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Best Friend's Sister, Part Five

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Offline Jon Grey

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Best Friend's Sister, Part Five
« on: July 05, 2018, 08:39:34 PM »
I stayed at my house that night, and my parents didn't question why I was coming in late. I think they were just happy to have their son back home to do the laundry and dishes. I spent most of the day doing chores for my parents until I called over to Dan's house. I was in luck when Tiffany picked up.

"Hello?" her sweet voice came over the receiver. I grinned.

"Hey," I said, far too excitedly to be considered anywhere near cool. Tiffany laughed.

"So we on for dinner and a movie?" I was taken aback. I'd actually been expecting to ask her (hence the call).

"Sure," I said, though I wasn't anymore. "What do you want to see?"

"Horror sound good to you?"

I nodded, then realized I was on the phone. "Oh, yeah. Which one is it?"

"The one with that serial killer that chases the teenagers around and kills them off one by one."

"Awesome, I've been wanting to see that very same one." Tiffany laughed.

"Do you want early dinner, late show?"

"I'm fine with whatever; I'm off tomorrow."

"You don't have a job," she laughed. I chuckled.

"See, no work tomorrow!" Tiffany acknowledged my horrific joke with a groan.

We decided on the 10:15 show, and made plans for me to pick her up and get to the restaurant at about 8. I hung up the phone feeling pretty good, as I hadn't had a real date since the prom.

Since the restaurant was kind of nice, I opted for khakis and a polo shirt. Plain, but still nice. I showered, shaved, and looked better than I had all summer, so I felt good as I drove to Dan's house.

And realized that I'd completely forgotten to tell Dan that I was going to take his sister to the movies. So he was sitting there, pissed off beyond all belief on his front porch.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, asshole! Do you think I'm actually going to let you take my sister out, you sick fuck!" He stormed towards me, and I immediately crouched. I can't remember seeing Dan so angry, so the huge hug he gave me was a big surprise.

"Holy shit, was that worth it. You looked like you were shitting your pants, man!" He patted me on the back and laughed. I stood there, smiling and trying to control my bladder.  "Just give me a heads up, though, really. Tiffany's been bugging me all day that I didn't know you two were a thing. And don't let me see you doing anything. Ever. Or tell me about it. Because I will kick your ass." Tiffany appeared at the door, wearing a nice pair of curve-hugging jeans, and a sweater with a neckline that was nowhere near her neck.

"You two have fun." Dan said, shaking his head and still chuckling as he walked back to the house.

Tiffany waved back at him, rolling her eyes. "Ever the overprotective brother. He had to make me promise I wouldn't tell you before he was okay with it. I didn't realize he was going to terrorize you, though. Sorry." I shrugged.

"Well worth it." Tiffany looked amazing, and I told her so. Despite the different situations we'd already been in, it felt like a first date, and Tiffany apparently thought so, too, blushing at the simple compliment. The sweater was grey, and kind of fluffy looking, with a few details on the front (some cloth-y gilding; I'm sure there was a technical name for it, but I liked fluffy), and despite the plunging neckline, it wasn't obscene. I did take in her ample cleavage, and didn't care that she saw me looking. I'd seen her tits plenty of times, and the round, smooth curves of her breasts were just as enticing almost covered as they were when completely laid bare.

Tiffany didn't seem to mind, and when I looked at her face, she was smiling. "Let's go, hornball," she said. We drove to the restaurant, and during the drive chatted about the movie, and about summer, and school. We had a bit more in common than I had figured, including a love of horror movies.

"I always like to see those girls get killed after sex," she confided in me. "It's that sort of dark element. I know it's twisted; I know it's wrong, but there's something about that intimate moment completely taken over by something else." I shouldn't have been surprised about her insight, but it must have registered on my face. "You think I'm nuts, huh?" I shook my head.

"I hadn't thought of that, actually," I told her honestly. "It makes sense; it takes the control of the situation away from the female, which is a real sort of fear, rather than just the fear of some crazy killer or supernatural monster." Tiffany smiled, undoing her seatbelt and leaning over so I could see down her shirt even further. I tried to keep my eyes on the road, but thankfully we were relatively alone on the street. The edges of her breasts spilled like thick dough, downward, but still solid. I also noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra. My eyes immediately went to the road in front of me.

