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"Carmen's Story" and "Contentious Nipples". Titfight stories from Catwriter

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Carmen's Story
By Catwriter
Sarah had known her cousin for years although their meetings had been extremely infrequent. Sarah was the daughter of John, brother of Joshua who was the father of Carmen. Only once before had they met, years ago at a family reunion. Both were 12 years old and had fled the party of elders and wandered the woods chatting about their lives. Sarah, a beautiful blonde girl lived in a wealthy suburb and hated it. Carmen, a dark-haired beauty lived in the country where her family had a farm. She longed for the city. Their fathers loved one another and their wives got along famously. They had never known envy, only friendship. Their adoration for one another grew through the frequent letters they had sent one another. They were truly like sisters apart, lonely yet knowing that someone else was there to listen.

Eagerly anticipating the reunion of the next day, Sarah took a moment to just look at herself and ponder the differences in her body which had occurred since their last meeting. She dwelled in front of the mirror as though posing for a professional photographer. Her breasts were the envy of all! The years since she had last seen Carmen were good years. She had, at 19 achieved almost a local worshipping amongst the young men. They all longed deeply for her charms and although, once or twice, she had kissed and petted, her virginity was still own yet. And Carmen, seemingly light years away was similar. She had had several boyfriends each time, coming closer and closer to joining in a wonderful way with a young man lucky enough to be the first. Nevertheless, no one had been first and she longed for the contact. To stay within her parent's wishes and yet feel parentally free to explore as she would.

Since her last meeting with Sarah, Carmen's breasts had grown to the point where all the men looked. It wasn't just the younger, horny guys. All men looked! She'd become what is referred to as "thick" with beautiful breasts. Thick in the sense that at the next meal she probably wouldn't pass out from not eating. She enjoyed food and life and felt ever so comfortable with her yet unleashed femininity. She so wanted to see Sarah.

And so it was. The sound of squeaky brakes slowly bringing to halt an old farm truck had Sarah jumping from her chair. Rushing to the window, she saw her Uncle Josh. How she loved that man. So hard working and always kind to her. She remembered the joy in his eyes as he saw Sarah and Carmen sneaking away together at their first meeting…for he knew that they must become friends and help one another throughout their lives.

She couldn't help herself as she ran blindly to the old truck and threw herself at Josh. They screamed crazy hellos and twirled about the dirt road, lost in joy. After a bit, Uncle Josh set Sarah down and said, "Been awhile since you've seen your cousin, Carmen, hon. Say hello."

Turning toward the truck, Sarah finally laid eyes again upon her childhood friend and relative. "Oh my God", she thought. "How beautiful she has become!" Carmen fairly threw herself at Sarah and Sarah threw back. They came together in a crushing bearhug, which had them circling one another laughing loudly. It was wonderful. Moments like this are quite rare and much remembered.

Standing apart, they gazed at one another without a hint of trouble or past remembrance. They loved each other. Had helped each other trough times of horrid young girl meanderings. Clasping hands, they romped off together to share the missing moments. Their parents embraced in a way that love flowed. So happy were the brothers and their wives to see one another that they quickly darted up to the cabin and began pouring drinks. It was to be a festive three days and all were looking forward to it.

The farm boy meandering his way home, fresh catch dangling from his shoulder stopped dead. Didn't move. In a place hawks called home, he rubbed his eyes hoping to clear the vision and continue home to cook his catch. It was a good one! Three large perch. His daddy would be proud of him this night.

Rubbing eyes was, however, insufficient as both beauties romped past his place on the path. They were slightly up the hill and the large bouncing breasts of the young women slightly blinded his vision toward the sun. They joyfully jogged toward the stream from which he had just come. He headed back.

When Carmen looked at Sarah, she was so proud. The obvious happiness lit Sarah's eyes and made her blonde hair shine even more. Sarah gazed on Carmen and thought she had never seen a young woman as beautiful as her cousin. Carmen's dark features were due in large part to her mother. Wickedly beautiful and incredibly humble at once, her Italian mom was a loving woman in every way possible. Carmen had had the best training a child could. Horseback riding, tennis, wonderful holidays, time to grow alone. She could not have asked for more.

Sarah and Carmen were breathless upon reaching the stream. Sliding through the sunlight shadows they descended to the streambed laughing. Actually, giddy would be more appropriate. A lifetime of happiness could have consumed ten percent of this moment. They were flushed and finally, gazing wistfully at the stream and catching breath, they finally just gazed at and upon one another.

