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Leanna owns you vs Mistress Anushka (Indian Queen) (SEXFIGHT)

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Leanna owns you vs Mistress Anushka (Indian Queen) (SEXFIGHT)
« on: February 20, 2017, 09:30:08 PM »

Leanna Owns You 34DD-24-35, 5'4", 110lbs



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Re: Leanna owns you vs Mistress Anushka (Indian Queen) (SEXFIGHT)
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2017, 09:37:55 PM »

Indian Queen (Mistress Anushka) 5'10, 133 pounds 29 y/o


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Re: Leanna owns you vs Mistress Anushka (Indian Queen) (SEXFIGHT)
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2017, 10:55:34 AM »
Anushka rocks,she knows wrestling,MMA,and she is tall , Strong and has a very confident personality



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Re: Leanna owns you vs Mistress Anushka (Indian Queen) (SEXFIGHT)
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2017, 04:04:49 AM »

My name is Leanna and I want to tell you about a recent vacation my boyfriend and I went on. We decided that we didn't want to go as tourists, we wanted to see what living in India is like. We stayed at a nice hotel in Mumbai, and we were in the tourist area. Some of the people working at our hotel warned us of dangerous places, where woman are raped, and where men and women get kidnapped or mugged.

We had gone to two nice sized towns, definitely getting to see how people live in India, getting to try many Indian foods, but there didn't seem to be any night life. Asking around everyone told us that There is a night club called “The Indian Queen,” which would be an interesting place to see. So my boyfriend Johnny and I took the 200 mile ride, and found a quaint hotel, and we went and found a great local restaurant, and we had a very delicious, romantic, authentic Indian dinner, and then we walked down the street to “The Indian Queen.” Once inside we were mesmerized by the rich middle east, Indian, British pub. The big, long bar on one side, and perhaps 30 booths, and a stage area at the other end. We sit down at a table and there is a small book, with pictures of very attractive woman, wearing S&M clothing, and with whips and chains, and I guess I would know more if the book was in English, but I couldn't even tell you what language the book is in.” 

I see people starting to dispensary through a door next to the stage on the other end of the club, I'm just starting to tell Johnny about the door when three women walk up to the table, and I recognize one of them as “The Indian Queen.” She's wearing a long blue dress with a slit up the side, and she has a very long beaded necklace around her neck, and she throws it over Johnny's head, and it's wrapped around him as well, and she says, “I am the Indian Queen. This is my kingdom, and I invite you strangers from a foreign land to come play. It is time for the show.” She pulls the beads from around Johnny's neck, and she grabs the back of his head, and she looks right into his face and she says, “Yes, you really are going to enjoy the show.” The other two women are a little harder to describe. They look like the linebacker's from the Pittsburgh Steeler's, but they both have huge breasts, thin waists, and very pretty faces.

We walk down the spiral staircase, into a theater, with an area approximately 25 feet, by 20 feet, with cement walls around three sides. One wall has all kinds of S&M equipment half way down, and then another part with whips, and chains and handcuff's and all kinds of S&M equipment. And then there is the theater area , that's like in a movie house, the seats are elevated, so that the people behind could see over the people in front. There are 50 or 60 people in the audience. The lights go low, and the two big women lead us to the middle of the stage. It gets pitch black, and the crowd is totally silent. It's so silent you can hear a pin. The audience starts screaming, Then all of a sudden a spotlight comes on, and
there in the middle of the stage is Johnny, and he's totally naked, and he's bound and handcuffed to the chair he's sitting on. Then thunderous applause as Mistress Anushka, the Indian Queen is announced, and the lights start flashing on and off and all color lights are going in every direction.

The Indian Queen stands right in front of Johnny, and she says, “tonight I am going to make you my slave. I think American's make the best sex slaves. They are very passionate, and they really know how to please a Mistress.” I step up screaming, “we are here to watch, we don't participate.” I start to try to free Johnny, but Anushka grabs my shoulder and she spins me around to face her. Anushka is standing up straight, trying to intimidate me with her half a foot height advantage, and she laughs in my face as she screams, “You're a typical, cocky, spoiled American Bitch, who needs 180 degree attitude adjustment.” Then she puts her hands on her hips and she continues. “I'm really going to enjoy this. You're going to worship every inch of your Queens body. You're going to do whatever your Mistress tells you to do, do you understand me.” I grow visibly angry, and I put my hands on my hips, and I scream, “You better take those cuffs off of Johnny, or I'll knock your face in, and I'll teach you a lesson that you'll never forget.” Anushka takes the open palm of her right hand and she smacks it, “bam,” right across my face, swinging my head to the side and leaving a huge red hand print on my cheek. Anushka takes me totally off guard, and I'm totally shocked, I didn't think this bitch would really hit me. I put my hand to my aching cheek, but before I have a chance to say a word, Anushka takes the back of her hand, and she cracks me, “bam,” backhand across the other side of my face, swinging my head back around in the other direction. Then just as my head swings back forward again, Anushka grabs me by the top of my low cut, white midriff blouse, and she holds me up right in front of herself, so that my feet are practically dangling in mid air, screaming right in my shocked face, “You're going to beg me to humiliate you, you're going to beg Mistress Anushka to let you lick every inch of my body, lick me into orgasm.” My blouse is riding up over my breast, and Anushka shoves me back hard. My blouse rips right off of my body in her hands as I go stumbling backwards on  my high heels, until I lose my balance and I fall right over onto my ass on the cement floor.