"Exactly right. I mean, what could be scarier than having control taken away from you?" I shifted in my seat, suddenly warm. "Of course," she said suddenly, her voice almost a whisper. "The killer's someone I can understand, too. Not because I want to kill, but if there's the option, I'm the one taking control." I swallowed, my throat dry.

"Like Darla?" I managed to ask. Tiffany leaned back, slowly, allowing my eyes to trace the cleavage she'd left on display. She grinned slyly.

"You'd be able to answer that better than me, wouldn't you? I mean, you were the one that decided how that ended."

"Only after you took control, Tiff." She grinned again, and subtly cupped her left breast for a moment, hefting it so I would watch it jiggle. "You beat her pretty good."

"Yeah. I'm still really sore, too. Her little boobs are hard," she said, shaking her head.

"Not hard enough," I told her, smiling. "That was really hot."

"I'm glad you were there to add to the celebration," she said. We pulled into the restaurant, and grabbed our seat. I was impressed by the service. A little wisp of a girl came up, all smiles and short hair. She wore a buttun up shirt and black pants, a seeming uniform judging from the rest of the wait staff. The barest swell at the front indicated that she wasn't well endowed, but was very cute and friendly. and took our order. As I was ordering, Tiffany was pulling at the bottom of the "V" of her sweater, exposing more of her firm breasts to my eyes, in an effective distraction. I caught myself a couple of times during the order, and the waitress smiled patiently while I corrected myself.

As our waitress left, another of the waitresses came to our table. This waitress was not a wisp at all. She was tall, and curvy, with light red hair and pale skin. Her breasts looked large, though I imagine the angle of looking up heightened the appearance considerably. They jutted out, straining the fabric, which allowed my eyes to trace the edges of her bra around the heavy orbs on her chest.

"Everything okay over here?" the taller woman asked. Her button up shirt had the top two buttons open, revealing deep, full cleavage. Tiffany and I both nodded. The woman smiled. "Glad to hear it. Ma'am, if you could keep your sweater up, we'd appreciate it. This is a family establishment, and showing your boyfriend your breasts is ground for removal from the restaurant."

I have never claimed to understand women, but the tone in the waitress's voice was not unlike the tone that I'd heard in competitions over the last month. I looked at Tiffany, wondering what I was supposed to do in that situation.

Tiffany's response was careful and cold. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, miss. I can't have you exposing your breasts in our restaurant." If the waitress thought that was going to stop the conversation, she obviously had no idea what she walked into.

"Miss," Tiffany began, her voice like wind-blown ice, "your outfit exposes more of your floppy tits than mine does, and what I show my boyfriend here is actually none of your concern. Our booth is not facing any family, so the only reason I can think that you made your way over to harass us is that you want to get in my head somehow. I'm on a date with my boyfriend. If you'll excuse us, Christy," Tiffany finished, "we'll wait for our waitress Hannah." Christy's lip curled for a moment, then she was gone.

"Fucking bitch," Tiffany said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. When Hannah came back, she was smiling widely.

"I heard that you told Christy off, miss?" she kind of asked. It was hard to figure out how she'd turned it into a question, but Tiffany smiled.

"I'm sorry if I caused any trouble ? " Tiffany began.

"Not at all!" Hannah said brightly, cutting her off. Hannah lowered her voice before speaking again: "Since she's come in a few days ago, she's tried to bully us with her attitude, and no one really compares in size, so we've all just kept working. She's super pissed right now, but she's staying in the back. I'll be right back with your free meal."

Tiffany looked at me and shrugged. Neither of us seemed to know what to do, though I noticed Tiffany leaving her lovely sweater alone as we got our food.

As we ate, I noticed Christy taking care of tables towards the back of the restaurant. Our meal went on without a hitch, and we even were given a free dessert, making me wonder what Christy had been doing back there to warrant such a reward.

I don't know why I didn't expect it, but when we left, Christy followed us out.

"Bitch!" Christy hollered. "We aren't done. I heard what you did to Kara Simmons. You think you're such a big shot! You wanna go with me?" I noticed that Christy didn't mention the type of contest.

