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14. G.L.O.W. X - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling X Rated - Going Home

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G.L.O.W. X - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling X Rated

Going Home

   I blink my green eyes painted in heavy mascara of red, white and blue. Sitting back on my haunches and knees wearing a thong of the same colors but topless since half of my bikini got ripped off earlier.

   Everything is spinning and a constant ringing in my ears drowns out the loud crowd. I'm in the ring as Patriot Belle, Donna Liberty facing another opponent.

   No, I'm not back in GLOW X yet. I'm still in Japan. No. I'm not fighting Anrio Kito in a rematch, don't ask.

   She grabs onto my short, red bangs and tilts my wincing face upwards. Straightening me up on my knees. Winding up with her free hand and curling its fingers into a fist, slamming another hard shot down onto my sweaty forehead. Tattooing it with her bare knuckles.


   "Ugh!" I let out a grunt, flopping face first to the mat. Having taken a few punches in a row like that, my head hurts and the ring is spinning all around me.

   Crawling to the nearby ropes, I grab the middle strand. The crowd cheers my opponent on but many people in the front rows boo and jeer at me loudly too. Screaming things like "Go back home, bitch!" and "Get her Akki! Make her pay!" 

   Pulling myself back up to my knees with the ropes, my scalp sears with a burning pain as she latches onto my red hair from behind. My back arching involuntarily as her arm wraps around my throat tight. Gagging wide-eyed, I grab at it with both hands, struggling to breath. My big breasts buldging and bouncing across my bare chest.

   Suddenly I feel the sting of her bare fist snapping into my forehead again. But with her arm wrapped around my neck and across my throat, I don't drop to the canvas, held on my knees from behind in her firm grip. She cracks her bare knuckles into my forehead over and over again with multiple punches.


   All I can do is kneel on the mat, jerking and jostling as my opponent snaps short punches into my forehead repeatedly. Soon it opens the fresh cut above my eye and I feel the warm sticky flow of crimson blood run down my nose and cheek.
   My arms are dangling useless and sweaty at both sides like limp, wet noodles. Both eyeballs roll back in my head as she continues to slam those hard shots into my forehead, making my blood run down my face onto my big boobs. A couple red streams even dribbling off the tip of my right nipple.

   The many cameras at ring side and the crowd taking it all in.

   The cloudy thoughts in my groggy mind roll back to the telephone conversation I'd just had earlier that day from my motel room. It was on a long distance call from the USA.

   "Look Donna, we could really use you here." Tom said in the tone he always uses when he wants something from me. "We're dying. We're drowning here. And you can throw us a lifeline and pull us out! Come on, what do you think?"

   "What do I think? I think the only reason I'm even having this conversation right now is because you lost the first two fighters you cast in the All-American Girl role. Oh yeah, I know about them Tom. I heard all about how that brunette chick, Americana, got retired by a knee injury. I also heard all about how the blonde you replaced her with as Liberty Belle turned out to be a coke head!"

   "Okay, look. I'm gonna put Jacky on..."

   "Don't you DARE put him on, Tom!"

   "But Donna, I..."

   "I fucking mean it, Tom! I will hang up this phone. Do you hear me?"

   "Fine. What do you want from me, Donna?"

   "As I was saying, I know those are the only real reasons we're even having this conversation. So no more screwing around. My friend, Oni, is faxing some legal papers to your office. They say you acknowledge the Patriot Belle, Donna Liberty character as my copyrighted, trademarked property."

   "Donna, I don't think this is necessary. I..."

   "Property which I own sole legal rights to, Tom. Which means the name and character are mine to use in GLOW X or wherever I want to work."

   "Okay, listen Donna. We're gonna call you back."

   Click. Dial tone.

   I hung up the phone shaking my head.
   Being body slammed hard to the mat brings me back to the present. I grab my lower spine, screaming. Sitting up, I gasp in pain as my opponent drags me back to my feet by the hair.

   She is called Akki the Ghoul. She has short red hair and always covers her pretty, asian features with garish amounts of thick, white make up with black around the eyes and lips. The Ghoul wears tight shorts and a top cut below the breasts like many fighters but her outfits are all crazy colored in bright browns, reds, blacks, even gold colors.

   Akki has a reputation for being the most hardcore fighter in Japan. So naturally my last bout there is booked against her in a no holds barred, anything goes match.

   At one point the ring is littered with steel folding chairs, tables, a ladder and a pile of thumb tacks on the mat. She picks me up, slamming me again. But this time onto the puddle of sharp, steel thumb tacks she dumped out of a bag onto a spot on the ring apron.

   My whole back lights up in pain as they dig into flesh and I sit up slightly with a look of agony etched across my pretty features but flop back on mat and tacks. Blood covers my face mixing with my mascara as I blink up at the bright lights above the ring.

   Something heavy comes crashing down hard on my chest and gut. It knocks the wind right out of me. Everything goes dark.

   I think I lose consciousness for at least a couple seconds.


   The telephone rang again. I picked up the receiver. I knew it wasn't a collect call because I told them they better not dare.

   "Donna? It's Jacky."

   "Are you fucking kidding me? Like I told that asshole Tom, I don't want to hear your BS, Jacky. I..."

   "Listen Donna. We reviewed the papers and contract you faxed over. We signed everything. Copies with our signatures should be coming back to you any minute now."

   Sure enough, to my surprise the fax machine beside the phone suddenly lit up. After a couple minutes of loud printing, it spit out faxed copies of the documents. All properly signed and notorized.

   I was speechless.

   "Wow. I.. didn't think you'd go for it.."

   "Look, Donna. We got plans for you here in GLOW X. Big plans! The Patriot Belle character copyright should be yours. You created it. Like the Cheerleader character was ours."

   "And the creative control clause and all the other stuff too?"

   "We signed it all, Donna."

   I looked over at Oni who had been flipping through the faxed copies to make sure everything was signed right and in order. With a nod he gave me a thumb's up.

   "Well, okay then." I paused, unsure of what I should say next, having expected a big argument. "So I guess I'll see you when I get back to the States."

   "We'll be waiting, Donna. See you then. Chow!" Jacky actually sounded happy when he hung up.

   Which left me wondering what exactly those two were up to.

   The Ghoul's foot steps down hard on my big, bare right tit. Flattening it painfully, bringing me back to again. My "memory" of the phone ringing was actually the bell ringing after she pinned me. Coming off the top rope with her patent 450 splash.

   I didn't even see it coming in the ring. But even I had to admit it did look spectactular watching it back on the replay later.

   Too bad it hurt like hell.

   She jumped off the top rope into a forward summersault, spinning around completely in the air before landing chest and gut first onto my prone body. The ref quickly slapped the mat for the 1.. 2.. 3.. count as Akki pinned me flat on the thumb tacks.

   "YOUR WINNER.. AKKI THE GHOUL!" The crowd roars loudly as she plants a foot on my tit, the referee raising her hand high in victory.

   Lying there in thumb tacks topless and covered in my own blood, I can't help but think to myself that Tom and Jacky are right.

   It's time for me to go home.