A new emotion roiled just beneath the surface of their eyes. Their joy continued to rise upon a stream of air toward the heavens and yet…there was just a hint of something else. Neither could be specific in her own mind as to whether it might be the temperature of the day, the joy of the moment or the eye-filling breasts that the other possessed. If there were one common gene in the brothers, it was a sperm filled, large generating breast gene. The girls were dark and white mimics. While only 5'4", their breasts were bra filling 38D's.

Smiling wickedly, they hugged once more and felt for the first time and forever breasts that didn't encompass the chest of any other female they had ever hugged. Both young women sneaked looks downward as their breasts ballooned outward from their overworked bras. The confluence of four tightly entwined 38D's presented a spectacle whose movements were a life's dream for some. Coming together and then melding in a way. As they continued to look downward, their breathing caused a swelling and shrinking that was to them at least; very different from anything else they had ever seen. It was an instant and mutual liking of what they saw!

Separating briefly (and slowly), they gazed longingly at one another. It had been so long since they had touched and continued the love that countless letters had wrought. Carmen noticed Sarah's white and black striped halter-top. It was extremely sexy and very city like. Went well with her short daisy-dukes. Carmen noticed Sarah's long hair lightly brushing the tops of her breasts, occasionally, wandering to the valley between. And that sexy halter seemed blacker in place where her huge breasts pushed at he material. She was stacked, bigtime!

"Very sexy!" thought Carmen, "but hey, I am not chopped liver in THAT department". Carmen, dressed provocatively in a very tightfitting white haltertop gazed down at her own breasts. "Yep, mine are bigger." She thought.

The lovely Sarah, gazing outward to Carmen's breasts and downward toward her own reached the same conclusion. "Looking good, but not quite there yet, Carmen, mine are bigger."

Sarah took Carmen by the hand and led her several feet into the slowly running stream. It was truly paradise except for the occasional dragonfly that fluttered by. The deer and owls were asleep. The place was theirs.

Plumping her butt firmly into the stream, Sarah, dragged Carmen down beside her. Carmen squealed and laughed. The water slowly streamed about and between them both was utterly erotic. They had been running and hugging roughly and sweat clung to their bodies. The cool was wonderful as they each had an arm around the other's shoulder.

Finally, all the words they had been meaning to say burst forth. They laughed and kidded one another about relationships otherwise untold. They gushed about their relationships and teased one another until both finally realized that they were still…..virgins.

As they'd been talking, their breasts…. Sarah's left and Carmen's right, were in constant contact. When they would giggle, each could feel the depth and suppleness of the other. As they laughed again, Carmen deliberately pushed into Sarah. Carmen watched as Sarah's wonderfully large left breast swelled in her bra until it looked as though the nipple would pop free. Carmen giggled and continued chatting with her long lost cousin.

Sarah was no fool, however. She knew that the breast push from Carmen was not accidental. After a moment or two she thrust her left breast hard into Carmen's right, leaning in and laughing all the while. Carmen's right breast rose from her bra like a demigod to an ever-altered fetishist and thanks to all the gods, her nipple did, in fact, pop free.

Sarah pretended not to notice although the size of the nipple was worth thinking about at least. It was huge and thick and surrounded by an areola the size of a silver dollar.

Carmen was becoming upset. Her own thrust had accomplished nothing more that a bunching of extraordinary breast flesh with not a nipple in sight.

Tucking her slightly exposed breast back into her bra, she continued slightly hugging Sarah and chatting. Let there be no doubt, however. She was angry! And Sarah sensed it and was quite prepared to deal with it.

Sarah first felt the next move coming when Carmen's grip on her shoulder increased for no particular reason. Her next sensation was a mammoth breast pushing up beneath her own with no other purpose than displacement and exposure!

The battle was joined!!!!!!!

Moving slightly to her right, Sarah felt Carmen's right breast slowly slide against her own and move away. Recovering quickly, Sarah jammed her breast into Carmen's. Both women turned toward one another so that they could accomplish the feat at hand. To dominate the other in a breast fight to conclusion. Neither knew the rules, just that something simmering had just been ignited and therefore must be allowed to burn.

Both young women, in fact, were doing a slow burn. As their torso movements brought their huge breasts into greater contact, the fight had definitely begun. And without a word. Their bashful giggling gradually gave way to barely heard grunting. Lips pursed, hands firmly grasping the opponents shoulder, two breasts were in intimate grinding contact. Bulging upward and to the side, meeting full on and giving very little, moving swiftly in an upward or downward motion, the battle was fully joined. There were no smiles now. Just two young incredibly endowed women battling in a way which would leave them right for supper. No scratches, no bruises. A simple contest of wills although neither breasty beauty would call it simple at its conclusion.

