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Anatomy of a Catfight

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Offline Corvus

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Anatomy of a Catfight
« on: April 07, 2018, 09:53:54 PM »
This is a sequel of sorts to this story.

Anatomy of A Catfight

Soon after the nude catfight with Anna, Carol knew that she had a problem.

It had taken a while for her to feel comfortable with her husband Corvus. After catching the two of them in flagrante delicto, she felt betrayed. But she finally thought things might be better after Corvus swore up and down that he’d never see Anna again. He had become the model husband; solicitous of her feelings, eager to help around the house, never coming home late, etc.

Blonde, petite, and full-figured, Carol had played the events of that day over and over again in her mind. At 44 years old, she hadn’t been involved in a physical confrontation since she was in a few high-school 30 second slap-fests. 

Carol had never felt so challenged as she had when she tangled with Anna on the living room floor while her husband watched. She had felt herself to be a woman driven by pure emotion. The urge to attack had been impossible to resist.

Irresistible impulse. She had caught that phrase while watching an old movie on TCM. The defendant in the murder trial had pleaded that he was under an irresistible impulse to kill. Even though in the cold light of day, he had known it was wrong, in the heat of the moment he had no way to deny the crying need to do what he did.

Anatomy of a Murder. Yes, that old movie – it had Jimmy Stewart. Carol thought to herself, Anatomy of a Catfight. Yes, exactly. She had no ability to resist the impulse to fight Anna.  Afterwards, she felt like she had been some other woman. She had been possessed.

And now she couldn’t stop thinking about it. In that wild tangled fight, Anna had left her insensible and nude on the carpeted floor while her husband watched. And it wasn’t only that she had been physically beaten. She had been sexually dominated as well. Anna had extracted an orgasm from her. In the heat of the battle, she had succumbed to Anna’s undeniable sexuality and spent herself coming under the tattooed woman’s battering hips, their sexes meeting like clapping hands.

She had orgasmed. And it haunted her. To be brought to passionate release against her will had made her feel like her body betrayed her. Not only had the woman who seduced her husband rendered her physically helpless (in front of him, no less!) but she had been so overcome that she had found a rough pleasure where she never dreamed.

Carol had compartmentalized this somehow. She managed to go to work, tend house, shop – all the normal daily activities of life. It was awkward at first talking with her husband, but little by little, they managed to work themselves back into a semblance of marriage. They had the occasional date night, supping at good restaurants, enjoying an evening out with friends, the occasional movie. But she would waken at odd hours of the night, Corvus snoring lighly beside her, and find herself thrown back into that morning of violent physical confrontation against Anna, the tattooed bitch who was trying to take her man. She replayed the fight over and and over again in her head, until exhausted, she fell back asleep.

It came to head one night. Corvus had been giving subtle signals for a few weeks that he wanted to resume a sexual relationship. She was repulsed at first, but it finally came to her taking him back into her bed would be a moral victory against Anna. She started to feel the first tinglings of arousal at the thought.

Too bad she won’t be around to see this, she thought. Corvus brought her a third glass of wine one Saturday evening. They had been out to a club, and Carol was still dressed in a sexy red top with spaghetti straps and a black miniskirt. She took the glass of wine, looked up at his hopeful face, and decided to do it.

“Sweetie, let’s take this back to the bedroom.  All right?”  To emphasize her intent, she reached down and slipped off her heels, leaving her even more of a compact sexy package.

Corvus smiled and said, “Really?”

Carol smiled and kissed him, opening her familiar lips. “Yes…I want to be fucked. By you.”

Two minutes later, they were back in the bedroom.  Carol drained the glass of Pinot Grigio, placed it on the nightstand,  and as Corvus ran his strong hands up to her breasts, cupping them, she shivered. He slipped down the narrow straps and pulled the top down to her waist, exposing her naked breasts, crowned with long pink nipples. He bent down and sucked one strongly into his mouth, flicking the hardening nubbin into full erection.

She moved her hand to his crotch, and felt his erection through his slacks. She squeezed it hard and she smiled as he groaned. He found the catch of her miniskirt and opened it and she backed up a bit and peeled it down her thighs to leave it puddled on the floor. She was now naked save for skimpy black panties.

