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Sasha's First, Second and Third Catfights (re-posting to continue the series)

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Offline jackhammer

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Sasha's First Catfight

My girlfriend Sasha is a hot little thing.  5'8" and 122 with a slim waist and generous butt.  Her perky breasts are not huge, but a pert, delicious mouthful.  She's always been in decent shape and while she doesn't work out as per se, she's active and her job keeps her moving.  She is also super friendly and nice to everyone.  She was hugging one of my friends hello when his girlfriend, Anna spotted the hug and got pissed.  We explained that Sasha was with me, but Anna was all butt-hurt about an imagined slight.  Sasha apologized, not being a trouble maker.  Anna was going on about it though, cussing and finally calling Sasha a "cxnt".  Sasha finally told her to fuck off and they were toe-to-toe. 

Anna is shorter, like 5'4" and probably the same weight, about 125.  So thicker than Sasha for sure.  And way bitchier, which I can only assume is a better attitude for fighting.

I've always been turned on by fantasy catfights on TV and in movies.  But have seen very few real ones, and don't like seeing women hurt, so I really think of my fetish as a fantasy rather than wishing it would come to life.  I definitely do not want to see Sasha hurt, and only partly because I was planning on banging her that night.  And Anna as I said, looked thicker and I can only assume that means stronger and tougher.

Anna's reply to Sasha's "fuck off" comment was a slap to the left side of my pretty girlfriend's face.  (I guess Anna is right-handed).  Sasha is such a feminine creature, I figured she'd cover up her face and we'd just get out of there.  To my surprise, she rolled with the slap and came back with a back hand and busted Anna in the middle of her face.  Anna was instantly bloody and screaming.  And Sasha cocked her right fist to strike again, this time, ready to punch.  We intervened.  ( I know. What dumb fucks we were! )  But Anna was done anyway.  She was holding her nose, bleeding and crying as she moved away from Sasha who was now being restrained by me and my buddy jumped in between as well.  "Fuckin bitch!  Get back here!" Sasha taunted.

It was a two-slap fight.  Anna started it and my hot little bad-ass ended it.  They left, we stayed.  Sasha was high, as if she were on something, she was so stoked about having owned that little bitch.  We laughed and had a drink.  It was exciting, I must say.  My friend had only went out with Anna like 3 times, and he ditched her after this debacle. 

Sasha and I walked back to my place, smoked a bowl and fucked like rabbits.  What a night!  As fun as the whole thing was, I really don't want her to fight again.... Or do I?  😈

Sasha's Second Catfight

So my svelte little hottie Sasha was attacked and responded by knocking the snot (quite literally), out of my friend Dan's bimbo-of-the-week, Anna.  And ever since, she's been much more assertive.  Less likely to apologize or defer to people, including women, than she ever was before. 

She's not insane, she would not mess with some 200 lb beast of a body-building chic, or some street fighting chic from the hood, but her peers were all getting a dose of her newfound confidence.  Usually,  this manifested itself as polite assertiveness.  But tonight was different. 

Sasha was wearing a teal-green tank top with a built-in bra.  It squeezed her perky rack just right and her butt was looking tight in her black shorts.  She was smokin hot.  But then again, so was my old girlfriend, Nina.  Nina bounced in the the bar we were hanging in and came over to give me a hug.  Sasha knows of Nina and they do not get along.  Mostly they stay out of each other's way.  But occasionally Nina will try to get a rise out of Sasha for fun.  Sasha always pretended like she didn't notice.  Until now.

Nina who is 5'5" and about 135 is probably a few pounds overweight, is still super hot and get lots of attention from guys.  She has a generous ass and a huge DD bra that makes men and their jealous girlfriend's crazy in differing ways.  Her busty build and long black hair makes her the antithesis of my tall, thin blonde girlfriend.  And what was Nina wearing?  A teal tank top.  She wore a bra under hers as a shelf bra would not be up to its job.  Even with the bra, she bounced around in a titillating fashion.

Sasha was fuming at the hug, and I could see she might want to cause trouble.  She never would have started shit in the past, but she was thinking Nina was asking for it.  Nina saw her standing there and knew what was going on.  She "accidentally" sauntered past Sasha bumping her out of the way with her big tits.  "Sorry"  She giggled. 

Sasha replied with a stare: "It's ok.  I know it must be hard for you to move around in this tight space your size."  Nina stopped giggling and glared at Sasha.  Then she slowly walked away to talk with some other friends.

