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Indian Catfight!!! Dance Club Face-Off!!

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Offline R_u_alive

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Indian Catfight!!! Dance Club Face-Off!!
« on: March 24, 2018, 04:59:35 PM »
The 3rd part to Ekta and Radhikas Rivalry

Part 1 - The Dance Off

Ekta  had decided to go to the club alone to relax and unwind.  She doesn't mind spending time at clubs alone sometimes.  The dancing, musicand the little attention from the gawking men gives her a sense of thrill.  She is carries herself with a very short red skirt with a thong inside and a noodle strap matching top with a strapless bra underneath. Arriving at the club,  Ekta heart races as the dance floor is empty. 

Rads (Radhika) is at the club on this Friday evening to de-stress after a hectic week. She is loving the wine, music and the attention from guys. She is looking sexy in a black skirt that that showcases her toned fair legs and a sleeveless red colored top.

Rads gulps down a shot and seeing only one girl on the dance floor, a competetive vibe runs through her and even she jumps into the dance floor dancing energetically.
Ekta grooves on the dance floor to her Favourite tune. 

Soon one of the waiters calls Ekta and says that since tonight's ladies night,  she is eligible for another shot free.  Ekta, already one shot down,  is happy and gulps down a b52 straight.  The liquor now hits her as she get a happy high from it.  And continues to groove on the dance floor.

Rads is also offered the same and gulps down a Jaegerbomb shot and that really hits her too. She is now freely swaying on the dance floor and comes in close contact with then other lady and their hips bump.

Ekta feels Rads Bum bump into her and excuses herself.  The dance floor is a bit small but has more than enough space for both of them. Ekta knew she was a bit high and so was the other girl.  A part of her felt challenged by how attractive Rads was and how she too was good in grinding on the floor.  Ekta continued to sway her hips in this unnanounced dance off between there 2.

Rads feels a bit challenged and now in a partially drunken stupor gets her ego is on the line, takes an extra effort to showcase her skills on the dance floor and gives a mean look to the other girl whenever their eyes meet .

Ekta exchanges the glare and both girls dance close to each other, with their hips bumping and hands swaying . To the crowd,  both look like 2 close girlfriends dancing provocativly for attention but for the girls, it was a competition.

Rads now has a close look at Ekta and she is exactly same size and shape as her. Both have a 33C-29-32 body shape with round breasts and a curvy butt.  Rads is fair while Ekta is dusky. Rads shows her sexy dance moves and starts to sweat now.

Ekta : "You are a good dancer." Rads smiles as Ekta cockily says  "But not as good as me. Think you can match up to me?"

Rads doesnt take the taunt lightly " I can outbeat and outlast you!"

Ekta shoots back "Bring it , Bitch. " and gets  her body close to Rads and both meet eye to eye.  Their face and lips are barely inches away and their hips and breasts kiss each other.  Placing her hands around Rads waist and gently moving it up and down to her thighs,  Ekta slowly grinds her body to Rads showing how much better she is.  "Now think you can match up? "
Ekta has beads of sweat dripping from her neck and back.

Rads puts her arms around Ekta's shoulders and pulls her near to her and spits back "You are gonna lose, Honey!!" and sways her hips back and bangs them on Ekta's. The disco lights allow for their battle to go on without anyone noticing .

"Ohh baby,  I am so going to love beating you. " Ekta accepts her challenge and keeps Rads close to her.  Both are cheek to cheek with their hair covering their eyes.  Ekta hips keeps on grinding towards Rads as her hands moves from Rads waist gently to her round butt. Ekta squeezes Rads left butt cheek before gently giving it a slap. She smiles and whispers "You still think you got it,  Bitch?  If you BF was here,  I would have got him. " She continues to grind on Rads waist as both their pelvics meet and rub each other. Due to the low lights , much of this is hidden. All everyone can see is 2 drunk girls dancing on each other.

Rads now moves both her hands to her rivals butts and pinches them and also spreads Ektas butt wide as the grope pulls their bodies to mash against each other. She sways her hair against her rival "My Bf wouldn't have even looked at you, ugly skank"

"Ooow, Bitch" Ekta feel a bit excited from the pinch and now places both her hands to each of her rival buttcheeks squeezing them and pulling her closer to each other.  "So I see i am not the only one wearing a thong." Ekta gives another squeeze  to Rads before pushing her away.  She goes behind Rads and pulls her from behind as Ekta grinds her hips to Rads butt , her hands now on Rads Side. "Look at yourself before calling anyone a used Skank. "

Rads is now angry and pushes Ekta' away "Enough of these childish games, get lost now or i will be vicious cxnt!!"

