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Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy

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Offline sinclairfan

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Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« on: May 23, 2021, 02:32:27 PM »
Aglaura, a 20-year old auburn-haired Greek
La Pisana, a 21-year old raven-haired Italain married to a 67-year old Venetian noble
Both women are indescribably tall and beautiful

Aglaura is reclining nake

d in Carlo's bed in Genoa, while he is in town getting supplies.  La Pisana is hoping to surprise Carlo by showing up in his cottage unannounced.

Both are lovers of Carlo, a 24-year old Genoese adventurer.  Both have heard of the other, but have never met.  Until this morning.

LP:  Carlo!!!!   Surprise!!!!!

A:  [Startled]  Excuse me?????? Do we not knock before entering?????  Are you a witch?

> [ La Pisana curiously examines the nude female body before her.  She deliberately locks the cottage door behind her.]  I am no witch.  Are you a common Genoese gutter whore?

> I am no whore.

> And you accent is Greek, not Genoese.  The only Greek .... woman .... Carlo has ever mentioned to me is a strumpet named Aglaura.  I hope .... for your sake .... that you are not her.  [removes her riding boots, eyes locked with the nude woman across from her]

> Oh, I would have thought ..... if you had a rival for Carlo ..... you would WANT to meet her.  To have it out with her.  I know that's what I've always wanted ...  once I knew I had one.  A rival, that is.

> And .... what was her name?

> I call her a married Venetian slut.  But he calls her La Pisana.

> [Removes her skirt and blouse and underwear.  Both women are now fully nude.]  Then .... we are each who we were hoping the other would be.  What do we do now .... Aglaura?

> [Rises out of bed and stands toe to toe with La Pisana.]  Carlo could be back shortly .... or he could take all day.

> I want him to watch me tear you to pieces ....  but I don't want to wait.  This moment has been too long coming.

> Then don't wait.

> [Slaps Aglaura]

> I prefer fists.

> As do I.

To be continued.....


Offline catfightlover40

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2021, 02:52:19 PM »
Yet another exciting historical story :) Hope it turns out that La Pisana or her lover are Joseph Fouché's spies :)
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Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2021, 10:23:07 PM »
Both women were pulsating with pure adrenaline, stunned at how quickly their unplanned confrontation had escalated to a challenge, and acceptance, of an unplanned catfight.  Both women had fought before--many times, more on that later--but always out of their skill and size class.  You see, both Aglaura and La Pisana were very tall, each at 6-feet tall.  Aglaura's genes came from generations of Greek seafarers and pirates, with a beauty gene or two from generations of Durazzo or Contantnople or Smyrna or Tana streetwalkers providing relief and relaxation to her forefathers calling at port.  La Pisana's forefathers, meanwhile, were labor-hardened shipbuilders and craftsmen from the Venice Arsenal, but with beauty inherited from the pastoral Istrian shephers and goatherders.

Both had leaned to fight with fists from jealous women seeking to Mar their flawless faces.  Both were used to being the more pretty woman in the fight.  But, now, this morning, both could see that the feminine beauty scale was equal.  Flowing, thick, wavy manes of fair dangles down to each woman's tight, impossibly firm buttocks.  Their legs went on seemingly endlessly.  Their breasts were ample and hard as Mediterranean grapefruits.  Their upper arms, strong with years of rope work on Mediterranean galleys.  Their gait, confident with years on horseback in the valley of the Po River Valley and the Via Egnatia.

And, their eyes....

Staring daggers at each other with pure jealousy.  Both hated the other the moment Carlo broached the topic in bed.

> I hate her.

> I'll kill her if I'm ever in the same province as her.

> I hate all Greek bitches, but her above all.

> The Catholic Italian pig, marrying for money but sleeping with others.  Oh, just with you??  Do you really think that, Carlo.

> Carlo, promise me.  Sleep with anyone, but not that Greek merchant swine.

> Carlo, please, I beg you.  Cut off all contact with that Italian whore.  I'll do anything, if you do that.

> I'll gouge the Greek's face to shreds.

> I'll rake the Italian's bosom as deep as the sea itself.