Sasha was still probably hotter overall, but those jugs on Nina were something to behold.  Holy crap.  Sasha used to be intimidated by Nina and she stayed away and kept quiet.  Not any more.  She was not satisfied with her snarky comment and looked to pile on.  I think the catfight she was in made her think she was a tough chic.  I knew what was going on and I said (stupidly)  "Don't mess with her.  I don't want you fighting..."  She said, "I would kick her fat ass!" 

I seriously doubted it.  I was with both of them and I knew Nina was quite strong.  But saying that would insure a fight.  And as much as I love fantasy catfighting, there's nothing hot to me about women getting actually hurt.  If there was a way to do it without risk of real injury, I might go for it, but these two would never do a rules fight.  If it happened, it would be real.

Nina came back over with a guy and said "This is my boyfriend, Rich."  I shook his hand and said nice to meet you.  His phone buzzed and he excused himself leaving the 3 of us awkwardly standing there.  "How long?"  I asked, not really caring.  "Oh just a couple weeks, he's not YOU."  Now, she broke up with me, so this had to be an attempt to piss off my girlfriend rather than stroke my ego.  It worked.  Sasha was over this crap.  "Well, better luck next time.  I'm sure SOMEONE decent will go out with you." 

Nina was asking for trouble, but she expected Sasha to stand down, as was usual.  So she was noticeably surprised at this exchange.  "You are a newbie.  I had Jack way before you, and I could get him back if I felt like it, so watch your step, you skinny little slut!"  Obviously, I had to say something if I expected to get laid that night, so I tried: "Hey, I'm with Sasha, you had your shot..." Sasha was already in her face. 

"What the fuck did you call me, you fucking pig?"  Nina bumped Sasha hard with her cantaloupes.  Sasha was knocked back a bit but came right back and somehow moved Nina back, giving her all her weight tits-first and those pretty little apples help up well. 

So then it was on.  Hands in hair and cussing, moving this was and that.  I was instantly paralyzed by the throbbing banana in my pants.  But I was also concerned that it would not go well and I'd spent the evening in the emergency room rather than the bedroom.  I stayed close but let them go.  It was loud and semi-crowded, so It went unnoticed for a bit, before a crowd became interested. 

Nina started slapping Sasha's face and punched her in the stomach and finally a hard shot to the left breast.  She managed to back away rubbing her boob.  "Fuckin Bitch!  Dirty fat slut, punching my tits!"  "Impossible, you don't have any!"  taunted my cruel ex.  Sasha came after her again, but again, Nina timed a strong punch to Sasha's  basically undefended rack.  The thin shirt didn't help at all.  Sasha went down and Nina kicked her in the stomach.  She gasped and Nina got on her, trying to pin her arms.  Sasha flailed somewhat effectively, but not before Nina got in a couple slaps to the face and tits.  "AHHH NO!  Fuck!" cursed Sasha as her undefeated record of 1-0 in bar fights was in serious jeopardy. 

Nina had fought more than Sasha.  Her big rack was not popular with other women and they often hated her right away.  But Sasha, was blonde and EVERY non-blonde hates them.  She had some fights too in school and proved she could take a punch.  I didn't know this. 

Somehow, she rolled over and escaped.  Well, almost.  Nina grabbed her hair as she was trying to get away.  She spun Sasha around and slapped her good in the face.  Sasha saw it coming and took it, stepping into a knee to Nina's soft gut.  Nina went to her knees and Sasha one-two punched Nina in the tits and slapped her face like 10 times.  Nina sank to the floor.  She did not expect any resistance from my waif of a girlfriend.  It was amazing.  Sasha got on her and slapped, punched and cussed like a mental patient. 

I guess Nina didn't have a ton of stamina, and she covered up to stop the assault.  Nina could not cover both her face and chest, so her rack got rocked.  Sasha gripped her big tits and squeezed with her nails.  Nina flailed  at Sasha to stop the tit-grab.  It worked, and she made Sasha wince with yet another punch her her left breast.  But in the midst of the flailing, Sasha cooly found an opening and brought a closed fist down hard on Nina's tit.  More squeezing.  "Fuck!  Stop!  Ow, you win!  Get off me.  Ahhh! please!"  Sasha relaxed her grip and Nina's giant rack slipped from her hands to (more or less) it's original shape as she lay there panting and sobbing.  Sasha looked disgustedly at her beaten foe.  "Stay the fuck out of my way!"

