very hard, swift and punishing kicks into the stunned brunette's asshole, this time knocking the brunette into her car as she fell forward across the two front seats with her tits slamming against the console shifter and emergency brake handle. Candi just moaned as she laid there as her ass throbbed in pain and her tits began to hurt from impacting the shifter and emergency brake. The moaning brunette was a sight to see as her scrub bottoms were very visibly pushed actually several inches up into her asshole. Candi doesn't wear panties or a bra on a normal basis and tonight was no exception so the woman's kicks had been so hard and Candi not wearing panties there was little to prevent her scrub bottoms from being shoved partly into her ass. The four women were laughing as they saw what had happened and this incited them suddenly to spontaneously do something they hadn't planed on...

Two of the black women got into the back seat of Candi's car and the other two pulled Candi up sitting and then all four of them pushed and pulled the 5'4" 121 lb. moaning brunette into the back seat of the car positioning Candi face down across the laps of the two black women sitting in the backseat of Candi's car. The other two signaled to their other friend driving their car two rows over to follow them and then they got into the front seat of brunette's car and drove out of the lot heading for the ghetto. Candi was starting to come out of her being stunned, but the two black women in the back seat already were pulling Candi's scrub bottoms down to her knees and off, as well as, pulling her scrub top off. Candi hadn't worn any socks as was common for her and her shoes just fell off inside the car. The sexy brunette nurse was totally in the nude laying across the laps of these two black women who had a grip on her. Candi began to realize what was going on and that these women were driving her car somewhere and had her nude in the back seat across their laps. Her ass and tits were still sore but that was secondary to this new realization that she was essentially being kidnapped now. The nude brunette began yelling a swearing at her abductors with her Italian American temper coming out, as she began to struggle to try to get up and away from these women, who now began yelling at her and threatening her and yelling all sorts of dirty obscenities insulting by saying, "Shut the fuck up you fucking white bitch whore, you slutty white wjhore we are going to fuck your arrogant ass up for being such a white slutty cxnt to us. As Candi tried to break free she had no chance as the two women in the back seat held her down and the woman in the passenger seat began punching the brunette in her back and shoulders. The woman in the back right had Candi's ass facing up in her lap and she just hauled off with her fists punching the brunette in her sexy ass landing punches in her ass cheeks and right into her asshole, while the women in the back left side seat just reached between into her lap and and under Candi finding Candi's tits and grabbing them both hard with her hands as the woman began squeezing twisting and digging her fingernails cruelly into the white woman's tits! Candi began to squirm and moan and tried to get away, but she was actually making it easier for the women to maul her tits and punch her in her ass and asshole as she kept lifting her hips and offering an easier target while just grinding her tits into the other women's strong hands.

The woman in the front passenger seat rifled through Candi's purse finding her license and address, while the other woman just drove the car deeper into the ghetto area. The other woman als found a dildo in Candi's purse and they all joked about what a slut Candi is and how much of a whore Candi is for not wearing underwear and having a dildo in her purse. She handed the dildo to the woman in the back and she promptly shoved it up the brunette's big cxnt really hard and fast making Candi grunt ad shudder and shake. The black woman in the right back seat worked the twelve inch dildo hard back and forth very roughly inside the white woman's big pussy. Suddenly the black woman pulled the dildo out of Candi's pussy and then without warning as Candi was still gyrating her hips the woman shoved the dildo so hard and deep up Candi's sexy asshole that the brunette grunted, shuddered and shook for about thirty seconds and then just passed out. During that whole time the black woman in the left rear seat was viciously digging her fingernails into the helpless brunette's bare tits squeezing, grinding and yanking on the brunette's aching and throbbing tits. These women were intent on hurting helpless  brunette nurse in a vicious, hateful sadistic manner and there was nothing Candi could do about it... 


Offline goredsox

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Re: Snow Day
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2017, 02:41:16 AM »
Beautiful story with a legendary jobber character, the lovely Ms Candi. Please include some jealous angry white women in this story too. There's a Margaret character that despises Candi and is extremely jealous of the sexy older Italian.