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REPOST: OPW Last Woman Standing (Marie vs Kayla) by Marie B

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Offline Kayla

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REPOST: OPW Last Woman Standing (Marie vs Kayla) by Marie B
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:11:57 PM »
Here’s my OPW championship rematch clash with Marie from about 4 years ago as eloquently described by Marie.

Hope you enjoy & please comment if you do!  :D 8)



By MarieB

 …(This concludes our network coverage of the President’s press conference. We join our regularly scheduled program: OPW Wrestling, already in progress.)
 ………………………………………. because, as incredible as it seems, this match has now passed the 90-minute mark. It’s amazing to consider that Kayla and Marie have been fighting for an hour and a half. The referee assigned to this match collapsed from heat exhaustion twenty minutes ago and has been replaced by another. The two combatants aren’t even perspiring anymore and are in danger of dehydration. As everyone knows, this is the fifth battle between these two girls. Each has two victories over the other and while we know that neither one wants to lose the deciding match, no one could have foreseen the will power and “refuse to lose” attitude that both participants have displayed tonight. After 90 minutes of intense action, both fighters are literally staggering from exhaustion…. but neither will allow herself to be beaten.
 To sum up what we have seen thus far: Kayla has looked as powerful and motivated as we’ve ever seen her, and she has battered Marie throughout the entire match. Kayla admitted that she had eased up on her smaller opponent in past fights but vowed not to do so tonight….and has been true to her word. She has inflicted so much damage on Marie that the fans in attendance have wondered how the small girl has lasted this long and have been figuring that the fight will ultimately end with Kayla as the winner.
 In a Last Woman Standing match, pinfalls don’t count….neither do count-outs, submissions or judge’s decisions. In fact, if this fight were subject to a decision, Kayla would already have been awarded the match. Also, if this type of contest could be halted by the referee, Marie would have been stopped by now. But the only way to win is for one girl to be standing while the other is down for a ten count. You cannot be in physical contact with your fallen opponent while the count is taking place.  Thus, the Last Woman Standing is declared the winner of the match.
 Kayla has punched with impunity, knocking Marie down seven times in the process. On two of those knockdowns, it seemed that Marie would not be able to beat the count of ten….but she did. Marie has punched Kayla, too, but while she has landed some telling blows, none of them caused the damage that Kayla’s punches have. Marie has scored no knockdowns with her punches. Kayla has also scored five knockdowns with body slams, in which she crotch-lifts her opponent, turns her upside down, and slams her down to the mat. Marie had trouble beating the count on all these slams, but she did it.

Amazingly, Marie even managed to perform a body slam on Kayla, holding her upside-down for a moment before slamming her down as hard as she could. The maneuver didn’t cause that much damage due to Marie’s short stature, as Kayla didn’t have far to fall. The move, though, provided the only instance in which Kayla has had to beat the referee’s count. The rest of the match has consisted of wrestling; exchanges of holds in which Kayla has maintained the advantage most of the time.
 Another aspect of this match that must be mentioned: at no time have illegal tactics been used by either girl. Despite the intensity of the match, neither Kayla nor Marie has engaged in sexfighting, biting, pinching, or any other “dirty” tactic. There has been no dialogue between the two, either. The two fighters know each other well and are both determined to make this a contest to be proud of……even though one must win and the other will lose.
 To this point, Kayla has proven to be too strong for Marie. Initially, Marie tried to punch and kick, but Kayla has overpowered her at every turn. Marie has found that she must use wrestling tactics to compete, and she has scissored Kayla at every opportunity in an effort to wear down her larger opponent. This has brought some success, but Kayla has proven to be the better wrestler, too. The two fighters have taken turns trapping each other with wrestling holds, only to have the other girl fight her way free each time. In these exchanges, Kayla has had vastly more success than Marie. Kayla has sought to trap Marie in every type of stifling hold possible, including bear hugs, arm bars, headlocks and, in an exciting sequence, a figure-four leg lock that had Marie screaming in pain. The smaller girl escaped that maneuver by leaning toward her opponent and catching Kayla with a punch to the face.
 After an hour and ten minutes, it looked as if Marie was finished…..she was still trying, but with much less gas left in the tank than her opponent, Marie’s downfall seemed inevitable. At that point, however, Marie turned the match around with one devastating move: a tight, grinding head scissors that she maintained for an incredible 11 minutes.   
 How it came about: Kayla had been face-to-face with Marie and bent forward at the waist in an effort to headbutt her smaller opponent in the chest. Countering this, Marie jumped up and wrapped her legs around the back of Kayla’s neck. Pulling to the side, Marie brought Kayla to the mat and tightened the hold. The back of the Kayla’s head was braced against Marie’s crotch and the small girl’s thighs were wrapped tightly around Kayla’s head and face. Kayla twisted and squirmed in every direction imaginable, but Marie would shift her own body to compensate and keep Kayla trapped.

