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Punished at Pilzen

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Offline peccavi

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  • I'm a big brunette bullying b*tch, take me on!
Punished at Pilzen
« on: November 25, 2017, 09:00:29 PM »

?Who does she think she is?? Wendi spat as she watched the brunette sauntering into the bar, her eyes roaming around the room as she slowly slid out of her winter coat slowly. The woman made sure as many people as possible were looking at her as she peeled it off languorously and handed it to the room clerk.

?The slut thinks she owns the place. Look at her strutting about!? Wendi couldn?t seem to turn her flashing blue eyes away from the scantily dressed brunette. ?She has no clothes sense.? She tossed her own long, blonde hair derisively as she regarded the brunette?s faux collar on her otherwise bare neck, a short mockery of a businessman's tie hanging to just above her generous cleavage, which was covered by a composite top ? a white cotton part suspended by spaghetti straps over her bare shoulders, with a tight pinstriped bustier beneath that supported her bra-less, jiggling breasts. ?She?s showing way too much flesh?bare neck and shoulders, bare belly bulging over that skirt?It's so short she?d show her panties if she bent over?that is, if she?s wearing panties.?

?Hey,? demurred her male companion, ?she?s a curvy, sexy dame, just bursting with voluptuous sensuality.? He grinned, his eyes on the brunette.

?Tim Osborne, you?re kidding me! She?s a tawdry slut! She should be standing under a lamp post...not flaunting herself in here! This is usually a nice place?quiet. We come here to for a little down time, and now this bitch comes in and spoils the place!?

?Wendi, the key word is ?usually?. You?ve got to remember where we are?Pilzen. This is ?gentrification? territory. It might be an upscale bar now, but a year or so ago, it was just another dive?like every other bar in the area.?

?Maybe, but that doesn?t give her any reason to strut around like she?s?? Wendi stuttered for the right words, ??like she?s the big cheese!?

?Wendi, I?d be careful with that one.? Tim warned. ?She expects to get her own way?and she usually does.?  He lowered his voice. ?I know?I?ve seen her here before.?

?Well then, it?s about time someone stood up to her!?

?Don?t cross her,? Tim whispered. ?She?s a bully.?

?And she's a junkie,? interjected another man at the table. ?She does a lot of coke.?

?Malcolm, I didn't know that.? Tim sounded surprised.

?Yes, Elena caught her in the bathroom snorting a line.? 

?And Elena didn't do anything?? Now Tim was more than surprised. 

?Nah, the brunette stared her down. Even Elena doesn't want to cross her.?

?It's time for someone to stand up to her,? Wendi repeated, her sharp tone reflecting her increasing annoyance. ?We don't want slutty junkies in here.?

?Easy for you to say. Sylvie tried.?

?Yes,? Sylvie, a petite blonde, took up the tale. ?I met up with a guy here for a drink. No, we weren?t dating?not even hanging out, but if things had gone well we might have dated. As it was, that brunette started hitting on him, right in front of me! I tried to make her back off, but she just hauled off and slapped my face!  I wasn?t going to take that of course, so I tried to fight her.? 

Sylvie took a big gulp of her drink before she continued. ?In no time flat, she?d ripped my top apart and pounded my gut till my knees gave out. She?and the guy?left me kneeling on the floor, crying. Yeah, she?s a bully and a bitch, don?t mess with her.?

Wendi sipped her drink and chatted with her friends, the brunette seemingly forgotten But she couldn?t fail to notice the brunette flirting outrageously, flitting moth-like from one guy to the next. She had a few words with one man, wheedling a drink from him in exchange for a kiss, then she moved on.

Wendi shook her head. She turned back to Tim and her friends. She tried to concentrate on the conversation. But a few moments later the brunette strutted into her field of vision, stopping to chat with another guy. Leaning into him, she patted his cheek and after a few moments, his hand slid around her waist. She kissed him, then after a short conversation ending with him shaking his head, she smiled, pecked him on the cheek and swaggered off.

Wendi ground her teeth. She wasn't, she told herself, going to let a slutty tease spoil her evening ? her day had been bad enough. Anyway, Tim was right, it wasn?t her concern who the brunette hit on. Perhaps she knew those guys. They looked like tradies or truckers, the kind of guys who used to come to the bar before it was done up.

Shrugging her shoulders, she again turned back to her friends. The subject of their conversation turned to college football, a sport Wendi hated. It was just so boring ? one minute of action followed by a five-minute committee meeting to plan the next minute of action. The whole game was structured around commercial breaks. Her eyes glazed over and her attention wandered back to the brunette. She looked around the room. Yes, there she was, with yet another guy.

She looked more closely, mainly because there was little else to occupy her mind. The brunette was sitting on a table now, her legs curled up behind her, leaning over an African American guy.  He was solidly and strongly built, sharply dressed in jeans, an open collared shirt and a dark sports jacket, with a gold chain around his bare neck and a dress ring on his finger. 

The guy slid his arm over the brunette's neck, drawing her head down into a kiss. She responded readily, and a moment later they were in a clinch, him fondling her butt and her hand around his back. Wendi watched, still half-heartedly attempting to follow her friends' conversation, as the couple embraced, walked to the bar, their arms around each other's waists, got some drinks and came back to the guy?s table.

It wasn't more than a minute or two before the brunette and her new-found friend had finished their drinks and hit the dance floor. Within seconds their bodies were grinding together, their mouths locked in a deep kiss. Wendi shook her head as the brunette rubbed her body all over the guy. He replied, his hand on her back pulling her closer still, as his other hand stroked her hips and his leg pressed between her thighs. She parted her legs a little, angling her head up to take another kiss, his tongue deep in her mouth.   

The brunette ground herself against the tall black man; he tugged sharply on her hair, yanking her head back, exposing her neck to his mouth. The brunette suddenly stiffened and Wendi gasped.  From the reaction, the black guy must have bitten rather than kissed her neck. Wendi nudged Tim next to her.  ?He's a fast worker!" Now the man had one hand cupping a breast, the other in the brunette?s skirt.

