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A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister, Dream Sequence 3

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A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister, Dream Sequence 3
« on: July 31, 2018, 07:21:24 PM »

The dream below takes place sometime after Kara's Struggles 11 (by Goliadmike).


A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister, Dream Sequence 3

Charlie's Pervy Dream

I looked up to see Tiffany and Sydney meet on the mat, embracing each other. The girls had ensured that their ample chests were between them, and Jon and I stared at the clothed boobs smashing and folding together. When they pulled apart, both Syd and Tiffany had smirks on their faces, and seemed to be communicating silently with just looks. Having finally taken a step back, they began to remove their tops. Tiffany had a sweater while my girlfriend wore a sweatshirt.

Sydney whipped her top off first and threw it to me, her flesh quivering a bit. I watched those big, tanned tits hang on my girlfriend's chest slightly, but for their size she had good firmness. I knew how much time she spent at the tanning salon, and it showed. Sydney brought her hands up under her big tits and held them up, bouncing them a bit. Jon stared, and Tiffany guffawed at his distraction.

The brunette took her time removing her top. She casually dropped it beside us showing off a solid set of full, round breasts. Her tits shook gently, but it seemed to me that Tiffany had Sydney beat in the firmness department. Still, her tits did look to be just a bit smaller than my girl's. I felt my mouth water as I imagined my girlfriend and me licking those perfect tits together.

Tiffany and Sydney started the fight by gripping each other’s biceps. As soon as the arms were locked up, they began to bump their heavy boobs into each other. Initially, Tiffany was the clear aggressor as her chest bumps were clearly more forceful than Sydney's thrusts. The bumps turned into hits as both girls began to twist their hips a bit just before crashing their tits into her opponent’s chest.

It was obvious Tiffany had the edge in experience. She hit Sydney with well-timed blows and did her best to duck and dodge the blonde’s jabs. On the occasion when Tiffany and Sydney did land simultaneous blows, their boobs would shake and shimmy from the impact. I enjoyed the sight of the contrasting colors of Tiffany’s paler jugs smashing into Sydney's well tanned rack.

As the tit boxing session went on, the girls began to grunt and groan with each hit. Neither one said anything as they concentrated on the fight. Although they weren’t talking, as their boob battle continued they began to grunt and groan.

I noticed Sydney used her shoulder turns to deliver more of her blows while Tiffany turned her shoulders to avoid the blonde’s slightly bigger tits. When she did deliver a blow, Tiffany would thrust her jugs straight into Sydney's rack. My girlfriend would yelp just a bit whenever the dark haired girls’ firm boobs would smash into her blonde’s tits, if they happened to be in an awkward position. Just when I thought Tiffany might have the upper hand, Sydney would launch a blow that would knock Tiffany's dense orbs across her chest. After each blow from my girl, Tiffany would get defensive avoiding Sydney's heavy tits. When this happened, Sydney would stop her twisting motion and opt for the straight on approach. As soon as her jugs mashed into Tiffany's rack, my girl’s tits would be the first to compress, but Tiffany's rack would give way just an instant later as Sydney's boobs invaded the girl’s space.

It was slow and gradual but their titty boxing turned into a grinding contest. Tiffany's shoulder turn jabs became shoulder sweeps. Sydney mimicked the opponent's motions. We were all treated to two big sets of jugs gliding across each other. This part of the fight turned sensual as the grunts and groans turned to moans. Tiffany and Sydney seemed to enjoy mashing their boobs together, and they looked down, watching the flesh slide across each other’s chests. From my side view, I was treated to watching a tanned boob pop free from a valley of cleavage, wobbling a bit and showing off its long erect pink nipple, and then watched it disappear back into the mountains of flesh only to see a pale orb emerge from the breast flesh displaying a rock hard pencil eraser sized nipple briefly before diving back into the fray.