"Listen, Christy, if you want me, you can challenge me at our parties. Otherwise, fuck off!" Tiffany turned, and walked away without another word, leaving the heavy-titted waitress waiting in the parking lot.

We made our way to the movie, where we were able to snag a couple of seats in the back row of a relatively empty theater. Glad that it was a horror movie, I got to feel her bury her breasts into my arm for the first few minutes as the young woman on screen was (predictably) eaten by something. I admit that I wasn't paying attention. As Tiffany squirmed, I felt her breasts move and shift on my right arm for a while as she began nipping at my ear.

I finally couldn't take it and kissed her. It was nice, though I could feel her insistence on something else, so after a short time, I pulled away and asked what was up.

"I wanna titfight Christy," Tiffany said. "And I want you to watch me." I groaned as I felt a hand resting over my cock. "And if I win, you'll get part of the prize."

We both watched the movie for a while, sometimes kissing, sometimes groping, but kept it relatively tame. It was our first date, after all.

We said our goodnights quickly as I drove her home and before she left, she promised she'd have a date and a venue for Christy, and let me know when and where.

I woke up to a phone call from my new girlfriend and I could hear the joy in her voice.

"Tomorrow night, her place, I can bring you. She'll have someone there, too."

I filled my day with chores, and while Tiffany had to work that night, I was still at her house, hanging out with Dan. We didn't broach the new relationship at all. Dan was happy to accept that we were dating now, and wanted absolutely no information past that.

So it wasn't a surprise that when Tiffany got home, Dan said good night. To save any awkward moments, I waited until Dan went upstairs. I kissed her, softly, and slowly, and allowed her very slow moving tongue entrance as we embraced. She pulled away and looked into my eyes with her own. She wasn't wearing anything outrageously revealing or tight ? a simple blue t-shirt and some jeans that hugged her curvy ass just right. She had grabbed her purse, and leaned in after our kiss to whisper in my ear.

"You get to see me crush another set of tits," she said softly. "You wanna drive?" I nodded, unsure of what else to say. My mind was racing. I wasn't going to be hiding this time; I wasn't going to be a shadow on the wall. Christy would know I was there, and so would whomever she brought.

I drove, following the directions Tiffany gave me, trying not to steal looks at her breasts.

"Go ahead and look," she said, faking exasperation. "But don't get us killed." She leaned back, then slowly pulled the t-shirt she'd put on down, so I could confirm that she had no bra. Her breasts shivered a bit as the fabric got tighter and tighter.

"What do you want me to do with her?" The question took me off guard, as would have any speech attempt as she began tying the bottom of her shirt into a knot, further highlighting her amazing rack by crushing the two fleshy orbs together.

"I want you to flatten her big udders," I said quietly, trying to remain on the road as I thought of the two women smashing their breasts together while I watched.

"Then I'll do it for you," she said, releasing the bunched fabric below her shirt. "We're almost there. Pull up here, there's parking. We can walk the rest of the way."

I followed Tiffany as we walked down a quiet, well-lit street. Even as I stayed a half-step behind her, my eye was drawn to the curve of her right breast quivering just noticeably with each step beneath the blue cloth.

At last we made it to an apartment building, and Tiffany buzzed Christy.

The voice came through the static of the loudspeaker crisp and cold.

"That you, bitch? Your early. I like that."

"It's me," Tiffany replied. There was no more conversation, just the buzz and click of the old lock welcoming us.

We walked through the door and for some reason, I started thinking we were going to get attacked. The building itself was nice, but I couldn't get this strange feeling out of my mind that Christy and a giant freak of a man would pull us from the hallway into a padded room and beat us both up before Christy destroyed Tiffany's tits. Any sort of erotic image of watching a beautiful pair of tits pounded into submission was overwhelmed by my head getting thrown into the giant's fists. I swallowed, shaking my head to clear it as Tiffany stopped at the door.

She was so unlike me in that moment that I still trace to this day the moment I realized I loved her. While I was thinking the worst, she had a confident, almost angry look on her face. Her blue eyes darkened with determination as she heard vague footsteps come from behind the door, and I half-wondered if she was going to attack whoever opened the door.