The brunette pulled his hand from her skirt and it seemed she pushed away a little ? or was it, Wendi thought, just a dance step? Whichever it was, she'd twirled away from him, one hand still in his, but the black guy wasn?t having any of it. His free arm slid round her waist, clasping her naked belly firmly, pulling the slut into him in a sudden tug. The tall black man ? he was well over six feet ? towered over the brunette, and ground her ass into his crotch. They stayed like that for a moment, barely moving to the music. The brunette was held too tightly to do much herself. It seemed like she tried to break away again, but the man seized her, spinning her around to face him once more. His hand ran up to her throat and, holding her firmly, he whispered something into her ear.

To Wendi?s surprise, she smacked his face and pushed hard at him, turning away. ?Whatever he said, she didn?t like it," Wendi observed.

?Nah, she?s all pretense,? replied Tim. ?Look.?

The man had already grabbed the brunette by the waist, scooping her into his crotch again. His hand turned her face and he whispered something, then kissed her deeply. The brunette put her hands on his hips and they danced for the rest of that song, her back a few inches away from his stomach.

The brunette spun around again and after kissing the man, slipped her arms around his neck and danced again. She kept her distance this time, though kissing him often and rubbing her breasts against him when she did. She resisted each of his attempts to pull her against him for the next song.

At the start of another song, the black man stepped back with his arm up. The brunette twirled around in a jitterbug style, her short skirt flaring up. The man scooped her in again. They danced, her back to his body, his hand kneading her curvy belly before his hands slid to her hips. He edged her skirt lower, his left hand returned to her belly and edged lower as well, sliding up for a moment to caress her ribs, then back down, lower than before, until his fingers slipped inside her skirt again.

Wendi scoffed ? the brunette who had been playing every man she chose was now being played herself. "Looks like the whore's met her match!?  She watched as the African American kneaded the brunette's curvy belly again with his left hand, his right now buried inside her skirt. Her head lolled on his shoulder, lips apart and eyelids fluttering.

?She?s just fuckmeat," sneered Tim.

The man slowly turned the brunette to face the people sitting at the tables. They could all see him fingering her brazenly through her short skirt. Wendi gasped. ?She?s being displayed...shown off like a piece of meat for the crowd."

Suddenly the brunette seemed to realise what was happening. She turned, smacked her tormenter again and after a struggle, finally broke free, tottering off on shaky legs to the bar where she downed a full glass of wine in one gulp.

?She's either a fool or dumb.? Tim sipped his drink. ?That guy?he comes here from time to time?expects to get his way.? He gave a mocking laugh.  ?He usually does, too.?

?You said the same about the brunette,? Wendi reminded him.

?Yeah but that guy is seriously badass. The brunette's a bullying bitch with?if what Malcolm says is right?a habit, though if she does snort coke she hides it pretty well. But that guy...well, he fits the drug story actually.  Rumor is, he?s an enforcer for the Mob?probably runs a few mules to satisfy those kinds of habits.  He fronts as a personal trainer but that might be just an excuse to practice martial arts.

Tim shrugged.  ?I don?t know about those rumours, but only last week he and one of those biker scum who still come in here?yeah it?s like I said, you gotta remember it?s a pretty mixed bar.?  He waved a hand toward the corner.  ?There's a few of them over there.?  He lowered his hand and went on, ?Anyway, that guy and a biker got into a row. I thought there was going to be a fight. But no, the guy somehow grabbed the biker's arm, got it in a hold, twisting it up behind his back. The biker screamed like a pig having its throat cut, till the guy let him go. No more trouble that night. Men like him can be useful at times.?

Wendi excused herself from her friends. ?I'm going to go freshen up.? She returned a few moments later with her drink freshened up as well.  Her hackles rose. ?She's hitting on Stuart Babbage,? she muttered, watching the brunette drape herself over the shy, awkward engineer and slip into his lap.

A moment later, Wendi looked again. Stuart was red-faced now.  He looked hot and bothered, obviously trying to be polite to the brunette while he fended her off. The brunette kept talking to him and kissing him. Wendi watched and almost felt her blood boil.  How she could go after someone like Stuart, a genuine, sweet and lovely man who wouldn't hurt a fly yet now here he was, clearly feeling awkward and the brunette taking full advantage, for her own perverted amusement. Wendi couldn't hear what she was saying but could see Stuart was clearly flustered. "The fucking whore," Wendi thought to herself as she saw the brunette draped all over Stuart, her hands on his body when clearly he was confused and unsure what was happening.

Finally Stuart responded, kissing the brunette back, slipping his hand around her bare belly and up to cup a breast.  Right then the brunette shook with laughter. ?You silly man! You don?t think I?m seriously going to dance?or do anything else?with you!? she sneered at him, her voice carrying over to Wendi and her friends.  Leaving him completely crestfallen and ashamed, she strutted off, rolling her hips, still laughing.

?What a total bitch!? Wendi was furious.  ?she just humiliated Stuart!?

?Yeah she is. Forget her,? Tim said. ?Stuart?s big enough to take care of himself."

Wendi clenched her teeth hard. The blonde had had a bad day, running late from the time she left home and missed the El until she dashed from work to the bar. All day she had wanted to punch her boss out. She itched to let out her frustrations.  ?The slut hit on that enforcer?yeah, he looks like a Mob heavy. He showed her up. She?s as much a whore as she is a bully. More to that, she likes being a whore.  That?s why she hits on everyone. But she didn?t like being shown up as whore, so she tried to look big by making Stuart look small. "

?So what if she?s fuckmeat?and yeah she doesn?t mind being fuckmeat,? Tim repeated.  ?She liked what the mobster was doing, until he showed her off.  Wendi, just forget he.?