> I'll kill her.  Then keep punching even more.

Aglaura had learned to punch from the ages master spy himself, Joseph Fouche, the butcher of Lyon.  She had been on a Genoese merchant voyage that had been caught in a counter-revolution to the French Revolution in 1794, and Fouche had been sent in by the Directory to suppress the uprising.  He was immediately drawn to the Amazonian Aglaura, and trained her in the ways of self-defense in tight quarters.  Thereafter, all her fights had been with fists.

La Pisana had met Fouche as well, in 1797, when he established the police force of the Cisalpine Republic.  He had seen in La Pisana a skilled femme-fatale for the puppet Republic, and had also trained her in the art of bare knuckle combat.  La Pisana had had occassion to use her new skill three times in the past 12 months.

And both had slept with Fouche.  But that was just business.

Both were now sleeping with Carlo.  And that was for love.

Yes, love.  Both had fallen for Carlo.  And hard.

Both shred their deepest fantasies with Carlo.

Aglaura's fantasy of destroying La Pisana in a fistfight.  And La Pisana marring Aglaura's Helen-esqe face with her bare hands.

Neither thought the occassion would ever present itself.

But it had.  Right now.  This morning.

> You ready, bitch?

> Try me.

To be continued.....


Offline Magnus

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2021, 01:32:33 PM »
Excellent Mediterranean catfight. A feisty Italian against a Greek hellcat. My suggestion : after an intense, dirty brawl full of clawing, mouth-grabbing, hair-pulling and breast mauling, La Pisana finally defeats Aglaura, slaps her to tears, parades her in front of Carlo, and takes a trophy from her to remember...


Offline catfightlover40

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2021, 01:40:49 PM »
In my headcannon, at a previous point in time the French envoy to Constantinople recognized talent in Aglaura, brought her on as a live-in maid to rescue her from a forced marriage to a local but lowly merchant (the discontent between Greeks and Turks goes back centuries) and later she found luck with serving the revolution and the empire (as the alliance with Ottomans remained intact).
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Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2021, 03:11:43 PM »
So accustomed were the two tall warriors to having a reach advantage in standing combat that they began throwing face punches without consideration to defending their faces from retaliatory blows.  Both soon regretted this decision, as twin barrage of clenched Fouche-trained knuckles scored direct hits on cheekbones, noses, and mouths.  With Fouche-honed hand speed thrown into the mix, the rate of landed strikes was in excess of 50 per 30 seconds per Amazon, and the flawless faces of the Mediterrannean beauties became obscured by thick rivers of blood, which became caked in the mangled manes of thick hair which dangled into each woman's Vvsage.  After three minutes of dealing and sustaining such professionally enhanced violence, which should have by now generated a decisive knockout, the Amazon's paused to survey the scene.

> You jealous cxnt.  You should have never shown your face here--I'll ruin it permanently.

> You're one to speak, you jealous Greek.  I'll shred your face worse than smallpox scars can.

> You're bleeding worse than me--do you wish for more?

> You act s proud .... but your fighting skill is not yours.  It was learned from Fouche.

> I knew how to fight before Fouche .... just with claws and teeth.

> As did I .... do you doubt it?

> I wish for you to prove it.

> As to I.

Both women close and each other and sink their fingers into each others' tangled hair, and begin pulling violently.

> This style of fight is much more to my liking.

> Then bring it, bitch.

To be continued....


Offline Magnus

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2021, 08:14:12 PM »
Great story so far, keep it up! As I wrote in my original comment, I expect the fiery Italian to eventually prevail after a hot, dirty, nasty brawl and then humiliate Aglaura in front of Carlo.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2021, 02:11:36 PM »
Within seconds, the Mediterranean Amazon's are on the dusty floor of the cottage, their claws ripping at the thick roots of each others' tangled nest of hair, previously straight, but now curling in the humid Genoese mid-morning heat. 