The man that opened the door almost made me exclaim my relief vocally. He was a bit shorter than I was, and a bit thicker, but we were very comparable. He had a huge, awkward smile on his face, which told me that he, like me, had absolutely no idea on how to react to the situation that night. We were merely observers. He was a bit older, but considering that Christy seemed a bit older than Tiffany, I wasn't surprised.

"Please come in," he said graciously, for all the world like we were dinner guests. That illusion vanished as we entered the living room, and saw the mats on the floor. There were two chairs, one against opposing walls, and a door that led to a hallway. I heard the door close and lock behind us, and the man who had answered it led us inside.

"Can I get you some water or something?" he asked. I felt a kindred, lost spirit in him, and nodded, realizing that I was doing it to be polite. Tiffany shook her head gently, and walked onto the mat, shedding her shoes and testing the surface. As the man left to get the drinks, turning into the first archway (which I'd assumed was the kitchen), Tiffany turned towards me.

"He seems nice. I wonder why he's with that bitch," she whispered. We heard a door slam, and Christy made her way into the room. She was wearing a robe that tied right at her waist, but it was loose enough that the inner edges of her milky tits were exposed. She was just a bit taller than Tiffany, but broader all around as well, so she remained proportional. Te robe didn't allow much insight into her athleticism, but Christy definitely carried the weight advantage.

Tiffany eyed her opponent, then shrugged and peeled her t-shirt off, exposing her firm, pert breasts. Her nipples were already swollen, prickling even more as they were exposed to the cold air. Christy untied her robe, and I got my first glimpse of Tiffany's opponent. Christy's skin was pale, and her large, heavy-looking tits were topped by light, pink nipples. If nothing else, Tiffany's nipples easily dwarfed Christy's small buds.

"Ready, bitch?" Christy said coldly. Christy's witness/boyfriend (I really had no idea what was going on there) came in, took  his careful appraisal of the situation and tossed me a bottle of water. We both sat down and began to watch. Tiffany took a step forward, and Christy did the same.

"Look at those little tits," Christy whispered. "I can't wait to whip them with mine." Her red hair flipped as she jerked her neck to get the hair out of the way. Despite my hope, it was apparent that Christy's heavy breasts were probably a cup size larger than my girlfriend's and she was rightly proud of them. I couldn't see much of their firmness, as the sag that I could see seemed to my untrained (though slowly learning) eyes as though it cold be attributed to the sheer weight of her massive boobs.

I somehow pulled my eyes away to see the welcoming gentleman watching with the same intensity. He never looked at me but kept his eyes glued to the two women standing almost nipple to nipple. I watched as the contest escalated and Tiffany thrust forward. Christy didn't flinch, but watched as Tiffany's nipples met hers. After the contact, both let out tiny grunts, almost forced exhalations before pulling away. It was a gentle push, but both women seemed satisfied with the result. Christy suddenly became the aggressor, thrusting her own chest forward. There was a slap on this particular blow, and Tiffany grunted. Christy smiled, and reared back for a strike, only to find Tiffany's chest smacking her own before the larger pair could move forward.

This time Christy grunted, and pulled back from her attack. Both women stood cautiously, unwilling to fall into a trap that the other had set. Almost like they had developed identical thoughts, both women stepped forward at the same time. Four breasts met, gently, and began pushing together. All four flattened at the front, but little ground was gained as the two women began grinding away at each other's breasts. The soft sound of the breasts slipping over the other pair began increasing in intensity as sweat began to appear on both women's tits.

"I love feeling those little nipples on my tits, bitch. They tickle." Christy snarled and thrust hard into Tiffany. Tiffany kept the smile, but her left foot slid back. Christy noticed and thrust again. Tiffany's right foot followed and soon the larger woman began rapidly thrusting. The smile had faded as she felt herself forced back, and I wondered if Christy had already gained the upper hand. As soon as the thought had crossed my mind, Christy's pale tits thrust forward, but stopped as Tiffany took a step forward, into Christy's attack. Christy's breasts ballooned out for a moment, but fell back into shape as she felt the resistance and stopped her assault.

"Well, at least you're not a chickenshit," Christy said, a half-grin on her face. The larger breasts came quickly from the side, and Tiffany winced as she felt the roundhouse boob-shot connect, sending waves of disturbrance into her right tit, the ripples of flesh not calming until Christy pulled back for another blow. Tiffany tried to dodge, but the redhead landed another solid blow from the other side, and while I couldn't really see from that angle, I'm sure that Christy's second in the fight witnessed a similarly jiggling tit.