Contorting wildly, their breasts were fully engaged. Hugging tightly, the area between the torsos was confined. And yet, within that area, both huge breasts not only compressed, but slowly ground together, nipples grazing. And then, they looked one another in the eye. The smiles were gone for now.

Moving slowly to their knees in the foot deep area of the stream, they straightened up before one another. Sarah felt discomfort in her left breast as Carmen did in her right. It was as though their breasts had issued the challenge and it was up to their bodies and minds to determine a winner. And both longed to win. Nevertheless, it was to be a breast fight, nothing more nor less. Lunging forward all four breasts finally came into squirming wet contact. Using their hips, both women leaned in and then pressed into an either upward or downward torso stroke. Breasts met harshly between the ribs and slithered into and past one another. Hardened nipples left pale red lines where they had dragged harshly into unprotected flesh.

As the young women stared down, fascinated by the eye-filling site of four huge breasts engaged in furious combat, the word unencumbered came to mind (No one knows why, trust the writer of this story)

Reaching forward, they slowly slid the halter-tops from one another. The material stretched upward as the breast compressed, then suddenly burst forth and bounced enchantingly upon the chest. God, they were magnificently matched. Pamela Sue and Jenna come to mind although Sarah and Carmen possessed a fullness and ripeness of the breast that were magnificent.

Now, they would engage their wonders in battle. The farm boy by this point was in a state of animation. His heart beat twice normal. These two beautiful girls had just taken off their halter-tops and were about to engage in a battle.

A sharp slapping sound moved him from his euphoria and looking between the bushes, he marveled at the animation of the now aroused females. They had thrust their chests together. Holding fists clenched at their sides, it was to be just a titfight. There would be no catting it out here. Their breasts would ultimately decide a winner.

Another slap, then another. Perfect breast against perfect breast. Sarah wrenched upward and to the right catching Carmen's left breast in a downswing. It was perfect with her ribcage providing additional flattening power, Carmen', breast all but disappeared beneath the attack. Yet Carmen was countering even as her other breast was compressed beyond visibility, her right breast in all of it's weighty bulk swung downward toward Sarah's dangling left breast. Carmen's nipple dug into the top of Sarah's breast while her full weight compressed Sarah's breast beneath her own. Clearly, a won battle.

Until Sarah, now incensed, lifted herself from her knees, beginning her attack at the rib line below Carmen's breasts. Thrusting forward and upward simultaneously, she managed to cause Carmen to shriek with pain as her nipple made rapid upward movement through Carmen's titmeat.

Carmen quickly countered with an upward thrust of her own to the left and her nipple neatly spliced through Sarah's breast, leaving a wicked red line. In the midst of the bulging titflesh, nipples actually made contact. Both young women moaned uncontrollably. Carmen's moving rapidly upward and Sarah's unaware. Sarah muffled a scream as her nipple was forced back into the soft suppleness of her own breast. Just as quickly, she swung back on the other side. Slap.

So it continued. No more smiles. Just grunting and leaning and the most intense sound on this planet…. two supple breasts slapping together in anger.

Heads began to lean into shoulders and blonde and black hair fell to the valley of the battle of the breasts. Chests were no longer leaning away and slamming back but had locked together leaving nothing but a grinding motion to the beautiful combatants. And grind they did. For the most part, breast and counter breast fought furious separate encounters. But on occasion,turning in a sideward fashion, the women would throw their left breasts together. Once joined in battle, they began quick up and down motion trying to rake their nipples in to unprotected areas. And then their right breasts would line up and struggle. It was during one of these movements that their nipples slid just past one another, raking as they went.

Both screamed but longed for a nipple to nipple lock-up. Moving in direct counterpoint to one another, both moved their compressed breasts in a circular fashion so that nipples finally engaged. Not only did they touch, but also they slid harshly across one another in an extremely painful way. They were stones upon liquid marble. They were the real reason for the fight.

As the nipples slid across one another, the women circled back immediately. It was now a simple nipple war. Enough of the banging of breasts, let's engage.

