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Casino Battle Royale

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Casino Battle Royale
« on: October 11, 2008, 09:26:30 AM »
My wife and I were recently visiting a well known casino complex where we were surprised to be approached by someone who asked if my wife was interested in taking part in a rules catfight against another similar sized and aged woman recently selected at random from the casino customers. There would be a prize of $1500 for the winner of the contest and $500 for the loser.  The woman my wife would be fighting’s name was Diane, she was 43, 5’8 and 135lbs and had long blonde hair.  My wife Julie is 43, 5’7 and 130lbs and has long brunette hair. 

The person who approached us was part of a gambling syndicate of 15 people who would bet on the outcome of the fight.  Both women were expected to fight until one was unable to continue with no money being paid to the loser if the fight lasted less than five minutes.  After seeing a picture of her potential opponent my wife agreed to the fight as she wanted to win the $1500 prize money.  I of course encouraged her, mainly due to the money but also because Diane was just as attractive as Julie and I was keen to find out if Diane would beat my wife in a fight.

We were escorted to a large suite in the adjoining hotel where we met the other members of the syndicate and Diane.  In person she was just as sexy as her picture and she grudgingly shook my wife’s hand when introduced, both women were staring each other down, running their eyes over each other’s bodies to see if they could spot a potential weakness.  Both were asked if they were comfortable fighting in thongs provided by the syndicate but topless, both agreed they were.  Diane was provided with a pale yellow thong and Julie was given a similar pale blue one as both retired to separate bathrooms to change.

Five minutes later both women were called to the center of a room with extra blankets strewn across the floor.  I eyed Diane’s body and saw she was in excellent shape.  Her long legs formed a sexy mound at the top of her thighs, she was going to be a formidable opponent.  She also had slightly more pussy hair than Julie. Both women had 34b breast with Diane's nipples slightly longer than Julies although they were similar in width.  Each woman stood in her corner while the audience laid bets on which women they thought would win, betting was about even with the odds of Diane winning being slightly better than Julie winning.  After the betting was complete the rules were explained, no one was expected to get hurt but pretty much any tactics could be employed to beat her opponent.  Both women were again called to the center of the room ready to fight.  The command “Fight, may the best woman win” was given and the fight was on.

Diane immediately sank both her hands into Julie’s brunette hair, violently shaking her head from side to side.  Julie managed to recover from the violent opening by Diane and sank her hands into Diane’s long blonde hair, ripping Diane’s head backwards and forwards, sinking her nails deep into the blonde’s hair until her nails ripped at the blonde’s scalp.  Diane cried in pain at her throbbing scalp and she screamed”you fucking bitch……you will pay for that” and released one of her hands from Julie’s hair and started slapping at Julie’s face.  Hard blows landed on Julie’s cheek, knocking her head from side to side.  Julie almost lost the firm grip she had on Diane’s hair but managed to retain it as she continued to violently ripped Diane’s head backwards and forwards eliciting further screams of pains from her blonde foe.

It seemed the early exchanges were about even as Diane changed tactics and with her free hand grasps at Julie’s right breast and twisted sadistically, Julie screamed in pain as the audience roared their approval of the viciousness of the attack.  Julie had no choice but to release one of her hands from Diane’s hair to stop the clawing at her now clearly visibly damaged breast.  This is exactly what Diane had been waiting for as she quickly again sank both of her hands in the brunette’s hair and pulled her head forcefully downwards and kneed her twice in the body. I heard Julie scream in agony as she was knocked to the floor with Diane quickly diving on top of Julie before she was able to recover.  Diane again grabbed at Julie’s hair as she started banging the brunettes head against the floor extracting further screams of anguish from Julie.  Diane began wrapping her long legs around the outside of Julie’s, trying to trap them between her firm thighs.  Julie bridged upwards in an attempt to unseat Diane which almost worked and caused Diane to thrust her mound fiercely into Julie’s forcing her hips back against the floor.