Just like the boob boxing at the beginning of the fight, neither set of jugs seemed to dominate or even have much of an advantage. Sydney's rack seemed to cover up Tiffany's tits, but the firm orbs appeared to hold their shape better than my girl's tanned rack. Judging by their moans, flushed faces, and erect nipples neither fighter seemed to be suffering. On and on the boob sliding went with neither fighter getting an advantage or seeming to care to change strategies. I could tell both myself and Jon were growing excited as we watched the fight delve into something more sexual.

There was a brief moment where competitors simply stood still, staring at each other. The girls looked down at their tits while still locked in the upper arm embrace. Sydney slid her left boob out from Tiffany's cleave to line her boobs up with her brunette rival. Both their nipples were still rock hard.

While Sydney tossed her head back to shift a few long strands of hair that hung over her boobs, Tiffany released her grip on the blonde’s bicep and then drew Sydney into a hug, clasping her hands together behind the blonde’s back. After a quick gasp, Sydney retaliated by locking her arms around Tiffany's back. As they embraced, their boobs still seemed a fairly even match, Sydney’s bigger boobs covered more area of Tiffany's chest, but the darker haired girl’s jugs seemed to yield less than the tanned rack did.

I watched Tiffany and Sydney pump their arms to apply as much pressure as possible. Whenever one of them would tense their arms, the result would cause a ripple effect of breast flesh jiggling across their cleavage. I was a bit surprised to see Tiffany's flesh wiggle and shake just as much as Sydney's boobs. I wondered if my girlfriend's bigger tits might be wearing down the brunette's firm rack, but it still looked like a stalemate to me.

As they kept their jugs pressed tightly together, Tiffany and Sydney jousted for position. Their movements were quick and compact, a shoulder twitch here, or a quick chest bump there, and occasionally the raising and dipping of their shoulders, but the force was minimal.

I did notice Tiffany and Sydney looking at each other eye to eye. Sydney was smiling while Tiffany was smirking. Still, the short movements were taking place below their necks. I looked back down at their tits, but all I saw was a boob standoff with neither set controlling the other. They just seemed to jockeying for position. I watched a tan set of tits move to the right and then thrust inward while the pale set dipped down and then thrust upward and inward. The process just didn’t seem to end the constant jousting. Their boobs were always in contact even when they were repositioning their boobs.

"Oh, Sydney I can’t believe you’re so turned on when you know your tits are about to get shamed in front of your boyfriend." Tiffany quipped. "Or maybe he's just as eager to see that?" My treasonous cock jumped at her words, and I swallowed.

Sydney on the other hand answered with a loud snort, and promptly pushed her nipples straight on into the brunette’s nubs. Tiffany's nipples recoiled a bit until Sydney's tips slipped off them and ended up burying themselves into Tiffany's areola. After twitching a bit, the brunette slid her nipples into Sydney's burrowed nubs. Sydney retaliated by pushing her boobs harder into Tiffany's chest and leaned in to whisper something in the brunette’s ear. I tried leaning in to listen, but I was too late as Sydney pulled away.

"Don’t think so Blondie." Tiffany replied with a smile.

Sydney returned the smile until Tiffany placed her nipples on top of Sydney's and pushed down. Sydney gasped as her nipples were forced down, then popped back up once the brunette’s nubs slid along the length of them. Tiffany began to say something to Sydney, but the blonde poked her nipples into Tiffany's areola, interrupting the brunette. Both Jon an I stared with our mouths hanging open, the sensuality of the fight having caught us by surprise.

Sydney pulled away and then pushed her nipples back into another part of Tiffany's areola. As soon as the blonde’s nubs buried themselves into Tiffany, the brunette slid her nipples into Sydney's forcing the blonde’s nipples to uproot from their position. The brunette made sure to ground her nubs into Sydney's nipples as the blonde tried to reposition herself for another jab. "Oh, no you don’t." Tiffany breathed and pushed her boobs forward before Sydney could jab her nipples into the brunette’s areola.

Sydney pushed her tan lined jugs back into Tiffany's lighter toned orbs and met the brunette’s grinding motion. No advantage had been gained so far, and one set would give way and compress, only to decompress then push the advancing pair back. Tiffany used her slight firmness advantage to push into Sydney's chest, while the blonde used her size and mass to push forward, engulfing the opposing set slightly and trying to pin the brunette’s tits against her chest.