Coming roughly toward one another in the stifling lockup of breast flesh, the nipples seemed to sense one another. Almost turn towards one another. And then, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Pain and pleasure. Sarah and Carmen placed their arms about each other's shoulders and just bear-hugged. Nipples stabbed at one another from the side and then were crushed in the bearhug. It was incredibly intense. Then the circular motions of the torso, dragging the nipples around one another in a dance of death, then stabbing furiously. Sarah and Carmen's nipples were now about a half-inch in diameter and length. They were blood swollen, ripe, and thick in the heat of battle.

Sarah finally felt a frantic hand at her daisy dukes and brushed it away. Carmen rubbed again and then Sarah herself felt toward Carmen. While tits were engaged in a horrific battle, hands lightly rubbed pussies. Their lower and upper body movements were no longer even remotely coordinated. Breasts were fighting breasts. It was mindless. Their tits were enraged.

At the same time, their lower bodies were beginning to contort and thrust in a very sexual way.

Screaming loudly, Sarah and Carmen grasped one another in a mutual hair pull. It will never be known whether this move was intended to inflict pain or bring her opponent closer. Suffice it to say that at this very moment, our farm boy discolored his jeans to the extent that he would never wear them again.

Their luscious bodies finally hitting the cool water brought both young women back to a slight sense of reality. The coolness of the water was met with the heat of their breasts and crotches and that heat never diminished as they rubbed and fought and pulled hair until their screams had birds leaving the trees and a young farm boy winding toward an ultimate oblivion.

Their final thrusts were done side by side, breasts never having once left one another and still engaged in painful battle.

It had seemed several moments, but the calls from the farm told both titfighters that it was time for dinner. And that a not small amount of time had passed as they lay together. They kissed lightly, brushed back their hair and felt euphoria, which was theirs all along. And as they walked, they smiled knowing smiles. This was a three day vacation after all and they had just begun. Carmen walked confidently as did Sarah. Their next engagement would be wondeful.


This story was written for Carmen of Shefighters at MIRC. Carmen has been a ceaseless encourager, and a friend, when most needed. Thanks Carmen.
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November 10th, 2008 #3
Hoborobo  Hoborobo is offline
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Posted by Catwriter on June 29, 19100 at 13:17:42:

Contentious Nipples

To say that the evening was warm would really be missing the point. Sweat was not measured in droplets, but rather in the sheen of incredibly light mist upon a breast in candlelight. Not one breast actually. Four would be the exact number. Mystically moving candlelight caused the shape of the breasts to change almost imperceptibly. The two yellow-skinned beauties lay side by side on propped elbows, whispering softly in their singsong way. Hair so black it had purple highlights in the soft light and in such proponderance that it folded beneath their elbows.

Sitting quietly at the top of bed, working the remnants of a joint found only in this area of the world, I pondered my current good fortune. On the second evening of a three-day in-country leave, I was in a small villa just outside Vung Tau. The three of us had left the major port city and traveled to their village in a three-wheeled taxi.

I had seen them shopping wearing their long silk dresses. We struck up a conversation, which had led us to this intriguing moment.

Yesterday I had shown both lovely girls photos I carried everywhere. I just loved breasts and more than that I loved the sight of breasts pressing into breasts. It was my Nirvana and continues to be so to this very day. They laughed, giggled, and carried on in an enjoyable way. At the restaurant, they had even leaned in toward one another until their small breasts came together and visibly compressed beneath their black silk dresses. I was in hooter heaven.

Back to the moment. We had done nothing but eat, fuck, drink and smoke dope for about twenty-four hours. We were simultaneously at that exhausted state of mind where all things are possible but you are just too damned buzzed to care.

While I had no idea what Sun li and Lin were saying, they were clearly getting aroused. They began brushing their hair back and lay grasping their own thighs rather than let their hands lie comfortably over a hip. Moving their elbows slightly, both looked back and upward to where I sat. Our eyes moved back and forth, one to the other. My smile dissipated quickly when I looked deeply. These lovely girls clearly had something planned and it seemed as though it was going to be for my benefit.

They were only a foot apart, body to body, on the bed. They swung their heads back and faced one another. Although difficult to see from my perspective, they appeared quite serious. We had made love as often as you can when death is considered not only possible, but also imminent. We had shared soft wonderful moments.

I clearly remember thinking that this was not happening. That a chance to translate photo to reality just could not occur. And that a breast fight for the sole purpose of pleasing a male, was inconceivable.

As my eyes concentrated intently on the dark nipples, I thought I had seen something move. Yes, Sun Li’s nipple was now a half-inch in length and Lin’s nipple was reaching out to meet the intruder. The nipples thickened even more and continued to grow toward the advancing enemy.