Corvus pulled his shirt over his head, ripping a few buttons. He hastily undid his belt and shoved his pants and boxer briefs down, exposing his rigid cock.  Carol went to one knee, looked up at him through lidded eyes and engulfed his cock in her wet mouth, her tongue swirling around the glans. Already she could taste the first oozing of his precum. 

Corvus was unable to help himself. He grabbed her head, thrust his cock forward, and hoarsely cried, “Oh, FUCK!”

Carol, knowing that he would not last long, pulled her mouth back. She stood up and stripped off her panties, her plump bare labia wet with desire. She said, “Oh, not yet my man!” She pushed him back onto the bed and leaped at him, straddling his midsection.  She felt energized, and felt an aching coil of wanton need winding inside her.
She raised her hips up, grabbed her husband’s penis, and impaled herself on it, and she closed her eyes, moaning in ecstasy. In her mind, she saw Anna watching helplessly as Corvus fucked her. She bounced up and down on his cock, feeling it penetrate her to the root.

Corvus reached up with his hands and grasped Carol’s breasts.  She leaned forward, increasing the pressure, enjoying the rough texture of his palms on her nipples. She brought her own hands on top of his, and called out, “Squeeze them! SQUEEZE THEM HARD! HURT ME!”

The image of Anna mauling her breasts came into her head and she remembered the fight, Anna’s hands tearing into her breasts, and it drove her wild.

“MORE!”, she yelled, and she looked down at the man she was riding, and slapped him. “More, damn you!”

Corvus thrust upward, and dug his strong fingers into her large breasts, twisting and scratching with his nails.  Carol screamed and felt herself start to come.  Simultaneously, Corvus erupted inside her, spraying the first blast of semen into her cxnt.

Carol’s contractions were so strong they forced Corvus’s cock out, and it popped out, spilling spurt after spurt of his seed onto his own belly while her labia rubbed hard along the underside of his penis. She uttered guttural cries of release as she rode that tube, spilling a wet river of girlcum all over their joined crotches.

She swooned. While Corvus’s ejaculate puddled on his belly, she fell to the side, semi-conscious.  Corvus felt almost equally out of it. He lay back, trying to catch his breath, wondering with surprise at the most intense fucking he had ever partaken in.

Carol’s last dazed thoughts were of two things. One, she knew she had her husband back for good. And two…. she knew she must face Anna again. Must fight her again. And beat her.

Chapter 2

Carol’s first task was to find a way to contact Anna. Phone number and email would be perfect.

So after her husband had fallen asleep, she got out of bed and padded naked into the living room. Corvus’s phone was on the side table by his recliner. She picked up his phone and entered in the unlock code. (She had found that he used the same code for basically everything, and thus knew his tastes in porn. Unsurprisingly, he had a liking for female combat.

Anna’s name wasn’t in the list of contacts. She scrolled one by one through the list, the finally saw an entry for someone called A.C.  She wasn’t sure, but she forwarded the number to her own phone, a burner she had recently purchased for just such an occasion.

She called up messages, and her thumbs hovered over the phone keyboard. What to say? What to say?

She decided to just get it out there.

This is Carol. I want to meet.

She was going to leave the app, but she hesitated. Maybe she’d …

The app indicated it was read. She held her breath.

One-word reply. Bitch!

Feeling daring, Carol texted back: You have no idea. But I have a proposition that might interest you.

The answer came back in twenty seconds: I’m listening.

Carol took a deep breath. Then, she typed in the question: Are you up for a rematch?

She waited. Just when she thought Anna had decided to ignore her permanently, came the answer: Another fight? You and me, eh?  I…could be talked into that.

Carol felt an immediate shiver of fear tinged with anticipation. Unbidden, the image popped in her mind of Anna and herself locked in ferocious nude embrace, tearing and ripping at each other. She felt her nipples stiffen.

Carol typed, Can you meet tomorrow to discuss details?

The answer came back, When and where?

Carol felt another thrill of fear. She paused for about ten seconds, then typed: You know O’Malley’s grill?


2PM.  We’ll grab a booth. They’re semi-private.

Anna replied, I’ll be there.

Carol stared at the words on the screen. This was it. She wasn’t sure she would be able to sleep tonight.  Unconsciously, she raised one hand to her breasts and tugged on a nipple.

Anna wasn’t done. By the way, Carol…I’m surprised. I didn’t think you would ever have the guts to go against me again. I must admit, the idea of tangling with has me worked up. Tell me….you want to fight nude?