Ekta retorts "Vicious? I though someone can outbeat and outlast me here in the floor"
The waiter comes with 2 cosmopolitans "Maam. These 2 are from the management.  Complimentary.  On the house. "
Ekta smiles and takes one "Why thank you.  Babes, would you like your drink and feel i can outlast you in that?  Cheers? "

Rads feels outsmarted, and picks up the drink and when the waiter leaves splashes it on Ekta's face "Take that bitch!!" and starts to leave the dance floor .

Ekta is laying there stunned holding her drink.  She won her bout and now it felt like she lost it.  She was angry.

Rads goes and sits on an empty table panting heavily

Ekta goes to Rads table which is in an empty corner.  She takes her drink , comes face to faces with Rads,  gulps the entire drink and spit sprays it to Rads Face.  (Spit Spray just like HHH from WWF)
"How do like that,  bitch?  I won,  and you lost!!  Cant handle a better woman, can you?  No wonder you are without your BF."

Rads is shocked at that and is now very angry and challenges her rival "cxnt,  meet me in the restroom if you dare " and starts to walk to the rest room.

"Fine,  me and you ALONE!! " Ekta follows Rads to the restroom and find that most are engaged.  They ask the waiter for an empty one who says there is another washroom from their new yet to be opened restaurant and the other side. Both women share an evil grin and take the keys.  They pay the boy 4k not to allow anyone anywhere close to the new establishment which he gleefully accepts. He even checks them out thinking they are drunk girls out for some "Girl on Girl fun" . Both girls rush to the washroom and lock the door shut and throw the keys to the side.

To be continued.........
« Last Edit: March 24, 2018, 05:21:30 PM by R_u_alive »


Offline R_u_alive

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Re: Indian Catfight!!! Dance Club Face-Off!!
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2018, 04:37:18 PM »
Part 2  - The fight

Its a small washroom about 10 by 10 feet  with a large mirror on one side and the toilet seat on one corner. Rads drops her purse on the floor and looks at Ekta menancingly "Bring what you got , you dirty bitch"

Ekta keeps her purse and shoes one side.  It was a bit humid inside and the fact that both the girls were sweating from their dance off didnt help.  Ekta attacks by holding Rads hands and pushing her back.

Both girls are in a test of strength now with their claws and Rads has her back to the wall. Their bodies are dripping with sweat due to the lack of air conditioning.

"Fucking skank!!  I will rip you to shreads. " Ekta manages to get Rads in the corner and pushes her body to hers. Pushing Rads hands against the wall,  Ekta says "Give up,  Bitch.  I am better than you.  Give up."

"My foot,  you are better. I will rip you to shreads, cxnt." and she bangs her head onto Ekta's and instantly thinks it was a bad move as it pains but she also hopes it caused more damage to Ekta

Ekta holds her head and falls on the toilet seat.  She takes some time to make a comeback.  She sees Rads is also holding her head as the head Butt backfired.  "Stupid Bitch "

"You are the idiot,  Bitch!!"and Rads charges towards Ekta with the aim of slapping her. Seeing this,  Ekta gets up and manages to hold back Rads hands and blocks the slap. But the force at which Rads came in put Ekta back on the toilet seat with Rads on top.  Both their faces are inches close to each other and they are abusing each other.  "Fucking cxnt,  let go of me."
"Stupid Bitch,  you are going to beg me to stop!! "

They are now in an awkward position with both sitting on the commode facing each other with their hands out streched holding the other back. "Wont let you go, Slut. You will remember me for ages."

Ekta, out of frustration, spits at Rads hitting the right in the eye.  "Haa,  remember that! "
Rads leaves the claw lock and goes to clean her eye " You dirty pig, you dirty pig..'

Ekta seeing an opportunity,  pushes Rads back into the wall and pulls up her skirt and starts to spank her opponent with hard slaps to her ass cheeks. "Look whose got a fat ass!! "  Rads takes a couple of slaps but then out of anger, kicks ekta on her legs hoping to trip her and make her stumble.

