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Seema Mody vs Kayla Tausche: CNBC Rookies catfight!

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Offline wolf359

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Seema Mody vs Kayla Tausche: CNBC Rookies catfight!
« on: August 17, 2011, 12:09:31 AM »
2011 has seen the arrival of two new cuties to CNBC's bevy of beauties-- Seema Mody and Kayla Tausche. You have to think that they'd be competing for attention and a rivalry develops between the two.

So thoughts on who'd win in a no holds barred catfight? My money's on Seema, who'd dominate the skinnier Kayla. But don't underestimate Kayla, who may just fight dirtier and tweak Seema's nipples in an oh so painful way.