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Best Friend's Sister, Part Ten

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Offline Jon Grey

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Best Friend's Sister, Part Ten
« on: July 06, 2018, 09:44:40 PM »
I did shower with Tiffany, though despite my attempt to cheer her up, I could tell the fight had taken her confidence. She was a bit distant in the shower, looking away when I would brush a strand of hair away or even try to kiss her. We cleaned in relative silence, though when she was done, she seemed a bit more clear-headed.

"Can we talk tomorrow?" she asked suddenly as we were both getting dressed. I'd stolen a white t-shirt from Dan, wondering where he was, but my focus was on the gorgeous woman and her now-shattered psyche.

"Of course," I told her. "Where and when?"

"I'll call you with an address. Good night." She gave me a chaste kiss goodnight, and led me to her door. I told her to relax, that I could let myself out. She nodded, turning away from me as she went to bed. I sauntered downstairs and was about to open the door when I heard two voices. One of them I instantly recognized as Dan. The other was definitely female. I was unsurprised, but I was conscious of their feelings and I didn't want to create an awkward situation. I went into the living room and lay down on the couch, feigning sleep.

Dan came in first and noticed me on the couch. "Shh," he whispered. "He's sleeping." I was pretty certain that he couldn't see my half-open eye as I watched, hoping for a glance at his girlfriend. I was rewarded almost instantly as a blonde walked in, backlit from the porchlight. I couldn't see her face, and I cursed in my own mind.

"Good. He won't hear me sucking your big cock." With that, the blonde dropped to her knees. I had to exercise the most control I ever had not to scream. I closed my eyes, tight, as I soon heard the zipper on my best friend's pants drop, and a token, "Wait, baby, what if he wakes up?" even as I heard his girlfriend gulp him into her mouth. Just when the night couldn't get more awkward.

Thankfully, Dan convinced her to stop so they could finish upstairs. Cursing that I didn't get to see her face, but relieved I didn't hear the end of that little session, I tiptoed outside, got into my car, and drove home.

The next day was a Saturday, and so I didn't have work. I cleaned, hoping to pass the time, and surprised both my parents with a well-polished kitchen. Having essentially been involved in a twisted threesome, I assumed there was some sort of processing going on, but didn't dwell on it. Though the kitchen looked amazing by the time by my mother came down to begin cooking dinner.

"Thanks, sweetheart," she said. She kissed me on the forehead, looking for a fever.

She was spared my snark about being too grown up for that. The phone rang, and I lunged for the receiver to avoid my mother's questioning of my health and/or sanity.

"35 Crestwood. Be there at 7:30." She hung up almost immediately.

I shrugged, wondering what else I could do. I went upstairs to change. I was assuming it was dinner and she wanted to talk, so I actually dressed up a bit. I hoped I was still going to have a girlfriend by the end of the night, but I steeled myself for any possibility. As much as I had tried to process the previous evening, I was still wandering about as though it hadn't really happened. I couldn't imagine what Tiffany was dealing with. She had watched me pleasure another woman's breasts and humiliate her. She seemed much better when I left her, though still pretty distant.

My insecurities about the relationship bothered me, but I, at least, was pushing boundaries that I'd never experienced before,  and I didn't know if the prior night had done more damage to our relationship than could be repaired.

When I arrived to the address, I realized why it sounded familiar. It was a bed and breakfast. Still apprehensive but much more eager to see what was in store, I headed for the front door.

It opened before I reached it, and standing in the door was my girlfriend, wearing a stunning dress, a black number that reached to just below her knees, had two almost-spaghetti straps over her shoulder. The neckline plunged to almost exactly to the middle of her milky breasts. It was fairly easy to figure that she had no bra, not just from the thin straps of the dress, and the lack of any material in the gape of her dress, but because her thick nipples poked through it. She had done her hair, and it fell around her in a quiet, unassuming, but no less sexy way. She'd put on makeup, though nothing noticeable if you didn't know her face like I did.

I kept my face on hers as I walked up. She had really gone to some trouble for this, and I didn't want to say anything that was going jeopardize the moment. When I reached her, she smiled and kissed me gently on the lips.

"I got us a private room." I looked at her with a smile, but a confused smile.

"I wanted us to have a night to ourselves. Completely away from family or anything else. We can talk about last night. I needed some time to process it." I nodded as she continued. "I don't want those activities to interfere with us." I smiled. Tiffany took a deep breath. "Are we okay?" she asked.

