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Generations. Story of a family of fighting women. Part 2 - Rules of engagement

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Part 2
Rules of Engagement
Sarah McDonald V Kate Cogan
Three weeks after Kennedy’s visit, Sarah found herself in the smart leafy village of Bearsden a few miles north of Glasgow. It was unseasonably warm for April, as if the tension she was feeling was somehow replicated by the climate. A car had collected her from the station and a morose, taciturn middle-aged man brough Sarah around the rear of the impressive Carden Hall. The home of Lord and Lady Traquair.
Sarah was shown into a downstairs room, sparsely furnished with a few cast off chairs from the servants dining room. It was airless, and windowless. Although eleven in the morning, all sense of time seemed to seep away from this charmless space. She was treated with courtesy that seemed peppered with pity and curiosity in equal measure by Mrs Riley, Lady Traquair’s housekeeper.
In the room a section was curtained off at each end in which Sarah learned from Mrs Riley was effectively a dressing station where wounds could be treated. Sarah would be provided with a second who would be in her corner and help her.
‘ How kind of Lady Traquair’ Sarah commented looking for something to say
Mrs Riley regarded Sarah, but said nothing.
Sarah’s ‘second was introduced to her. A shy tall willowy blond of around 19. She had a face that Sarah thought would easily smile, but the girl, who offered her name Rosie, looked crushed. Mrs Riley after introductions were made left them, this seemed to open the door for Rosie.
Rosie explained that she too had fallen for the charms of David Traquair. This didn’t surprise Sarah, or particularly bother her. She knew well what kind of man he was. What did shock Sarah was Rosie’s recounting her fight with Kate. She too had been made the same offer as Kennedy had made Sarah. She too thought she could handle herself.  Now Rosie bitterly regretted accepting the same offer as Sarah had.
Rosie visibly flinched when the door opened. Mrs Riley entered accompanied with a tall statuesque platinum blond of around 40. Sarah was struck at first what she assumed was her beauty, but on closer observation she saw that the beauty came with a price. Lady Traquair took a chair, her mouth as tight as a rat trap. Piercing blue eyes silently seemed to dissect Sarah.  Her long elegant frame beautifully accented in her turquoise day gown.
The other woman was around Sarah’s age. Dark hair framed a heart shaped face, with intense brown eyes she regarded Sarah. She was perhaps 2 inches shorter, but as Sarah could see she was muscular, born through hard manual work. They were about the same weight, perhaps this newcomer having a slight advantage.
She smiled a disarmingly gentle smile at Sarah and a soft west Irish lilt offered her a greeting
‘ Nice to meet you Sarah, nothing personal when I tear off your tits.’
Lady Traquair’s tight lips curled into a smirk at this, but Mrs Riley said.
‘ That’s enough Kate, please Miss Mc Donald is our guest.’
Sarah was aware of Rosie flinching again.
‘ Ladies’ Mrs Riley began, ‘You have agreed to fight to settle a matter between Lady Traquair and Miss McDonald. Both parties have agreed to the terms and consequences on winning or losing. Miss Kate Coogan shall fight Miss Sarah McDonald on behalf of Lady Traquair. The rules are quite simple ladies. The winner shall be determined when one of your submits to another or in my opinion one is unable to continue. Striking to the head, and body is permitted, as is kicking, hairpulling and holds to gain a submission. Biting or eye gouging is not permitted and will result in disqualification.
Sarah listened whilst keeping the gaze of Kate. Sarah had already noted that although she had a height advantage, she determined Kate was heavier and more solidly built. Sarah’s reddish blonde hair was now tied up, as was Kate’s dark hair. Of the two, Sarah was the slightly more elegant and she wondered if her speed would give her an advantage over the other wstoman, but quickly also realised a battle of attrition with fists would be in Kate’s favour. The stepped back to their corners, where Rosie was waiting for her.
‘ Keep on your feet, don’t let her get your on the ground. She’s strong, she was too strong for me. She might tire before you, that’s your hope. When you see her slow down try keeping her at bay with jabs.
Sarah nodded, and Rosie for the first time gave her a hopeful half smile.
Sarah and Kate approached each other in the middle of the floor, stripped to the waist and before she could react, Sarah felt a stinging slap to her cheek. Damn, she thought to herself. Kate aimed a kick at the top of Sarah’s thigh, and as the slap seemed to awaken Sarah that the fight was on, she managed to take a half step back so the kick lost most of its venom and simply pushed Sarah back a few more inches.
Kate was surprising Sarah with the speed of her offense, before Sarah regained her balance, Kate, grabbed a handful of Sarah’s hair and attempted to swing her around. Sarah felt her body momentarily propelled in an arc, with Kate holding on to her hair; however she managed to plant her rear foot solidly behind her body. Grabbing Kate’s hair with both hands, she flexed her knees and with a solid foot position was able to change the direction of momentum and it was with satisfaction she saw Kate registering surprise it was her turn to be swung round. Kate, was not so fortunate and had no time to prevent herself tumbling to the ground, both girls holding on to handfuls of hair.
Kate unable to steady herself was forced to let go of Sarah’s hair and found herself on all fours on the floor. Seeing an opportunity, Sarah lifted Kates head by the hair and brought a knee crashing into to her. Missing her target of Kate’s face, she did hear Kate squeal as the knee connected with her shoulder. Pulling back Kate’s head she pressed home the advantage with another knee into Kates body which connected with a satisfying thump into her breasts.