I'm just sitting there, my huge white push up bra is exposed in front of everyone, and now the crowd is screaming. Anushka stands over me with her hands on her hips screaming, “I'm going to beat you up, you pretty young slut, until you are my slave, and you beg me to worship your Queens body. Now get up so that I can really punch you silly.” Anushka leans over and she grabs me by my red hair, and she starts dragging me to my feet. I can feel a burning atop my head, and I scream, “AAHH, LET GO,” and  just as I get on my feet, I bring my left fist plowing, “bang,” uppercut into Anushka's jaw. You can hear her teeth knock together and chatter in her head, as her head swings straight up in the air, and Anushka stumbles backwards on her high heels, until her head comes back down, and when it does, Anushka is shocked, she didn't think that I could fight so good. She puts her hand to her jaw, and then she raises her fists up screaming, “alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, I'm going to beat you up, and then you're going to be my slave.” I raise my fists up too, and the two of us just stand there, both of us with our fists raised like two men ready to fist fight. Each of us wants to knock the other women silly and make make her a sex slave, and you can just tell that this is going to be a very good fight.

Anushka comes after me, ready to throw a punch with her right hand, but quickly I step back and out of the way. Then she turns and she comes after me again, and I can see Anushka pulling her right fist back to punch me in my face, but I definitely hit Anushka first. I quickly send my right fist “bang,” right into her nose, and then quickly I send my left fist plowing, “bang,” right into her nose again, making her nose bleed, and swinging her head back, and Anushka stumbles backwards on her high heels. She puts her hand to her nose, and Anushka see's her blood, and her face turns bright red, and she screams, “:you're going to be very sorry for this you stupid little bitch.” Anushka lunges right at me. Quickly I send my left fist, “bang,” right into her nose again, but this time my punch didn't do anything to stop her as she just comes plowing into me, grabbing me by my hair, she lifts me up so that my feet are practically dangling in mid air, as she plows me backwards until “bang,” she smashes my head right into the cement wall.  For a moment I”m seeing stars, and the screaming crowd seems to be in an echo chamber, as slowly I start to slide down the wall, until “boom,” I'm sitting on my ass propped up against the wall.

Anushka doesn't wait. She walks right up to me, and she leans over, and she grabs me by my hair screaming, “get up bitch, get up you skinny little bitch, so that I can really knock some sense into you.” The pain of having my hair ripped out of my head wakes me up, and I scream, “let go,” as I ball up my right fist hard and tight, and I start “bang, bang, bang,” hammering her nose with my fist, and Anushka, her head is swinging back and forth under my punches. Anushka lets go of my hair and she starts to stumble backwards, but I go right after her, and I'm still “bang, bang, bang,” giving her short jackhammer blows to her nose, until Anushka loses her balance, and she falls right over onto her ass with a bang.” Anushka is just sitting there on the concrete, and now blood is really rolling from her nose

The crowd has gone silent. Everyone is waiting to see what will happen next. I stand over Anushka, and now my level of confidence has grown considerably, and I'm cocky now as I put my hands on my hips laughing and screaming, “Indian Queen, ha. Tough Mistress Anushka. You thought you were so fuckin tough, and look at you. I'm going to make you my cum slut, and I'm going to teach you a lesson that you're never going to forget.” I leap right onto her, shoving her shoulders back, my ass plops down right on her stomach, “ooofff,” I pound the air out of her. Then as Anushka is gasping for air, I raise up and I turn around facing her feet, and I plop my full weight down right onto her stomach again, and this time, “OOOFFF,” I really knock the air out of her, and then as Anushka is coughing and gasping for air, I pull her blue dress up, and I put my left hand into her panties, and I find the Queens pussy. I slide my pointer finger and my middle finger right into her pussy, and I start in and out and in and out, masturbating this big, sexy dark bitch. Anushka is still trying to catch her breath, and trying to moan and to say something all at once, “EEEHHHOOO,” but my fingers are going in and out and in and out, over and over again. I'm fucking Mistress Anushka hard and fast. I can feel my nipples are rock hard, and trying to break out of my bra, and my pussy is wet. I'm masturbating tough Mistress Anushka, and Anushka is making these sexy little noises, “AAHH, AAHH, AAHH,” and her body is glistening in sweat. I grab her bra and I pull it down, so that her bra is hanging right over her stomach, and then I wrap my fingers, my pointer finger and my thumb around Anushka's big, hardened nipple, and gently I start twisting her nipples. Then I put my lips, right up to Anushka's lips, and I plow my tongue into her mouth. I start fucking her mouth with my tongue, and I'm gently pulling and twisting at her hard, erect nipple.