This is a fight both are accustomed to winning.  Aglaura has entered into such contests frequently in Durazzo's and Constantinople's opium dens during her merchant travels, against Turk, Albanian, and Aremenian servant girls.  Her six foot long legs would wrap around the hips and heads of the usually-smaller enemies, and attain submissions before either woman could do much damage against the other.  But Aglaura's legs are matched equally by La Pisana, who is equal in size and strength to her, and the two Amazon's are initially able to achieve little more than exchanging shin kicks. 

La Pisana, similarly, learned to fight other women in hairpulling contests such as these, most often in the shadowed allies of the bustling city of Venice.  She and roaming gangs of the city's decadent ancient families, the Dandolo's, the Foscari, the Falieri, would wander out at night and seek to jump outnumbered packs of the others' members in a never-ending cycle of score-settling and territory-marking.  Sometimes, as in the case of La Pisana, a female member of the pack would combine attractiveness and fighting ability is such a skillful package, that the other participants in the brawl would stop fighting themselves, and becomes witnesses and spectators to a showdown between each gang's two prettiest women brawlers.  La Pisana became legendary on the streets of early 1790s Venice as an unbeatable brawler against women her age, and several Ventian maidens were disappointed in attempts to knock her off her throne, losing hair and sometimes teeth in the attempt.  La Pisana, tho, until this morning, had never had to fight an opponent the same height as herself, and already she could tell the battle would take longer than the 5 minutes normally sufficient to subdue a Venetian challenger.

Both women were sweating buckets from ever pore in their body.

> Greek pig.

> Italian swine.

> Give before I kill you.


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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2021, 04:47:37 PM »
Sounds La Pisana might have met the teacher of the madame from the Two Sicily kingdoms around that time :)
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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2021, 08:55:54 PM »
With the catfight grinding on and La Pisana unable to submit her enemy Aglaura to her will, she began to fear that the best she could hope for was the outcome of many of the Venice streetfights she witnessed in her youth:  a bitter draw.  Fearing the damage her precious face was sustaining, and cognizant of her many friends and cousins who carried smallpox scars sustained in childhood, she pulled her face close to Aglaura's and offered her a temporary truce.

> Aglaura, we have fought two ways this morning.  First with fists, then with claws.  I'm willing to concede you are a worthy adversary and halt our hostilities for now, until Carlo returns, if you do the same.

Aglaura considered the offer being place on the table by the married Amazon.  If La Pisana was nearing exhaustion and seeking an out, her muscle strength betrayed no such clues.  La Pisasa was still tearing at Aglaura's scalp with the strength of Medusa, and twisting her spine with uncomfortable torquing.  Aglaua recognized that even in a best case scenario, she was still many minutes away from submitting her determined enemy, and in mortal danger of getting pinned and punished by the Italian streetfighter. Her enemy's off was not without attractions.

> Let's say I agree to a truce.  What do we do while awaiting Carlo's return?

> We wash up.  I want your blood off of me now.  And my hair is matted as a neglected dog.  There is a private cove down back with an let to the bay.  We can wash there. 

> You won't attack me as we wash?

> Although my hatred for you is enough to maim you without remorse.....I would always wonder which of us is the better woman.

> I feel the same.

For the first time since their unexpected brawl erupted, both women for the first time relax their grip on each other.

> A dip in the sea feels most welcome at the moment.

> I can't wait, either.  My mouth is dry as the desert.

> You can't drink sea water when as parched as now.

> But..... there's no water in the cottage at the moment.  It 's one of the things Carlo is fetching.

The two Amazons sit up, inspecting the damage they have inflicted on each others' nude bodies.  They smell each others' beady sweat.  Their eyes lock.  They lean in and tongue kiss greedily.

[Between kisses:]

> You're mouth is indeed dry and course.

> As is yours.

> I've just had a vicious war.... with a hellcat.

> Which we will resume when Carlo returns, I hope.

> We must.  I can't stand the thought of Carlo ever bedding your again.

> Nor I .... you.

> The finish of our fight will be .... vicious.

> So be it.

[Sinking fingers into each other...]

> Yes.  So be it.  There is no other way.

[Both women cum, but quietly, as each is exhausted.]

> We now have another reason to bathe.

> Yes.  I cannot stand your cum on me.