Tiffany finally thrust straight forward, sending her right breast into Christy's left while Tiffany's right breast flattened against Christy's back. Christy grunted at the impact, and Tiffany allowed herself a slightly victorious look through the wince as she felt Christy respond. Tiffany pulled back and landed another shot before Christy recovered. Both of Christy's heavy tits jiggled as Tiffany landed another solid blow. I watched the density of Christy's tits and became more concerned for my girlfriend. While Tiffany's breasts weren't flopping all over, the ripples on the brunette's breasts were more pronounced than Christy's slight jiggling. I tried to comfort myself with the idea that maybe Tiffany hadn't landed as direct a blow.

Christy fired back, missing, and allowed Tiffany to score what might have been called a left jab on the underside had they been boxing with fists instead of perfectly shaped breasts. Tiffany, seeing Christy's surprise amidst her wince, seemed to borrow a tactic from Darla. Tiffany began swinging her shoulders back and forth, alternating left and right thrusts into her opponent's chest. This time, Christy took a step back, her left foot leaving the mat as she tried to interrupt Tiffany's timing. Tiffany's experience showed as she followed forward with the same stride, keeping her tits on the offensive. Tiffany's pale breasts became a blur as they plowed into a shelf of similarly-toned flesh. Finally, Christy grabbed Tiffany's shoulders and lunged.

Tiffany's momentum stopped, and she had no defense for Christy's massive blow. Tiffany's breasts both squished under the heavy breasts of her opponent, and Christy held on as she reared back for another blow. Tiffany staggered as Christy's full momentum plowed into her, and I saw her blue eyes widen with shock and pain as Christy continued her assault. I didn't know if that was against the rules (or indeed, if there were rules usually), but I could tell that the attack had surprised Tiffany. My brunette girlfriend moaned as Christy landed a third strike with her heavy orbs, and I watched Tiffany's eyes tighten as another blow came from the side.

"Let me use those little bags for practice, Tiffany." Christy heaved her chest from left to right, her right tit slamming into Tiffany's left. Before Tiffany had finished groaning, Christy's left udder had slammed into Tiffany's right tit. The redhead grinned and smiled before firing another shot with her heavy right tit into Tiffany's sore right breast. Tiffany staggered this time, and slipped just a little as she fought for a foothold on the mat. Christy took time out of her busy battering to mock her.

"You see, Tiffany, just because you have a few close friends whose tits you can pummel at your leisure doesn't give you great tits. I have great tits. You can tell because I pretty much just flatten anyone who pisses me off." Christy thrust a half-strength shot into Tiffany's right breast. "See? I think I'll dismantle you one tit at a time." Another shot into her right breast elicited a tight groan from my girlfriend. I wondered if I was like the boxing guy, and could throw in the towel to defend my girl's precious rack. I seriously contemplated it but when Christy stepped forward for another blow, Tiffany dodged and drove her sore right breast right into Christy's heavy right teat. Christy's momentum allowed Tiffany's tit to explode into the side of Christy's breast, sending shockwaves of flesh riding outward. It was one of the most vicious blows I'd seen Tiffany deliver, and Christy's face seemed to indicate that my assessment of the strike was correct.

Christy slid this time, the surprise evident on her face, and her hands flew off Tiffany's shoulders as the brunette circled for position. The moment Christy seemed to have gotten her footing, Tiffany struck again, this time landing what seemed to be an uppercut underneath the redhead's heavy right breast. The tit flattened from the bottom and shook violently as it rose and Tiffany pulled back for another blow. Christy tried to dodge, as Tiffany had, but apparently had not gotten her reflexes back after the initial shock, because I saw Tiffany's left tit sandwich Christy's right as it flew across the redhead's chest and into the side again.

Christy bent over, just slightly, either trying to regain footing or allowing her breasts a different angle ? I couldn't tell which ? and Tiffany took advantage, bringing both breasts around so quickly that the redhead could only wince as the contact was made. A loud, smack of flesh-on-flesh reverberated through the room, and even I felt myself wince. Christy's pain was etched in the groan as she reached out for Tiffany's shoulders.