The heavy knee strikes knocked the wind out of Kate’s sale, and in an attempt to protect herself tried to curl up. Sarah still with a grasp of her hair, dragged Kate across the floor, with Kate cursing, unable to find her feet to continue the fight.
Sarah, was now becoming a little too confident, and her control of her balance which allowed her supremacy so far, deserted her. As she dragged Kate around, it was her time to swear, stepping backwards, she stumbled, and instinctively to break her fall, released Kate’s hair.
Sarah was first back to her feet, although Kate was not far behind her. Both girls stood panting from both the exertion of the fight and stifling heat in the windowless and airless room. It occurred to Sarah, that her success so far was based on speed and relentless aggression; and quickly realised giving Kate even the shortest period of rest, was in likelihood a mistake
She decided to attack again, landing a kick at the top of Kate’s thigh which pushed her back, another kick was blocked by Kates uplifted knee, but Sarah pushed forward aiming punches at Kate, which either missed or were blocked by the retreating Kate. Kate managed to grab the wild wrists of Sarah and gripped tightly, Sarah thrashed her arms wildly trying to release Kate’s grip and both girls used their knees into the thighs and legs of her opponent to try and weaken her.
Together they crazily waltzed around the room, both gripping each other aiming knees and kicks. Eyes locked together in a furious search for a sign of surrender in the other woman. Sarah realising that both girls kicks were ineffectual, managed to free one hand and grab a handful of Kate’s hair, yanking her head down and to her right.
Kate sensing an opportunity ducked, and releasing her grip of Sarah’s wrists wrapped her arms around Sarah’s waist and executed a perfect rugby tackle on Sarah bringing the taller girl to the floor. Instead of pressing her advantage in mounting Sarah, Kate got to her feet holding Sarah by the hair, and rained slaps on the reddening skin of Sarah’s back and neck. Both girls now had a hold of each others hair. Sarah choosing to grab two handfuls, whilst Kate had only one. Kate underestimated Sarah’s strength and speed, and the blond, using Kate’s hair as a hoist got to her feet again.
Sarah felt a burst of bright pain wrack through her body as she felt the first of Kate’s well aimed punches to the stomach. Instinctively Sarah tried to double over to offer some protection from Kates successive blows, but, as she reflected upon later, made the error or failing to release her grip on Kate’s hair, thus tying up her own hands from protecting her stomach. She was not sure how many punches Kate landed on Sarah’s unprotected abdomen, but it seemed with each punch Sarah was losing the ability to react to Kate’s attack.
Sarah came to her senses and released Kate’s hair and managed to grab her wrist. Kate stopped her punches and with her free hand grabbed Sarah’s hair again. Disorientated, it was easy for Kate to swing Sarah by the hair until she lost her balance and fell to her knees. Still holding the blond by the hair, Kate delivered several sharp kicks to Sarah’s head and neck.
Sarah although dazed, knew the trouble she was in and managed to struggle to her feet; only to find Kate was in an unforgiving mood. Using her hands to try and block Kate’s powerful punches, Kate again grabbed her hair and swung the unsteady Sarah, letting go to send her crashing to the floor.
Sarah’s senses screamed at her to get to her feet, but she didn’t see the kick that crashed into her jaw and reeled her backwards. The adrenaline that had protected her senses from the pain, at this point seemed to desert Sarah, and the pain that radiated and engulfed her was of a purity and intensity she had not experience before.
Rolling over, she received two more kicks to the back of her thigh, but Kate must have been tiring and Sarah found the strength to get to her feet, whilst Kate gasped for air.
The pain was as overwhelming as ever for Sarah, but she realised this slight lull in the action was her opportunity. She aimed two hard punches at Kate, whilst not landing with force they invited Kate to take a couple of steps back and giving Sarah some respite.
Kate seemed to be struggling with the heat and lack of air, and Sarah pressed on her attack, landing another kick on Kate’s hip that pushed her back. Sarah, though she saw a flicker of desperation on Kate and closed in on her rival aiming and connecting with punches to her stomach; but her hope turned to despair as Kate moved closer to Sarah, to trade blows. The girls stood inches from each other, feeling the spray of the others sweat and body heat emanate from each other as punch landed on her opponent. At times, Sarah was aware of Kates breasts pressing into her as they rained blows on each other at close quarters. Sarah had forgotten her own advice not get into a fist fight or war of attrition with the strong Irish woman.
This thought crossed her mind at the moment her strength seemed to depart her. At first, the punch didn’t seem that hard, but Kate, a skilled boxer had found Sarah’s solar plexus, and despite her mind’s pleas with her body to action, Sarah, crumpled to the floor. Kate brought her foot down hard on Sarah’s unprotected head and Sarah slipped down from her knees onto the floor.
Kate, remained pitiless. Kicking her in her back, Sarah, glanced up at Rosie, her second who mouthed submit for God’s sake’ but although physically beaten, her spirit remained and she heard the words ‘ little Irish cxnt’ come out of her mouth instead
It was Mrs Riley who intervened. Kate was infuriated and began to kick the ribs of the almost unconscious Sarah. Grabbing the younger woman by the waist she dragged her across the room screaming ‘ It’s over Kate, it’s over.’
Sarah remained motionless.
She recovered from her physical injuries, but she was now in the web of Lady Traquair. Or as Kate put it more prosaically ‘ Welcome to the worst 5 years of your life you little bitch’