The bigger girl could not get free and the stifling hold was interfering with her breathing. Frantic to escape, she tried to pry Marie’s thighs apart with her hands, but could not. As riding time mounted, Kayla grew more agonized and frustrated. She tried every possible avenue of escape, including clawing and punching at Marie’s legs. With every maneuver, however, Marie would tighten the scissors and cause Kayla even more pain and frustration. Finally, Kayla managed to twist out of the hold, but the 11 minute predicament had caused her to expend a tremendous amount of energy ….. and now, she was as tired as Marie, perhaps even a little more so. The head scissors had proved to be a great equalizer in this match.
 That was what had happened in the first 90 minutes of this contest.
 Now, as the opponents stand and face each other, Marie’s face is bruised, her eyes are bloodshot and she stumbles slightly as she moves around the ring. Kayla looks somewhat better because she is less bruised, but the exhaustion is telling on her, too. Her legs are trembling slightly and she keeps shaking her arms to get some feeling back into them.
 Both fighters secretly wonder where they will get sufficient energy to put the other away. After investing an hour-and-a-half of extreme effort into this match, neither one wants to lose and have done it all for nothing. Too, both combatants have talked so much in the weeks leading to this match. Each has assured the public that she will be the winner and both understand that the loser will have to bear the taunts of the public. Finally, the coveted OPW title is at stake. Marie is desperate to retain it, while Kayla is equally as determined to win it.
 Now, the girls are facing off, undoubtedly taking stock of the situation. The extreme wear and tear of such a long, grueling fight has diminished both of them. The amount of punishment that Kayla has delivered to Marie is a huge factor in the contest. Until a few minutes ago, it seemed that Marie was doomed to go down to defeat….it was just a matter of how long she could last against Kayla’s barrage. The crowd in attendance had pretty much resigned themselves to Marie losing. But, now that Kayla has been seriously weakened by her opponent’s head scissors, it is possible that the momentum has turned to Marie. Kayla’s best advantages over Marie; her great strength and size differential have been largely negated due to her depleted condition.
 The contest will be decided on whose fighting heart is greater.
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Re: REPOST: OPW Last Woman Standing (Marie vs Kayla) by Marie B
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 02:13:17 PM »
The girls circle slowly, looking for an opening. Both are gasping for air and being cautious, recognizing that a mistake could easily cost them the match.
 Marie moves forward and reaches to hook a leg, but Kayla sees it coming and backs out of range. Then, the larger girl darts forward and tries for a headlock, but Marie steps to the side and slams a knee to Kayla’s midsection and doubles her over. If the knee shot had been harder, it might have knocked the air out of Kayla and caused her more trouble….but Marie doesn’t have the strength remaining to deliver that hard a shot. As she backs off, Marie looks discouraged as she sees that her move didn’t do the damage that she had hoped.
 Kayla eyes Marie across the ring. The bigger girl still feels that her greater size can be used to overwhelm Marie…..but she is worried, too. She knows how much Marie’s head scissors marathon has weakened her. Kayla is discouraged, too, knowing that the seeming inevitability of her victory early in this match has turned to uncertainty. She knows that she possesses great endurance, but that is now nearing its’ limit. She comes forward with her fists raised, aiming to punch Marie’s lights out. Instead, Marie dodges two punches and launches an assault of her own. It is a two-fisted attack that has Kayla reeling and staggering across the ring. Kayla is embarrassed at being out-punched by this tiny girl in front of 15,000 fans (and millions more watching on television), although she knows she can’t afford to be worrying about that.
 Marie’s last punch of the volley knocks the bigger girl back into the ropes. Kayla’s back caroms off the second strand and she uses the reverse-impetus to bounce forward, throwing a left hook as she comes off the ropes. The shot smashes Marie in the jaw and sends her sprawling backward, where she lands flat on her back in the center of the ring. Kayla is surprised, though delighted….it was a much harder punch then she thought she had in her. Marie looks to be knocked out. There is no way she is getting up from this! Kayla stands in a neutral corner as the referee counts:
 1-2-3-4-5-6…….as he reaches six, Marie is painfully climbing to her feet, and she is up by 8 and waving Kayla to come forward. As the bigger girl moves in, Marie digs a right cross into Kayla’s stomach, lifts a knee to the same place, and cracks a left hand off her jaw. Kayla backs up; she is gasping for air and unable to answer the barrage with any offense of her own.