Again he repeated himself. ?But don?t cross her.  Sylvie?s not the only one who she?s worked over. Kim Curzon and some of her New Globe Theatre crowd were here. Well you know what Kim?s like. She perched herself on a vacant bar stool and tried to wheedle the guy sitting next to her into buying her a drink. Bad move.  The brunette came back?it was her stool Kim had sat on. There were a few words, the next thing we knew, the brunette?s fist burrowed into Kim?s stomach. Kim was gutted, lying on her back on the floor, too hurt to move for maybe ten minutes. The brunette just chatted with the guy all that time. Later they went off together. Yeah, like I said?what that bully wants, that bully gets.?

Wendi seethed but said nothing. She bided her time until the brunette hit on another man and led him to the dance floor. Wendi watched them dirty dancing, her arms round his waist, her hands in the back of his jeans while he pawed at her breasts. Wendi nudged Tim. ?Look who she?s got her claws into now?Laurence Chamberlain.?

Sylvie was indignant. ?He should be ashamed, him with a new baby. He should be home with his family, or at least he shouldn?t be out without his wife.?

?So what are you going to do about it?? Wendi said. ?All mouth no action, even when you realise I was right.?

Wendi?s tensions were at boiling point and the arrogant, strutting, slutty brunette was a plus-sized target too big to ignore. Someone had to stand up to her. Someone had to stop the slut from hitting on good people like Stuart or Laurence.

Wendi looked at the brunette.  She was truly a fat tramp, lipstick smudged, eyes slightly glazed.  The alcohol from all those drinks she had wheedled out of the gullible guys must have been lapping at the top of her throat, and her clothes were more suited to standing on a street corner turning tricks, rather than in this bar.

The brunette returned Wendi?s gaze and for a moment, they locked eyes. Then someone walked between them and the moment was lost.

Wendi reminded herself that this was her local, and told herself the bar would be a better place without the brunette. All Wendi?s frustrations, her memories of a bad day, ran together.  Destroying the brunette would be the perfect remedy and she?d be doing her friends ? and indeed the whole bar ? a service.

Laurence took the brunette from the dance floor and sat down, pulling her onto his lap.  They kissed deeply, the brunette's arms wrapped around him.  Wendi reddened. Her hands itched to teach this bitch a lesson.  Laurence pawed at the brunette's ass. The brunette turned around before reaching between her tits and pulling out something. 

Wendi spluttered.  She wasn?t sure what it was the brunette showed him, but she could clearly see Laurence shaking his head in protest. The brunette laughed loudly.  She poured a little of whatever it was onto her hand and shoved it against Laurence's nose. He coughed and tried to clear his nose.

?My God! That bitch!  Did she just try to give him drugs?? Wendi gasped, her eyes fixed on the unfolding scene. The brunette slipped the bag back between her tits and kissed Laurence mockingly as she moved away. Wendi's rage was brimming as she couldn't help it any more. Boiling in pure fury she moved away despite the protests from everyone else and headed towards the brunette as she made her way through the crowd. The brunette wasn't getting away with this......

Wendi stalked towards the bar, the brunette a pace or two behind. Wendi stopped suddenly. The inevitable happened ? the brunette bumped into her. ?Hey, why?d you stop right in my way??

?To let that couple,? Wendi waved her arm at the back of a guy and a girl walking hand in hand, ?pass.?

?You ought to be more careful!? the brunette snapped.

?And you ought to watch where you?re going!? Wendi retorted. She stood with her arms akimbo, knowing she was blocking the brunette?s path.

?Excuse me,? the brunette hissed, bumping into Wendi as she pushed past.

"Watch it, bitch! Don?t you barge into me!" Wendi snarled, her hands forming fists.

?Who are you calling bitch?? The brunette balked, clearly unused to being challenged.

?You!? Wendi stood her ground, meeting the brunette?s intense stare.

Wendi knew she was being sized up. She could almost hear the brunette think: ?this blonde?s about five foot six ? about my height ? but she?s skinny.  I?d be surprised if she?s 120 pounds.  Yes,  I can give her twenty, maybe thirty pounds. I can crush her.  She won?t last long.?

Wendi saw the brunette?s tongue dart over her lower lip and her eyes dart around the growing circle of onlookers. ?But no, she won?t fight. She's scared! Like they all are. Such a pity too, since I?m getting an audience.? Again, Wendi was sure she could hear the brunette think.

"Are you looking for trouble, girl?? the brunette sneered.

The brunette?s calculating stare, her false confidence that a slim blonde wasn?t going to challenge her, fuelled Wendi?s anger. ?No, but it just found you babe.? Wendi swung her hip into the brunette?s side. What she was sure the brunette didn?t know ? but was about to find out ? was that Wendi was no novice fighter.

It seemed, at least to some of the growing circle of bystanders, that the brunette was nonplussed for a few seconds.  Certainly, they knew she was used to people backing down.  To have someone actually confronting her was a new experience. ?Oh yeah?? she said almost lamely, bumping Wendi back harder.

?Yeah!? Wendi?s elbow jabbed the brunette?s ribs.

?Ouch!? The brunette jabbed back, but Wendi was already swinging around, her hand outstretched in a slap that struck the brunette?s cheek with a loud smack and whipped the larger girl?s head to the side. The brunette?s elbow just grazed Wendi?s kidney region.

The circle of onlookers erupted with jeers and shouts.  There was a chant of ?Catfight! Catfight!? from a few men, others shouting ?Rip her top off!? and ?Get the slut!?

Wendi grunted ? the brunette hit hard ? and tried to shut the rowdy crowd out to focus on the fight.  She leaned forward, swinging her arm around in another slap, but the brunette anticipated her and slammed her fist into Wendi?s side.  Wendi bent sideways from the slap as the smirking brunette advanced, jabbing at the Wendi?s face. 

The blonde avoided the blow and fired a return, aimed at the brunette?s chin. The brunette swung her forearm up, parrying that shot and closed, trying to jab at the blonde?s gut. Wendi dodged in her turn, the brunette?s fist flew past her side and she fired a counter punch which slammed into the brunette?s ribs.

Wendi permitted herself a grim smile. ?She just avoided a gutting!? she thought.  ?She moved but she's slower than I am ? all that booze and drugs.?  She smiled a little more at the gasps and shocked comments from onlookers, who were clearly surprised that she was standing up to the big brunette.