The audience vociferously encouraged their favorite, “finish her Diane”……”get her off you Julie”.  Julie realized her predicament and knew if she was unable to unseat Diane the fight was over.  Her head was now cruelly being ripped from side to side by the dominant Diane while her legs were still struggling to control Julie’s.  Julie managed to roll slightly to her left which Diane immediately countered, Julie then suddenly quickly countered by rolling to her right in a single movement rolling on top of Diane.  The audience again shouted their approval as Julie now began violently clawing at Diane’s breasts.  Diane was screaming in agony as Julie released Diane’s left breast and fiercely started punching her in the stomach while still clawing at her right breast.  Diane was again taking punishment as she desperately grabbed at Julie breasts and hair, clawing ferociously in an attempt to stop the pain to her stomach and breast.  Julie wrapped her legs around Diane in an attempted grapevine pin, forcing her mound in Diane’s hairier pussy.  “Ride her Julie” someone in the crowd shouted as it was now Diane’s turn to bridge upwards to counter Julie’s driving mound.  Diane pulled her mound back from the fight as she realized Julie was in the dominant position with Julie continuing to claw at Diane’s breasts. Julie’s legs had won their battle with Diane’s and Diane was now firmly in a vice like grapevine. 

In desperation Diane reached down and started tugging at Julie’s pussy hair causing Julie to release her grasp on Diane’s breast.  “You fucking bitch” Julie screeched as Diane pulled out a clump of Julie’s mound hair, the audience were astounded at the viciousness of Diane’s attack.  Diane again sank her hand into Julie’s bush as she violently ripped at the thick curly hair around Julie’s pussy. Julie again reached down to try and pull Diane’s hand away from her pussy which allowed Diane to roll Julie on her side forcing Julie to lose her grapevine hold on Diane’s legs.  The women lay side by side throwing punches at each other’s faces, their heads being knocked back as each forceful blow landed.  In a desperate attempt to finish the fight which had now been raging for just under ten minutes Julie raised her knee smashing it into Diane’s pussy.  There was a primeval groan from Diane as the pain from the blow permeated throughout her body.  Both her hands grabbed at her damaged mound as someone in the crowd shouted “looks like Julie has her”.  Julie rolled Diane over on her back as she sobbed in pain. 

Julie then reverse face sat Diane with Diane’s once boastful face now firmly under Julie’s dominant pussy.  Diane sobs could be heard around the room as Julie repaid in kind the bush mauling she had received earlier. Julie ripped at Diane’s bush, pulling out a couple of handfuls of pussy hair. Diane’s mumbling sobs were heard by all as someone said ‘let her up Julie, she’s finished”. Julie’s looked up, the damage done during the heat of battle plain for everyone to see as she grasped both of Diane’s legs and bent them backwards towards her head, exposing Diane’s raw pussy to everyone in the room.  It was the ultimate act of humiliation as Diane’s sobs became louder.  Julie suddenly released Diane's legs, clasped her hands together and smashed them down into Diane’s exposed pussy causing a strange gargling sound from Diane’s smothered mouth. Julie proudly stood up, thrusting her damaged nipples and pussy firmly forward “I believe you owe me $1500” she said. She took Diane’s money walked over to the badly beaten and humiliated blonde and threw her $500 on her and said “If you want a rematch bitch just whistle”, Diane was in no state to answer as Julie proudly strode towards the bathroom for her clothes.



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Re: Casino Battle Royale
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2008, 04:54:34 PM »
A good catfight I must say, I well enjoy pussy's being well harmed, fighting on their sides and started off naked (Facing if I write a story with clothes involved, I intend for those clothes to go away soon)

Few things I disliked though, was that it was that public (I'm into private catfights), I got a bit lost at the grapevine bit (Only a bit) and I've never been one for punching involved.

Overall I'd give it a good rating.


Offline cock_duel

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Re: Casino Battle Royale
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 10:18:16 AM »
MAn I loved reading about this fight, Julie shoulds like one tough bitch!!!


Offline Turtle

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Re: Casino Battle Royale
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2008, 03:02:26 PM »
Have to agree great fight, Didn't take long to set it up
Killing me smalls.



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Re: Casino Battle Royale
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2008, 02:54:50 PM »
Thanks for the comments and feedback



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Re: Casino Battle Royale
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2008, 06:45:38 PM »
This was a excellent catfight.
