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Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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« on: February 13, 2010, 03:04:50 AM »
       FINAL SHOWDOWN: Allison vs. Claire, ALL OR NOTHING!!!
                                                                       By Supporturgoddess

       Beautiful Hollywood star and former adult film queen Claire Malloy stood in a ring surrounded by her cheering fans. Across from her stood her enemy, a nearly forgotten adult film actress who had once rivaled Claire’s popularity. Years earlier, the two had faced off in eleven legendary productions ranging from wrestling to cat fighting. Claire won eight of their eleven battles. Although parts of their matches were staged, their feud became a turning point in both their lives. Claire’s victories made her so popular she received offers for roles in “legitimate” productions. She left the adult film world behind and became a Hollywood star. Seen as a loser, Allison’s offers dried up. She took what work she could find, playing her wild child bad girl character, feigning submissions and faking being knocked out by cute, young, Claire wannabes. Although she helped many aspiring young actresses get their start, her own career suffered. Soon no one would hire her.
       Years passed. Allison was reduced to living out of her car. One day she entered a laundry, looked up at a TV screen, and saw Claire on a local talk show. With her own career waning, Claire was attempting to promote herself through a tell-all book about her days as an adult film actress. Allison stood with her mouth hanging open, as Claire painted her as a pathetic, untalented loser who Claire had been forced to carry through their matches. Allison shook with rage. She had seethed for years, watching Claire walk red carpets, ride in limos, and live the good life, while she worked her fingers to the bone in humiliating jobs, just to earn minimum wages. Claire had used Allison as a stepping stone on her way to the top once. Allison would be damned if she would let Claire step on her again!
       Allison eventually caught up to Claire at a book signing. Angry words were exchanged. When Claire tried to blow Allison off, Allison charged. The two old enemies ended up rolling around on the bookstore floor, in front of speechless patrons. By the time guards pulled Allison off Claire she was in tears, cowering and hiding.
       Having been publicly humiliated, the Hollywood B-List star wanted to slap a restraining order on Allison. Claire’s agents saw things differently. Claire’s star was falling fast. She wrote the tell-all book to boost her sagging career. After the clash at the bookstore, people were openly questioning Claire’s version of history, wondering aloud if Claire was truly the legend she claimed to be, or if she was merely a backstabbing liar. Claire’s agents told her that her only hope was to prove her legend was deserved, by beating Allison in a public wrestling match.
       Claire begged her agents not to make her fight Allison, but her tears and pleas fell on deaf ears. She had made up a legend that made her a star. Now, she would have to earn it. Reluctantly, Claire conceded. Plans were made and challenges issued.
       A long and winding road finally led Allison and Claire to a final showdown. Allison stood in one corner of the ring, hungry but nervous. The red bikini she wore made her self-conscious. Despite full hips and thighs, her frame was thin. Her black hair was beginning to show a few strands of gray. Claire’s easy life helped her to had age better than Allison had. Allison had forgotten how much bigger Claire was, a trait made more obvious by the fact that while Allison had lost fifteen pounds, Claire had added over thirty. Having lost most of the matches fought back when they were physically better matched, Allison felt intimidated, but she set her jaw.   Almost penniless and without prospects, she would either win and claim a last chance to regain a tiny fraction of her lost fame, or she would lose and be left with nothing, reduced to a forgotten footnote from another era destined to wander the cruel streets until she died.
       If Allison was nervous, Claire was terrified. Wearing a tiny, hot pink bikini that barely held in her voluptuous body, he pale strawberry blonde stood 5’10” to Allison’s 5’ 4”. Claire weighed 145 lbs. compared to Allison’s 117 lbs, but her size advantage couldn’t compensate for the fact Claire hadn’t done a day’s work in almost two decades. The pampered celebrity left the adult film world swearing never to set foot in a ring again. She cursed Allison for dragging her back into one.
       Allison looked around at a hostile crowd packed with pink T-shirts meant as signs of support for the Hollywood star. Allison looked for even a single fan. When she found one, her heart both rose and sank. The single red T-shirt was worn by a man she knew well. Mike was her greatest, and possibly her last, fan. He had sent her fan mail throughout her career. He didn’t know she had read and kept every treasured letter. Even when she was forced to plat the part of a cheating villainess and lost match after staged, posed match, her remained loyal. He even briefly dated a woman wrestler, simply because she had once wrestled Allison. Allison’s eyes closed. They’d only met once. Allison had tried to use him, and had then blown him off. She had hated herself since that night. How, she wondered, could he still be her greatest fan?
       Dimming lights snapped Allison out of her trance. She glared at Claire. Claire sneered back.