Ekta looses her balance as Rads manages to trip her.  But it backfires on Rads as Ekta had a good grip on Rads top which gets ripped partially as Ekta falls down on her butt. Ekta gaining her composure,  notices the torn top and laughs. "How are you going to go home now?? "

Rads is genuinely worried and goes to tear off Ekta's top and gets a good grip on it

Ekta smile turns to horror as Rads rips open her tight red top.  Her strapless blouse also pops out in the process leaving her topless.  "NOooooooo!!! "  she screams trying to pull back whatever is left of her dress but its ripped to pieces by Rads.  Ekta moves back against the wall holding her round melons "You fucking whore!! " She mutters

Rads finds solace in what she has done and now laughs at Ekta "Haha so how will you go home now?  "

Ekta screams and attacks Rads skirt and rips it off with much resistance from the shocked Rads.  She rips and strips her bra and top off too for good measure and pushes her back on the wall. "Now we are even bitch!!"

Rads is mad and now goes and tears Ekta's skirt to pieces and pushes Ekta to the wall. Rads has a mad threatening look in her eyes now . She now challenges Ekta " I am gonna flush the toilet on your face, Bitch !!!"

"Not if i flush you down first!! " Ekta arms herself with a jet spray and sprays a jet of water straight to Rads face and body.

"Bitchhhh !!!" Rads screams and runs towards Ekta trying to snatch the spray from her.

Both girls are fighting for the jey spray and in the process getting both of them wet.  Leaving the spray,  Ekta goes on the offense and tugs Rads thong up giving her a wedgie with her left hand and pinches Rads nipples with the other. Rads spits on Ekta and slaps her 2-3 times hoping that it will take the juice away from Ekta  Ekta slaps Rads back with her right hand but maintains the wedgie giving a few more tugs.

"YOUUU Whore!!"  Rads bites Ekta on her shoulder.

Ekta screams "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! " letting go of Rads and tries to push her away from her.
Rads wraps her arms around Ekta not allowing her to go and gives Anorher chomp on the shoulder

"Aaaaahhh!!! " "Leg go, let go!!! Pleeeease!! " Ekta pulls back Rads hair to get her mouth away.  The pain is unbearable and Ekta gives another bloody scream. Rads takes Ektas by the hair and slams her head twice on the ceramic wall which clearly ends all the offense Ekta had in this match as she fall flat on the floor dazed. 

Clearly weakened and dazed by the previous attack and still hurting from the bite Rads inflicted on her shoulder,  Ekta had close to given up on the match.  Rads looks at her "Whose the top bitch now,  cxnt?? Give up? "

Ekta with tears in her eyes and rolled in the corner,  pleaded "Yes,  yes,  i give up. No more. No more"

Rads,  looking at the toilet bowl had other ideas.  Giving a scream,  she charged at Ejta and Dragged her by the hair "Oh,  not if I can help it. Let this be a lesson for you  NEVER TO FUCK WITH ME AGAIN!! "
(Read part 1)

Ekta,  trying to reduce the pain from the hair pulling,  cries "No,  no , let go.  You won,  bitch. "

"Oh now,  I will show you what kind of a bitch i can be!! " Dragging her head on the opened toilet bowl,  Rads dunks Ekta headfirst right into it with Ekta taking in the water.  "Told you I would dunk you in,  bitch." Saying this,  she pulls Ekta out. Ekta eyes are wide open, spurting out the toilet water which falls on the near naked body.

Rads holds Ekta head eith one hand and get a grip of her thong with the other.  With both hands,  she pushes Ekta again and dunks her head into the toilet bowl giving her a wedgie this time.  Ekta struggles to get out and Rads laughs seeing her in a funny position as her ass jiggles as she is trying to get out of her predicament. 

She finally lets go of her defeated enemy who fall flat on the floor spurting out water  and crying.  Rads removes Ekta's thong, taking it as a victory prize and puts her feet on Ekta's pussy, her toe gently rubbing on her clit and trimmed pubes, as a sign of Victory,  Dominance and Superiority. 

Ekta is left,  weakened and defeated,  crying her heart out spread eagled on the floor. This night would be in her mind for days to come.

 Rads,  as a final sign of vengence,  ties Ekta hands with her tattered clothes to a pole and takes everything else except her phone with her. Clicking a snap of her nude,  wet,  defeated rival tied up , in Tears and spread eagled,  Rads taunts her "This was for what you did and left me at the office (Part 1) , Ekta.  Karma is a bitch. Lets see how you will get home. " Laughing Rads shuts the bathroom door leaving Ekta hanging amd tied up dripping wet and nude.

Rads picks up a table cloth and drapes herself covering her nearly nude thong laid body. Smiling amd clothed,  she leaves the premises.

The End??
« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 04:37:59 PM by R_u_alive »