Carol replied, We can start wearing panties only. Whatever happens after that, happens. She stopped for a second, then typed: I’m worked up too. You sick cxnt…you did this to me.

Anna sent an emoji of laughter.  And I’ll do it you again, slut. God. I can’t wait to slap your face and fasten my fists in your bottle-blonde hair.

Carol was definitely aroused. She sent: And I can’t wait to claw your breasts until you bleed over your tattoos, you cheap whore! Carol suddenly plunged her hand down between her legs and rubbed herself.

Anna sent, Oh, fuck!  I wish you were here right now…i’d….i’d….ooohhghghjhgdsf…bitch….i fucking cumming……ooohhhhhh

Carol’s fingers stuttered on the keypad as she in too unexpectedly orgasmed, fluid trickling out of her labia. Ohhh….want to fight you…fight you….oh fuck you ….made me cummmm….

Carol took her finger and stuck it in her mouth, tasting herself….the phone held loosely in her hand.  She felt the buzz of one more message.  She looked at it. See you tomorrow. Fucking bitch….fuck you up so bad….

Carol shut the phone off.  She took some tissue from the end table box and wiped up her orgasmic secretions.  Drained, she got up, tossed the tissue away, and went back to bed. 

Chapter 3

After Corvus left for work this next morning, Carol was in a dither. At noon, she had laid out half a dozen outfits to wear to her meeting with Anna. O’Malley’s was a semi-classy place, and the women who went there did not dress sloppily.

She looked at the various dresses and skirts she had scattered on the bed. She narrowed it down to a two-piece black halter outfit that would display bare shoulders and she would wear a top over it until she sat down.  No bra. The top was somewhat sheer, but O’Malley’s was dark. You’d have to be right next to her to notice her large pink nipples. The skirt was pleated, and light blue, and would came down to two inches above her knees. She chose a pair of classic black peep-toe pumps that would show off her latest pedicure nicely.

Okay, clothing was settled. She stripped off her yoga and sweatshirt and went into the shower. She adjusted it to a stinging hot spray and soaped herself up with her favorite body wash, relishing the feeling of her hands moving up and down her naked body. She squeezed her breasts hard, imagining Anna’s hands mauling them. Her nipples came to a stiff point, and she moaned.  She imagined herself locked in a rolling ball of female flesh, and she knew that she really wanted to fight that bitch. 

She finished showering, and stepped out and grabbed a towel. She dried herself off, her petite form glowing, her nipples hard. She quickly ran a brush through her wet hair. The cut she had would enable it dry into the perfect casual shape.  She went into the bedroom, and chose a pair of black bikini panties, and relished the feel of the silk against her labia when she pulled them into place.

Skirt, top, and pumps. She sat down at her vanity and applied her war paint, a light foundation, a touch of blush, a few minutes on the eyes with eyeshadow and mascara, and finally a pale lipstick. She regarded herself in the mirror, gave a small nod of satisfaction, and headed for the living room. She grabbed her leather purse, and noted the time. 1:30 – she would be there in 20 minutes.

Carol wheeled her Lexus into the parking lot of O’Malley’s. The building was set back under a canopy of trees. She pulled in the behind it, parked, and checked her watch. 1:55.  She looked around the parking lot, looking for Anna’s Audi. Not there yet. The only other vehicle was a late-model Denali with dark tinted windows.

She brushed her blonde hair back, grabbed her purse, and left the car. O’Malley’s had a rear entrance, a heavy oak door. She pulled it open and walked in the darkened club, cool with air conditioning. The sudden chill made her nipples hard. She walked in, paused while her eyes became adapted to the dim lighting.

“Hello, Carol.”

Carol jumped a bit, then looked towards a booth to her right. There was Anna. So, Carol thought, she must have taken another car – must be that Denali out there.

She hitched in her breath, calmed herself, and walked over to where Anna was sitting. She stopped for a second outside the booth, and looked at her. Anna was wearing a  scarlet sleeveless cocktail dress. The fabric was gathered in two wide curves that came down over her breasts and left the middle bare down to her waist, exposing the inside of her breasts quite nicely. As Anna moved her body forward a bit, the material threatened to flare out and reveal even more exquisite breastflesh.

Anna smiled slightly at her. “What is it, Carol, dear?  See something you like?” 

Flustered for a moment, and suddenly acutely aware of how gorgeous Anna looked, with her tattoos visible over her right shoulder and neck, she said, “Well, I see you’re punctual, Anna.”