       The bell rang. The women marched together, grabbing, pushing, pulling, and twisting each other’s wrists and arms. Used to a pampered life, Claire began to lose. Panicking, Claire thrust her pink-clad torso forward through Allison’s arms, slamming her body against Allison’s! Overwhelmed by the impact of breasts well over twice the size of her own, Allison staggered. Both women planted their bare feet firmly on the mats, trying to push each other back to the ropes. Legs flexed and pumped in direct competition. Step by step, Allison lost the barefoot battle and was forced back to the ropes.
       Claire suddenly reached up, grabbed fistfuls of Allison’s shoulder-length hair, and tried to flip her head-over-heels across the ring, the way she had done in many of their old matches. Unfortunately for Claire, this was no scripted contest. Allison merely shouted and stumbled forward a few steps. She spun back to face Claire, boiling mad, staring at a few strands of black hair between Claire’s closed fists. Allison charged. Claire ran. The crowd booed Claire, as Allison chased her around the ring. The crowd favorite had long boasted of how easily she had always mopped up the floor with Allison, yet there she was, running scared of her! In the crowd, Mike’s heart soared. This was exactly the way he always envisioned Allison. She was acting like the winner, champion, and superstar he always believed she could be.
       Allison quickly outran the frightened strawberry blonde. They struggled and ended up in a hand-to-hand test of strength. Their bodies pumped and flexed, stomachs and breasts slamming together, as they strained in an eye-to-eye battle. Leverage won out. Claire’s big hands forced Allison’s back over her wrists. With tendons sticking out in her thin but lovely neck and a purple vein almost popping out of her forehead, Allison slowly sank to her knees.
       Claire gloated. “Crawl on your knees at my feet, Allison, where you belong!”
       Enraged, Allison practically crawled up the tall girl in the pink bikini, tripping her down. Allison scrambled to mount Claire, but Claire’s long legs wrapped around Allison’s head and slammed her down. The pro-Claire crowd cheered, as their girl applied a devastating leg scissors. Claire’s leg’s squeezed until Allison’s face turned purple. Allison’s feet pounded the mats. She looked out at her one true fan. She desperately wanted to prove to him and to herself that she could beat Claire without resorting to the dirty fighting tactics she became famous for, but much to her shock, she discovered she couldn’t. Claire’s long legs were pythons, vices crushing in around her and threatening to leave her unconscious. Allison did the only thin she could do. She bit her way out.
       Claire’s scream was a shrill as a whistle. The women rolled apart and came up on their knees. Both furious, they charged, fell, and rolled. The brunette in red and the strawberry blonde in pink became an octopus of entangled arms and legs, locked in direct, body-to-body combat. Claire’s body prevailed. She lay onto Allison belly to belly and stared down into Allison’s eyes. Allison looked away, embarrassed as she felt Claire’s much larger breasts engulfing her own. Claire pinned her hands over hands, legs on legs, feet pinning feet. 1,2,3!
       Claire hissed, “You’re nothing, Allison! You won’t walk out of here tonight! I’ll finish you!”
       The referee pulled them apart.
       Allison’s stomach heaved in and out. She felt every second of her age. She almost quit, but she saw Mike in the crowd. One person still believed in her.
       Allison came out swinging. Claire punched back. Allison took brutal blows to her nose and mouth, but she stayed on her feet. Then Allison’s fist struck Claire’s lips. Claire’s eyes bulged. She fell to her knees. Claire bit Allison’s upper thigh in retaliation, and then scratched her fingernails up Allison’s inner leg to her bikini bottom. Allison screamed. Claire threw an uppercut under Allison’s chin. Allison fell in the corner, but she caught herself on the middle ropes and kicked her foot up, straight into Claire’s face. Claire dropped like a ton of bricks. The crowd booed, but Mike cheered. Gasping, Allison lifted Claire and hurtled her across the ring. Claire bounced off the ropes and stumbled back. Allison delivered a thrust kick, slamming the bottom of her foot into Claire’s face. Claire collapsed. 1,2,3!
       Mike nearly leapt from his seat! Allison had tied the match! Claire rose to her knees, sobbing. She beat the count, but then she rolled out onto the floor, shaking her head, fighting tears! Claire wanted to quit, but her agent practically shoved her back into the ring!
       The brunette in the red bikini circled, taunting. “So, you always mopped up the ring with me, huh? Ha! Now everyone’s going to see who’s really tougher!”
       Knowing she had no choice but to fight, Claire shrieked, “You want to see how tough I am, Allison? Do you, really?”