> Nor yours on mine.  Or on Carlo.

> Then do something about it.

> I intend to.

> When Carlo returns?

> No.  I cannot wait.  Now.

To be continued.....


Offline Magnus

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2021, 08:39:54 PM »
Sinclairfan, fiction imitates life! This is Lord Byron in the 1810s:

"the door of my apartment opened, and in walked a well-looking and (for an Italian) bionda girl of about nineteen, who informed me that she was married to the brother of my amorosa, and wished to have some conversation with me. I made a decent reply, and we had some talk in Italian and Romaic (her mother being a Greek of Corfu), when, lo! in a very few minutes in marches, to my very great astonishment, Marianna S * *, in propriâ personâ, and, after making a most polite curtsy to her sister-in-law and to me, without a single word seizes her said sister-in-law by the hair, and bestows upon her some sixteen slaps, which would have made your ear ache only to hear their echo. I need not describe the screaming which ensued. The luckless visitor took flight. I seized Marianna, who, after several vain efforts to get away in pursuit of the enemy, fairly went into fits in my arms; and, in spite of reasoning, eau de Cologne, vinegar, half a pint of water, and God knows what other waters beside, continued so till past midnight."


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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2021, 09:49:43 PM »
Both Amazon's stand and walk, La Pisana leading the way, down to the cove opening gently into the bay.  Both women keep a wary distance between them; cognizant of their mutual desire to permanently eliminate the other as a rival for Carlo's affections and company, but also desiring release from the cocktail of blood, sweat, and cum caked onto the entire surface of their battered bodies and mangled hair. 

Aglaura, walking behind, gets her first extended view of La Pisana's backside--her muscled frame, her impossibly firm buttocks, marred only by scratch scars raking the entire breadth and width of La Pisana's back.  But how were these stripes earned?  In youthful Venetian catfights?  In close encounters on spy missions for La Fouche?  In wild sexual gymnastics with Carlo?  All three?

Jealousy coursed Aglaura's veins.  She vowed to herself to inflict her own stripes on La Pisana, but on her front side.  To her face, for all men to see.  And to her bosom, for Carlo to see.

But first, a refreshing bath in the bay.  The water was calm and warm.  Aglaura and La Pisana maintained their wary distance.  They washed their hair and skin.  They surveyed each others' thick mane of waist-length hair.  Their scalps stung in the salt seawater in places where some had been ripped out at the roots during the morning's melee.

> It feels good to wash off.

> Yes.  Rejuvenating.

> Your body is so lean and taut.  You have stayed active after marrying.

> My husband allows me my freedom.

> Including the freedom to bed other men?

> You keep implying I have other men.  But I have only Carlo.  I hope .... for your sake .... that YOU have other men.

> I do not.  Nor do I want to.  Just Carlo.

> That is not acceptable to me.

> I do not answer to you.

> But I intend to make you answer to me.  Have you not seen..... and felt .... what I can do to you?

> Have you not seen ..... and felt .... that I will never submit to you?

[The two Amazon's wade toward each other in the water.]

> Then ..... we have nothing more to say to each other, do we?

> We do not..... except .... for me to warn you that I am from a Greek sea merchant family ..... and know how to fight in the sea.

> And I am Venetian ..... where the streets  ..... and streetfights ..... are in canals.

> Then ..... it appears we are about to resume our fight now .... in this cove.

> I desire it.

> As do I.

[Both women clinch in a mutual standing catball, neither able to dunk the other.  The legs lock together, their groins making contact.]

> You are aroused.

> You're one to talk.

[Aglaura and La Pisana lock eyes.  They kiss greedily.]

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2021, 05:18:42 PM »
Aglaura and La Pisana are kissing so passionately on the beach that they at first do not recognize that a battalion of French soldiers has hiked down the path and joined them on the cove.  The men are fascinated and silenced by the two nude Amazon beauties entwined in front of them, and stare numbly and disbelieving at the unusual scene before their eyes.