I decided that I'd kiss her, as deeply and passionately as I ever had, uncaring that it was in the very public front door of a building that, by trade, housed people I did not know. When she pulled away, she was grinning at me, and her eyes were sparkling. "We're good," I told her.

"Do you want to see the room?" She asked. I nodded, still worried that this was not what I expected it to be.

I followed her up some stairs, and she really hadn't been kidding. The room was separated by a sitting room, and was on an alcove above where the storage areas of the bed and breakfast (which was actually an old house). It might have been a new addition; I couldn't tell from the walls. But it was a spacious bedroom when we walked in, and the lights were dim. There was some wine in glasses on the shelf.

"You went all out, Tiff," I told her.

"You like it? It's for our special night." I grinned.

"And what night is that?" She smiled, and for a moment, the quiet confidence that I'd known for so long reappeared.

"Remember the first fight I actually invited you to?"

"Oh, yeah. You crushed Kara's tits and made her suck on them," I said, smiling.

"And I jacked you off, and told you I'd do it every time if I won." I grunted my recognition of her memory. "I never told you what would happen if I didn't win. And after the fight with Sabrina, I really was expecting you to leave." I started to say something.

"It was stupid of me. You'd been there the whole time, never pushing, always supportive. So tonight, you get to find out what happens if I lost. Which I did." With that, Tiffany pulled down the strap over her left shoulder down. "Which means that you get me tonight." I felt my mouth fall open. "I'd really like to talk first, if you don't mind, though." I nodded, still unable to form words.

"Should I put the strap back up?" She teased, sitting on the bed. The aforementioned strap slid down her arm further, exposing more of her left breast. I found my language and sighed.

"No. That was just quite the bombshell from quite the bombshell," I told her, shaking my head to process something much different than what I had been processing. She laughed, nodding. "A lot going on for us, huh?" I nodded back.

"Did you like watching me lose?" she asked. The question came out of nowhere. In retrospect, it was easy to see that the fight had been hounding Tiffany as well as me, and now some things were just coming out. At the moment, her eyes and her voice were so clear that I had no doubt that the question was sincere even as she asked it. She was also expecting me to be sincere as I responded. So I was.

"Part of me did, yes." I admitted. Tiffany's eyes stayed glued to mine. "Part of me hated it. I hated seeing you lose. But watching you lose, I can't explain why, but part of me really liked it." Tiffany smiled, shaking her head.

"I could tell last night that was about it. I can tell you why you liked it, if you want me to." She shimmied the strap down her arm, exposing her breast to me. She took my stunned silence as a cue to continue. She gently cupped her breast and squeezed. Her firm breast bent in at the points of her fingers and she winced. "You like seeing me in a bit of a submissive role, don't you?"

I thought about it for a moment. She'd intrigued me with her confidence early, especially so quickly after I'd stumbled across her secret. She noticed me mulling the idea over and smiled. She allowed her other strap to fall, baring both of her magnificent tits to me.

"You liked seeing me beaten. You liked the idea of your girl, at least part of you does, being put in her place by a better pair of tits. How many other times did you fantasize, even for a moment, about one of those other girls getting a win?"  She saw me thinking again and laughed.

"I'm not angry," she said. "Part of the reason I kept you in the loop is because I know how hot it is. That uncertainty is one of the reasons I do it. I always wonder if my tits will hold up. And I had a good run, too. But all good things come to an end. And as much fun as I have winning, I have to say I did like that I got to share the loss, too. I'm sorry I couldn't put up a better fight for you, but you seemed to enjoy having your beaten girl between your legs."

"You put up an amazing fight. And like I said last night, you might have gotten the edge. It was close." Tiffany grinned and leaned over, allowing her breasts to fall away from her chest.

"But I didn't win, did I? Sabrina pounded my titties flat, didn't she?" I felt my cock grow and realized that everything Tiffany had said was right. "You came on my worthless, beaten sacks, didn't you? Do you want to cum on them again?" I groaned and Tiffany pulled down my pants. Suddenly, a TV, (nice flat-screen) popped on. Tiffany had hit the remote while I had been "distracted."

Tiffany turned her head to watch her own breasts pushed in by Sabrina's stronger pair. "Look at her big, firm tits, baby. Crushing mine. Do you like watching my tits like that? All beaten and flat?"

