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It’s a Family Affair

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Offline RedForman

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It’s a Family Affair
« on: July 27, 2018, 09:49:13 AM »
It’s a Family Affair

Disclaimer:  This is a fictional account that involves real people.  It is graphic and involves situations that are of a highly controversial nature.  This is based on some real life events.  It depicts a blended family where a white man with a daughter married a black woman with a son.  And we decide to have a Family Fighting tournament. 
Proceed at your own discretion! 

Part 1 of 3     The beginning and Match 1 of 3: 

I am a lucky man!  I married a session wrestler, whose professional name was Lee Ann (real name withheld).  I wooed her when she became a featured star at the old Back Alley Gym in North Carolina.  I invited her to stay at my house in the Carolina's free of charge, while she did her shows.   Finally, one day, I booked her for a "premium session" while she stayed at my home and that night she slept in the same bed as me.  I was freshly divorced from my first wife, and doing all the things in life I never could as a married man with young children. 

When my (only) daughter "Susan" (real name withheld) graduated from High School, she came down south to live with me.  We soon became a blended family.  Me and my daughter, along with Lee and her son ("Andre"), who was a couple of years younger than Susan.  (BTW NOT his real name) 

Susan became very interested in fitness as a college student, and became a regular at the local gym.  She was soon an associate instructor.  And it wasn't long before she became a full instructor.  Although health was not her major, she loved the gym and became entrenched in fitness.  Her mother had very large breasts, and so did Susan, as she matured into a young woman.  She was quite the knockout. 

Lee, and her son Andre often joined Susan when she went to the gym and we became a very fit and attractive blended family. 

Lee eventually went on the road less and less until, one day, she stopped doing shows all together and we settled into a fairly routine lifestyle.  Eventually Lee and I only occasionally "wrestled" when the children were away.  I began to miss the excitement and longed for the good old days. 

Then one day Susan found my stash of old "wrestling" CDs.  In that collection were quite a few videos of Lee Ann in all her glory!  Her fit and toned body, with her long legs have always set my heart a flutter!  Well, ONE of the discs was a video, that I agreed to costar in, where Lee wrestled me and of course beat me in a scripted video.  Apparently Susan showed Andre this video also. 

One evening, in which we were all home at the same time, Susan brought that CD out while we were all in the living room, watching TV.  She was now 19 years old and was about to start her junior year at college.  Her step-brother had just turned 18 and was going to start college in the fall.  She had a sly look on her face, like a fox in a henhouse. 

"I would like us to watch this video I found in a box in the attic.";  Susan started. 
"I believe you will find this VERY interesting!"; She then queued up the video on our home entertainment system, and lo and behold, there was me in a wrestling ring in the old Back Alley Gym.  Soon, Lee entered in a very skimpy string bikini with a thong, claiming that I had stolen her ring time. 

Susan and Andre started laughing, but the laughing seemed more like nervous laughter than funny, Ha Ha, laughter.  Lee and I recognized the video immediately but barely reacted, as we sat through the entire 20 minutes of her "beating me up".  It was pretty tame by today's standards.  I never grabbed her naughty parts, nor was she topless at any time.  She did at one point grab my balls and nipples, but that was it.  The video finished with her sticking her toes in my mouth, because the person who commissioned it had a foot fetish.  But I would rate it as NC17, and not R! 

I think Susan was surprised that the video did not elicit the response she was hoping for, but I noticed that she, and Andre definitely had elevated breathing and wide pupils!  They were excited by the video! 

Lee and I looked at each other and smiled.  Our love making, in those days, was raw and passionate, and I longed for us to return to that level of passion.   Lee spoke first. 

"I have an idea!";  She seemed a bit excited. 
"Why don't we have a family tournament to determine who our Family Champion is?"

The silence was deafening.  I did not dare to speak next!  The idea wildly excited me, but I dared not voice an opinion that would alienate me from my family. 
I looked at my daughter, who was wearing short shorts and a cutoff midriff.  She looked so HOT, about to turn 20 and built like a porn star!  She was now staring at Andre, who was just in shorts.  She licked her lips as she looked him up and down.  I sensed that she had fantasized about him, and wanted to proceed with Lee's interesting proposal.  Andre was staring back at Susan!  Andre spoke next. 

"I propose a single elimination wrestling tournament.  No punching, kicking, or biting.  But ALL holds are legal.  And whoever wins, gets to decide any family differences until we go off to college in September."  He then smiled broadly at Susan and she coyly smiled back at him. 

Susan answered quickly; "I am IN!"  She said it with unbridled enthusiasm, which led me to believe that she saw this as an opportunity to "wrestle" with Andre with no family judgment. 

I now had the proper protocol to seize the day, and have what I saw to be the most exciting family fun day ever!  I stared at my wife, who had that big Grinch like smile that I adored and decided to drive this idea home before anyone chickened out. 

"Okay!  In order to get the MOST diversity in this wrestling tournament, and to be fair, Lee and I will have the first match.  We are older and we will need the extra time to get replenished for the championship fight.  And besides, our video started this, and I am sure that EVERYONE wants to see the rematch, when there is NO preset winner."  I look over at Lee and she nods her head in agreement. 

"Then, you children will wrestle.  The two winners then meet, after a 15 minute rest period for the final Championship match.  All falls are by submission only!  No pin falls.  The submission must be verbal, UNLESS, . . . one opponent is verified to be unconscious."  I pause and get a head nod from everyone that they agree with the rules.  "Women must wear  bikinis or underwear.  Men wear underwear or Speedos." 

