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Grlwrestler Joanne VS Holly2 from poll thread. Apartment fight.

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Offline stormbolt7

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Joanne was slender, athletic, yet also had a very full and pleasing figure.
Joanne looked good in almost anything, as well as nothing at all. I happened to find to my delight, as I was to meet her at her place.
The beautiful blonde coming to the door, dripping wet, a robe gaping open, as she had been running late.
Joanne smiling, as she watched my jaw drop, as I viewed her very nice body, before she covered up.
"Dont worry, I won't tell on you." She says laughing, while teasing me.
One very wonderful lady in mind, as Joanne knows I will not try to pull anything, even seeing this stunning woman naked. I had another lady in mind, that I enjoyed seeing that way, and did not want to chance that.
Also Joanne was friends with her as well.
Joanne giving me a hug, and kiss to the cheek, as she closes the door behind me. As I thank her for being so patient.
The lovely lady had been waiting, and I had a few fights lined up for her.
First was going to be a lady known as Holly2.
It was going to take place at the studio apartment, set up for just such catfights. The very next day.
Again I found myself apologizing to Joanne for it taking this long to get to.
Smiling again she tells me it is okay. Not only was Joanne drop dead gorgeous, and very good at fighting. The lady was wonderful to have as a friend as well.
Maybe that was why, after excusing herself. The lovely lady known also as grlwrestler began to finish getting ready, as I was taking her out to dinner, along with a very special girl of mine.
The next night would be the fight, if the two sexy ladies could keep from getting into a tag team or group fight tonight. I loved them both, yet at times they could get quite feisty. Turning a quiet evening out, with friends into a catfight.
"I promise not to tell her you were staring at my ass." Joanne playfully calls, as she gets dressed in the other room.
I begin to give a smart ass reply. Then stop, as I realize my argument, I saw Joanne's breasts and womanhood, would not be my best response.
Her laughter soon letting me know I was going to be teased by both ladies during the night. Yet it was a small price to pay, enjoying the company of two such hot, and sexy ladies.
The night goes okay, and soon we drop Joanne back off, with me promising to get her, for her fight the next night.
The next night, Joanne is very nice looking in, sports bra, and skin tight shorts.
Very long legs, toned belly, and very tight ass. Joanne was one well maintained, and pleasing lady.
"Thank you." She says playfully, as I am unable to keep my eyes on her lovely face.
Then taking my arm, we head to the car.
We arrive at the apartment, shortly after.
The apartment is set up for private and viewed catfights.
The main part of the floor, having mats down on it.
Some furnishing, as well as folding chiars able to be used, when more spectators in attendance.
Holly soon arrives, as I get my first view of this brunette.
Long dark hair, framing her face.
Holly was looking good, in a bikini top, and short, skimpy skirt.
Holly, and Joanne basically stood eye to eye, with Joanne having a very slight weight or strength adavantage. Yet the two ladies very close in size, as they stare one another down.
Joanne also having a little fuller figure.

Holly stepping in closer, and pressing a finger to Joanne's chest, as she begins to tell Joanne on how much she will enjoy beating the blonde.
Joanne telling her to remove her finger, before she breaks the arm holding it.
Holly smiling, as she moves tight against Joanne, and as their eyes lock. Holly's hands grab Joanne's shorts, and yank them downward.
Joanne caught off guard, feels Holly tangling her legs, as Holly pushes her body against the lovely blonde's to finish dricing her off balance.
With a soft excalamation of surprise. Joanne's arma flailing,  one hand grabs Holly's top. Pulling it free, as Joanne falls to the mats, with a soft slaping sound.

Holly. chest heaving, bikini top gone. Pert breasts rising and falling more rapidly with her adrenaline flowing. drops to the mats to try and mount Joanne early.
Joanne struggling to strip her shorts the rest of the way,  to free her legs.
One of the legs, managing to kick Holly lightly, in her stomach. Driving the air from her as she doubles over, and Joanne slips away from her.
Joanne now in sports bra, and a thong, and looking very fine, as she grabs Holly's arm, and drags her to the mats.
Joanne starting to mount her, as she slaps Holly's breasts.
Holly feeling the sting of the slaps, as they also help her regain her flow of adrenaline as well.

Holly hitting back against Joanne. Grabbing the sports bra, and tugging at it.
Joanne's very well formed breasts spilling free, to quiver, then heave firmly. Even as Holly grabs the right one, and begins to twist it.
Joanne crying out, as Holly bucks, and squirms beneath her.
Holly slipping free, even as Joanne grabs one of Holly's breasts, and begins to return the favor or squeezing it, and twisting the tender flesh.

As if almost by unspoken agreement. They both let go, and on their knees, begin to circle one another again.
Taunts being given back and forth, as well as face, and breast slaps.
They both lunge forward, and arms around one another as they rock side to side. Holly starting to grab at Joanne's hair. Even as Joanne manages to gain the advantage, and drives Holly back.
Joanne quickly stripping Holly's skirt, and now both sexy ladies down to only their thongs. As they roll together, and struggle for position.

I wince and prepare to move to her side, as Joanne is shoved off balance, and seems to hit her head.
Yet the fiery blonde rolls free. Seeming to be okay. Her hands maybe hitting first, making it sound worse than it was.