The brunette stopped Wendi's smile with a swift kick to the blonde's stomach. Wendi dropped and rolled sideways, sucking in air as she scrambled to her knees, in time to grab the brunette's heel as the bigger woman launched a stomp. ?The vicious slut thought she'd grind her heel into my back or side. She was wrong!? Wendi thought quickly.

She pushed the brunette's leg up and back hoping to unbalance her.  The brunette jabbed her hand sideways karate style striking Wendi's nose.  The blonde recoiled, dropping her grip on the brunette's leg as blood ran from her nose. Her face rocked as the brunette's slap struck her cheek.

Wendi told herself to block out the guys cheering for the brunette.  ?She?s a slut,? Wendi told herself. ?The guys are only cheering ?cuz they think they can lay the brunette.? She told herself to concentrate and as the brunette closed on her, she shifted on her knees and retaliated with a hard punch at her enemy's belly.

Cameras flashed.  Wendi knew there?d be pictures of the brunette?s mouth gaping in pain, her body slightly folded with Wendi?s fist buried nearly wrist deep in her stomach, left hand clutching her side and her right hand spread wide. Wendi smiled grimly.

Her smile widened a little as the brunette groaned. It was the first time she had elicited a cry of pain from her arrogant foe. However, the brunette's answering kick showed her power. ?But not perhaps your speed,? Wendi thought as she stepped up and back. She launched her own swinging kick, which struck the brunette's fleshy thigh just above and behind her knee.

Again the brunette yelped.  She stepped back, breathing hard.  Wendi saw her enemy anew ? her top stained with mingled sweat and the dregs of drinks that had been thrown at her, her ?collar? limp, her skin shiny again from sweat and drink. Wendi knew she herself would look much the same.

As Wendi watched the brunette?s breasts and belly rise and fall as she sucked air into her lungs, she smirked. ?You're not as fit as I am either, too much booze, too much drugs. Hell, you're gloating, you're just staring at the blood bubbling from my nose, but I'm not finished yet, whore,? she muttered, racing forward, trying to land a straight jab on the brunette's face. ?Instead I?ll finish you, you arrogant bully.  Just like all bullies, you?re all huff and puff, folding when someone stands up to you.?

But the brunette proved Wendi wrong. She saw Wendi's charge and ducked, bending her knees and lowering her head, launching a head butt that struck Wendi in the belly. Wendi felt her wind knocked out of her and stumbled back, raising her knee defensively.

The brunette swung around Wendi's side, attacking her with kicks and punches as Wendi turned too. The brunette's attacks found their marks and a tiring gasping Wendi dropped sideways, down on her knees, trying to present as small a target as possible, trying to tempt the brunette into some foolish move.

She succeeded, as her presumptuous foe swept in, trying to stomp on Wendi's side.  ?So you're too conceited to learn from experience.? Wendi allowed herself another grin as she yanked on the brunette's foot and, standing up herself, still tightly gripping the other woman?s knee in her hands, swung her own knee up into the brunette's full, curvy belly.

The brunette's face whitened, her mouth opened and closed, fishlike.  Then as Wendi tugged on her leg, the brunette dropped to the floor, groaning, rolling to the side and kicking with her remaining leg, forcing Wendi to release the other. ?The bitch is getting a hammering!? a guy chortled, tipping the contents of his glass over the brunette as she rolled free and got to her knees.

?Yeah bro?she needed cleaning!? his friend sneered.

Wendi had a glimpse of the two men high fiving as the first chortled, ?Who don't love a woman with her curves glistening, after all??

Wendi allowed herself to hear the excited buzz in the bar. Most were still cheering for the brunette- but some ? and a large and growing minority ? were now barracking for Wendi. Girls twittering that Wendi and the brunette were fighting over a guy brought Wendi?s anger back to white heat. She would put this arrogant, man-stealing slut where she belonged, then walk out leaving the brunette to whoever wanted her.

Wendi breathed hard, wiped the blood from below her nose, punched at her enemy's face and tried to drop her knee onto the brunette's ankle.  All too soon though, she realised that her bullying enemy wasn't as worn down as Wendi hoped. The brunette copped the punch but swung her knee away.  As Wendi dropped on to her own knees, she fired a punch that hammered the blonde's middle and another ? an uppercut ? that struck her chin and forced her onto her back. 

The brunette scrambled after what her evil grin told the room she thought was her prey, kicking at Wendi?s side. Again Wendi was quicker, rolling away just as the brunette?s toe hit. Wendi felt a spray on her back as another guy emptied his glass on her. Wendi gasped ? the shoe?s sharp toe dug in between two of her ribs but she rolled again, up to her knees and threw herself forward in a tackle. 

It seemed the brunette felt rather than saw Wendi?s out sweeping arms, so quick did she leap back ? so quick that she stumbled, teetering in her heels and struggling to regain her balance. Wendi gave her no time to recover.  She was up and fired a left-right combo at her enemy?s head. The brunette avoided the left but not the right. Again she dropped back tossing her head as if to clear it.

Wendi gave the brunette no recovery time now either, kicking hard at her enemy?s side. It struck, the brunette groaned and blanched. Wendi?s smirk of satisfaction, ?the bitch is tiring. She?s out of condition,? was short lived. Reacting quicker than Wendi expected, the brunette scooped up Wendi?s foot. But Wendi was prepared too.  She dropped on her butt, twisting her body and freeing her leg by kicking her other foot up at the brunette?s hands. The brunette kicked in turn as Wendi rolled away, but again Wendi was quicker.  She avoided the kick and lashed her own foot out, aimed at the brunette?s kicking leg.  The brunette staggered back to avoid the kick, and Wendi was up on her feet before the bigger woman had recovered her balance.

Pressing her attack with straight jabs, Wendi first ploughed her left into the brunette?s belly, driving the air from her lungs, making her slump forward, then her right slammed into her opponent?s rack. The brunette backed away, her fists up defensively.  Wendi continued her onslaught. Her fists broke through to hit the other woman?s face and body several times. The brunette, more intent on defending, failed to attack successfully. She stepped back trying to trade room for time.

