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BLONDE VS. BRUNETTE: British Babe vs. Texas Bombshell!

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Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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BLONDE VS. BRUNETTE: British Babe vs. Texas Bombshell!
« on: April 09, 2010, 01:05:55 PM »
                  BLONDE VS. BRUNETTE: British Babe vs. Texas Bombshell
                                                                       By Supporturgoddess

       Million dollar deals are often made over drinks. The infamous ‘Old Boys’ Club’ isn’t dead, it has merely moved under ground.
       A long, black limo pulled up outside an establishment ironically called a ‘gentlemen’s club’. A door opened, and a portly man in a ‘Boss Hogg’ hat squeezed out. Moments later, two of the sexiest legs ever to grace the U.S. slid out. Englishwoman Jackie Addams stepped out of the limo. Her companion was a client, owner of the largest camping and outdoor equipment company in the area. The client, Oscar F. Keacham Jr., had insisted they seal their deal here. He had hopes the presence of exotic dancers and the like might rattle the cultured Brit enough to give him an advantage in their negotiations. He was wrong. Old boys play their games. Jackie plays them better. Her wealth dwarfed Oscars, but every million helps. The stunning Brit was rapidly becoming one of the most powerful businesswomen in America, and yet she felt empty and alone. On that night of all nights, she should have been with someone who cared for her. Instead she was working a deal with an obnoxious man she loathed, in the kind of place she despised.
       She looked up at the sky and whispered, “Happy birthday, Jackie.”
       As she entered, Jackie’s big, brown eyes scanned her surroundings. The place was a veritable showplace of gaudiness, complete with hay bales for decoration, a neon cactus on the wall, and a long bar with barely clad women slithering up and down polls on top. A large, dark, open area took up the back half of the room. She couldn’t make out the unlit area, but assumed it might be a dance floor. Oscar brushed her to a booth. She wanted to get to business, but he delayed. Jackie hid a smile. She knew his game. He hoped the longer the sophisticated Englishwoman remained in the dive, the more distracted she would be during their negotiations. Jackie, however, remained cool and aloof.
       The lights dimmed and the crowd roared. Spotlights illuminated the previously darkened area, revealing a 20’x20’ sheet of green tarpaulin covered with some sort of oil, surrounded by slightly raised sides. A pale, dark-haired woman appeared and entered the pit. A moment later, country music blared. An amazingly beautiful blonde appeared wearing a 2 piece swimsuit patterned after the Texas state flag. The crowd roared as she entered the pit, removed her cowboy boots, and slung her white cowboy hat into the audience. Jackie’s wide eyes traced every inch of the blonde from head to toe. She had never seen such an impressive American! An announcer’s voice rang out.
       “Introducing our ladies champion, all the way from Austin Texas, the yellow rose of Texas, Austin Annie!” The crowd cheered. “We’ve got a thousand dollars for any woman who can take Annie! This little lady has accepted the challenge, so let’s set ‘em loose!”
       An experienced cat fighter herself, Jackie took interest in the event. What followed was not a contest, but a beat down. The platinum-blond Texan was physically remarkable, and her skills top-notch. In less than three minutes, the brunette lie unconscious at the Texan’s feet.
       Jackie sat speechless, awed by the performance. She had never believed an American girl could possess such a magnificent body or such skills. Annie had used a few Texas-style moves Jackie had never seen before. The bleached blonde had also flexed and bent in ways Jackie could no longer match, though when she was a bit younger…. Jackie winced at the thought of growing older.
       A rattlesnake’s smile crossed Oscar’s lips. Annie had Jackie intimidated, and he knew it!
       “What do you think of our Annie?”
       Jackie swallowed. “She’s very impressive.”
       Jackie brooded. Was she truly getting…old? Every man she met wanted her, but she had only met one man in this country who actually cared about her, and he belonged to…Sam. The mere thought of Samantha Bryant brought a sneer to Jackie’s lips. They had fought two vicious battles. Jackie won both, but she took such pity on the humbled American girl that she left the man they had fought over to the American. Since then she had fought several American women. She’d defeated them all, but they had all hurt her. Back in the U.K., Jackie would have chewed such women up and spat them out. Now she found herself holding back, afraid to use her most lethal moves. By showing Sam mercy, had she grown…soft? By leaving the battlefield without the prize, had she essentially surrendered to Sam, without even knowing it? Would she ever be the unstoppable Jackie of old as long as that stain remained on her record?
       The announcer shouted, “All right, folks, will anyone else dare to accept Austin Annie’s challenge?”
       The women present averted their eyes.
       Suddenly, Oscar thrust up a fistful of cash. “I’ll bet you one-thousand dollars my Brit can beat your Texan!”
       Jackie leapt up, shouting, “You bastard! I didn’t come here to be the entertainment! I’m leaving!”