"Yes," I admitted. I felt guilty for admitting it, and even more so for meaning it. I had enjoyed the thrashing on some level. There had been that cloud of my girlfriend's first real loss with me, but I knew I wanted to see it again. As I watched the video, Sabrina's gloating came to a halt. Tiffany had paused the video, her tits buried beneath her opponent's.

"When I asked you to do this with me, I wanted you to be involved in every part. The only thing I couldn't tell was if you'd stick around if I ever lost. Judging from your reaction last night, you one) kind of liked seeing me lose and two) are kinda taken with me." I smiled and nodded.

"Right on both counts. I'm not going anywhere, Tiffany."

She turned off the TV. "Then guess what? Sabrina's not the only one that gets the spoils after I lose." She pushed me down, and slithered out of her dress. I swallowed as she fell atop me, and I returned her kisses with as much fervor as she gave them. As I entered Tiffany for the first time, I realized why she'd wanted a private room.

As I lay with her, we both grinned at each other.

"Wow. That was...." I hesitated, unsure of how to praise her.

"It's ok. Great is actually an understatement, so I can understand you searching for words." I laughed.

We slept, peacefully, my girlfriend in my arms for the first time.

When I woke up, Tiffany renewed her commitment to our relationship, straddling me, and encouraging me to play with her tits. While we fucked again, she began asking about her fight two nights prior.

"I got beat in that titfight pretty bad, didn't I, baby?" Not knowing how to respond, I grunted, but she definitely didn't seem to want to leave it alone.

She grabbed my hands and pulled them to her tits, using my extended arms to steady what became a more intense experience as her hips moved faster. "Feel them, and don't lie. Sabrina crushed these great tits, didn't she?" They still felt firm to me, but I watched them move, and they did seem just noticeably softer somehow.

"Yeah, baby. She softened your boobs." Tiffany's eyes closed. I felt her hips move forward suddenly, and I groaned. I wasn't that experienced, but knew that I'd done something she'd liked. I realized that while we had accepted the fight, Tiffany wasn't done thinking about it. She continued rhythmically humping me, perhaps waiting for more.

I gave it to her, suddenly and full flood. "Sabrina flattened your titties, Tiffany. She crushed your chest," Tiffany's groans and her response were telling, and I continued. By the end, we were both  swimming in sweat.

"It's okay that you liked me losing. I'm almost glad I did. Now I know you won't go anywhere." I kissed her in response.

She played a more submissive role in the bedroom than I had thought, and as our time in the bed and breakfast continued, I realized that part of it was related to her crushing defeat to her friend Sabrina. I wondered if she'd fight again.

I got my answer within the week. After our little retreat, we both went back to our respective lives. I worked at my father's store, harder and harder. Dad even let me start running the cash. I heard little from Tiffany, as she had neglected her family too long to indulge my groping hands and our shared fetish.

It was a Thursday night when my cell phone rang (I'd finally been able to afford a nice one with all the work I'd done at my Dad's).

"Hey stud," Tiffany giggled. "Guess what?" I shifted in my chair. I'd been surfing the net, indescribably bored as I hadn't gotten to see my new girlfriend.

"Um... you want me more than anything and are laying on your bed naked?" Tiffany laughed.

"My parents say hi," Tiffany said through giggles. I groaned.

"Tell them hello. I'm assuming you've got another visit set up?"

"Oh yeah. Saturday night at seven?"

"Sounds great. Are you going to put your amazing tits on display for me?" Too often Tiffany had let me blush in embarrassment. I'd hoped I'd done the same for her.

"Sure," Tiffany said, obviously shocked. I grinned at my success.

"Thanks, baby. I'll see you tomorrow night still, right?" Tiffany gave me the affirmative, her voice still shaky.

It was the first thing she brought up when we met the next night.  She'd shown up in a low cut shirt and jeans (it was a very casual place) and even the hostess gazed at the cleavage my girlfriend provided. We'd met at a restaurant, an old place my dad and mom loved, but neither of us had ever tried. The booths were two seaters, and we were very isolated compared to most places. I noticed the waitress stealing glances at Tiffany's chest as she took our order.

"I can't believe you did that on the phone. You knew my parents were there," her voice was accusatory, but her eyes were sparkling.

"You inspired me," I said, sipping at my soda. "So what's the deal on Saturday?"

"Same arrangement as usual. A few familiar faces, as well. I have to admit, I'm kinda nervous."