She slowly climbed off her prey and checked her hair, which was a mess, but frankly, kinda hot.  She fixed it as well as possible and muttered 'fuckin bitch' under her breath as she adjusted her injured breasts inside her shirt and winced when she touched the soft, sore orbs. 

Her boobs are much more sensitive that are Nina's and I can't believe she won that fight.  I wondered if I was still getting laid, as Nina battered Sasha's womanhood.  (I know.  I'm an asshole.  But hey, the fight made me horny!)

I should not have worried, back at my place with some beers and a joint, we relaxed and had an amazing night.  I took care to be very gentle with her still perky, slightly red, delicious mouthfuls. 

Sasha's Third Catfight - Sasha and the Milf

Sasha was shopping for a new bra.  She wore a strapless dress that barely covered her hot body.  She saw the perfect black bra, she already had the matching panties in her hand as she reached to pick up the pretty brassiere. 
It was a 32C, but looked to be cut small, so somewhere between a B and C.  Perfect! But just as she touched it, a little brunette woman grabbed it at the same time. 

Tina was probably 38, a good ten years older than Sasha.  Tina was shorter, about 5'3" very fit owing to her tennis lessons.  She had a wealthy air about her, she dressed very well, her workout clothes showing off her tight little body.  Her chest was large for her little frame.  Her tight lycra shirt strained against her almost c-cups, probably actually a 32B, but real and full breasts.

Sasha was the same bra size, but taller, so they both were probably the right size for the bra, the last one...

Sasha politely indicated that she had the matching panties and was hoping Tina would let her have it.  But Tina, normally pleasant, was PMSing and indignantly decided she was keeping it, yanking it out of Sasha's fingers.  Tina looked up and down at Tina and said, "You don't have the chest for it, sweetie"  sneered the grumpy milf.  I've got just as much as you do, Grandma." Replied Sasha yanking the bra back while Tina held onto it.  They both pulled at it and glared at each other.

Tina was speechless that this "girl" would break bad with her.  "You should have some manners, you little tramp!" And she grabbed Sasha's thick blonde mane and wrenched her around completely surprising my sexy girlfriend in the Soma dressing area.  By the time Sasha could react, the milf had knocked her off her 3" heels and onto the carpet. 

Sasha was struggling to get up and the little tennis milf grabbed her hair again and pulled her dress down exposing Sasha's plump tits while standing over her yanking her head all around from behind.  Sasha was getting her ass beat by the surprisingly strong older woman. 

"Ahhh" cried Sasha, forgetting her bravado that saw her win two bar-scraps.  Tina still had Sasha by the hair and pinched her bare pretty left tit, eliciting more cries from Sasha.  "Fuck! Get off my tits, you bitch!  Aaaahhh!  Stop." 

Tina did not stop, but pinched harder and twisted Sasha's breast as Sasha cried out desperately.  "Aaaaahhhhh!  Nooo!"  Sasha grabbed the bitch's leg finally and Tina fell onto a couch.  Sasha got to her feet and straddled Tina on the couch.  "Fuckin bitch!  Sasha buried her hands in the Brunette's long locks and slapped her face 3 times before Tina could get her hand loose to defend herself.  "Ahhh!  You slut!" 

Sasha trapped Tina's left arm again with her leg and continued to slap at her face.  Tina feebly tried to ward off the attack with her only arm.  Sasha got a firm grip on Tina's fat right tit, still covered by the workout shirt and a very thin bra. 

Sasha worked the breast, squeezing and pulling it up and down and left to right, while still bringing the right-handed slaps to Tina's pretty face.  3 hard slaps and the breast claw had the milf crying. "Aaaaahhhh Ok!  You win!  Please let go of my boobs!" begged Tina. 

"Fuckin bitch!" Yelled Sasha who got up off of Tina and pulled her dress up over her still-exposed rack, noticing nail-marks on her left breast. "oooh" She whispered as the stretchy material touched her minor wounds, somewhat painfully.

"I'm taking the bra, Grandma." Taunted Sasha as  Tina was sitting up now, unrepentant and still seething.  She glared at Sasha but kept her mouth shut. Having been owned by a younger woman was a bit embarrassing, especially since she started it, sucker-attacking Sasha more or less unprovoked.

Sasha bought the items and went home.  Soon after she was lying on her back and massaging her slightly aching and stinging breast.  Tina got her good and gave her something to remember her by.  But even through the wincing, she was slightly smiling while recanting another catfight victory. 