 The fans in attendance, who have been screaming since the beginning of the match, renew their exhortations as they sense that Marie is starting to dominate ….. this, after having done nothing but take punishment since the beginning of the fight. Marie’s crushing 11-minute head scissors has allowed her to capture the momentum.
 For a moment, both girls stop in their tracks and stare at each other. They sense that this match cannot go much further and that they must gather whatever energy remains in their bodies in an effort to secure victory before their strength gives out. In response to that, Kayla and Marie slowly approach each other, and when they meet, they begin throwing punches, realizing that simply exchanging wrestling holds is not going to get the job done.
 Tossing caution to the wind, the two girls throw the most powerful shots they can manage. Most miss their target, some land lightly on the opponent, and some are effective punches. Most of the latter are being thrown by Marie. After taking a fairly hard punch to the neck, Marie delivers three straight shots to Kayla’s face that have her staggering against the ropes. After the bigger girl lands a punch to the side of the head, Marie throws a hard uppercut that cracks against the underside of Kayla’s jaw and sends saliva shooting from her mouth. The effect of the blow causes Kayla to involuntarily drop her hands to her sides. Marie gathers her scant remaining energy and loads up with a punch between the eyes that drops Kayla to the mat.
 The referee counts: 1-2-3-4….and Kayla begins to rise. Marie, seeing that her punch is not going to keep Kayla down, rushes up and kicks her opponent onto her back again. She then climbs on top of Kayla, planting her knee on the bigger girl’s chest and extending her other leg forward so that she can cram her foot into Kayla’s mouth. Marie forces her size 5 foot as far into Kayla’s mouth as she can. Kayla wants to bite down on the toes, but Marie presses them on the big girl’s tongue, creating a chokehold. Kayla gags in agony and reflexively tosses Marie off her. Kayla manages to rise to a sitting position and Marie quickly comes up behind her. Balancing on her knees, Marie wraps her left arm around Kayla’s throat and her right arm encircles the bigger girl’s forehead. It is a variation of the dreaded sleeper hold, and as Marie’s arms tighten and increase the pressure, Kayla’s eyelids flutter as she starts to pass out.
 The fans, seeing Kayla losing consciousness, realize that the fight is all but over. As soon as she renders her opponent senseless, Marie will release her hold and let the referee count to……………….
 But wait! What’s happening here?
 Kayla’s eyes are open again …. and suddenly filled with the determination that we saw from her earlier in this match. Marie is concentrating on her hold and doesn’t see Kayla flex her elbow and smash it backward into Marie’s ribs. How could Kayla have managed such a hard shot at this stage of the match? Her fighting heart is incredible.
 Marie gasps in pain, but holds on to Kayla’s head. Kayla rears back again and sends an even harder elbow shot to Marie’s tortured body. Her grip loosens. Then, a third elbow, even harder than the other two, forces Marie to release her hold and causes her to fall backward to the canvas, holding her ribs in agony.
 Kayla is too exhausted to take immediate advantage of the situation. Both girls slowly, inexorably rise to their feet for what must be the final assault of this match. Kayla makes it to a standing position a moment before Marie. She gathers up her strength and launches the hardest punch she can manage …... because of her height advantage, the arc of Kayla’s punch is downward, and it crashes into Marie’s jaw. Earlier in the fight, this punch probably would have been enough to knock Marie out. At this juncture, though, the blow sends the smaller girl to her knees, where she drops her arms to her sides and is seemingly incapable of defending herself any longer
 Kayla sees this …… and turns her back to Marie! Summoning the remaining power in her body, Kayla sets herself and launches a spinning back kick. As her entire body whirls viciously, the heel of her left foot cracks against Marie’s jaw, snapping the small girl’s head to the side in a whiplash effect.   
 Amazingly, Marie is still on her knees. Kayla steps back to hit her again….but when she looks at Marie’s face, she sees only the whites of her eyes. Kayla waits just a moment and watches as Marie, already unconscious from the devastating jaw kick, drops face-first to the canvas and lies motionless.
 Kayla moves to a neutral corner and watches as the referee counts;
 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 …………. The winner of the match …… The Last Woman Standing ……. and the new OPW champion is Kayla!