Anna chuckled softly and said, “Oh, I wouldn’t miss this date for the world, old friend.”
There was a subtle emphasis on “old friend”, reminding Carol that before everything happened with Anna being caught in flagrante delicto with Corvus, they had been friends for many years. She felt a sudden rush of emotion, and more than a tinge of regret that this had happened. But the betrayal had indeed happened, Anna had impaled herself on Corvus’s brainless cock, and she and Carol had fought like nude wildcats, something had had irrevocably changed everything.

Carol sat down in the circular booth. It was an intimate arena, so she wound up only two feet away from Anna. She laid her handbag by her side. A somber waiter came by, one of the seemingly ageless men that O’Malley’s employed. “What would you ladies care to drink?” he asked.

Anna had a cocktail half-empty beside her. She said, “Jack on the rocks.”

Carol looked up and said, “Macallan rocks. Double.”

“Very good, ma’am.” He moved away.

Anna looked at her. “Double?  What? You want some bottled courage?”

Carol didn’t bother to answer. She realized something. Anna had arrived first. She may have thought that would intimidate her, but she now knew that Anna was just a worried about this rematch as she was.

The waiter came back with the drinks, set them down. Both Anna and Carol raised the glasses to their lips and sipped. Carol relished the smoky flavor of the single-malt. She glanced at Anna over the rim of the glass, the ice softly tinkling. Anna met her gaze.

Carol leaned over, moved her head closer to Anna’s ear, and said softly. “I was just thinking….how on earth did you become such a bitch?  I mean, I always knew you were a slut. But back when we were…uh, friends….I never expected you to be such an utter cxnt.”

Anna gave a slight intake of breath, then looked at Carol and said, equally softly, “I guess it doesn’t happen unless it’s somehow instigated. You with your perfect life, your perfect house, your perfect husband….I guess I just grew disillusioned with my so-called friend.”  She took another sip, then exhaled some some bourbon-soaked fumes in Carol’s face. “Oh, speaking of your perfect husband, how is Corvus anyway?  Does he miss me?”

Carol suppressed a sudden urge to throw her drink in Anna’s face. Careful, she thought, don’t throw the Macallan. She took a breath, noticing how it brought her breasts up, and said, “This isn’t about my husband, Anna. This is you and me, getting ready to settle things.”

Anna took her left hand and rested the fingernails lightly on Carol’s thigh. When Carol had sat down, the hem of her skirt had moved up a few inches. Anna pressed down and said in a low voice, “So…you have rules in mind for our little meeting?”

Carol took her right hand and laid it down on Anna’s thigh. She pressed her sharp nails down and said, “Nothing important. No biting or clawing of the face. No permanent injury. I still have to work.”

The two women increased the pressure of their hands. Carol felt her emotions rise with the impulses of pain. Anna said, “As do I. Agreed. No broken bones, no eyes gouged out. But we’ll still hurt each other.  You’ll feel it, darling friend.  You’ll feel it.”

They removed their hands from each other. The women rubbed their thighs where the sharp nails had left impressions in the flesh.

Anna said, “So…you coming over to my place? What time?”

Carol took a sip of her scotch. “Saturday is the earliest I could do it.”

Anna said, “Saturday is fine. What time?”

Carol dug her phone from her purse, looked at the calendar. “Ten AM?”

Anna said, “Fine.  You said panties only?”

Carol replied, “To start with. They probably won’t last long.”

Anna uttered a derisive laugh. “No, they won’t.  God!  I can’t WAIT to lock up with you, bitch!”

Carol leaned in, then, daringly, reached out and cupped Anna’s left breast, and squeezed it. “Me neither, whore.” She felt Anna’s firm breast beneath the material on her palm, the nipple hard, and dug her fingers in.”

Anna hissed, and she reached out with her own hand and grabbed Carol’s breast through the dark halter top. She matched Carol’s pressure, and they gave sharp intakes of breath as they assaulted each other’s firm breasts through the clothing. They grimaced. Carol’s nipples grew even stiffer as she felt Anna’s hands probing, fingers grabbing.

Anna gasped, “Oh you fucking cxnt!  God, you make me want to take you hear and now!”