They were leaning in, whispering into each other’s ear. Or so I thought. But as I watched them it appeared they were breathing heavily on each other’s neck and ears. This fight was much more sexual than I'd ever hoped, and I was curious to see where the it would lead.

Tired of having Tiff's firm pair dig into her round globes, Sydney dodged the brunette’s tits, and then dragged her jugs across the paler set of boobs. The new tactic seemed to favor Sydney's minor size advantage as I watched her boobs roll over Tiffany's orbs. Tiffany met Sydney's tactic with a sweeping motion of her own. Standing to the side, I watched Sydney's left boob slide from its compressed position with Tiffany's right tit then pop out, wobble a bit then compress again once she drug it back over the brunette’s right jug. I did notice that whenever Tiffany's boob popped free it seemed to have a little less wiggle than the my girl's tit.

"Damn, Syd, your tits sure are soft." Tiffany taunted the blonde after pulling her mouth away from the Sydney's neck so everyone could hear the taunt.

"Soft? I think you've got it the wrong way around." Sydney retorted. "My big, strong boobs are going to grind your pretty jugs flat."

The blonde immediately tightened her embrace, pulling Tiffany into her and thrusting her chest forward. Tiffany sucked in some air as the blonde’s tits invaded her chest. My girlfriend's rack compressed Tiffany's firm boobs noticeably, and the blonde seemed to relish the feel of the maneuver. "Aww, Tiffany, I think I shrank your boobs," the blonde teased.

From my view, it did look like Sydney had smashed Tiffany's boobs down, and I gelt my throbbing member grow even harder. My girl looked up into Tiffany's eyes with a winning smile. The brunette gritted her teeth, tightening her grip around Sydney's shoulders, and my girlfriend gasped as Tiffany increased the pressure. Sydney's boobs began to compress and bulge out at the sides. The blonde’s smile quickly faded as she fought to maintain her force. Both girls were now breathing hard, and had a glistening sheen of sweat on their bodies. Tiffany leaned in and began whispering into Sydney's ear again. I thought I saw the blonde shudder a bit, before doing the same to Tiffany. The girls moaned as they felt their plentiful flesh shift and slide slowly over each other's boobs, pushing against the opposing pair. They maintained their tight embrace for several extended moments with no movement.

The whispering stopped. As the two combatants pulled away from each other, I noticed Sydney and Tiffany's faces were flush with excitement. Both girls had a slight smile mixed with a smirk. "I guess it’s time to finish your floppy set, Syd." Tiffany mused.

"Keep dreaming, girl" Sydney replied as she swept her boobs across Tiffany. "My tits are wearing yours out!" After the boob sweep, Sydney raised an eyebrow at Tiffany, who for her part didn't look worried at all. "Yeah, you’re finished, Blondie." Tiffany laughed.

I thought Tiffany had a point. We watched my girl’s tanned tits slide across the brunette’s boobs, only to see Sydney's jugs compress and then wobble when they were clear of Tiffany's tits. "Hmph," Sydney huffed, sliding her big round boobs back across Tiffany's chest. My first impression had been right, and Sydney's jugs failed to move Tiffany's orbs as much as they'd done before, the brunette standing rigid.

As Sydney began to slide her boobs across Tiffany for a third time, the brunette took action by lifting her tits above Sydney's chest then brought them down onto the blonde’s jugs in a diagonal direction. Sydney winced from the power of Tiffany forcing her boobs down and then to the right. I watched with fascination as Sydney's boob popped back up with a bounce once Tiffany's boobs dropped under the blonde’s chest.

My girl froze for a moment trying to figure out how to combat Tiffany's latest tactic. Taking advantage of the blonde’s hesitation, Tiffany lifted her right jug up and around the outside of Sydney's left boob while her left boob lifted the blonde’s right orb. Tiffany held her position for a moment looking down at Sydney's elevated jug then with a laugh, shifted her shoulders until Sydney's right tit fell from its perch.