Wendi didn?t let her, pressuring her with too many punches for the brunette to dodge or parry.  Wendi heard the cheers and heckling change. Guys ? lots of them ? were encouraging her now. ?Rip her top off, blondie!  Give her what she deserves!? Even her own friends, who'd been silent at the start of the fight, dumbfounded by Wendi's aggression, were yelling for her. 

She pressed again, but this time brunette bobbed down. Wendi's fist whizzed over her enemy's head, and Wendi's stomach suddenly exploded with pain as the brunette's fist hit hard. Wendi staggered back but quickly regrouped, as the brunette was slow to follow up her momentary success.

?Bitch is worn out!? Wendi smiled, seeing her foe's red face, her shaking, swaying breasts now partly exposed under her torn top, and her heaving bare belly. She waited till the brunette came on again, grunting as she took a fist to her breast, then smirked as the brunette reeled from Wendi's rising leg. Wendi had taken the punch to ensure her knee hit just where she wanted it to.

And not just her knee ? that had hit a little to the side of the center of the brunette's stomach ? but almost the whole of Wendi's thigh had hammered her opponent?s gut. The brunette's eyes closed, her mouth opened in a grimace of pain as her body sagged forward.  Her knees buckled. She almost fell. Her top was now askew, revealing her left breast.   Again Wendi allowed herself to hear the click of cameras, the buzz of the crowd, more and more of them cheering for her. ?Yes,? she told herself, ?they all want me to put this bullying crack whore away!?

The brunette retreated, gasping, sucking air back into her lungs. Wendi pressed her attack again. She buried her fist in the brunette's navel, and again her enemy folded. Above the hubbub of the crowd, Wendi heard her fist thudding as she landed another blow and as she heard the brunette's bleat of pain. Her white face, her staring, wide open eyes, her twitching body betrayed her fear. ?No,? Wendi thought, ?her terror.  She knows she's lost.?

The brunette stepped away.  Wendi saw her grimace, then come forward, arms swinging furiously. She struck Wendi's face, snapping it to one side. Wendi thrust back, another punch at the brunette's stomach. Again she heard her fist thud into the other woman?s flesh, and the brunette bleated out loud. Again her opponent retreated, broke away from Wendi and ran backwards.  Surprised, Wendi followed, running just as fast. She was sure one or two more punches would have the whore crumpled at her feet.

She had almost caught up to the brunette, who had turned to face her with her back to the wall ? when sudden startled cries made Wendi turn her head. She glimpsed the enforcer, as she had come to think of him ? the man who'd shown the brunette for what she was ? shaking Stuart Babbage by the scruff of his neck.

Wendi started in surprise.  She missed her footing and felt her foot slip on something sticky and wet. Suddenly she was falling.  She hit her face hard on the floor just a moment after the brunette's knee caught her side.  The brunette darted in, stomping on Wendi's side, driving her heel in between Wendi's ribs and kicking Wendi?s head. Wendi rolled, only to have the brunette drop, knees first, into her side. Wendi gasped as the pain took her breath away, but she rolled further, forcing the brunette off her.

Her enemy scrambled to her feet. She stood for a moment, breathing hard.  Wendi knew she was right ? she had all but destroyed the brunette right before she fell. The bitch needed time to recover. This time though, Wendi gave that time to her.  She herself was dazed from the two blows to her head and that, added to the pain she?d suffered in the fight, prevented her from getting up directly.  She rolled towards the wall against which the brunette had stood only moments ago and hauled herself up, pressing one hand on the wall for support.  And the brunette was ready waiting for her.

Befuddled, Wendi thrust her arm out, trying to keep the brunette at bay. Her opponent seized that arm, yanking Wendi toward her. She slammed her knee into Wendi?s stomach. Wendi gasped and doubled over. The brunette?s elbow crashed into her cheek, stunning her. She squealed in pain, reeling.  Her hands fluttered up to protect herself, but not fast enough. The brunette anticipated Wendi?s attempted defence, sending her fist deep into the blonde?s gut, driving her back into the wall behind her.

Wendi?s body folded, her legs buckled again, her arms fluttered. She wanted to retch.  She had never expected such a brutal onslaught.  She had fought before ? often ? but never had she struck such a ferocious, implacable enemy.  The brunette?s fist struck her in the mouth, jolting her face sideway.  Wendi?s lips burst; a spray of blood hit the wall beside her. The brunette fired an uppercut, striking Wendi?s chin.  The blonde?s legs gave out and she dropped to her hands and knees. The brunette?s foot on her back forced her down to the floor, and at last, unable to rise, she croaked her surrender.   

Wendi's friends flocked around. Tim helped her to stand.  Sylvie put an arm around her and guided her to a chair.   From there, though her tears of pain and anger, Wendi watched the brunette hobble towards the bar.  she tried to strut, to hold her head high, to stand upright, to sway her ass in the same swaggering way she had entered the bar earlier. But she couldn?t ? she was in too much pain.  Wendi had inflicted too much damage. Her top was stained, torn and askew; her once shiny, shimmering long hair mussed and sticky; her bare neck, shoulders, upper chest and stomach marked by cuts, weals and blotches which tomorrow would be bruises.

Wendi sat down as others brought a couple of icepacks and hot packs, some towels, and two washcloths soaked in hot water. Her friends washed the dirt off her, applied icepacks to her cuts and bruises, hot packs to her strained muscles and made her sip strong coffee into which they'd put some brandy,

Every few paces, the brunette had to stop and gulp for breath. She disguised this by pausing to exchange a few words at tables she passed but the way she grasped a chair or braced her arm on the table told everyone how Wendi had battered her, how close Wendi had been to victory. Wendi was disgusted to see the brunette?s attitude was unchanged. She lingered at a table, chatting with the two men. She draped her arm around one and was lowering herself onto his lap when he abruptly pushed her and sent her on her way.