Carol winced at the unceasing pressure, and said, “Oh, fuck yes! I wasn’t sure when I walked in her, but I am now. Ohh, you fucking bitch, I want to tear you to pieces!”  They moved closer to each other, and continued to maul each other’s round globes in the narrow confines of the booth in the dimly lit club.  Their heated breath, redolent of expensive liquor, inflamed their senses.

Suddenly they heard a noise of someone approaching, and swiftly broke apart, their breasts tingling from the abuse they had been dishing out.

The waiter appeared, and asked if they wanted another drink.  Anna looked at Carol, who shook her head quickly, and then she said, “No, that will be all.” 

She smiled an insincere smile, and said, “My treat... darling!”

Carol said, “Why thank you … sweetheart!”

Anna pulled a twenty and a five out of her purse, and laid them on the table.  They both got up. Carol saw that Anna’s nipples were rigid. And she knew that hers were too. The feeling of the cloth of her top rubbing on them was exquisite.

Anna said, “So…Saturday?”

Carol nodded. “It’s a date.”  They left out the back way, and they were both blinking in the sunlight.  Carol felt a little tipsy from the drinks.

Anna grasped her upper arm. “How would feel about an appetizer before the main course?”

Carol, confused, said, “Huh?”

Anna motioned her head toward her SUV, and said, “Want a foretaste? They won’t see us through the dark tint on my windows.”

Carol was suddenly excited by the idea of fighting Anna in the back of the Denali. She husked, “Ohhh…fuck yes, let’s do it….bitch!”

Anna took Carol’s hand and led her to the car, then opened her purse to get the key fob. She clicked it and the doors unlocked. She opened the back door on one side and nodded to Carol. “The back is folded down. Plenty of room to fight…if you’re woman enough.  It’ll be warm, though.”

Carol crawled in the open door. She turned herself around. There was enough room on the folded down seat to rest on her knees.  She looked at her enemy, and said. “Warm? It’ll be hot. Get in here and fight me!”

Anna cried out, “YES!” and jumped in the car, closing the door awkwardly behind her. Carol, to her credit, waited until Anna had turned around to face her. Both sat down looking at each other with hooded eyes, resting their butt on their folded legs. They each quickly removed their high heels.

Carol felt the first trickle of sweat coursing down between her breasts. Even though the SUV was under the branches of large oak, it was very warm. 

They each extended their arms, fingers hooked into claws. A low moan escaped both of them. They were eager to clash. With a sudden animalistic cry, they lashed out and jammed their upper bodies together, hands curled tightly in each other’s hair. They bear-hugged and fell over onto their side, pulling hair and cursing in low guttural tones. They felt their breasts crush together, and Carol almost wept at how much she loved this culmination of their savage desires. They rolled around the interior, and Carol felt their breasts rub hard together. The hems of their skirts rucked up and their legs entwined. Carol let a slow moan escape as their silk-clad crotches met, labia grinding. They tore at each other, hands ripping at their tops.

On top, Anna gave a grunt of triumph as she ripped Carol’s halter from around her neck, baring her breasts. Carol screeched and pulled at Anna’s top and the cloth gave way, falling from her breasts.

The women pulled apart from each other, lying on their sides as drank in each other’s topless form.

Anna said, “Your nipples are hard, you bitch.”

Carol replied, “So are yours, cxnt. I’m gonna crush them.” 

“Not if I crush yours first!”

Carol attacked, rolling Anna onto her back, and slammed her boobs down on her rack. She felt her hard pink nipples meet Anna’s darker equally stiff nubs, and she ground her breasts hard into her rival’s globes. She pushed down with her pelvis, and twisted her legs and thighs around, kicking and feeling their bare legs against each other. Their faces were inches apart, their heated breath coming faster and faster.

Anna removed one fist from Carol’s hair and started punching Anna in the side, then raked her nails down one side, raising welts. Carol yelled and raised her upper body up, and slapped Anna hard on her cheek, and spit at her, landing a glob of saliva on Anna’s lipsticked mouth.

Anna yelped and fastened both hands onto Carol’s breasts, digging her nails in. Carol returned the favor and clamped her hands onto Anna’s breasts, relishing the feeling of the tender flesh being damaged by her fingers, even as she endured the sharp pain of her own breasts being savaged. They kept at this, staring into each other’s eyes as they hurt each other, both feeling the pain climb.  They simultaneously stopped, tears running down their face, then started in on each other’s hard nipples.  They dug their thumb and index fingers in each nipple, biting and pulling, and they cried out but they couldn’t stop. The pain was twisting into perverse pleasure and they mewled in panting gasps.