Tiffany slashed her chest across down and across Sydney's quaking boobs in a diagonal direction opposite from the first sweep. Sydney’s right jug took the brunt of the assault with Tiffany's left tit leading the way pushing the blonde’s right boob down and to the right. As soon as the brunette’s left orb passed over Sydney's right jug, Tiffany's right came sliding down onto the quaking, flopping udder. The result of the move caused Sydney's right boob to spring up then bounce weakly on her chest. Tiffany laughed, watching the blonde’s jiggling tits, and then restarted her diagonal slashes that turned into a figure eight motion. The brunette pushed Sydney's boobs around at will. The blonde tried to pull away but Tiffany held her close and firm.

I heard some encouraging murmurs from Jon as Tiffany took control of the fight. With Tiffany's new tactic, it was obvious who had the firmer chest. Tiffany looked confident while Sydney looked dismayed. As the brunette made a few quick jabs with her chest, I saw my girl's large tits shift out and over Tiffany's orbs. "See? They're no match for my better boobs," the brunette teased.

Wanting no more of Tiffany's approach, Sydney pulled the brunette in close for a tight hug. Tiffany loosened her grip, grinding her jugs into the blonde’s chest. Sydney was pulling hard so the brunette didn’t have a lot of room to maneuver. I saw Sydney's tits puffing out on the sides a bit, but Tiffany's jugs also ballooned as they strained against the blonde’s chest. The brunette began whispering into Sydney's ear. Sydney responded in kind, pumping her tits rythmically into the opposing pair, and eliciting sporadic grunts from the brunette. Occasionally, Tiffany would growl and then kiss the blonde’s neck. The whispering ended with Tiffany flexing her arm muscles, hugging the blonde tightly and thrusting her breasts forward. Sydney grunted, putting her own force into the clinching hold. This time, Tiff's firm breasts pushed out noticeably, displaced by the heavy, round orbs of her tanned rival. "Yeah, watch them mold around my big tits," Sydney sighed, obviously enjoying the sight and the sensation of a pair as firm as Tiffany's yielding to her globes. The brunette groaned, but kept thrusting with her chest, slowly but steadily bringing their boobs back to a more equal position. I was impressed by my girl's gorgeous rack, and could see a surprised look on Jon's face as he watched the struggle.

Both women seemed to hold still for another few moments, but Tiffany broke the stalemate first by releasing her grip, with Sydney quickly following her example. The girls pulled back for a moment as they looked to see what damage the fight had wrought on the battling breasts. Both were red and blotchy. I noticed each set of nipples were still rock hard and standing at attention. By now, they had dropped their hands from each other’s shoulders down to their waists.

Without a word, Tiffany pushed her boobs forward, compressing the blonde's pair briefly. Sydney pushed back, forcing the invading flesh to spill around her tanned rack and giving Tiff a feel of its density. While both tits compressed about the same amount, the brunette no longer looked as confident as before. The tanned blonde slid her tits to her left, while Tiffany did the same. I watched Tiffany's left boob pull against Sydney's right tit, pushing the pressured orb further to Sydney's right. As soon as Tiffany's left orb passed, her right jug continued the pressure on Sydney's boob.

The blonde beauty groaned as she felt Tiffany's firm tits pushing against her right breast. She retaliated, and both tits met again. Sydney pursed her lips and slammed forward, mirroring the earlier maneuver, where she’d had the last advantage. The brunette groaned as she felt more and more of her powerful tits push inward and spread across her chest. But Tiffany was soon returning the favor, grinding her chest into the blonde’s boobs and heaving her firm orbs across Sydney's chest.

Their boob rubbing was vastly different from earlier in the fight. Instead of gliding their tits across each other, their jugs seemed to steamroll the opponent's pair. Instead of lightly grazing the nipples, Tiffany and Sydney sank their tits to the base of her opponent. The result of the scrapes caused both tits to bend. This time, when a boob would escape from the fray, the loose jug would spring free with more energy instead of just bouncing out. There were no more smiles or whispers, now there were only grunts of exertion or moans of discomfort.