"Gladly," Tiffany hissed. Tiffany's hands found Christy's waist, and she pulled the redhead into her chest. Christy grunted at the force of the half-hug as her breasts flattened. Both pair seemed to flatten further in, just a bit, but I could see no real advantage on either pair of battered mammaries. Tiffany did demonstrate some control of the fight in general as she twisted her own torso, sending little shocks of movement through both breasts. The moves didn't seem to affect Tiffany, and Christy grunted in staccato rhythms, almost to the beat of Tiffany's grinding assault. I knew my hand had passed over my crotch several times by this point, but I didn't care. I wasn't worried about hiding, and I don't think the two women were worried about their audience.

Christy groaned and ground with Tiffany, both sets of tits flopping and slapping over each other. I couldn't tell form the movement who seemed to be "winning" this element, but seeing at one point Tiffany's firm breasts molding around Christy's tits, then the reverse was all I needed to see to know that I was enjoying it.

As Tiffany pulled away, I noticed a sheen of sweat on both pairs of breasts. The fight had been going Tiffany's way long enough that I was surprised to see her breasts were red, a result, no doubt, from the earlier beating. But Christy's were, too, and being as inexperienced as I was, I was in no situation to judge who was doing well.

Tiffany thrust quickly again, and another smack filled the room. Christy actually yelped as her heavy boobs were hit again. I watched my girlfriend try to take control by lining up her tits, and as she thrust forward, Christy rewarded her efforts with a pained hiss. Tiffany allowed a faint smile to overtake her lips as she reared back again, but this time, Christy was ready, and the smile vanished as Tiffany felt the powerful arms of her opponent wrap around her back. Christy laid both of her heavy tits on top of Tiffany's smaller pair, and in doing so, trapped my girlfriend's arms under her own. I could feel the worry on my face; this was easily the most difficult situation I'd seen Tiffany in.

Tiffany's heavy breathing, punctuated by slight whimpers seemed to verify my assessment. The weight of Christy's heavier orbs were obviously pushing down, and judging from the slight, rhythmic movements of the larger woman's back, she was just driving her bountiful udders into my girl's smaller pair. Christy regained her breath as she began grinding away at Tiffany's tits, and as she felt her energy return, began to taunt the brunette in her arms.

"I'm just going to grind them away, I think. Charlie would love to see a pair like yours flattened, and I know he likes tit pancakes for breakfast. Judging from the size, I think these floppies'll just reach your bellybutton by the time I let you go, Tiffany." For emphasis, Christy rolled her back, forcing a wave of her heavy tits onto Tiffany's again. Tiffany half-grunted, half-whimpered. I watched her beautiful tits distort and twist under the weight, and wondered again if I should call the fight. Or if I could do that. Tiffany grabbed Christy's hips, trying to pull her away, but the redhead ignored the move to put more pressure on my girlfriend's now-heavily burdened breasts. Tiffany then did something that surprised me. Her eyes opened and she looked at me with a look I hadn't seen. She seemed almost defeated, and with no idea how to react, I simply smiled, my face trying to convey sympathy and understanding as her tits were crushed.

As I said, though, the look was "almost defeated." I don't now what or how it happened, but judging that her hands hadn't moved, Tiffany actually pulled Christy closer, and locked her hands around the redhead's waist.

"Really?" Christy asked. "Someone had an extra helping of cockiness this morning. Your tits' funeral, loser," she spat. Christy twisted again, but almost lost her footing as Tiffany pulled down on the waist. Then she drove forward, her chest pushing Christy's heavy tits up.

"Fuck!" Christy yelled, releasing the bearhug. It was too late, though, and the redhead slipped as her center of balance was forcibly changed. Despite my hope that Tiffany would win, I couldn't help but watch Christy's breasts flop around as she hit the floor. Their mass seemed almost altered with the impact, and both breasts moved independently of the other.

Tiffany wasted no time in springing onto her prone opponent. Christy tried to roll, but Tiffany was able to get both of her knees around Christy's waist, and the redhead seemed surprised that she couldn't move. As the redhead struggled, Tiffany managed to capture one wrist, then another. Then the brunette leaned over, her abs tightening as she held her breasts above Christy's. The redhead's pair were less impressive on her back, but still had heft and density visible. Tiffany grinned evilly as she lowered her smaller, still-firm pair onto Christy's.