They both pulled apart, cradling their wounded breasts, now reddened with the damage they had done to each other.

Carol said in pain-wracked tones, “Oh, you bitch!  You fucking cow…God, I hate you!’

Anna replied and she gently rubbed her own injured breasts, “I hate you too!  Oh, you whore…you cxnt….you fucking slut…ohhh….God I want to keep fighting you!”

Carol sat on her legs and raised her hands, curled them into fists. “Oh fuck yes….fist fight me, tramp!”

Anna got to the same position with a whimper, and got into a fighting pose. The two women, sweat pouring down their topless chests, sat for a second, then swung their fists into each other’s bodies, smacking them into their bellies and sides and breasts. They started taking turns punching, each blow rewarding them with a yelp of pain, and the smack of fist into womanflesh.

As they swung into each other, Carol felt a jolt of arousal with each shot landing at home on Anna’s body, and even when she felt Anna’s pummeling impact on her.  They kept at it, and then both women sent solid hard slugs into each other’s bellies, and they both cried out as the breath was knocked out of them. They fell to their sides, whooping with pain, gagging. 

Unbidden, they each then thrust their hand’s between the other’s legs, and dug into the panty-clad crotches. They ripped away at the material and were rewarded when it tore off, exposing their bare reddened and wet pussies. Carol wrapped her other arm around Anna’s waist and her dark-haired rival did the same to her. They pulled each other close and clawed at their sexes, digging their fingers in. Their mouths attacked each other in a violent biting kiss, and they pushed their fingers hard into each other’s wet cxnts, feeling their clits throb against their probing fingers. 

Weeping, they dug into their inflamed pussies.  Anna cried out and fell onto her back, and Carol launched herself on top of her, their breasts mashed together, nipples still hard. Carol slammed her hips down, and Anna’s thighs split apart. Carol crushed her wet pussy hard into Anna’s, and both of them wept as Carol violently tribbed her, her clit a hard wet horn of pure lust. 

Tears running down their faces, Anna screamed her orgasm. “AHHHHHHHH…..FUCK FUCK FUCK! AOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”. Carol spasmed and came in turn, spurting her liquor into Anna’s pussy. Their hips thrashed again and again, the women clawed at each other, slapping and punching, as the climax washed over them. 

Carol collapsed on top of Anna as the dark-haired woman fell into a daze.  Micro-quakes pulsed through their bodies.

Several minutes passed and they slowly swam their way back to consciousness. Carol pushed herself off of Anna and gathered her clothes.  She dressed as well as as she could, but she knew she’d be clutching the clothes to her body as scuttled to her car. She found her purse and her shoes.

She looked at Anna, still lying, eyes half open on the carpeted interior.  Anna whispered, “So….. Saturday, you …say?”

Carol leaned over and said, “Saturday, yes.” She then kissed Anna and said, “Until then….bitch.”

Carol opened the door to bright sunlight, awkwardly scooted out, and got to her car. She found a bottle luke-warm water, opened it, and took a big drink. 

She started the car and let the air conditioning wash over her. She opened her top and let it hit her breasts….ahhhhhh.

As she drove away, she found herself thinking of Saturday.


Offline JuliaVargas

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Re: Anatomy of a Catfight
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2018, 10:51:54 AM »
Wow. Astounding story. I really need to read about what happens next Saturday. Although there are a lot of days until Carol and Anna meet. Wonder if they’d taunt each other or communicate. I think they won’t bear the need to make a phone call or text some hot remarks to each other.

Congrats and thank you for sharing!
Read my stories and you’ll understand what you can expect from me…


Offline Corvus

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Re: Anatomy of a Catfight
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2018, 11:39:31 PM »
Thanks, Julia. I'm at work on the sequel.

I'm thinking mattresses spread out on the floor and the mature warriors meeting in a violent erotic battle that lasts for hours.



Offline colt 45

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Re: Anatomy of a Catfight
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2018, 04:10:05 PM »
Great Story.  Next will be even more so


Offline justlooking9000

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Re: Anatomy of a Catfight
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2018, 11:50:59 PM »
Hey. I just wanted to give you a shout out. I somehow managed to miss the prequel to his story. I've just recently read it and it was a hot little story. I liked it very much.