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The tournament

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The tournament
« on: February 22, 2018, 01:44:04 PM »
I decided to have a go at writing, this is my first attempt and is hopefully the starter of a mixed tournament.  I would welcome feedback, preferably constructive!  As I mentioned though, this is my first attempt, so please be gentle! :) 

As this is a mixed tournament, my current plan is to have both F v M and F v F matches, the tournament will include M v M but at the moment I intend to skip through those unless there is particular demand to include more.

I like a bit of background at least, so have included an intro to the tournament and the main character.  If you're not really interested in setup, I've added a sub heading part way when the first match starts up.

Hope you enjoy...

My life had always involved a lot of moving around, but it looked like I was finally able to stop being dragged around by my parents work, we had settled in a fairly small town and at 18 I was pleased to finally be able to look out for myself and knew that if my parents needed to move on again I wouldn?t have to go with them.  I?d always felt lucky to be able to travel around with my parents, but now I was ready to stay put for a while and try to find a group of friends and maybe a more stable life!

It was that aim that had brought me to the local youth club, the town had little in the way of entertainment or activities for anyone under the age of about 30, so the concept of ?youth? had clearly been stretched a little, and the place tended to cover anyone from young kids to about the age of 25.  I?d been going along for a few weeks when one of the guys I met there, Mike, told me about the contest.

?It happens every year, over in the sports building? he nodded across to the old sports hall, the building was now generally reserved for the older members, the younger club members tended to stay in the main rooms where there were computer games and tv?s to watch.  Despite its name, the ?sports hall? wasn?t used for sports that often anymore, I?d seen some sports equipment, but whenever I had been there it had generally been set up more like a bar, someone had set up a music system, and there were tables and things around for the members to have a drink and catch up.  I?d found it one of the best features of the club.

?so, what? It?s a wrestling contest?? I looked at him; ?mixed wrestling??? he smiled as he saw the dubious look on my face.  ?Yeah, but don?t be fooled, you might think the girls wouldn?t have a chance, but there are some rules in their favour, and some of them are quite athletic?.  I shrugged as we walked across to the building, ?so how does it work?? I asked curiously; ?well, it?s only open to over 18s, most people do sign up so we end up with about 24, usually ends up about 50/50 guys and girls, and we?re split into groups, ideally 3 girls 3 guys? he began, explaining the process ?you fight the others in your group to a best of three, submissions only, and top 4 go through, that?s setup to make sure it?s definitely still mixed in round 2.  Then it?s groups of 4, based on your 1st round ranking, so if you come top in your group, you?ll be with people who came lower in their groups?  He turned to face me, I nodded slowly ?ok, I get that, so bit of an advantage to finishing higher? he smiled ?exactly, it goes on like that, back into groups, top 2 progress so there is 8 for the 3rd round, again two groups of 4, top two go into the final round robin to determine the winner.?

?Sounds like you could end up with a lot of matches if you get all the way!  How intense do they get? What are the rules like?? I asked, he shrugged ?well the rules are pretty straightforward, it?s wrestling not brawling, so no biting, or scratching or anything like that, the girls get a slight advantage that they are allowed kicks, knees and elbow strikes to the body if they?re in a mixed match, guys can?t do that, grappling only for us, and this isn?t WWE, no crazy high flying stuff that might seriously injure someone!? I laughed as we walked into the building ?no worries there, can?t see much of that going on! Ok, guess I should give it a go!?

We both signed up and had to wait around to see who we were paired with, Cathy and Hannah came over to join us ?Hi guys!? waved Hannah cheerfully, ?did you sign up? We?re both in!? she giggled, I looked across at them surprised, granted I didn?t know them that well but I was surprised ?really? You two are wrestling?? Cathy was big, at around 5?8 and 170lb I figured she would have a weight advantage, but she sure wasn?t sporty, Hannah was more athletic, she had been a cheerleader through high school and had a great figure, but she didn?t seem like a fighter, she was too bubbly and cheerful!  Hannah smirked and winked at me ?why? You scared to meet us on the mats?? she giggled.  I rolled my eyes and started to respond, but Hannah interrupted with a loud WHOOP as she say Tyrone come over with the final teams and we sauntered over to have a look.  Mike had been right, 24 had signed up so we had ended up with 4 groups of six fighters.  I quickly looked at my group listing:



Turning back I saw a smirk on Hannah?s face, ?well not me, but guess you?ll get to see what Cathy?s got!? giggling again as her and Cathy started to walk away.  I turned back to Mike, ?how is your group?? he shrugged, looking slightly unsure ?tricky one, couple of new people I don?t know, looks like your group is harder, although you got the only group that?s 4 girls and only 2 guys, the rest are 3 and 3, take that as you will?, I frowned as I looked back at the list, I didn?t particularly recognise anyway else?s name, Mike walked over and started to point out some people on the list ?Donna and Jayne are good friends, and a little bitchy!  Especially Jayne, she is short but mouthy, Donna is just tough, she got to the final last year and only narrowly lost, she was pissed about it too so don?t expect mercy!? he smirked ?Paula I don?t know too well, so you?ll have to wait and see, Steve isn?t too bad, fairly big guy, but don?t think he?s ever really done much sport, I think he?s been out in the first round two years in a row?  I nodded as I listened to him reeling off names, and looked down to see that my first match was going to be against Jayne.