"I'm going to grind you now, bitch. I'm going to make Charlie suckle on his own tit pancakes every day. How's it feel?" Tiffany asked, dropping both her dense breasts onto Christy's heavy pair. Christy grunted, but seemed unwilling to give Tiffany the satisfaction of hearing anything more. I wondered about the wisdom of the decision, because the lack of response seemed to drive my girlfriend's anger even further. A wicked shot from Tiffany's left breast onto Christy's right finally drew out a yell from the pinned redhead, and Tiffany's face was glowing.

Another shot sent Christy's sore right tit into seeming convulsions as the flesh seemed to part, regaining its shape only after quivering for a moment. I relished in the beating the redhead absorbed even as Tiffany resumed her grinding. I saw my girlfriend’s thighs and calves tighten more than once, seemingly to stop any attempt Christy made to dislodge her smaller opponent. I was amazed at the tenacity of the two women. If this had been one of the parties, the fight would have stopped, but both women seemed eager to see this to the end. I wondered if Tiffany could keep her position indefinitely, or if she'd be able to grind Christy's tits away.

Christy began meeting her thrusts, or trying to. Tiffany's pin seemed pretty tight, and her torso just shifted, though her tits wobbled as she moved. Tiffany sighed as she worked Christy over, licking her lips as she found a steady rhythm, forcing her chest into the redhead's big orbs. Christy winced, and I thought she was going to scream her surrender, but her hips bucked instead, violently, and Tiffany flew into the air. Somehow, the brunette kept her balance, and I watched her land in roughly the same spot. But she didn't have the same grip, and Christy's movements were getting stronger as she realized her window for escape was waning. Finally the redhead rolled over, and her tits were out of range of assault.

"Slippery little bitch," Tiffany gasped. Both women were breathing heavily, and I wondered if either would request a draw, but as Christy tried to roll back over, Tiffany placed her palms on the redhead's collarbones. Christy tried to roll away again, but this time, Tiffany's hold was painful to break, and Christy fell back.

"Just let me finish, bitch," Tiffany said, a cold edge of cruel exasperation gilding the edge of her voice. "You know you're beat. You felt those saggy bags breaking down. That's why you were so desperate to get out. Just let me finish you off." Christy's face turned into a snarl as she tried squirming away. This time aware of the redhead's power, Tiffany thrust forward with her arms, a mighty shove that sent pain throughout Christy's body, a fact I realized as the latter's limbs shook for a moment, tightened, then relaxed. Christy did not move again, even as Tifffany lowered her left breast to Christy's right mammary. Christy groaned as she felt Tiffany's firm tit nestle onto her own, and then Tiffany began her grinding motion again, this time with more energy. Christy seemed to be gritting her teeth this time, and try as she might to escape, Tiffany's hold this time was taking its toll. Tiffany pulled back, slowly, and lowered her right breast onto Christy's left, this time with a bit more vigor. My girlfriend slid her heavy tit over Christy's big globe, and I watched as I slowly saw signs of the fight turning.

Tiffany felt it, too, and took advantage, now adding an occasional tit-punch from her position above Christy to the grinding motion. Christy yelped at one point, and I knew that the fight had gone Tiffany's way.

"Feel it?" Tiffany asked between gasps. "Feel your tits opening up for me? Those big cow tits are just making room for mine now, you goddamn slut." I'd never heard that much venom in my girlfriend's voice, so I knew that she wasn't content with just winning. She wanted to pile on some abuse.

And so she lined up her tits again and settled down on top of Christy. The redhead's struggles had grown weaker as Tiffany had her pinned the second time, but she seemed to have given up as Tiffany landed another of her crushing tit-strikes. "I want to flatten you, bitch. I want nothing more than to watch your tits reach your fucking belly button. But we still have a matter of our stakes. Do you submit?"