Their breasts bounced and shook as they slid against the opposing pair, dropping against their chests as the contact was broken, only to push up, out, and sometimes even down as Sydney and Tiffany pushed their tits together again and again. Both sets quivered as they met each other. After a while, Sydney managed to pull her big tits up and lay them on Tiffany's rack, pushing the brunette's tits down and flattening them from the top. A few thrusts from Tiffany sent my girl's rack shaking, but I saw the brunette's tits compress noticeably before finally springing free.

I’m not sure if it was my imagination or just hopeful thinking, but it seemed as if Tiffany's tits had started to yield just a little bit to Sydney tanned orbs, more than they had earlier in the fight. With each pass across their chests, Tiff's tits appeared to shift more under the pressure of the blonde's heavy boobs. In addition, each time one of her tits popped free on the side, the brunette's impressive jug seemed to hang a little lower on her chest, before she shoved it back into Sydney's waiting pair.

Seemingly unnerved by the resilience of her opponent's large tits, Tiffany gave up on the boob grinding and scraping, and opted to try to crush Sydney's rack head on. My girlfriend, however, reacted the same way, pushing forward. And to Tiffany's apparent shock, we could all see how her big jugs were bulging out further than before. Sydney let out a gasp, obviously feeling her set displace the brunette's perfect boobs, and started to smirk. Tiff let her arms fall as the tanned blonde pushed them gently out of the way. The move subtly thrust Tiffany's chest out, but rather than pushing against the blonde's round pair, Tiffany tits slowly spilled outward just a bit more than they had previously done.

With a quick move of her hips, Sydney slammed her full orbs straight on. The impact forced Tiffany's boobs to compress, waves rolling away from the impact point. My girl shuffled a bit, forcing both pairs of boobs to bounce and quiver. I could see Sydney's pair slowly burrow into the firm tits of her rival, sending ripples of flesh all over the brunette's chest.

Tiffany's set splashed out, and I could tell that Sydney's heavy boobs were causing some serious discomfort. The brunette's tits were pushed in noticeably, yielding to the sheer mass of the blonde's boobs. Sydney left her chest there, showing aside her opponent's boobs, and started grinding at them from all angles. Tiff groaned, and at first tried twisting away, but it seemed from her reaction that even that move was driving Sydney's boobs further into her now molding tits.

Tiffany gasped as Sydney repeated the grinding motion, and I heard my girlfriend actually moan as she felt her big, round jugs rolling over her opponent's softening pair. Sydney's boobs were shifting and ballooning quite a bit as well, but the difference was clear. It was obvious that on this occasion, her tanned tits had proven superior to Tiffany's proud pair. With a bright smile, the blonde leaned in again, whispering something. Tiff closed her eyes, and then nodded, agreeing with whatever Sydney had said.

My girlfriend shook her ample chest, admiring how the direct comparison of their flesh showed that Tiffany's jugs were jiggling far more than her own bust. Sydney continued the demonstration until the brunette tapped her arm lightly.

"You win, Syd," she rasped in a dazed voice, "You crushed my boobs with your big, strong rack." Sydney smiled, and pulled away slowly, letting Tiff's tenderized breasts slowly fall away from the imposing tanned set. The blonde nudged her tits, pushing her opponent's defeated udders gently, and sending them swaying. Tiffany stepped back, stunned at the result.

Sydney walked towards me, grinning as I hugged her carefully. Feeling her big, sweaty boobs push against my chest almost caused me to make a mess in my pants. "Great work, babe," I gulped, gently caressing her victorious breasts. My girlfriend leaned her head back, enjoying my ministrations with her eyes half closed, and asked huskily, "Seeing me flatten those prefect tits really turned you on, huh?" I nodded, not quite trusting my voice.

"Now, Charlie," Sydney whispered into my ear, "Which one of us are you going to fuck first?"

And that's when I woke up.
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

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