"Because of Sabrina?" I asked. Tiffany nodded. "Well, if you don't want to fight, I won't be upset. So just wait until you're comfortable."

"Baby," Tiffany whispered, leaning over the table to touch my face, but also exposing the bulk of her amazing, milk-white tits to me, "I want to crush some bitch's tits and then ride you in celebration. Unless you'd rather take it easy this week." I swallowed. She giggled, causing her breasts to shake. She didn't pull back, still touching my face, and I realized that she knew exactly what I was staring at. She slightly shimmied, causing her breasts to shake again, and I groaned.

"There. Now we're even," she said sweetly, sitting down. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and she smiled.

We ate, discussing our week and catching up. Every so often, Tiffany's hand caught and pulled her shirt just a minute. Each time, a piece of her breast would be revealed to me. She'd make some random comment about how she hated the shirt, but I was cotton-mouthed by the end of the meal.

As we made it to the car, I kissed her before opening her door. "Glad to see you've gotten your confidence back," I whispered. I reached up and cupped her firm tit. "Who's gonna get the worst of this titty tomorrow?" Tiffany pushed her breast into my hand and I began gently massaging. She sighed.

"Whoever wants it," she responded.

"I can't wait," I whispered. She cupped me through my pants.

"I can tell."

We didn't really have time or a place to take care of each other, so both of us tried to distract from our arousal on the way home, telling jokes, and talking about movies or school.

I dropped her off, and uncharacteristically, a rather chaste kiss ended the date. Tiffany hurried upstairs, and I saw her fumble with the keys. As the door closed, I drove off, realizing that we were both rushing home for the same reason.

The next day, I drove up to Tiffany's house at 3 o'clock. She gave me directions on the way. "Who's going to be there?" I asked. Tiffany looked at me and licked her lips.

"Sabrina will be. She wants to try someone else this time. I think she's bringing a friend, too." 

I wondered how many people there would be, but Tiffany seemed to be focused, and fairly nervous, so I kept quiet. I became a bit nervous when we left the main road and I followed a smaller, less populated street for about a mile into the woods. I saw the hint of a clearing, and as we moved closer, the corner of a building turned into a large cabin, nestled in a copse of trees. There were probably ten cars in the clearing, and I pulled in behind the closest to the road.

"So how do I get in this time?"

"Follow me," she said, smiling. She took my hand and we walked right in the front door. My surprise was only heightened as we entered a large room. It would have been a living room had the standard furniture been in place. There were eight girls, each wearing what looked like workout clothes, and sitting in chairs around the edge of a mat placed on the floor were eight more chairs. Four were filled — two with other guys and two with women, one of whom happened to be Sabrina.

Sabrina was wearing a skin-tight babydoll t-shirt, highlighting her superb breasts. She stared daggers at Tiffany as we walked in, but allowed herself a slight smile when she looked at me. I realized quickly that I only recognized Sabrina. I had never seen any of the other girls, but all of them looked about our age, and a few recognized Tiffany. None of the people gathered paid me much heed.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked, hissing the words. Tiffany looked at me and grinned.

"What do you think I do at school? I study, I work, and I joined a sorority. Sabrina's a sister, and quite a few of us enjoy this hobby; I was a fairly sought after pledge. But they had the best pitch."

I stood in open-mouthed shock for a moment. Tiffany noticed, but continued. "Not everyone in the sorority fights, but everyone knows."

"So you're telling me that you spend your school time in a house full of women who titfight." Tiffany grinned and kissed me.

"And my boyfriend is welcome to watch if I invite him." I grinned back stupidly. "Now, sit. I'm sure things are going to start soon."

I found an empty chair and sat, waiting for the proceedings to begin. As I waited, watching my girlfriend mingle, I felt a light brush on my arm. I was unsurprised to see Sabrina there.

"Here to watch your girl's pathetic tits get crushed again?" I tried to ignore her. Another brush and I realized that she'd pushed her heavy tits against me. "I'd do it again, you know. So you could watch my perfect tits flatten her useless sacks." I turned to face her and felt her left breast shift. She didn't pull back.

"Back off," I said as quietly as I could. She grinned.