The brunette?s face whitened at this rejection.  She pouted visibly and hissed loudly. She flounced off, muttering under her breath. She walked past a few tables, to where the man with whom she?d flirted when she first came into the bar was sitting alone. The brunette brushed his glass to the side and sat on the table, leaning back, propping herself up by an arm as she turned to him. Wendi smirked as the man ostentatiously swung his chair, turning his back deliberately on her.  The brunette leaped to her feet as if she?d been stung by a swarm of wasps. She stamped her heel on the floor and stomped off.

?No wonder,? Wendi thought to herself. ?Who?d want a dirty, sweaty, fat whore, reeking of the beer and liquor tipped over her.?

The brunette had almost reached the bar when the man Wendi had dubbed the enforcer, stopped in front of her. She started as she spotted him, and stepped to the side as if to avoid the man, but he blocked her way. He spoke to her for a moment.  Again she stepped away ? or did she almost fall? The mobster ? yes, Wendi thought that so suited him ? grabbed the woman's arm and steadied her. She seemed to try to pull away again, but the mobster held her so she stumbled instead. He slipped his arm around her waist as if supporting her. Again he said something to her and this time she seemed to give in to whatever he was asking.

He steered her toward a table on which was a tray with a bottle of champagne poking out of an ice bucket, and two glasses. He poured a glass for the brunette and held it up to her lips. Her hand fluttered up as if to push him back or the glass away, but he brushed the hand aside and all but poured some of the champagne into her mouth. His free hand snaked round her back, pulling her closer. He held the flute to her mouth once more.

She seemed to relax, or perhaps surrender.  He helped her drink the rest of the glass. ?But then,? Wendi thought sourly, ?the whore?s a lush. She flirted with everyone before, just to get free drinks.?  With one hand holding the tray and the other hand wrapped tightly around the brunette?s waist, the man led her to a table only a short distance from Wendi and her friends.

?Congratulations!? Still standing, the enforcer poured her another glass of champagne. The brunette downed it. ?Congratulations!? he repeated, turning his head and flashing a quick grin at Wendi's table. ?I thought that blonde almost had you there.  I couldn?t let that happen.  No, not to a woman like you.? He waved away the brunette?s protest. ?Yes, yes you might have bounced back but just then?just before I ran interference for you?she was battering you. How many more punches could your belly ? ? his hand rubbed her stomach and she flinched, ? ? have taken?? His hand stroked her naked belly, running up and down and around her navel.  She stiffened, almost trembling.

Again he stifled the brunette?s objection as he continued to stroke her bare flesh. ?You broke away?you ran from her! You knew she was pounding you. Yes, yes you were only trading space for time till you could regroup and turn the fight around.? His voice was almost mocking.  He stopped stroking her belly, running a hand through her hair instead. ?But you might have run out of room. She might have caught up with you.? He roughly pulled her head toward his. ?You might not have had an opportunity to turn the fight around.? His lips sought hers.

The brunette?s gaze flickered around the room as if seeking some refuge. Instead, she found herself locking eyes with Wendi, staring at her enemy. The brunette shivered.  ?Yes,? thought Wendi, ?you know, however much you pretend otherwise, just like you knew then, you?d lost. You know I was about to destroy you.? Wendi maintained her even stare. The brunette flinched and looked away.

Again the man tried to kiss her.  She seemed to give up the struggle this time, and allowed him to. Wendi was sure she saw the brunette gag as his tongue plunged into her mouth. Regardless of that though, she responded to his kiss ? or pretended to ? and pressed herself into the side of the enforcer.

He continued, ?Yes you might have turned the fight around. But you might not have too?and that was a chance I didn?t want you to take. Not a big feisty woman like you. That?s why I did what I did.? The brunette relaxed a little.  He kissed her again, and brushed her matted hair.

Wendi didn?t think the brunette saw Sylvie and the enforcer exchange swift smiles. The man continued talking to the brunette. ?Her slipping over was a plus.  That made certain you?d win?and you did. Again, congratulations.? He hugged the brunette close again, kissing her. 
Her mouth opened of her own volition this time, and his tongue snaked in.

?You?re not very thankful?? Wendi thought his voice had an edge to it, and perhaps the brunette sensed it too. She winced and started as the man ran his hand up and down her bare belly again. ?Oh?now that's sore, is it?? he asked solicitously, chucking her under the chin.

The man suddenly seemed to change gears, almost as if he realised he wasn?t making any headway with his plans for the brunette ? whatever they were. ?You had everyone watching your every move when you walked in?me included, babe! You had all our heads turning!  I was chatting with my back to the door and the first I knew of your arrival was a sharp hiss from one of the girls nearby. She gripped her man's arm tightly. He was watching you come in. She was jealous. She was too scared to fight you...she knew your reputation.?

As he spoke, his hands caressed the brunette's body, stroking her face, her flanks, her belly.  He kissed her between sentences. Her hands fluttered to her midriff as she tried to brush his hands away ? but not, Wendi thought, as forcefully as she had done earlier.

?You?re making progress, fella, but you?re not there yet,? Wendi thought to herself.  She saw the difference between the brunette's glossy mane before the fight and the tangled birds nest now, sticky with drink, dirty from the dust and crumbs that had stuck when Wendi had knocked the brunette down. ?Yes? she thought again, ?I had you till he ran interference.?

?Oh babe, she wasn't the only one either.? The man continued his flattery. ?I saw you walk from guy to guy?a word here, a kiss, a hug there. Those guys were so hot for you.  Their girls?if they had them?were all spitting mad, furious with their men for encouraging you?cuz I saw you never went to a guy unless he gave you a glad eye first.  Their girls were all fuming?but they knew better than to cross you, babe.?

The brunette flinched as he stroked her. ?Babe, I don?t have any pain killers but I think this,? he pulled a small silver foil package from his pocket, and placed it in her hand, ?might lighten your mood.? The brunette opened the foil. Her eyes bugged wide.  ? No,? he brushed her protest aside, ?think of it as my gift to you. Why don?t you go freshen up?  I?ll be waiting for you when you come back?with some more champagne.? He kissed her on the lips and walked toward the bar.