ROUND 1 Match 1 ? Matt v Jayne

The match was set for later that evening, I arrived in plenty of time and made my way through to the sports hall, entering I was immediately taken by the change, most of hall had been cleared and rows of benches had been pulled out to provide seating, I noticed that most of the people in the tournament were there for the first round matches, plus quite a few others, there were 8 sets of mats laid out, so plenty of space for matches, each with a group of around 5 or 6 watching on the benches.  I spotted Cathy and gave her a quick wave, I knew she was up against Donna, and they had a larger crowd of about 10, I assumed people were interested to see if Donna was out for blood after her narrow loss last year.

Finding my spot, I saw Mike and Hannah were there waiting ?hey bud? he smiled as I approached, ?you ready for this? Hannah and I are fighting later, so thought we?d come say hi and wish you luck!? I smiled as he gave a me a quick pat on the shoulder ?let?s hope I can make a good start,? I grinned as I turned to see Jayne arriving.  I had stripped down to a pair of loose black shorts and a white t-shirt, at 6?2 and around 180lb I was one of the bigger guys in the tournament, I hoped that would help me out, but I knew I wasn?t particularly big built, I had done a little sport, but with all my moving around I?d never gotten into anything in a big way. 

Looking across I saw Jayne stripping down, leaving her in a pair of red bikini shorts and a matching bikini top, her feet bare as I looked her up and down, her body was well toned and Mike had told me she did a lot of gymnastics, but her tournament stats put her about 5?2 and 100lb so I was confident my big size advantage would put her down quickly.  Despite this she was clearly ready for a fight, her short hair was fiery red and her glare told me her temperament matched ?you ready to get your ass kicked big boy!? she yelled across at me, surprised I paused for a moment, glancing at Mike as I saw him smirk, but she gave me no chance to retort ?don?t look at your boyfriend look at me, the little bitch who?s gonna wipe you out!? I sighed as I stepped up on to the mat, feeling my bare feet sink in to the soft surface, it was clear this was going to continue ?nothing to say wimp?? she yelled across at me, ?or you just figuring out how you?re going to submit?? I rolled my eyes as I dropped into a crouched stance, ?let?s just see if your fight matches your mouth!? I smiled, my hands coming up ready. 

I glanced across at the ref, looking for him to signal the start, and made my first error.  Jayne saw me glance to the side and wasted no time, lunging forwards she slammed her shoulder into my chest, the dropped to spin with her leg outstretched,  sweeping for the back of my ankle as I staggered a little ?HEY!? I yelled out as I felt my legs kicked out, falling helplessly as I crashed down heavily onto my back, grunting at the impact, I saw Jayne leap athletically back to her feet before she jumped and crashed down on me, landing heavily on my stomach with both knees ?UURRGGHH!? I gasped as my body bucked, she was light but the impact still forced the air out of me.  Coughing I felt a moment?s release as she lifted off me, allowing me to breath before she dropped again, this time her knees landed squarely on my chest, her left sliding up slightly to press on to my throat ?AAAAHHH!? I gasped as her weight pressed down, slapping at her thigh as she choked me, luckily for me the ref saw it and forced her to back off, letting me breath again as she lifted, rolling on to my side to prevent another drop.

She smirked down at me ?wimp!? she mocked ?I knew you would be easy! What? You thought cos I was a smaller woman you would beat me huh? Tough guy?? as she taunted me she grabbed my ankles, forcing me to my back as she pushed my feet up, crossing them at the ankles as she forced my heels to my butt and sat down on my legs, keeping them trapped as she reach for my arms, I was still trying to catch my breath from her illegal choke when I felt her grab my arms and yank back, lifting my chest off the mats as she pulled painfully on my shoulders ?AARGGHH!? I screamed as I tried to get some leverage, shocked to find that this little bitch had me trapped, I couldn?t move without causing myself more pain, her position giving her too much leverage on my arms for me to overpower her ?submit bitch!? she yelled down at me ?you know you?re done here, tell everyone, nice and loud loser!? she taunted, still trying to beat me down verbally as much as she had physically until I finally relented, with my arms and legs tied up I couldn?t tap and knew I?d have to submit verbally, flushing I finally shouted out my surrender ?OK?STOP?I GIVE?I SUBMIT!? I called out, my arms in agony as she held on a moment longer before finally releasing me and letting me drop back to the mat, flopping back I groaned as she stood up over me and placed her bare foot on my head ?one down bitch!? she grinned, stepping back as I tried to roll and swat her away.