"Your backing the wrong cow," Sabrina laughed, leaning back. I fumed as I watched people clear the mat, but ignored Tiffany's rival. Tiffany seated herself on the mat on the other side of the room, watching the preparations and stealing glances at the dark-haired bitch beside me. Two girls stood up, one a blonde, the other a brunette. Each had breasts about the size of oranges. The blonde's seemed to sit higher on her chest, while the brunette's definitely looked softer. The latter's nipples seemed larger and stiffer, dark tips on her pale chest, while the blonde's nipples were smaller, and were just darker than the light skin of her perky boobs.

"The blonde's Bianca, and the brunette's Teresa." I nodded my thanks and focused on the contest. Bianca was just a bit taller, with a slender build, almost delicate. Her blonde hair was cut just above her shoulders, and she was definitely cute. Her shoulders sloped down more sharply than Teresa's, but as I traced my eyes down her slim body, I noted again how high her tits sat on her chest. The blonde's nipples were a pale pink, seemingly hard and compact. Her toned abs led to a just noticeable flaring out at her hips. She had more of a flapper's build, where as the brunette Teresa had a few more curves. Her long brown hair was in a ponytail now, no doubt in preparation for the fight, but it probably would have been past her shoulders. Teresa's body was more luxurious, with languid curves designed to take time to appreciate. Her round breasts were a bit lower on her chest than Bianca's with dark, thick nipples growing in the air. Whereas Bianca was cute, Teresa was much more smokey and seductive. Bianca's blue eyes flashed as the two women took to the mat.

"I guess we'll see who's got the goods now, won't we Teresa?" Teresa's pretty mouth broke into an ugly, savage grin.

"You goody two shoes bitch. Have you been watching some eighties fight movies or something? 'Who's got the goods?' I'm going to flatten you just for that." Both women strode forward and Bianca lined her left nipple up with Teresa's right peak. There was no comparison in size, as Teresa's tips looked absolutely huge when compared to Bianca's, but as they brushed their nipples together, it was impossible to discern whose pair of nipples was firmer. Both pair bent and regained their shape, with Teresa's bending more early as she had more to bend. Teresa did have an advantage that she realized relatively early. As both women's nipples reached their firmest, they winced. Bianca made the mistake of trying to use her shorter tips like a lance, stabbing at the sensitive, wider areola of her foe. Bianca's nipple didn't reach before Teresa's speared her own areola. The blonde winced as Teresa's thick, tip thrust into her pale areola. Teresa's grin was wide as she looked down.

"Ooooh. Not quite long enough." Teresa made a show of doing the same thing with her other tip, highlighting the notable length differential. Bianca looked disgusted as Teresa speared her again. Bianca grunted with each blow before trying to change her strategy, grinding away. She seemed to fare better as she moved her nipples side to side, both tips brushing and striking each other. There were far more hits than misses, and it was apparent that these two had done this efore, maybe even with each other. Bianca and Teresa both were registering discomfort on their faces, each nipple shifting and twisting as the two women ground their tips into the other.

While many of the nipple fights ended quickly, I saw early that Teresa's tips were likely going to win. Her thick tips actually seemed to grow, and while Bianca's peaks were stiff, they seemed to be losing some of their form as the discomfort drained some of the blood. They grew less impressive with each pass and Bianca's groans grew while the lack of resistance allowed Teresa more comfortable contact.

"Oh, your nipples are mine, bitch," Teresa hissed as she felt Bianca's points falter. The brunette began pounding her nipples, and I wondered how long Bianca would take the punishment. The blonde looked down to watch her perky nipples' destruction. She didn't wait long, as Teresa used her thick tips to batter the blonde's now softened spikes.

"Shit, shit, shit," Bianca chanted as Teresa's punishment finally flattened her lifeless nipples. Teresa's smile vanished as she watched her dominance. She licked her lips and looked at Bianca.

"Watch your nipples now, B. Watch them disappear." Teresa's next thrust utterly annihilated Bianca's tips. Her areola bent inward and allowed Teresa's nipples to enter them. "Oh yeah, feel it, bitch? Feel me owning you? I can't wait to smash your cold bitch-tits." I was distracted by the two guys to my left, who were both leaning forward. One of them was a tall, sandy-haired guy, kinda gangly, while the other was tall, dark-haired and built like a football player. I realized he probably was a football player. The dark-haired guy looked pained as he watched the proceedings, and I realized that they were the respective boyfriends (or husbands — I didn't know), and that the dark-haired guy was watching his girlfriend's nipples inverted. They paid me no mind, and I wondered how many guys had watched Tiffany crush their girls. I turned my attention back to the two women.