"Fuck you, you skank." Christy's voice was weak and tired, but I'm sure there was some matter of pride. Tiffany shrugged and began pounding Christy's chest. Christy grunted and groaned with each blow, becoming less and less able to react physically as her huge udders were beaten mercilessly. Tiffany felt something, and slowed her attack, then lowered her right tit onto Christy's left breast. There wasn't even a sense of contest or drama this time. Christy's big tit flattened, and while Tiffany's breast started to do the same as the front of her breast met some resistance, there was absolutely no comparison. Tiffany continued her assault, pulling a wailing moan from her opponent as she pushed Christy's left boob into her ribcage. Tiffany ground into the flattened udder for a while, enjoying the whimper's of her beaten opponent and switched breasts, leaning over so that she used her right breast again, this time to flatten Christy's right teat. I watched, my cock straining against my pants as Christy's tremendous chest was destroyed by my girlfriend's powerful tits. I was amazed as I watched Tiffany toy with Christy's wrecked boobs that I hadn't cum yet simply watching the titanic tit struggle.

"Oh, fuck stop, you bitch. I give. I give. You have better breasts than me!" Christy's surrender came at once, her mental state joining her tits' floppy state ? total defeat. I grinned as Tiffany stood; she'd flattened Christy's huge boobs, just like I'd asked. I relished her triumph, and it was only then that I looked at Charlie for the first time, so engrossed over the titfight that I'd forgotten he was there.

He looked, for all that I could see, as though he was as turned on as I was. His bulge strained against his pants, sure, but his gaze was on his girlfriend's beaten rack. I wondered what it was like to watch her lose, but pushed the thought out of my head. Tiffany looked at me and grinned, triumph etched on her face.

Charlie's involvement wasn't finished, I realized, as Tiffany leaned over to the beaten redhead. Christy closed her eyes, but nodded, and Tiffany asked Charlie to stand up. Christy crawled to her feet and walked to the chair where she knelt, leaning over so that her now-floppy boobs seemed to almost ooze onto the chair.

"Get over here," Tiffany called. As I was the only person not in the vicinity, I scooted.

"Take out your cocks, boys," I struggled to free my dick from its prison, the erection making it difficult to release. I had no idea what was going on until Tiffany placed me at Christy's left, and Charlie at Christy's right. Charlie and I had similar cocks, but I really wasn't paying too much attention, as my eyes were drawn to the boob buffet on the chair. Tiffany steered us both into position, and Christy looked up with tired eyes at her conqueror.

"Ready, bitch? Or do I need to soften those bags up just a bit more?" Christy looked humiliated, but I felt a shaking hand take my cock, and looked over to Charlie to see Christy's right hand take Charlie's dripping dick. "Coat 'em," Tiffany hissed. And the beaten woman, her tits splayed out beneath our dicks like some sort of plate, began stroking our dicks. She was obviously right handed, as the rhythm she'd established with Charlie was more forceful and even.

"How'd it feel to watch your girl's tits get crushed tonight, Charlie? Did you enjoy watching the show? Sorry I had to ruin your girl's big old boobies for you. I'm sure they'll be a nice pillow soon." Apparently Charlie did enjoy it, because the trash talk got to him, and a spray of cum erupted. I was glad I was far enough away that the spritz of his cum didn't hit me, but it did rain down on his girlfriend's heavy tits, coating the right one, and dusting the left one with a few drops. Christy's right hand fell away, and Charlie's cock drooled the last of its cum onto her heavy, beaten right tit.

Christy turned her attention to me, and I saw the glazed look in her eye, like she was doing this completely without thought.

"I did it for you, baby," Tiffany said, her voice dropping an octave as she encouraged me. "I flattened those big udders just like you asked. Look at them. See how they just sort of lie there now? I bet they'd just pour into her big bras." Tiffany chuckled as Christy sighed, not even responding to the trash talk.

When I realized that Tiffany had beaten her so soundly, I lost it, and sent stream after stream of my cum onto the two sacks beneath me.

"Oh wow," Tiffany said. "You guys were fucking turned on. Look at those flabby tits!" Between Charlie and me, there was absolutely no spot that wasn't at least wet. Christy lowered her head in humiliation while I staggered away.

"Remember Christy," Tiffany said, gathering her things. "If you see me again, and comment on my clothing, or my appearance, or the way I turn my boyfriend on, I will flatten you publicly. G'night bitch."

I found I could do little else besides follow the victor out the door, zipping up my jeans with pride (and a slight afterglow).