They press together again, as hair is yanked by both, open hand slaps are now becoming more regular punch attempts.
Holly, landing a punch, to Joanne's left side, causing Joanne to lean that way, to ease the blow.
Holly then using a leg to drive against the other side, as Joanne goes over, gasping in air.
Holly grabbing her thong, and yanking it up, to make Joanne howl in pain. Before stripping it, and leaving the blonde beauty naked on the mats.
Holly waving the thong around like a trophy, instead of trying to cover or finish Joanne off.

Joanne finally managing to grab Holly's hair, yanking her head forward, as the brunette gloats over Joanne.
Holly going face first, yet as with Joanne using her hands in time to cushion the impact. As Joanne rolls over onto her back. Facing the opposite way Holly was. Grabbing Holly's thong, and yanking it up roughly to return the favor and discomfort, of the thin material driving into her crack and pussy lips. Before Joanne strips it. Moving down along Holly's body as the thong does.
Joanne grabbing Holly's legs. Twisting them, so the brunette is quickly on her back.
As Joanne lifts her legs, and tries to use the leverage for a pin. I make it to two, before Holly manages to rock, and using her entire body, manage to kick out.

Joanne quickly dropping the legs, to drop down, and begin to tit slap, and face slap Holly.

Holly slapping back, catching Joanne hard to the side of her face. Joanne's head snapping to the side, as Holly quickly drives a fist into Joanne's sleek belly.
Joanne gasping, as she loses her wind, and Holly quickly barrels into Joanne, driving her onto her back.

The two ladies both breathing heavy now, as Holly begins to mount Joanne prone on top.
Joanne squirming, as I begin the count. Managing to finally shift a shoulder up, before the three count.
Holly raising her body up, to slam back down on top of Joanne. Yet this time it barely makes it to a two count, before Joanne has recovered, getting a second wind, as the soft, firm skin of both ladies, Has begun to sheen lightly, with sweat.

A few slaps to Holly's face, and a punch lands solidly on Holly's left breast. Holly begins having trouble catching her breath, from the well placed punch. As Joanne moves and begins wrapping her long legs around Holly.
Joanne tightening them around Holly's upper body, as Joanne clenches her thighs, and had Holly in a bad way, with the leg scissors tightening on Holly.
Her breath already driven out with the punch. Holly begins to try and pry Joanne's legs apart, with little success.

Joanne had some fantastic legs. I was trying not to imagine how pleasing it could be to have them wrapped around me, not as a submission hold.
The hold locked in, Holly struggling weaker, finally taps the mats.

Joanne holds it a little longer, than releases, and untangles her body from Holly. As the lovely brunette curls up slightly, trying to catch her full breath, and ease the pain in her body.
Joanne sits up, and thanks me, as I quickly have a drink for her, as her chest heaves, and I try not to stare, at her well formed breasts.
Joanne smiling, as she catches my gaze. Yet this time not taunting or teasing me.

I then am by Holly's side, talking to her softly, checking on her. Making sure she was okay, and starting to breathe normally.

The brunette letting me help her sit up, as she leans and rests against me, as I help her drink something cold.
Joanne's brown eyes watching, as this had just been a fight. She had nothing against Holly, except bragging rights, on the line.

Holly's pretty blue eyes thanking me, as she drinks, and I hold her gently.
Then she begins to be breathing more normal. The fight, and the hold's effects leaving bruises and pain, to her sexy body. Yet for the rest, things had begun to return to normal.

Holly, and Joanne had both given a very good accounting. Yet once Joanne's long legs got around her, after already being winded. It had only been a matter of time.
I help Holly to her feet, and she hugs me, before heading to Joanne.
A few catty remarks given by both, as usual after a hard fought catfight. Yet nothing heated or ready to bring more blows. At least not for now.
These same two ladies maybe some day, fighting again. Yet after things are said. They embrace, and compliment one another on the fight.

I have towels for both ladies, and let them sit and recover on the large sofa, as I bring a small table by, and soon have a few snacks set for them both.
It was my pleasure later to treat both lovely ladies to dinner, after showers, and changes of clothing.
Joanne always enoyable company, as Holly proved to be. My certain other lady, sliding in beside me. Making my evening, as she looked incredible as always.
All three ladies wearing some very fine outfits. Showing off three very appealing figures.
We dropped my girls car off, after it was decided the ladies wanted to have more of an evening.
After dinner we had headed for the club, and just as we were to go in.

A lady that had been beaten by my girl, yelled my ladie's name. Then came after her with a few of her friends.
Joanne and Holly recent opponents, happily joining together, with my lady. To mop up the parking lot, with the other ladies. Before I escort them all away, before any law enforcement began.
The ladies left behind, having been looking for my girl. Finding out the hard way, you do not mess with a group of catfighters. Even when they do look as pretty, and hot as the ladies with me.
Some torn and damaged clothing. A few bruises for my girl, that she knew I would give some TLC later.

Joanne and Holly adding a few more bruises, to their own bodies. Yet as we leave, all three chatting happily, at how much fun it had been to show the other group of ladies. Which ones had the longest claws, and the catfight skills. 

Joanne getting to be part of two wins in the same day. Holly splitting even.
Yet as always, the ladies made it a very intersting day, and evening.

The End