Bianca's nipples were now both being held back by her foe's superior spikes. Bianca was looking at her destroyed nipples, a pained look of embarrassment on her face. I thought of Sabrina, still hovering at my arm, and how she had destroyed Tiffany's nipples. I felt my semi-hard cock stiffen as I recalled how my girlfriend's nipples had been crushed and sympathized with Bianca's boyfriend. Teresa finally pushed her away, and I noticed that the pale pink of Bianca's nipples had grown even paler.


Post #3
Author : Jon Grey
Date : 
Thread Title : Re: Best Friend's Sister, Part Ten

"Bringing back some memories?" Sabrina whispered in my ear. My eyes immediately shot to Tiffany, who looked darkly at Sabrina as the latter touched my arm. "I remember crushing your girlfriend's nipples. It was so nice to feel them just completely deflate as I demolished her. Do you remember that?" I nodded. I wasn't going to lie to Sabrina.

"Good. Because I know she wants a rematch, and I know you want it, too. How about I set you up to compare blowjobs next time. I'll claim your cock as my prize and drain your balls." I shifted as her words set me off a bit.

"You'll be on your knees, but not because you won." Sabrina giggled.

"It's so cute that you still think she can win. I do give amazing head," she whispered, lightly touching my arm.

"Practice makes perfect," I said lightly. I felt the anger this time, as her hand jerked away from me. She kept her voice calm.

"No more than she's had, you idiot. She's going down when we face off again." Sabrina sat back, and I winked at Tiffany. My girlfriend gave me a half-smile and both our attentions were diverted as we watched the fight develop. During the course of our conversation, Bianca and Teresa had taken a rest.

"I can't wait to finish the job I started," Teresa said proudly. Bianca's eyes had moved from painful defeat to fiery vengeance, and I didn't envy Teresa. Even the way Bianca stood was different. She was leaning forward, her arms tensing as they waited. Bianca said nothing as Teresa took a step forward.

The lithe blonde was fast and angry. Both guys leaned back in shock, and I heard even Sabrina take in a sharp breath. Teresa tried to back away, but wasn't quick enough, and Bianca's long arms gripped Teresa's shoulders. The blonde thrust her chest forward, a snarl on her lips as her tits slapped against Teresa's pair. Teresa's breasts mushroomed at the tip, the force of the blow displacing much of her flesh. The brunette groaned as the blonde's first strike hit dead on. I watched Bianca wince, though I couldn't tell if the pain was from the blow or the residual pain from her beaten nips. Whatever it was, it didn't seem to affect her nearly as much as it did Teresa, who seemed staggered from the force of the blow.

Bianca pulled back and swung her tits from the right, faster than I had thought she could after the momentum she'd put behind the first attack. Teresa nearly fell over from the force of the impact, and might have had Bianca not grabbed her arm and pulled the brunette to her, chest to chest. The smack of tit on tit flesh caused several people to jump, including both me and Tiffany. Bianca slid her arms under Teresa's and pulled the brunette up and into her, so that Teresa's breasts were under her own. Teresa instinctively clasped her hands together and begin pulling as well, but Bianca seemed to have her mammaries in better position. Teresa grunted as Bianca shook violently, almost like some predator. Each movement sent her breasts grinding into Teresa's, and the brunette began groaning.

I thought Bianca had it in hand at that point, but Teresa moved her hands up and grabbed Bianca's shoulders. With an angry growl, the brunette brought her tits up and over Bianca's causing both pairs to shift and mold as they seemed to fight for position. Teresa, after both breasts shimmied and shifted, rested her sore udders atop Bianca's pair and began grinding back. The brunette's tits seemed red, and grew redder as the effects of the first attack. But now Bianca grunted and groaned, and as much as she tried, could not seem to reestablish her position. The mass of flesh became so entangled that I found myself wondering who had the firmer pair. Teresa kept grinding, but I couldn't see if Bianca's perky tits were holding up.

They apparently were, and Bianca struggled fiercely. Soon, both women's breasts seemed equally in position, battling for the space between them, rather than an upper or dominant position. Both pairs of breasts squished and flopped as the two women went back and forth and even brought their tits together straight on. Neither woman's chest seemed to give, and I wondered how they would resolve it. Neither woman said a word, instead concentrating on the battle waging between them. I don't know how long the stalemate lasted, but I know it ended quickly.