La Pisana is first to raise her eyes and notice the soldiers.  She gasps and pushes Aglaura away from her, and uses her arms to cover her breasts.  Aglaura turns and is also initially shocked at the unwelcome company (and, where is Carlo?  the French soldiers may be friends of Carlo ..... or enemies).

Aglaura is more comfortable speaking the French language, and regains her composure first.  She is also more comfortable than La Pisana with strange men seeing her nude.  Her Durazzo, Constantinople,, and Smyrna catfights were often held in front of small parties of invited men, and she had early learned to suppress her inhibitions at exposing her nude form to spectators.

Aglaura greets the soldiers in French to signal her fluency in their native tongue.

> Are you allies of Carlo?  Or have you arrested him?

> [The French soldiers know they should conceal their identity, but unable to lie to 2 beautiful nude Amazon's.  They hope to win their favor and receive 5 minutes of pleasure from one or both of them.]  Carlo is under arrest in Genoa.  His horse led us back here--this must be his residence.

> [Aglaura quickly reads thie situation and crafts a plan.  She points at La Pisana accusingly.]  And that Venetian wench there is Carlo's mistress.  She was holding me hostage.  J'accuse!  Arrest her!

> [La Pisana is only partially fluent in French, but can tell from the men's body language that Aglaura is setting her up.  In a panic, she attempts to build a counter-narrative.]  She lies!  I do not even know Carlo or this Greek whore!  I'm a respectable married Venetian noblewoman.  They were using this cove to smuggle!  I caught this whore in the act, and was arresting her to bring her into town and report their scheming?

> [Aglaura looks eyes with La Pisana and speaks to her in Italian.]  You stupid bitch!  I shall tell Carlo it took you only 10 seconds to betray him!

> You hypocrite!  You are thinking only of yourself.  How quickly you aid the French soldiers, our mutual enemy!

> These soldiers see you and I and are thinking only of their own pleasure, not of politics or nationality!

> Then they will far prefer a single merchant bitch to a married nobleman.

> [Aglaura turns to the French soldiers, resuming speaking in French.]  You heard the hussy--she's married..... and covers on beaches without clothes.  Captain, allow your men enjoyment with her.  She knows what she's doing.  I don't.  I will go up to the house and show you were She and Carlo hide their silver.

The French soldiers are again unable to resist order from a beautiful nude Amazon.  They close in on La Pisana, while the French Captain allows Aglaura to use his cloak as covering.  He offers Aglaura water, but not La Pisana.  The Captain and Aglaura move up the path towards the house, leaving the soldiers and  La Pisana alone on the beach. 

Agalua looks back over her shoulder at her vulnerable enemy, sticking her tongue out at her.

> [La Pisana, enraged, shouts out at Aglaura in Italian:] Aglaura!!  You bitch!!  I will find you!!  And I will kill you!!

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2021, 06:58:48 PM »
Late 1802.  Four years have passed since Aglaura and La Pisana's catfight in Genoa.  La Pisana has passed through various French prisons in the south and eastern parts of the Revolution-torn country.  Various factions have come into and fallen out of power, which has now been consolidated in the hands of the Emperor Napoleon. 

The Treaty of Amiens has brought a rare respite of truce and peace to the Continent.  All side take advantage of the window to count prisoners and swap survivors.  La Pisana is one of those surviving prisoners.

La Pisana's mentor Joeph Fouche has managed to retain power as the government's spy master, and is today securing La Pisana's release from prison.  They meet in Fouche's office.

> La Pisana!  It's been six years since I saw you in Italy.  You are as radiant and beautiful as ever!  What is your secret?

> I could as the same of you.  How is your head still attached to your shoulders?

> The strong always survive.  I understand that for the fair sex, you are one of the strongest on the Continent!  Your catfight with Aglaura the Greek is the stuff of legends.

> Accounts are not settled between that bitch and me.  She will pay with her life for the four years of torture I've endured.  And for Carlo's death in prison.  Monster Fouche, help me find Aglaura.

> If I do, will I receive the payment I desire from you?

> As much as being intimate with you is disagreeable to me, I will allow you ANY liberty with me if it gets me alone with Aglaura.