As I look around the room, I see only excitement and smiles.  We are all excited and anxious for the upcoming matches.  We already have a couple of mats set up in our exercise room.  So we all went off to dress in our sexiest outfits. 

When I arrived in the exercise room, Andre was already there dressed in only a jock strap.  His muscular ass was showing, and the cotton cock sling was filled to the brim with his large semi-erect penis.  I wore my black boxer-briefs, comfortable, but not overtly sexy.  Then right behind me was my daughter Susan.  She wore her skimpiest black thong, and nothing on top!  Andre and I both stared at her magnificent large and slightly pendulous D cup breasts as they swayed when she strutted into the room! 

"YOU LIKE?"; she teased as she swayed back and forth, almost hypnotizing Andre and I! 

Then Lee enters the room last, wearing Zebra striped, red string bikini top with matching thong.  The cups of her bra restrained her surgery enhanced D cup breasts!  When she saw Susan topless, she put her hands on her hips and said; "DAM, GIRL!"  Susan was already stretching to warm up, and the girls were swaying hither and yon as she did.  Lee then sheds her top and tosses it at me. 

"Are you ready to get your white ass beat, . . . .AGAIN?!?"  Lee taunted, as she assumed a slight crouch and came at me quickly!  IT WAS ON!!! 

Match #1 Me vs. Lee: 
My wife's surgically enhanced breasts barely wiggled as she came at me.  I forgot how spectacular she looked, and I was caught half sleeping as she grabbed my right wrist with her left hand and jerked my arm forward, half turning me around.  She then stepped quickly to her right and reached her right hand around me, grabbing my right nipple between her thumb and fore-fingers.  Then her left hand released my left wrist as she wrapped it under my arm and pinched down hard on both nipples at the same time! 

Lee remembered how much I love nipple play back in the day when we session wrestled.  And she took full advantage of my slow start by pinching and twisting my nipples the first chance she got!  I almost shot my load right then and there as the excruciatingly delightful pain made this whole tournament idea worth the risks!  I let out a deep moan as she pulled her body tight to mine.  Her breasts were pushing into my back as she bent her knees into mine, throwing me slightly off balance so that I couldn't stop her as she now twisted and pinched down, as hard as she could, on my burning nipples!  She pressed her lips to my ear and whispered seductively; "What are you going to do now my little BITCH?!?"  Her hot breath on my ear and neck made me cream in my drawers!  "UNNNNNH!" 

It didn't look good for me as a large wet spot appeared on my underwear!  Again she whispered in my ear; "Now my little BITCH, I am going to grab you by your balls and make you beg me for mercy!" 
And then I felt my left nipple being released, and her hand sliding downward, inside my underpants and cupping my balls.  I knew that I was now in real danger if she was going to squeeze with all of her might!  I gasped loudly, knowing what would come next!  Looking briefly at her son and my daughter, I saw them now both with a hand on their genitals with their mouths open.  They were rapt at the spectacle before them! 

Not relishing the thought of my wife squeezing my balls until I cried, I reached my right arm behind me and around Lees neck.  I then in desperation rocked my weight forward, and fell to my knees.  As my knees hit the mats hard, I also had enough strength to pull Lee over my shoulder.  She sprawled on the mat in front of me, on her back.  My nipples and balls were free!  This move stunned Lee for a second or two, giving me time to lift up her head by grabbing her by her long straight hair! 

"Well!  . . . It seems that the worm has turned, huh baby!?!"  I dragged her backwards so she couldn't get her feet under her, while I recovered from her early torture.  She was obviously in this to win it, and surprised me with her intensity.  I was still in great pain!  She screamed as I yanked her hair and got her near the wall.  Then I did a daring move where I stepped over her body, so that I was straddling her.  I then stepped over her shoulders and straddled her with my feet just behind her shoulders.  I closed my legs around her head with my crotch now jammed into her face and I squeezed my thighs, scissoring her head as she sat upright.  My wet crotch was now jammed into her face, cutting off her oxygen supply. 

I knew that she would use her hands to dig into me if I did not do something about them, so as she flailed about, I captured her wrists, one at a time.  It was now my turn to taunt her as my crotch completely cut off her oxygen! 

"NOT SO TOUGH NOW, are you baby?!?"  She screamed into my crotch as her air supply dwindled.  I tilted my crotch back when I felt her strength start to ebb.  "This will be your last chance baby.  Surrender now or I will suffocate you unconscious."  I looked at her eyes, now tearing and afraid.  She cried out; "I GIVE!"  And I immediately released her and knelt down to care for her and make sure she was alright.  She had really beaten me up, and I was actually in worse shape than she was.  I kissed her passionately, letting her know that she was my Amazon Warrior, and I loved her just as she was! 

Post Match:  Lee and I were stirred up and wanted very much to make love right there on the floor.  But with our children watching we put our passions aside and continued with the tournament.  Both children were now breathing very heavy.  They were stimulated from the primal display they just saw.  Andre had a massive hard on, and Susan was flushed and sported a tiny wet spot on her thong below her kootchie!  "You kids ready for round 2?"  I asked, knowing the answer before I asked the question. 

To Be Continued


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Re: It’s a Family Affair
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2018, 11:10:52 AM »
This is hot!
I live, I burn with life, I make love, I kill and be satisfied. Thereon world, folks fights and suffers, to be free, feeling short whiles of joy only in madness of battle.