HOWARD COSELL: In the aftermath of this match, I feel safe in saying that it was the most grueling fight in the history of OPW. It was also the longest in that organization’s history, lasting one hour, fifty minutes. Imagine! The fight lasted just short of two hours, contested by two girls who refused to give in.  Had Marie been able to complete the comeback she started after being dominated for over an hour, it surely would have been the most amazing reversal of fortune in the history of female fighting…….or, perhaps in any type of fighting. Marie, however, was not able accomplish the comeback, and she is no longer the OPW champion.   
 We have been informed by the ringside doctor that Marie is being taken to St. Elsewhere Hospital where she will be treated for a grade-two concussion, heat exhaustion and dehydration. For that matter, Kayla is joining her, as she too is suffering from exhaustion and dehydration.
 A few minutes ago, I observed both girls while they were still in the ring. Marie remained unconscious and Kayla was greatly concerned at the sight of her friend in that condition. Marie then awoke and was seen speaking to the doctor, to Kayla’s great relief.
 Perhaps this fight will bring to a close the series of matches between Kayla and Marie. Certainly, it would be virtually impossible for them to surpass the exhibition they put on tonight.   
 Again, the winner of the match and the new OPW champion is Kayla!

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Re: REPOST: OPW Last Woman Standing (Marie vs Kayla) by Marie B
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2010, 02:15:09 PM »
By Howard Cossell
Laila Ali- “I watched it and I thought it was a really good match. That Marie is really tough; I was rootin’ for her. Kayla is a bad chick; I saw her when I beat Jessika but I didn’t know she could fight like that.”
 Samantha Angelica Pritchard- “I want to say, much respect to Kayla for winning this match. Marie fought hard, but she wasn’t going to win; it was kind of obvious. Kayla was more determined, a better fighter, and a smarter fighter. Kayla’s victory brings credibility to the title, and it certainly needed it after Glory lost it.”
 Jolene Rictor- “The match doesn’t mean a damn thing to me because a bitch beat another bitch. How much did they pay Cosell to talk them up like that? Greatest match in OPW history? Yeah, between two losers.”
 Alexia Paige- “Siena is at it again. Now she wants us to believe that Kayla and Marie are worthy of the legendary praise of fighters such as myself. Kayla isn’t anything but fluff and Marie is one of the most overrated fighters I’ve ever watched. This girl has a win percentage below forty percent. The fact is OPW doesn’t have any real fighters left who haven’t pissed off Siena, and now she’s trying to pass these scabs off as champions. I’m a champion.”
 Nikky S.- “Despite the things that Marie said about me a few weeks ago, I was very impressed with the effort she put forth against Kayla. I got to see the match live and I was entertained. OPW always puts on a good show and Marie and Kayla showed great heart and determination.”
 Allison Payne- “When two people fight, there’s a winner and a loser. This match had a lot of back and forth action and we could tell that Kayla and Marie wanted it badly. But Marie had to lose, and that’s unfortunate because she really fought her heart out. She is a champion and I respect her. After we fight Nikky, we have a cagefight scheduled in South Africa and we would love to have Marie B. for that fight.”
 Alicia Christmas- “For me, it was a battle between the lesser of two evils. Kayla is a woman who is so sexual… it disgusts me. At Collision Course, she was naked… NAKED. And Marie has conducted herself well, but she uses so much profanity and she is just a rude person in general even though she doesn’t have to be. I think it’s a health issue because Siena has hired a bunch of competitors who are reflective of her sexually aggressive and sado-masochistic egocentric domineering nature. When I fought, this organization wasn’t named OPW, that’s something Siena came up with when she bought the company. She wanted her fighters to consider themselves the best in existence, so she named it Omniverse (meaning all universes) Promotional Wrestling. If I ever make a return to the ring, and I’m strongly considering doing it after seeing the way they’ve been mocking me, I would bring some class back to the title and the company. You can’t have a champion who’s as promiscuous as Kayla. You can’t have nudity. Siena has ruined this company and she’s stooped so low to put a fighter like Kayla in the position of champion. This isn’t porn. I’m heartbroken by the way Siena has run OPW and if she had any real courage, she would clean it up.”
 Lady Jasmine Raheid- “This match made me smile. In this business, we always want to have that moment, that career-defining moment when we show everyone that we’ve arrived. I already knew who Marie B. was and I knew who Kayla was, but they accomplished a lot tonight. No one should be able to say anything negative about their effort or their heart, because they showed it. Marie and Kayla have arrived. What I liked the most about their matches is that each time they faced each other, they each raised one another to a higher level. Each match was different and unique, but fit in well with the others. I have respect for every person who steps into the ring or cage and these two were great.”