       Austin Annie’s Texas twang rang out. “Look at the British bitch run!”
       Jackie ignored her, throwing up her hands in disgust and heading for the door. Annie ran from the oil pit and blocked Jackie’s path. Jackie tried to push past her, but eager for her cut of the bet, Annie wanted to fight. She seized Jackie’s shoulders, spat in her face, and slapped her.
       Jackie’s blood boiled. “Enough!” She stepped back and began to remove her shoes. “I think I should warn you that I’ve never been beaten!”
       Before Jackie could ready herself, the swimsuit-clad Texan launched herself into a drop kick. Her feet slammed hard into Jackie’s breasts, sending the Brit to the floor. Annie moved in, but Jackie kicked her off and leapt to her feet. With the crowd going wild, the women exchanged a few lightning fast holds, fighting far from the relative safety of the pit. Jackie’s eyes bulged, as Austin Annie simply out-powered and out-wrestled her, catching her in a variation of an abdominal stretch. Annie soon ripped a cry of pain from the proud Englishwoman. Refusing to surrender, Jackie spun until she broke free. Surrounded by Annie’s fans, Jackie had to keep eyes in the back of her head, fearing someone might trip her. Then, as Jackie had feared, Annie caught her with an unorthodox Texas-style move she had never seen and couldn’t counter. The blond Texan snaked around the brunette Brit’s body and drove the Englishwoman’s chin down into to the floor with a flying bulldog. Pain surging through her jaw, Jackie tried to push up on shaking arms. She simultaneously felt unbearable pain in her neck and heard the sound of breaking glass, as Austin Annie broke a bear bottle over the base of her skull.
Darkness followed.
       Jackie slowly opened her eyes, realizing she had been face down on the filthy floor for more than a minute, out cold. She looked up and saw Austin Annie standing over her, gloating.
       “Well, Limey, I guess your unbeaten streak is over!”
       The crowd roared, but Jackie set her jaw and rose. “No, it isn’t! You attacked before I could set. I had to worry about the crowd. You didn’t. You had to use a weapon to take me down. The true proof of which of us is the superior woman can only come from a body-on-body fight, in that oil pit, with no help and no surrender! Let this be a true fight to the finish!”
       Austin Annie’s smile vanished. “I’ve already won once. I have nothing to prove.”
       Jackie taunted, “Ah, well then, at least we all see that the “Yellow Rose of Texas” has a yellow streak running down her back! Coward! You’ve already bloodied me! You have the advantage!”
       Pride on the line, the blonde shouted, “I’ll break you, Brit!”
       The announcer led Jackie to the back to change. She returned wearing a purple bikini, made almost regal by Jackie’s incredible, well-tanned body. As the crowd reached fever pitch, the women entered the oil pit. Jackie’s heart raced. For the first time, she feared she faced a woman whose body and skills outmatched her own. Why was she filled with such doubt? What was wrong with her?
       Lost in thought, the Englishwoman failed to hear the whistle. Austin Annie began with a thunderous drop kick, slamming her feet into Jackie’s chest. She went down, hard. Annie stomped Jackie into the mat. Desperate to escape, Jackie crawled on her belly toward a corner. Annie pulled her up by her hair and lifted Jackie onto her shoulders. Utterly astonished, the Brit’s mouth fell wide open, as the Texan began an airplane spin. The Texan was showing off, reducing the proud Englishwoman to a mere stage prop! Astonishment turned to terror. Jackie screamed, as the Texan threw her out of the pit. She crashed down, striking her head and sending a table toppling over her. She wondered, what was wrong with her? The Texan was mopping up the floor with her!
       The platinum blonde grabbed Jackie’s feet, pulling out from under the table. She pulled Jackie up, put one foot on Jackie’s belly, fell back, and flipped Jackie high into the air. The Englishwoman crashed down in the pit. Jackie looked up through wide eyes in time to see Austin Annie leap up and drop her thighs across her throat. Jackie’s feet shot up then dropped, awkwardly. The Texan set Jackie up, squatted behind her, and wrapped her arms around the Brit’s neck, trying to choke her out. Jackie tried to power free, but her feet found no purchase, sliding out in the oil. The oil! Adapting quickly to the conditions she faced, Jackie suddenly went limp, sliding out of Annie’s arms until her head lie on the mats between Annie’s legs. Jackie then kicked her golden legs up around Annie’s head and pulled Annie down. Instantly Jackie rolled on top Annie’s back, twisting the Texan’s foot with a reverse toe hold. The crowd booed. Annie yelled, fists pounding. The Texan adapted too. She grabbed Jackie’s foot, pulled it forward, and began her own toe hold. A battle of wills began. Toes snapped and ankles popped. Cries of pain in starkly different accents filled the air. The Brit broke first. Slapping the mats frantically, Jackie cried out, certain the Texan had broken her ankle. Still, she refused to surrender. Jackie cursed her age, unable to bend back far enough to seize the blonde’s hair on her first two tries. The third proved successful. She yanked Annie down. They rose.