       A mad fistfight erupted. Kicks followed. Allison’s feet were almost as big as Claire’s, but Allison’s ankles were feminine, shapely, and even delicate. Allison’s feet snapped each time their feet met. Suddenly their feet met perfectly, sole to sole. Claire’s foot dismissed Allison’s, kicking it away and forcing Allison into a wide, off-balance stance. Claire’s fist slammed hard into Allison’s face. Blood spattered. Mike cringed. Allison fell flat on her back. When Allison reached for her nose, Claire leapt up and landed with both feet on Allison’s thin stomach, using all 145 lbs to drive the air out of Allison’s lungs, crushing her. Unable to utter a sound, Allison’s lips silently formed the words, “Get off! Get off!”
       Claire finally stepped off and looked down with contempt. “You wanna footsie fight? Then lick my feet like the bitch you are!”
       Claire smashed her foot in Allison’s face and ground it in. 1,2,3!
       A count began. Allison lay still for several counts. Then she moaned, rolled over, and struggled to pull herself up on the ropes. Claire came in and slapped her head, taunting her. That only forced the referee to break the count, giving Allison precious seconds she needed to avoid what might have been a count out. Disoriented and still on her knees with one arm hooked awkwardly around the middle rope at the elbow, Allison looked over her shoulder, frantically searching the crowd. Mike’s heart pounded, realizing she was looking for him. Despite boos and threats, Mike stood up so she could see him and shouted exactly the words she needed to hear.
       “Beat her any way you can, Allison! Do what you have to do!”
       The crowd almost assaulted Mike, but Allison gave him a closed lipped, crooked smile. She knew he would still be her fan, even if she threw out the rules!
       Allison barely beat the delayed count. When the referee asked if she felt able to continue, Claire attacked her from behind, driving her into a corner and pummeling her. Allison took a beating. Claire pulled Allison out of the corner and lifted her off her feet into a bear hug! Belly against belly, Claire’s much larger breasts stabbed into Allison’s, crushing them. Allison cried out. Aware Allison couldn’t catch her breath, Claire squeezed the air from Allison’s lungs. To further her goal, Claire rammed Allison’s back into the corner, devastating the smaller woman! Allison’s arms dangled at her side and her feet slid down Claire’s long, pale legs. Claire backed up to do it again.
       Mike shouted, “Allison, kick back!”
       As Claire charged, Allison’s feet found the rope bar behind her, pressed on it, and kicked off, sending her flying forward. She crashed down on top of Claire! Both women writhed. After a few seconds they crawled together. A desperate, body-on-body battle ensued. Every inch of Allison’s body battled the matching inch of Claire’s body. Slowly, the better body prevailed. Allison won. Mike watched in awe, as Allison used every inch of her delicious body as a weapon against Claire. She ended up on top, pounding her pale opponent. Claire’s big feet paddled in mid air. One foot managed to shove Allison off.
       Sobbing uncontrollably, Claire rolled out of the ring again. The crowd booed her! Although her voice was lost in the roar of the crowd, Mike could see Claire shaking her head, repeating, “I don’t care! I don’t care!” No threat would convince the pampered, spoiled starlet to face Allison again, so her agent switched tactics. He turned her around so her back faced him. As she stared at Allison up in the ring, she nodded.
       Allison came out after Claire. The women ran together into a fistfight. Claire began to lose, but she backed up to her agent, who suddenly drew back a fist, threatening to hit Allison! Although he didn’t, the threat had Allison jerking back, straight into Claire’s punch. Allison fell. Claire stomped away, until Allison kicked Claire back against the railing. Claire reached one hand behind her back. Allison rose. The two women fell together, rolling. Claire came out on top. Suddenly Allison let out a hysterical scream! Her feet kicked madly, awkwardly! Claire beat the hell out of her! As the referee raced to see what happened, Claire backed up to her agent. Mike saw her hand something back to him! Allison staggered up with a gash in her forehead! She sobbed hard! The ref checked Claire, but found nothing. Mike knew Claire had been given some sort of weapon she used on Allison and then slipped back to her agent before the referee could catch her with it! Mike’s blood boiled! Claire was already winning! She had no reason to cheat!
       Sobbing hard, Allison tried to crawl away up the aisle. The crowd booed. Claire followed her, kicking Allison’s hips hard, mocking her. Allison froze, looking up in broken-hearted horror, straight into the eyes of her last remaining fan. Allison wanted to keep fighting, but she was a broken, bloody mess. Mike wanted to his angel’s torment, but Allison refused to quit, knowing a loss condemned her to an impoverished life on the streets. Mike knew if she didn’t get up, it was all over for her. Worse still, Claire marched up behind her, ready to finish Allison for good!

                                             Concluded in Final Showdown: Allison vs. Claire Pt. 2   


Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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Re: FINAL SHOWDOWN: Allison vs. Claire, ALL OR NOTHING!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2010, 01:02:59 PM »
       I wanted to end Allison’s story on a happy note. Sorry about the grammatical errors. I was in a hurry and didn’t proof read it. I’ll try to do better if I post again.