 Rachel Apache- “It was a good match. It wasn’t the greatest or the longest, but it was a good match for what was in it. They are brawlers and punchers; they hardly have any technical skills, but they did fine. I would beat them both with ease… if I was interested. But good effort. And if I were Siena, I would stay out of locker room fights; she had one with me and she didn't come out too good.”
 Glory- “I’m very proud of both Marie and Kayla, despite our differences. I really enjoyed the match because many people, myself included, have openly stated how overrated they are as competitors. I am eating a bit of crow now because they put on a great show and they showed how badly they wanted to win. I like that and now that Kayla is champion, I look forward to getting my belt back and fighting Marie again. But Siena will be first.”
 Siena- (live from the Blaze Family Reunion in Los Angeles) “It was a great match featuring two of our best and brightest stars. Kayla, I love you girl!! Congratulations to you for winning this match; you deserve it and remember, you owe me one. OPW will purchase Kayla a 2007 Emerald Green Dodge Viper for her title victory. As for Kayla being the People’s champion and the World champion, that’s up to Kayla. If she wants to vacate the People’s title, then so be it, but it’s not something I would advise. And Kayla, there isn’t a number one contender for the event in Baghdad, so I’ll take any suggestions that don’t start with the letter G… Marie, hats off to you, also. You really have said some hurtful things about me, but I still respect you as an athlete and I still want to make amends. As far as fighting me in the locker room with no one around… are you sure you want to do that? Girl, I will break your little ass in. And I don't care about your Porsche or your BMW... I drive a Ferrari, a Hummer, and some other vehicles I'm gonna keep. I know how you think, sexy Marie, meet you in the locker room alone is code for you want to f**k me. After I deal with Glory, I’m going to see about our little private date. You and me alone… I can hear you now… uh uh uh uh uh uh ngggghhhhhh oh yes Mommy Siena, oh yes in my bellybutton Mommy, cum in my bellybutton!! You really beat me Mommy Siena… ohhhhhhhh I QUIT!! OH OH OHHHHHH I QUEEEEEEEEEE!! 
 Siena holds up her index and middle fingers on her right hand.
 Siena- “Why does Marie use these two fingers to masturbate with? BECAUSE THEY’RE MINE. Jessika retired. I am so happy for her; after such a looooooooooong career, she’s out. and she’s gonna become a nun. Well, that fits. How many OPW titles has Jessika ever won? NUN. Stay away Jessie, because if you come back, I might have to kick your ass. And I heard forty-one year old timer Barbie Doll Rainbow Brite bitch Alicia Christmas is mad at me again too. Alicia still looks the same as she did when I first fought her despite her being forty one now; same long blonde hair, same big boobs, same high pitched squeeling voice, same twenty year old wrinkle free face and little waist. You must have put your money into a lot of Botox to still look that young, Alicia. Because you suffer from poor genetics and you can't still look that young without help. But I want to make amends with you, so I invited Alicia to come here tonight… here’s Alicia Christmas!!”
 A white casket is rolled out and Siena falls over laughing
 Siena- “OH NO, Alicia Christmas is dead… she suffocated on my pussy! Now, on to Glory. Some of you might know that Glory is the lead singer of this band, Steel Windows and they have a music video out for their single, ‘Blood Moon Euphoria.’ Now what the hell kinda song title is that? Glory, I do a little singing myself… so I got my guitar and I’m gonna sing you a song. I was inspired by the interview you did in Maxim Magazine where you said you were a virgin and saving yourself for the right one. How noble. A cat as big as yours going to waste. Cobweb cxnt ”
 Siena begins to play the electric guitar very fast.
 Siena- “(singing) I saw Glory Ramirez masturbating on the roof, she was looking kinda strange but she was looking quite aloof, I looked that stupid mohawked cxnt in her eyes and said, what the f**k ya doin’ and she said F**K ME BABY F**K ME BABY F**K ME BABY yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, she said either you didn’t hear me or your acting like a wussy, ‘cause if you did you’d stick your tongue in my wet juicy p***y!! F**K ME BABY F**K ME BABY yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!
 Second Verse.
 I saw Glory Ramirez sucking someone’s d**k, and with all that cum spilled on the floor, she really made me sick, she looked me right between my legs and said, can I have a lick? And I said SUCK ME BABY SUCK ME BABY SUCK ME BABY YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHH!! She was licking me so hard, my cat was about to explode, and when I came into her mouth, of course that bitch swallowed, she looked at me with virgin eyes and said ‘shit; you should have told!! See you in San Juan BITCH!! And after that, Marie you may be NEXT and I’m a horny woman so you both better bring it. Hurry up and get out of the hospital Marie, before I come visit you and be your bed buddy.”
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)