       Limping badly, the beautiful Brit lunged forward, catching her enemy in a bear hug. The blonde returned the favor. Bodies pressed tightly together, breasts to breasts, belly to belly. Staring eye to eye, neither proud warrior wanted to admit defeat. Finally, hair thrashing as she shook her head in disbelief, Jackie lost. Her head fell back. Swooning, her arms dropped. Once the Texan had the Englishwoman almost limp, she dropped her on her front. Annie then leapt up and stomped her heels into Jackie’s lower back. Jackie screamed in anguish.  The Texan then scooped the Englishwoman up and drove her lower back down across her knee. Jackie shed tears, knowing her back was severely injured, if not broken. Austin Annie picked Jackie up, shoved her head between her thighs, turned her upside down, and drove her head into the mat with a pile driver. Annie never let go, tightening her thighs around Jackie’s head with a scissor hold, squeezing Jackie into oblivion.
       Jackie kicked feebly, but she couldn’t escape. It was over. Then she heard something. It couldn’t be…but it was! Everyone in the bar was laughing at her! The indomitable Jackie H. Addams had been reduced to a joke! A dying fire in the Englishwoman’s eyes suddenly burst forth into a conflagration! She would NOT be anyone’s fool! Jackie slid her arms all over the Texan’s legs, bringing whistles from the audience. She found her target. Jackie yanked Annie’s first two toes apart, violently. Annie yelled and released her hold.
       The Texan rose, wanting the Brit’s blood. Jackie fought with all her skill, but Austin Annie seemed to have an answer for every attack, a counter for every hold. Bleeding from nose and mouth and swaying with each step, Jackie told herself, ‘Hang on, Jackie! She has to have a weakness!’ Jackie threw her best kick, only to have Annie catch her foot and toss it up, sending her crashing down. Jackie struggled to rise. Annie set. There it was, the weakness Jackie sought! The Texan was far too reliant on drop kicks. By crouching to set, she telegraphed her move. When Annie leapt up, Jackie slapped the Texan’s heels up, sending her crashing to her back. Instantly the Brit seized both Annie’s feet, spread her legs, and stomped between them. Austin Annie screamed and the crowd booed, but Jackie was already in motion. She leapt high between Annie’s legs, stomping down with all her strength, driving her heels into Annie’s gut. Annie rolled from shoulder to shoulder, clutching her abdomen in agony.
       Incredibly, neither woman would accept defeat. Jackie crawled to cover Annie. The blonde fought back. They rolled. Each woman’s body was injured. Wracked with pain, they ended up on their sides. Hands clasped, they forced their hands higher and higher on the mats above their torsos, stretching each other. The pain became indescribable! Their legs wrapped together as well, so that their bodies stretched to their limits. Torn muscles sent waves of agony shooting through their bodies. A final contest waged. Jackie bared her teeth until the tiny gap between the two front ones showed. Jackie’s tears began to flow, as she felt her thinner body breaking. Then, suddenly, something snapped! Austin Annie let out a wild howl. She turned green, hyperventilating. The crowd booed, as Austin Annie let out a seemingly endless exhalation. Jackie felt the Texan go limp as a rag doll beneath her. It was over. Austin Annie was unconscious!
       Jackie forced herself to stand, pressing her foot on the unconscious Texan’s breasts and raising her arms. The crowd hurtled boos, insults, and beer bottles at her, but she refused to flee. Head held high, she slowly staggered for the door, snatching up her small handbag along the way. Her knees buckled, but she refused to give the crowd the satisfaction of seeing her fall. Just as she reached the door, she turned back, glaring at Oscar. She thrust her hand into her bag and pulled out a roll of bills, tossing it to the bar owner.
       “That roll contains ten-thousand American dollars. I beat your Texan. You owe Oscar one-thousand dollars. Take it out of what I’ve given you.” She thrust her finger at Oscar. “Divide the rest between everyone who helps to beat the Hell out of that fat bastard!”
       Oscar’s eyes grew wide in horror, as several cowboys rose to accept the offer. When they finished, about all that was left of Oscar was his hat.
       Jackie staggered out into the parking lot. Oscar’s limo would not return for her. She only took a few steps before her strength gave out. She collapsed into the mud. What was wrong with her? She should have discovered the Texan’s weakness in no time! Why was she so distracted? How could Jackie Addams be reduced to a mud-covered joke, sitting alone on her knees in an empty lot on her birthday? She desperately needed the only friend she had on this continent. She had long forgotten his number, but she knew damn well where he worked! Jackie reached for her cell phone and made a call she had sworn she would never make.
       In a little advertising agency ran by Samantha Bryant, a phone rang. An antiquated answering machine snapped on.
       “This is…Jackie. I’m hurt…rather badly this time. I need you.”
       Samantha’s lover raced into the room the instant he heard the voice of a woman he had once left Sam for. By the time Jackie’s message ended, Samantha’s man had grabbed his keys and was on his way to Jackie’s side.
       A few minutes later, an adorable redhead entered her shop. Seeing no trace of her lover, Sam Bryant grew concerned. She played back her messages. As Sam heard her old rival calling to her lover to rush to her side, Samantha Bryant’s eyes grew wide with fear.