?I think he just gave her some coke!? Tim whispered to Wendi.  By now the brunette?s attempt at sauntering was more successful than before.  Her head in the air, she rolled her ass and strutted with exaggerated care.  The booze had obviously helped.  Probably so too had the flattery, and if Tim was right, the prospect of a premium hit ? Wendi had seen the way the brunette?s eyes lit up when she saw the package ? was even more of a boost.

Wendi waited a few seconds till the brunette sauntered out of earshot. ?Kate,? she hissed across the table. ?The bitch doesn?t know you. Go check her out?see if she?s snorting coke in the ladies room.?

Kate was back quickly. She nodded. ?She was snorting a line off the bathroom counter.?

The enforcer was back before the brunette. He sat at the table waiting, looking at the scene.  The brunette took her time but when she did come back, her face and body was washed, her hair brushed, her clothes straightened. Her eyes were bright and she looked like a new woman.  The enforcer smiled as she seated herself and he poured her another drink.

Even though she was only half listening to the guy and half to her friends talk, Wendi all but spat with anger at the man's fulsome praise of the brunette. She tried to block her ears as he continued, but was unwillingly fascinated at how his glib, oily flattery broke down the brunette's haughty rancour. Wendi was disgusted at how the brunette began to flirt back now, employing all the tricks she had before the fight, even grinding against his lap.  She was almost, Wendi thought, giving him a lap dance. Wendi's mind wandered.  Her friends babble about their day only reminded her of how bad her own had been ? culminating in this fight she knew she had all but won before the gangster interfered.

Still talking, still charming the brunette with his adulation, once more the enforcer ran his fingers through her hair as she writhed on his lap.  The man changed the subject, again he spoke about the fight while his other hand cupped her breast, pushing up under the torn top.

The brunette broke the kiss, wincing as the man slid his hand down away from her now exposed breast and kneaded her belly once again. ?Did I hurt you?? he asked, as she tried to pull her top back up. ?Yes, I must have done.  You?ll be very tender there, from where she punched you so hard and so often.?

The band struck up again, but the brunette resisted the enforcer's attempts to coax her to dance until he surreptitiously winked at Sylvie, who said as if to Wendi, but loud enough for the other woman to hear, ?He's wasting his time. You hurt her too much.  She can't dance now.?

The brunette?s eyes flashed as she caught the words.   She hissed angrily and immediately leapt to her feet, wincing as she did so. She seized the enforcer?s arm and all but dragged him toward the dance floor. She stumbled, but the man saved her and together they went off.

Wendi could barely stifle the broad smile as she watched the brunette try to dance. No longer was she able to move with the style that had impressed Wendi and no doubt the men who'd danced with her before the fight. No, now she was clinging to the man, her head on his shoulder, her battered body barely drifting to the music. And the man took full advantage of her weakness, kneading her belly even more brazenly than he had before the fight, fingering her through her skirt.

"She must know the crowd can see her! " Sylvie exclaimed.

?She doesn?t care any longer.  She?s all coked up,? Tim replied, adding scornfully, ?Just like I said before?she?s nothing but fuckmeat.?

The couple danced ? if you could call it that, thought Wendi - for the remainder of that bracket, then sat down. Once more, the man lavished the brunette with drink.  His groping, never concealed, became more overt and the brunette replied in kind, writhing on his lap, her skirt riding up as she mimicked riding him,  They were at the bar together for what seemed like an eternity to Wendi, still nursing her bruises and injuries, trying to listen to her friends.   Then they got up and left.

Wendi was still spitting mad that she had allowed herself to be beaten by a druggie bully who had picked on all her friends, who had ruined her entire night and taken her place to relax and turned it into something horrible.

She no longer cared what happened to her.  That saunter and the man's hand on the brunette's swaying fat ass as they walked out the door ran through her mind. She knew she wasn't thinking clearly, all she could think was a mantra. ?She can't just get away with this, I won't let her get away with this.?

She got up and went outside, waving away her friends' concern, even shrugging off the cautionary hand Tim laid on her shoulder.  She was totally focused, determined to find her enemy.

But she couldn't.

Wandering back inside, she looked around the smoking area and still nothing. ?Fuck she can't have left surely.?

Her frustrations boiled over as Tim again put his hand on her shoulder. ?Wendi, you?ve got to let this go.  You?re better than her?just leave it. She'll get what?s coming to her eventually.?

Wendi just sighed and nodded her head, dejected as she got her jacket and headed outside again, this time with her friend.

They almost walked past the alley that ran down the side of the bar, between it and the next building. Then Wendi froze at a soft hoarse whisper. She turned, and her eyes snapped open wide.

There she was ? the brunette ? perched in a sultry pose, one leg up, her foot and back resting against the wall. Her bustier was pushed up, its open studs flopping over her rack, and the guy's left hand roamed over her now bare breasts. He was talking in her ear.

?She's there, a tramp up an alley,? Wendi hissed. She broke away and moved closer, Tim following.  Slipping off her heels so she didn't make any noise, ?Not,? she thought, ?that they would have noticed, lost in their own world?.   She crept behind a dumpster and peeked over it.

?I'm telling you, babe?the way you handled that pain in the ass in there was real good.  I'm always looking for a girl who knows how to handle herself.? The man chuckled, his face close to the brunette?s.  He kissed her, and his hand slipped in between the creaminess of her thighs.

The brunette was not in Wendi?s full view ? the man stood in front of her, in the way ? but Wendi still saw her put her hands on his shoulders and push him back. ?I don't quite think you could handle what it is I got,? she purred throatily.

?Still the same old teasing cow,? Wendi whispered to herself.

The brunette grunted suddenly.  The man had thrust her back against the wall. ?I think it's you who doesn't understand here.? Wendi saw the muscles on his forearm tense as his hand wrapped around the brunette's slightly tattered skirt and pulled it up. His hand slid down to her cxnt. The brunette moaned almost inaudibly. Suddenly her head moved.  Wendi could see her face fully now.  Her eyes were glazed, her mouth open.