Gulping in air I pushed myself back to my feet, glaring at her ?it?s not over yet!? I growled, and to my annoyance she just laughed ?yes it is, it?s only a question of when I decide to finish you off!? I glanced around quickly, seeing a look of sympathy on Mike?s face as I stood there, humiliated at my first bad loss, pleased that at least Hannah had gone to watch Cathy?s match.  Turning back to Jayne I stepped out of my corner, dropping in to a crouch again, this time careful not to let my eyes drift as I kept fully focused on, feeling the anger building at the cocky grin plastered across her face.  I heard the ref shout and we stepped in, this time she was more cautious and circled around me, her hands up, mirroring my stance.  Finally I lunged in, grabbing for her hands as I tried to get locked up, smiling as I felt my fingers interlock with hers ?you?re mine now bitch!? I grinned, knowing my size advantage would help her and enjoying the look of concern on her face as I pushed forwards, intent on driving her back and down.

She seemed to falter as she pushed back against me, but was too small, I leaned up on my toes to overpower her, and suddenly felt the resistance go, my eyes widening I saw the smile on her face and realised the bitch had tricked me.  As I pushed forward she suddenly dropped back, leaving me pushing against nothing as she dropped to her back and kicked her feet up for my stomach, with my momentum to help her she guided my body up and over her, feeling myself panic as my feet left the floor I flipped over her and crashed down heavily ?UURGGHH!? I grunted at the hard impact, my body slamming on to my back on the mats, barely hearing the gasp from the audience as they watched me land.

From that point on, Jayne showed how merciless she could be, as I hit the mat she rolled quickly back to her feet, leaping and slamming her knees down hard again to keep me winded before rising and proceeding to stomp and kick at me, anytime I tried to curl she simply slammed a kick into my stomach, pushing me to my back again as she continued to stomp and kick, switching only to leap for another knee drop to my chest and stomach.  I had little left in the tank now, the smaller woman was destroying me, groaning I could do little other than try to cover up as best I could, a tactic which just left her pummelling my arms until she could break through again.  After what felt like an age she finally relented, shoving me with her foot as she forced me flat to my back again, my arms and legs splayed out, my head still spinning as I tried to focus.

Groaning I shook my head, trying to clear my vision, and then immediately wished I hadn?t as she dropped to her knees above me and crawled forward over my head, finding myself staring straight up at her firm ass ?that?s enough for you I think, time for a treat!? she giggled as sat back, ?NO DOMMMPPHH!? my yell was cut off as she pressed her ass squarely on to my face.  Momentarily I was frozen by shock and humiliation at finding this little bitch sitting on my face, but I also realised I couldn?t breathe ?MMPPHHH!? I squirmed under her, trying to shift her weight to gulp in air, but she had done her prep work well, I was bigger but her relentless beating had weakened me and this was adding insult to injury as I heard some of the female spectators laughing at my predicament.  I felt her grinding her ass down on to me, matching my movements to keep me firmly pinned, it seemed like my struggles just forced my face tighter against her butt.  ?Comfy down there big boy?? I heard her taunt, as she wiggled her butt in my face ?don?t know that you deserved a treat like this! Bet you LOVE having my sexy ass on your face!?  I squirmed and bucked my hips ?MMMPHHH!!? it was bad enough smothering in her ass without her mocking, but all I was doing was tiring myself out further.

She expertly rode my struggles, I was quickly realising I should have done more research on her, it was clear she knew more about wrestling that I did and I was struggling for air.  Humiliated at being forced to submit again I quickly tried to tap the mat, but even as I did she grabbed my wrists, yanking my hands up and wrapping them over her thighs ?what was that? Struggling with your arms too? Perhaps you should?ve just submitted!? She laughed down at me, panic set in as I realised she had no intention of accepting my submission and I bucked harder, desperate to unseat her ?Guess he isn?t submitting cos he likes my ass on his face too much!? I heard her call to the audience, ?MMPPHHH!? my protests muffled under her as she tried to increase my humiliation further still.

I felt her weight pressing down firmly as my struggles started to slow, I was running out of air too quickly, I tried desperately to tap with my feet, slap my hands on her thighs, anything to get the refs attention, but it was in vain, she wasn?t going anyway.   I couldn?t believe it, my first match and I was handed a beatdown by this little bitch.  I was utterly humiliated; not just at the loss, but the knowledge that this was being watched.  My movements slowed until I was barely resisting, I could still hear her laughing and mocking me to the watching crowd, but the words were fading, barely aware of anything now except the feel of the firm ass pressing tightly to my trapped face; and then finally I felt the release of unconsciousness approach, my vision flashing before I finally went out under her ass.
I groaned as I felt someone slapping my face, blinking as I started to come round, the bright glare of the lights in the hall invading my vision as I shook my head, trying to remember what had happened.  Glancing up I saw the Hannah?s concerned face hovering over me, and across the hall I saw Jayne give me a little wave as she turned and wiggled her ass at me.  Flushing I looked away, humiliated as the memory of my crushing defeat came flooding back.  Hannah smiled down at me, ?you?ll have to shrug this off, you?ve got TWO matches tomorrow!? I groaned at the prospect.  ?Don?t worry though, you first is against Steve, and he got beat tonight as well, Donna might be another matter though.  She just beat Cathy pretty bad, she?s out for blood this year, and she?s your third match!? groaning again I closed my eyes, wondering if I could turn this around after such a complete humiliation.