                                                                                       To be continued….

       To The Reader:
       Although she doesn’t know it, these events have set Jackie on a collision course with the other undefeated, seemingly unbeatable woman I’ve written about, “Blond Devil” Laurie. (Laurie last appeared in Blond Devil: Sister vs. Slut) I plan for “Blond Devil” Laurie to return in my next story (Probably next week). That story will set up the climactic, titanic battle between Jackie and Laurie.
       After carefully considering their strengths and weaknesses, who do you think would win this battle? It’s American blond Laurie vs. British brunette Jackie, youth, energy, and vitality vs. experience. It’s a good bad girl with fighting skills vs. a truly evil girl who will stop at nothing to win (and will certainly cheat and have nasty surprises in store).
       You can post comments here, or after reading Laurie in action again, after my next story. I MAY also run a poll during the last weeks of this month, but I’m not sure. You could check to see, if you’re interested. I’d REALLY like your input on this matter.


Offline Kayla

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Re: BLONDE VS. BRUNETTE: British Babe vs. Texas Bombshell!
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2010, 08:57:31 PM »
Splendid story!  ;D

Think I'd like to see Jackie win against Lauren - she really showed lots of courage here in this story!  ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline djcrash

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Re: BLONDE VS. BRUNETTE: British Babe vs. Texas Bombshell!
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2010, 09:21:12 AM »
Good story some times it is nice to read about the older woman squeezing out a victory.


Offline Zod

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Re: BLONDE VS. BRUNETTE: British Babe vs. Texas Bombshell!
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2010, 06:40:07 PM »
A great character, like following the long term storyline. Perhaps when you have her tangle with the blonde devil, involve her old nemisis and her sisters.


Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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Re: BLONDE VS. BRUNETTE: British Babe vs. Texas Bombshell!
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2010, 09:23:04 AM »
From the author:
       The last time I checked the poll, American blonde Laurie had British babe Jackie on the ropes, with almost twice the number of votes. If you want Jackie to win when the epic battle occurs, be sure to go to the catfight polls section, find the poll pitting Blonde Devil Laurie against British Babe Jackie, and VOTE!
(I’m also giving special attention to comments left here and after the stories featuring Laurie, so your comments in support of Jackie--or Laurie--ARE being taken into consideration. Thanks.)


Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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Re: BLONDE VS. BRUNETTE: British Babe vs. Texas Bombshell!
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2010, 02:03:01 PM »
            Just a quick comment. I AM paying attention to all comments, including those that express the belief story readership may be a better indication of how readers really feel than numbers reflected in polls. I’m grateful for All input, but don’t jump to any conclusions. I have my own ideas about how the Jackie vs. Laurie battle will play out. I’m definitely going to be GREATLY influenced by both the polls and by your comments (why bother to ask for reader input if its going to be ignored?), but don’t bet on an obvious ending based on polls or comments. I’ll have a few surprises for you!