?Is the slut enjoying it, or are the drink and drugs all combining together?? Wendi whispered to Tim.

The man kissed the brunette roughly. His right hand rubbed her thighs. He brushed her fluttering hands away with his left. He pressed his chest against hers. Again he kissed her. The brunette whimpered as he rubbed inside her thighs. Wendi saw his hand move up, up. The brunette's body tensed. Wendi was sure he'd just jabbed a finger into her. He clapped his other hand over her mouth to stifle her protest. ?I think you?re going to be real good to me, girl.?

The brunette trembled. Her hand clasped his, trying to push it away from her mouth. She succeeded, gasping for air. His hand moved off her cxnt and reached into his pocket.

He pulled out another foil wrapper.  Wendi saw it glint in the half light. He showed it to the brunette whose eyes widened again. ?Yeah?I think you're going to be real good to me,? he repeated.

?I?don't think so?? The brunette's voice lacked conviction, and her hand grabbed at the foil. The man swung his hand up high, out of her reach, then brought it down again to grip her throat tightly.

His other hand reached down, popping the studs on her skirt, which slid to the dirty pavement. The brunette's mouth opened as if she was trying to say something, but she failed. The man threw the foil at her face. 

It fell to the ground, and she tried to push past the man, to bend and  grab the foil and her own purse lying near it. To Wendi's shock and horror, the man swung his hand down hard and cracked the brunette right on the arse. The force sent her sprawling face forward on the filthy asphalt floor of the alley.

The man bent over, grabbed her hair and pulled her up to her feet as she groaned in pain ? but also in need. He shoved her back against the wall.

Wendi gripped Tim's hand. The brunette was a bitch but did she deserve this? 

Still holding the brunette's hair, the man ran his other hand over her body again, cupping and squeezing a breast, kneading her belly, groping her between her thighs. Her body shook and she moaned. ?You think I don't know your kind?? The man's voice was heavy with contempt.

She yelped.  The man had bitten her neck. ?Oh, so fucking powerful,? he hissed in answer to something the brunette had whimpered. He pushed harder, crushing her breasts. Her yelp was cut off by his kiss, claiming her mouth.

His hand reached for something Wendi couldn't see.  She didn't know whether she should keep watching, but after everything she had been through tonight, it was about time the tramp got her just desserts.   No sooner had she thought that thought and there it was ? the sharp rip of material could only have been the brunette?s panties. Wendi saw the woman recoil as his fingers shoved up into her cxnt, roughly parting her lips. ?Mmmm?looks like that cxnt?s wet already,? he taunted her.  ?Little whore?not so brave after all, are you??

?We'd better be going,? Tim said dubiously.

Wendi was transfixed.  She shook his hand away. ?No,? she panted, her eyes feasting on her enemy's degradation . She watched as the gangster's thrusts all but took the brunette off her feet, each thrust eliciting a gasp of pain. Wendi whispered, ?She must have expected this! No, she wants it. She's rough trade.?

Wendi didn't want to watch, yet at the same time she couldn't look away. The brunette had hit on this guy earlier.  She'd danced with him, teased him, and his interference had won her the fight.  Now he had her by her hair, leashed and captive in this dirty alley punishing her, degrading her as she just whimpered there.

The thought of helping the brunette entered Wendi's head for a second, before she felt the pain of her ribs aching, a well-timed reminder of just what a callous bitch she was dealing with. All sympathy vanished as she heard the cry of ?please? from the brunette, yet could almost hear the squelching of her enemy?s cxnt ripple around his invading fingers in the cold darkness.  A few moments later the brunette's body shook violently.  She almost fell as her tormentor stepped back, releasing her.

?He made her cum!? Wendi gasped, watching the brunette's attempts to rearrange her clothes. The man kissed her roughly again.

?You?re going to do just what I tell you?when I tell you?aren't you?? His stroked her cheek, streaking her mess all down her face. He still held her hair tight with his other hand. Gripping her chin, he made her stare right at the bag of drugs on the floor. Wendi couldn't tell whether the brunette?s face dipping was a nod of surrender, or just him shaking her head.

Probably the latter, she thought, judging by the man?s reaction. He let go of the brunette?s hair. Grabbing an arm instead, he spun her so she faced the wall, and twisted her arm up high behind her back. She screamed with pain, and again when he spanked her ass.  He forced her arm even higher, and made her bend forward till her face and upper body were squashed against the wall, her butt sticking out. He undid his zipper and his jeans slid to his knees.

?No!? the brunette squealed desperately. ?I don?t take it in the ass!?

?You're going to do just what I tell you!? he repeated.

The brunette?s scream as he entered her was cut off when he clapped his hand over her mouth. Again Wendi and Tim heard the thud of her body against the wall as the gangster fucked her ass.  It was only a few moments before he grunted hard, and pulled out. Forcing the brunette to her knees, he made her suck him clean.

He picked up the foil and held it up to the brunette?s tear-stained face as he gripped her arm and dragged her to her feet. ?Now we're going to your apartment,? he commanded.  ?You said it?s only a few minutes? walk?and we'll fuck some more. If you're a good little whore, I'll give you some more of what you need?but you?ll have to earn it. And right now, you'll give me the key to your apartment.? He all but dragged her toward the entrance to the alley, her heels sliding and slipping as she tried to run to keep up with him.

Wendi and Tim scurried away into the darkness.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 09:07:18 PM by peccavi »
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline peccavi

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Re: Punished at Pilzen
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2017, 09:14:37 PM »
for some reason the site reads quotation marks as question marks. when I have a handle on that I will correct it
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline Figaro

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Re: Punished at Pilzen
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2017, 06:18:11 PM »
This was absolutely amazing and hot. The fight. The ending. Just amazing!

The attention to detail and the choreography were superb.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 06:19:39 PM by Figaro »


Offline karl butters

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Re: Punished at Pilzen
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2017, 10:23:43 PM »
for some reason the site reads quotation marks as question marks. when I have a handle on that I will correct it

Same thing happened to me. It must be a site issue.