Bianca finally seemed to have enough of the stalemate, and the fire that had been so apparent at the beginning of the fight roared back. She was able to pull away just enough to see a gap between the fighting orbs, and then it was gone as the blonde tensed her leg muscles and thrust up. Still holding the bear hug, Bianca had essentially uppercut Teresa's poor tits, and the brunette's udders did not seem to hold up well. Both breasts flew back and up, towards Teresa's shocked face. The brunette let go, but Bianca did not, choosing instead to repeat the maneuver. As her reddened breasts shot upwards again, Teresa wailed upon contact.

"Fuck!!!" the brunette shouted. Bianca grinned and delivered a third shot. This time Teresa staggered and slipped, and as she began falling, the blonde held her up. I was amazed at the strength the blonde displayed, but even more amazed as she pulled Teresa to her.

"Now it's time to finish you off, you bitch." Teresa caught her feet under her, but her eyes widened as she felt what was obviously a firm, hard pair of tits bury into hers, pushing the beaten pair away. Teresa struggled, but I watched her defeated udders splash around on her chest as Bianca forced herself into Teresa intimately. Shocked at the quick change, I did not notice the dark-haired boyfriend stand and move forward.

"Get her Bianca," he whispered. Teresa looked at him, still surprised at how quickly the momentum shifted. Her eyes drifted from Bianca's muscular boyfriend down to her newly crushed chest. Her eyes closed as she felt Bianca's perky breasts move back and forth over and through her beaten sacks.

"I did, Jeff. I beat her worthless titties flat. Look!" Despite her ferocity, Bianca was bragging like a teenager as she pulled away and presented the beaten breasts of her rival. "You look, too, Jason." The sandy-haired guy looked at the sagging breasts of his girlfriend with sympathy. Teresa still seemed shocked when Bianca gingerly cupped the brunette's left tit, letting it ooze through her fingers before flopping the pulverized flesh against Teresa's chest. Teresa watched her humiliation unfold, unspeaking. She did not resist when the blonde pulled her head to the firmer, superior tit and wasted no time in paying her homage by sucking at the still-softened peak of the victor. Bianca watched Jason's face as his girlfriend worshiped the blonde's small, firm globes, whispering encouragement as Teresa acknowledged her defeat over and over.

"I crushed those little titties of yours, didn't I?" Bianca whispered, though loudly enough to hear. Teresa's affirmative was audible, though muffled by Bianca's firm titflesh. Bianca's hands grew more insistent as she cruelly directed the demure brunette. "Keep sucking them, Teresa. Keep sucking these firm, strong tits." Teresa obeyed, latching her lips to Bianca's left nipple. Bianca winked at Jeff as Teresa was humiliated. The blonde pushed her head away.

"That's enough. You're starting to slobber. Go tell your little boyfriend who has the better tits, Teresa." Teresa pulled her head from Bianca's chest and marched to Jason, looking absolutely ashamed.

"Jason, Bianca's breasts are better than mine. She flattened me in our fight, and proved that she has the best tits between us." As she spoke, Jeff moved to his girlfriend and wrapped an arm around her waist, his pride shining through his countenance.   Tears glimmered in Teresa's eyes as she continued. "Bianca's breasts are firmer and stronger than mine, and I have worthless tits."

"They really are, Jason." Bianca cupped her right breast, shaking it for him. I wondered where this was going until Jason spun around to face her.

"Don't be a bitch," Jason snapped.

"Stop dating one," Bianca snapped back. "I think we're done here," she looked to Jeff, who pulled her towards the back of the living room and down a hallway.

Jason handed Teresa a sweatshirt, and she wrapped herself in it. By the time I looked up again, there was another blonde, with huge, heavy breasts wearing a tight t-shirt with bra lines visible through the white fabric.

I felt Sabrina on my arm again. "Looks like I'm next, stud," she whispered, her breath hot in my ear. "I'll dedicate flattening Tit-tania here to you." I glared at her. She shrugged.

"You wouldn't be here if you didn't want to see some tits," she whispered. "And if you've had the rest, why wouldn't you want the best?" She cupped her heavy, firm globes for me and turned to walk to the mat. I was almost shaking, both with lust and anger. Tiffany caught my eye and raised her eyebrows as if to ask "Really?" then stuck out her tongue. I chuckled despite myself, then watched my girlfriend's face darken as Sabrina strode towards the new, big-busted woman.