> Anything, La Pisana?

> ANYTHING, Monsieur Fouche.

> Show me now.

> Show me you know where Agalura is first.

> [Fouche pulls out a letter.]

M. Fouche:  I write you from Venice.  Attached are 5,000 florins and 3,000 ducats.  Please secure the release from prison of Carlo, if he is still alive.  Please send him to Venice.  I am living at the home of La Pisana.  Her husband has taken a liking to me, and I to him.  I assumed he was quite elderly, which he is in years, but not in virility.  He was tired of La Pisana's cheating with Carlo, and he fell in love with me when I told him I kicked La Pisana's ass and got her arrested.  May she rot in jail.  Aglaura

> [La Pisana shakes in rage as she reads the letter.]  This letter is genuine.  It is my husband's stationary.  I must leave for Venice immediately to kill the bitch.

> I'd pay all those florins and ducats to watch that fight.  But, alas, I must settle for an hour with you.

> Which I will grant you.  For finding my enemy.

To be continued......


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Aglaura vs La Pisana: A Tale of 1798 Italy
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2021, 08:53:53 PM »
Early 1803.  Venice.  La Pisana has returned to her marital home, where her enemy Aglaura has been squatting, and shacking up with La Pisana's lawful husband, for almost four years.  The two women have not laid eyes on each other since their vicious catfight in Genoa at Carlo's beach house in 1798.  But they have been thinking about each other ever since.

La Pisana steps into the marble piazza.  She dismisses the few servants in the home.  They know why she is here--they have been gossiping about Aglaura's displacement of La Pisana in the ducal estate wedding bed.....and how it came about.....everyday since Aglaura's arrival in 1799.  They know La Pisana has come to reclaim what is hers ..... or to die trying.  They know the war between the two Amazon's will be epic--that both are a match in strength, determination, and temperament.  They regret they cannot stay to witness the battle.

Aglaura is sunning herself in the courtyard.  La Pisana approaches her.

LP>  You bitch.  How cowardly of you to leave me to be ravished by those French soldiers on that Genoa Beach.

A> Well, I knew you enjoy fucking multiple men.  I was hoping you'd be more grateful to me.  Slut.

> You're one to talk, hypocrite.  Why are you still in MY husband's bed, after all these years?

> Because you were holding out on me, La Pisana.  He can longer .... perform ..... in the usual way at his advanced age ..... but he is a downright expert at pleasuring a woman orally.  I haven't had my .... fill ..... yet.  Perhaps that's why you returned?

> No such luck for you, Aglaura.  I've returned to kill you .... for what you did to me on that beach.

> You .... and WHAT army, La Pisana.  You know why are an even match when we fight .... neither of us can ....  KILL the other .... in a 1on1 fight.  And ..... lest you've forgotten .... we get so turned on fighting that we ..... kiss each others' asses .... at least as much as we ... KICK .....  them.  In fact .... your erect nipples betray that you are already quite aroused right now.

> Can you say that .... that you are NOT ..... aroused?

> Hmmmmmm ..... well, I will admit .... that ever since Fouche sent me the note that you were alive ..... and were looking for me ..... and that Carlo is still in prison ..... well, I knew that you and I would ..... shall we say, reunite.   And, I've wondered if that reunion would be amicable ..... or bellicose.

> Which did you wish for then?  And which do you wish for now?

> Then:  bellicose.  To rip your hair our, La Pisana.  And I don't mean the hair on your head, sweetie.

> And now?

>  Well, before this afternoon is concluded, you Italian turd.... I still wish to BALD you in your own home.  That would excite me ever so much.  But...... I will admit .... you must be sex-starved after ..... going without .... after those French soldiers had their way with you.  I would love to ..... enjoy the company .... of a lover who has gone so long in a chaste state.

> It has indeed been way too long . [La Pisana fingers herself, then sits on Aglaura's lap.]  Kiss me, you Greek bitch.

[The two women kiss passionately.]

> We can fuck each other up later.  We can finish this fight, after....

[The two women undress and fondle each other like animals in heat.]

> Yes, after.  Let's fuck, first.