I heard a slight rustling and looked past the growing nipples in time to see Sun Li and Lin lock ankles, while never once moving their upper torsos. Black eyes were locked together, eyebrows turned downward in challenge and anger.

Glancing again toward nipples, I was startled to think that Sun and Li had moved their breasts closer. I was mistaken. Their nipples had continued to grow. And while the women had taken great pains to align their growing lances, the lances themselves clearly took up fighting stances to the left and right of one another as they continued to advance.

Standing now at one inch in length, the contending nipples were at right angles to one another and preparing to strike.

Sun Li’s breast rippled slightly. I tell all that her torso moved not an inch. Her stiff nipple sliced at the midsection of Lin’s weapon with the swiftness of a cat. More amazing still to my uncomprehending senses was the swiftness with which Lin’s nipple evaded the intended blow. Instead, Sun Li’s nipple stabbed heavily into the lower portion of Lin’s breasts; momentarily imbedding itself.

I swear that I heard a noise as Lin’s purple nipple swung swiftly downward into Sun Li’s. Sun Li gasped, her magic nipple sliding upward through Lin’s breast meat as it struck a harsh underblow to Sun Li.

Sharp intakes of breath emerged from both beauties as their furious nipples engaged in a furious swordplay not seen since old England.

Rippling breasts signaled first one strike and then another. Occasionally the breast meat itself would touch lightly, as the dueling nipples engaged in fierce warfare above the nurturing breast flesh. Touching at their base, the warring nipples moved swiftly, left and right, slamming together with a force now audible as well.

I touched the shoulders of the intertwined duo as their nipples engaged in a furious test of strength, straining and sliding against one another.

Two soft white mounds reflected flickering candlelight. I thought that the violent breast movement would be equally reflected in violent shoulder thrusting. It was not! Again, their upper torsos were motionless. But their breasts were a fluid sea of motion. Bobbing upward and to the side, bulging one way and then another.

It was with unimagined excitement that I realized the fierce nipple encounter was continuing unabated. While I could no longer see the battling nipples, their continuing movements were evident in the explosion of surrounding titflesh.

I will never again see the intensity in faces and breasts and nipples. Lips pursed, the two warring nipple fighters grunted and even cried out on occasion. I could only imagine one of their lances stabbing a rib as the war continued.

Sun Li reached behind Lin and pulled her close. Lin reflected the move so that I could now only see the tops of their breasts. Like a raindrop hitting water, the swelling rapidly moving breasts as well as nipples beneath engaged in all-out war.

I stood up on very unsteady legs. It seemed as though all the blood I possessed had rushed headlong to my groin. The battling Orientals pushed slightly apart at the elbow allowing me to lean forward. I gradually worked my lower torso until my raging dick touched the top of their wonderful breasts. As the small mound of fighting breast flesh encompassed my rock hard dick, the warring nipples would lightly caress the underside of my dick. I penetrated further. At times disengaging from furious battle to lightly caress over and under my dick, the cantankerous nipples would poke and prod at the other, fighting fiercely for dominance.

In addition, while sex, personified in blowjobs and tit fucks are most wonderful, the feel of those warring nipples on the underside of my cock was way more than the body was ever intentioned to control.

Emerging from the encased tit flesh, nipples wrapped top to bottom, I spewed wildly all over their hips and asses (which, at my age, is a considerable distance) again and again.

My battling felines were stroking my body and licking my thighs. I fell forward, encompassing their asses with my forearms and their pussies with my tongue.

The incredible intensity and pure enjoyment of the moment took several hours to dissipate. We three, in euphoria so complete tasted one another for hours and hours. The smiles were never so sweet. That very moment, never so lasting.
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November 10th, 2008 #4
Hoborobo  Hoborobo is offline
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Posted by catwriter on November 09, 1999 at 19:23:03:

Author's note.  "I served two tours of duy with the Americal Infantry Division.  Don't forget, I have three story books for sale on Amazon.  Just type catfight stories.  For those who have read all my stories be warned that they are included in the books.  The artwork from thecatzman, Kevin Karstens and Ardoni is original."


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Great stories!!!! Carmen's is one of my all time favorite stories!


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Thank you, Andrew Scott.  Genuinely appreciate reader comments on my stories.  Your comments are always favorable (don't stop now)  I'll remember your name.   Regards, Catwriter aka RCW