“There is nothing I like better than hearing a girl whimper as she struggles to contain her orgasm.”

I admit saying that when I was younger. I was a girl and now I'm a woman, and I want a lot more......

I put my ring finger into her cxnt too, and now I have three fingers in her pussy, and her pussy is soaking wet now. I pull my fingers out of Anushka's wet pussy, and I grab her hair, and grab her by her hair, and I drag her standing straight up

Anushka starts dry squirting, and Insanely she starts screaming, “FUCK ME, OH PLEASE FUCK ME. OH MY GOD, I'M GOING TO CUM.” I can be quite viscous, and I pull my fingers out of Anushka's pussy, and I grab her by her hair, and I pull her up on her feet. Tears start welling up in Anushka's eyes, and she's raising up and down, and humping dry air, desperately crying out, “FUCK ME, PLEASE FUCK ME MISTRESS, I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE FUCK ME.” I spin Anushka around so that her back is to me, and I slide my hand right in between her ass cheeks. Then I stick my thumb right up into her ass hole, and I start taking her out. I start marching Anushka around like a puppet on my finger, and Anushka is knocked silly, and she's stumbling and swaying, with this goofy grin right across her face. I scream, “beg me, beg me you whore.” Anushka starts begging me, “fuck me, please i'm begging you, please fuck me Mistress.” I stick my pointer finger and my middle finger right into Anushak's wet cxnt, and I start masturbating her. I scream, “alright bitch, you want me to make you cum, then tell everyone that I am the Queen, and you're my sex slave. Tell everyone that I am your Mistress, and you're my whore.” Anushka is bouncing up and down, and her pussy is soaking wet again, and she's panting and making these sexy little noises, “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH.” I lean over and I start sucking on Anushka's hard nipple. Anushka starts howling like wounded jungle animal, “OOOOOWWWWEEEE, OOOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEEEE,” as she has one volcanic eruption after another, right in front of everyone at the club. Finally I pull my fingers out of her, and I grab her hair, and I wipe her cum and her juices off of my hand and I drag her over to where Johnny is handcuffed to the chair, and Johnny's big, hard, erect cock is standing straight up in the air. I lower myself down, and I sit down right on Johnny's big hard cock. I start bouncing up and down and up and down, right on Johnny's  cock, and I start laughing as I look over to see Anushka masturbating herself as she sits there watching me bouncing up and down on Johnny's big hard cock, and my big, sexy tits are flopping around on my chest. Johnny starts to explode, he's squealing like a  wounded animal, “OOOOOWWWWEEEEE, OOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOWWWWWEEEEEEE”, and I can feel Johnny's hot cum, squirting harder and harder and deeper, and deeper into my soaking wet pussy. Johnny is filling me up with his cum, as he just keeps on squirting and squirting,

and when he stops, I leap right off of Johnny's cock, as I tighten the muscles on my cum filled cxnt, and then I leap onto Anushka, and I hold that cum filled cxnt just inches over Anushka's face, and I laugh as I scream, “now you're going to lick and suck every last drop of Johnny's hot cum right out of me, now let me feel your tongue slave.” I'm waiting, and then I feel it. Anushka slides her tongue right across my cxnt.” I scream, “you better lick me a lot better than that whore, or I'll stand you up, and I'll knock you silly all over again.” Anushka is trying harder to push her tongue into my cxnt, until I loosen my cxnt muscles, and Anushka's tongue sinks deep into my cum filled cxnt. Anushka is licking Johnny's hot cum, and my sweet, hot juices right out of my cxnt, right in front of all of her slaves, and fans, and supporters

She's making hot love to my pussy, licking me, kissing me, worshiping my cxnt with her tongue, and licking cum. I scream, “Mistress Anushka sucks good pussy. Your Indian Queen is such a weak whore.
The crowd is screaming and screaming, as tough Mistress Anushka licks me into one explosive orgasm after another. “OOOOOOWWWWWEEEE, OOOOOOOWWWWWEEEE, OOOOOWWWEEEEE,”
and then me and Johnny go back to our hotel.


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Re: Leanna owns you vs Mistress Anushka (Indian Queen) (SEXFIGHT)
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2017, 06:24:25 AM »
in the real world,she will knock your ass out in minutes